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Dr. Boss

Page 28

by Ivy Blake

  “I took the liberty of ordering us some breakfast. I figured you might need the energy boost.”

  “That’s very kind of you, thank you,” she said. I saw her look around the room and clock the light gray crown molding. Her eyes gazed out the window as I tucked myself next to her, my tray of breakfast in my lap while she continued to survey the scenery around her. She clocked the white furniture that was garnished with sterling silver accents. She ran her eyes around the light gray walls that shimmered with the bright white lights of my home. She ran her hands over the plush white robe just before she grabbed her coffee mug I’d sat in her lap, and when she turned her eyes back to me all I could do was smile.

  “Enjoying the view?” I asked.

  “This place is extravagant,” she said.

  “It is. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy it.”

  “Do you design things this extravagantly all the time?” she asked.

  “Nope. I save the extravagance for myself. Most people enjoy practical. Practical and minimal is very ‘in’ right now with decorating. But, not for me. I’m someone who enjoys boasting.”

  “This, I already figured,” she said, smirking.

  “Do you have any plans for the day?” I asked.

  “Nope. Today’s a rare day I have off from both of my jobs.”

  “A hard-working woman. I can get behind that,” I said.

  “You did that last night,” she said, grinning.

  I panned my gaze over to her and watched her take a bite of her bacon. Her eyes sparkled with mystery while her grin flashed a hint of mischievousness. I raked my eyes down her body, clocking the way she was turning herself towards me. I saw the skin of her chest flushing underneath my gaze, but the moment I went to go remove her tray from her lap my phone began to ring.

  I groaned before I plucked it from my nightstand. She continued to indulge in her breakfast, moaning every so often with how the food simply melted upon her tongue. I looked at the call and saw it was Dave, and I decided to click the ringer off and go back to the main event.

  Whatever he had to say could be said to my voicemail.

  “Enjoying breakfast?” I asked.

  “Very much so. It’s delectable,” she said.

  “Just like you.”

  “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” she asked.

  “Maybe later,” I said as I took a bite of my eggs.

  The two of us finished our breakfast and I plucked the tray from her lap. I wheeled the dirty dishes out to the elevator and sent them down to the main floor, then I turned around to head back to my room.

  But, as I rounded the corner and back down the hallway, I saw Ella standing there.


  With her robe gathered at her feet.

  “Miss Ella,” I said. “You look ravishing painted in that milky skin.”

  “Why don’t you come take a bite out of it, then?” she asked.



  I watched him drop his robe to the floor and it gave me a chance to survey his body. His tanned skin was pulled taut along every single muscle his body had to boast of while his cock grew between his legs. His arms were throbbing, veins bulging from his forearms while his eyes took me in. I shook underneath his gaze while I took deep breaths as I tried to steady my body.

  I wanted to take the initiative. I wanted him to know that I enjoyed his body as much as he enjoyed mine. I wanted to look at him while the sun streamed in through the massive windows of his home. I wanted to see his naked body backdropped with the white and gray extravagance of his home. I wanted to envision where I would rake my fingernails so I could mark his body like I knew he’d marked mine.

  I could feel his marking throbbing along my back and neck as he slowly approached me.

  “You look a little scared, Miss Ella. Is something the matter?”

  I felt my hands shaking as he slowly approached me. I started backing down the hallway, moving towards his kitchen while he stalked me like his prey. I’d never felt this way around a man-- I’d always had confidence. I was the black widow, seeking out men I could devour before casting them off to the side.

  I felt my back hit the corner of a counter, stopping my body as he slowly closed the gap. His dark eyes hooked on to mine, never letting me go while his muscles slowly came into contact with my reddening skin.

  And then, he slowly brought his lips to the shell my ear.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  In that very instant, I threw my arms around his neck. I attached my teeth to his neck, listening to him groan as his arms wrapped around my waist. He hoisted me onto the counter, my legs spread for him while my pussy began to glisten, and my tongue raked down to his chest before his hand curled into the tangled locks of my hair.

  He pulled my face slowly up to meet his before he crashed his lips down onto mine. I could feel them swelling underneath the pressure, my body trembling as his free fingertips danced along my back. I shivered underneath his touch while I locked my legs around his waist, but when I pulled him closer I could feel his cock teasing my dripping entrance.

  “You’re the breakfast I wanted this morning,” he whispered into my lips. I bucked my hips forward and gobbled his dick down. He pressed his face into the crook of my neck, moaning with pleasure as his hand sank to my back. I wrapped my arms underneath his arms, digging my fingernails into the thick muscles of his back while his cock throbbed against my walls. There was no amount of caffeine that could wake me the way his cock just had, and I rolled my hips into him, trying desperately to get him to move.

  He planted his hands onto the counter while his tongue raked down my chest. My hands released his back and planted onto the surface so I could keep myself upright. His hands slid to my hips, pulling me to the edge while his lips caught one of my nipples. The warmth cascaded down my body, puckering every single hair follicle he could see.

  I felt the menacing grin around my tit just before his hips began to thrust into mine.

  “Holy fuck, Foster. Yes.”

  With every thrust, my tits bounced in his face. My hands dug into the counter, though where I really wanted to put them was all along his back. I wanted to mark him in ways he would feel in the morning. I wanted him to go to work and think of me every time he got up from his chair. I wanted him to sit in his meetings and salivate over me. I wanted my pussy juices to get stuck in his nose so every time he talked to another woman he could only think of the way my pussy was devouring him now.

  But, his hands rounding against my ass pulled me from my thoughts before he hoisted me from the counter.

  “Hang on,” he said.

  He walked us down the hallway with his dick still growing against my pussy walls. I clamped down around him and felt his walking stutter, and I grinned into his skin before he let out a light chuckle. This man, with his opulence and his cocky arrogance, stumbled whenever my pussy hung him up in a vice grip.

  So, I did it again just as he was walking around a corner.

  “You better be careful with that little talent,” he murmured. “It might just get you into trouble.”

  And I answered him with another clamp.

  In that very second, he ripped himself from between my legs and dropped me to my feet. He spun me around and pressed my bare tits up against the full-length window of his living room. The cool glass puckered my tits to almost painful peaks before he grabbed onto my hips, and he wrenched them towards him before he slid in without a second thought.

  I groaned as I laid my forehead against the cool glass. He bottomed out, his balls dangling between my legs while my juices began to drip down my thighs. He had me spread for the entire world to see. I looked down at the people below, watching nothing but dots maneuver along the pavement.

  Then, I felt his tongue dart out and take my earlobe between his teeth while my body shuddered against him.

  “Take me, Foster. Please,” I whispered.

  He slowly drew out and slammed back in, causing me to
moan out against the glass. He pulled out and slammed in, shivering my body with every thrust he took. I could feel his balls slapping against my swollen clit. I could feel my juices coating them as they swung heavily between my legs. His pace picked up as his fingertips dug into my hips, and I knew I would be able to feel his fingerprints upon my skin later on in the evening.

  I reached back and grabbed the tendrils of his hair, pulling his face into the crook of my neck. His tongue lapped out, peppering my skin with kisses and licks while his hips began to pick up their pace. Skin slapped skin and juices splattered onto the glass, and soon the entire window was fogged with the salacious words pouring from our mouths.

  “Holy fuck. Just like that. Don’t stop. Harder. Please. Make me jump for you, Foster.”

  “Shit, your pussy’s so tight. Fuck, these legs of yours. I want to run my tongue along them. I love the smell of your pussy. Gobble me down, Ella. Take all of me.”

  I planted my hands on the window and released his hair before he reared back and picked up his assault. My hips hurt in all the best ways while my pussy began to swell around him. Soon, my walls were clamping down onto him and my legs were shaking, threatening to give way while his hands steadied my hips.

  “Cum for me, Ella. Cum around this thick cock.”

  “Foster. Holy shit, Foster. You feel so good. You hit all the-... right there. Right there. Don’t stop. Right there. Keep going. Yes!”

  I unraveled around him. My body shook and my knees gave way. I felt his arms pick me up while he continued to thrust into me, but the moment my pussy started to pull him deeper into my body I felt his hips stutter. His cock grew against my walls, threatening to split me in half as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  Then, I felt it.

  I felt his cock pump me full of his essence.

  He filled me to the brim before it started to spurt out from between my legs. His juices dripped down the inside of my thighs as my body collapsed against the window, trembling with its exertion while he lined my spine with kisses. I could feel his muscles twitching, trying to recover from the energy he’d just put into giving me pleasure. But, all he could do was lay deep into my body, pinning me to the window while the both of us looked out onto the city.

  “You make me feel beautiful,” I whispered.

  “Because you are, Miss Ella. Because you are.”

  We sank to his floor before he finally pulled out from between my legs. We laid up against his window, our bodies covered in sweat and cum before I slowly leaned over onto him. His fingertips danced in my hair, slowly untangling it as the two of us tried to catch our breaths.

  Then, his phone rang out again, destroying the moment we’d worked so hard to create for ourselves.



  I watched him move from me while my body slowly sank to the floor. Suddenly, I felt very cold and exposed. Where there was once a man to shield my body, now there was simply nothing. I felt vulnerable in the opulent house. I felt like I was somehow dirtying the crisp whites and paling the frozen grays. I felt like I was slicking up his floor with stuff that would just be a pain to clean so. So, I rose to my feet and scurried into his room in order to find my clothes.

  And I heard him talking on the phone.

  “Dominic, the fuck do you want?”

  Dominic? Who was Dominic? Was that someone Foster worked with? He sounded angry, was something wrong?

  “I told you exactly how I felt about those changes. What I said in the boardroom still stands. I’m still crunching numbers to see what I can do.”

  He had to be talking about the complex. Was something already going wrong? Thank the stars above I’d kept my other job. I’d saved back two thousand extra dollars to cover anything that might pop up. I stepped into my clothes and shimmied them up my legs before I slipped my shoes on, but the next words that flew from his mouth caught my attention wholly.

  “We could still cut them a deal if we sold them back for sixty thousand.”

  Sixty thousand dollars!? The last time I’d talked with Foster in my apartment, he said he’d cut us a deal for forty thousand!

  “We could skimp a bit on the amenities in their condos and diminish the quality of materials we used. That would bring the price down even more, and we could maybe throw in some sort of maintenance plan. They’d pay a fee every month, that would go into a bank account, and if something happened because of the diminished product quality, we’d have the funds to fix it without going into debt. It’s a fucking win-win Dave. Wake up.”

  Wait, who was Dave? I thought he was talking to a Dominic? What was going on? Why were the numbers now so high? I wouldn’t be able to afford something like that, let alone to purchase something that would need a protection plan from the fucking materials they used on the building. What kind of wool were they trying to pull over our eyes? Did they think we were fucking idiots?

  “I’m not discussing this with you now. You’re the damn project manager, Diego. The highest I’m going to take the price of the condo for the current tenants that want to stay is sixty thousand. Make it work or you’re out of a job.”

  Diego? What the fuck was this man’s name anyway? I was so lost, and I felt my heart shattering. My beautiful condo that I’d planned out with this gorgeous man had suddenly been stripped from me. I’d never be able to afford something like that on the payment plan Foster’s business was setting up for us. The interest rate alone on the original sum would eat through almost my entire first paycheck of the month! But, I was willing to pay that price to have my dream without the hassle of moving.

  Moving meant movers, which meant boxes, which meant moving men, which meant time off work. That meant I wasn’t making as much money that week while spending more money than usual trying to move my fucking shit. The condo we’d built together while he was looking over my shoulder was not only my dream, it was convenient.

  That stuff never happened to me. Ever.

  But now, it should like it was a lie.

  What would happen to us? If I couldn’t afford it, my neighbors would never be able to. What, did they think we weren’t good enough to live in their fancy fucking condos? Did they want to drive us out of town because they thought we were filth or something? Looking down on us while they sat on their piles of millions just laughing at the lot of us trying to scrape enough together to eat.

  Who the fuck did they think we were?

  I knew where we’d be, and the thought shivered me to my bone as I slipped out into his living room in my clothes. We’d be out on the streets. We’d have nowhere to go, and most of us would never be able to find another place. The great thing about that complex was that no one had ran anyone’s background or credit checks. No, it wasn’t safe, but it was the only place I could afford with the credit score I had and the money I made monthly. Living in the city was hard, but for a single woman whose only talents were singing and bringing people food, it was damn near impossible.

  And now, I’d be living on the streets because some fucking business didn’t give a shit about us.

  I heard him hang up the phone before he stormed back down the hallway. He darted into his room and emerged a few minutes later in a beautiful suit, but part of me missed the vulnerability of us being naked together. I planned to talk with him about it. To stop him at the door and keep him from whoever had beckoned for him until we had a chance to talk.

  “Foster. Could we-”

  “Not now, Ella. I’m sorry,” he said. “I gotta get to work. Some stuff’s come up with some important things. But, we’ll talk later. Soon. I promise.”

  He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before his hand planted into my lower back. He ushered me into the elevator before the doors closed with a thud, and suddenly I didn’t want to be encased with him. I pressed myself into the opposite wall, painfully aware of the fact that Foster knew I was listening to him.

  And the look on his face made my heart sink to my toes.

  When the elevator doors
opened, I dashed out. I ignored the sounds of him yelling after me as I scurried through the lobby of his apartment building. He’d never know what it was like. He’d never know the fear of losing your home. Of losing the roof over his head. Of having to cope with living on the streets or in an apartment with four other people just to make it work.

  I ducked into a cab and threw money at him as he pulled up to my apartment complex. I stumbled up the steps, wiping my tears from my eyes before I poured into my home.

  Well, it’d be someone else’s home soon. So in a way, it wasn’t really mine to begin with.

  If I was going to lose this condo, then I should at least make enough money so I can try and afford something else. Even though I had the day off from both jobs, I called both to see if they had anything available. Luckily the club had a spot. I got changed for work before I packed my bag. I had a new show-stopping number prepared. I needed a way to escape my emotions. I needed a way to become another person just for one night. I needed to get back to the independent woman I was. The one with dreams and aspirations and plans that had been set in motion.

  Not the blubbering, sleazy, pathetic woman I’d turned into now that I’d been seduced by some hot-shot rich bitch who was about to take away my home.

  But, I couldn’t get my emotions out of my head. I felt them weighing on my chest as I walked backstage, I had to wear waterproof makeup just so the tears that rimmed my eyes wouldn’t run, and I had to use concealer in order to cover up the bite marks he’d left on my neck.

  Even with as angry as I was, I missed him.

  And I honestly didn’t know what to do with that.



  I yelled after Ella and that’s when I knew she’d heard me. When I saw her standing in my living room dressed in her clothes, I had a feeling she’d heard at least some of my conversation. Depending on how long she’d paid attention, she probably heard numbers that made her spine shiver. Numbers that were at least twenty thousand dollars over what we’d originally agreed upon for the remodel. That was the deal I’d cut with the tenants: they wouldn’t pay for the entire space, just the money it would take to remodel to their specifications. With all the amenities they could tack on, the update itself could cost them upwards of sixty thousand dollars.


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