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Irish Eyes and Mafia Lies

Page 7

by J Haney

  “Um- thanks Rónán, and I won’t be taking measures with you.” He pats Rónán on the chest as he heads for the kitchen. “Is there food?”

  I have nothing I can say, so I drop my head against Rónán’s chest. “Save me.”

  He lifts my head, cupping my cheeks in his hands. “I thought I already had.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm not so hot at this mom thing.”

  “You’re doin’ fine; I'm not a delinquent now am I?” Finn smiles stuffing peppers and eggs in his mouth. “Rónán, can you sleepover every night?”

  “Seems I've got to find a new job, so I guess I'll be teaching myself to cook in the process.” I say to Finn then look at Rónán. “No offense but well us and cooking, you know.”

  “I think we’ve gotten over that hump, don’t you?” He smirks, grabbing his bag. “I’m gonna grab a fast shower. I have to open the shop by ten.”

  “Okay, I'm going to clean up outside.”

  18 Rónán

  July third. It’s been nine days since Noel, and I kissed, and we haven’t stopped. I steal them when I can, and she teases them from me as soon as she sees me. I do what I can to divide my time between her and Nolan, as well as work and being with them. Noel has given me a rundown of the few things that are in part of the Russo estate that she deems of high importance. She cannot stress getting the hope chest and her mother’s vanity enough. I will go for a few trivial things as well to round out the bids. That happens Monday and Tuesday afternoon. I’ll be flying out Sunday night to Chicago for the whole thing.

  Right now I along with the rest of the neighbors are preparing for the four day weekend; we always throw a bash on the river for the summer holidays. This year I get to be the man with all the toys. Fireworks that is.

  There are four families on the block that host the events on rotations. It’s just me, so they tend to let me off easy, but I still contribute, usually with cash and some food items. Though it seems this year I’m in a family way as Doc McHale told everyone about my pretty little cousin and her son. Now everyone is expecting to meet Noel and Nolan. It’s going to be a test of their and my wills. All the families have come together with each house hosting different things and types of food. The Johnsons have an awesome barbeque pit and host games like horseshoes, corn hole, and badminton. The Quinaquina’s do Spanish foods and have the kids games, including this year’s bounce houses. The Jarvis family likes to host the relay and water cannon maze and I well like I said I blow shit up and host the American fun foods and a ton of desserts all manner of desserts. Tarts, torts, chocolates. Frozen treats and cake pops. Fruit platters and more. I also had to add a ton of pasta dishes, because I’ve learned that these two live for spaghetti, fettuccine, and macaroni of every type. Once the food is set, I spend the majority of the day taking the kids out on the jet ski, and there are adult libations on the upper deck of my boathouse.

  It’s just after four when I head out of the shop. We close early for holiday weekends. I notice a nondescript Caddy in the parking lot and make a point of memorizing the plate. I can get it run while I’m collecting Noel and Nolan. I keep my wits about me and circle back, making sure that I’m not followed to their place. The last thing I need it to be the reason they’re found. Getting there a little later than I planned I get out seeing that Noel appears to have packed for the apocalypse. Just the necessities. Two people, two duffels. I have to say; I like her style.

  “Hey, sorry, got caught up.” I grab the bags, kiss her hello quickly before she turns to lock up the apartment for the next four days.

  “It’s cool he just got finished. Tried packing his Switch and PlayStation. So, tell me how many cats do I need to avoid?”

  “Um well, I’d take the Benadryl now. The Quinaquina’s have a bit of a zoo, kids and animals combined. But unless you want to go in the bounce house, I wouldn’t really worry. The Johnsons have a wiener dog.”

  “I’m going to need an epi-pen at this rate. I’ve had more allergic reactions since meeting you then I have in my whole life.”

  “Wow, way to make a guy feel wanted, and loved.” I tease with a shake of my head. “I’m sorry I’m a burden, you could always stay home, and me and the kid can have a boys weekend.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “If that’s what you want. Quiet place all to myself where I can lay around naked.”

  “What do you say, Nolan? We auction off whatever she packed and have a row?”

  “I think she packed something black; It looked kind of lacy. She slammed the door in my face before I could see more.”

  “Ooh? Black and lacy? I may need to keep that. Ya don’t mind, do ya? If It comes back a little stretched out? I just love a little black lace.” I touch my chest in a small circular motion like the pervert I'm portraying at the moment with a huge grin. “Come on, little lady and play with me.” I lick my lips.

  “Sorry can’t come out and play today. Daddy always taught me to run away from perverts.”

  “But I’ve got a swizzle stick for ya.”

  “I just had a snack. Can you two just kiss and get it over with you’re going to make me puke with all the back and forth.” Nolan begs getting in the back seat.

  “Seems he don’t like to joke as much as we do.” Noel says, walking over and leaning against the car.

  “Careful, your slang is showing.” Coming around the truck, I grab her by the middle. She’s got on this ruffled half tube top, and a BoHo skirt cut up to the hip on one side. The access I could gain if Nolan weren't around. “Now kiss me like you mean it and get in the truck.”

  Noel grabs my shirt and pulls me to her. “And if I said no?” She’s playing a dangerous game. I’m close enough that her tongue can run across my lip and fuck me if she doesn’t tease me just that way.

  I grab her by the ass and back her into the grill of the truck. “You tell me, no, but I say actions speak louder than words.”

  “Then you really don’t want to know the actions I made to get into this.” She glances down at herself.

  “Later, I may have to find out.” My cock is straining, but I’m trying to keep him schooled even as I lock my mouth with hers.

  19 Onóra

  Apparently, all of Rónán's neighbors think I'm his cousin. He's planning to tell them that's a lie? I have no idea how he's getting out of this one. I just finished pulling myself together in the same room; I stayed in the last time I was here. We don’t sleep in the same room. I have to say it’s a good thing. I’m not exactly ready for him to know everything. To sleep in the same room would mean he’d see the night terrors. I’ve had them for as long as I remember. It’s always about the stuff I’ve had to memorize or things I’ve seen. I guess it’s just one of the many things you learn to deal with, living with the mafia.

  Rónán and I haven’t had sex, not for my lack of trying. He keeps telling me we need to wait. So for the last ten days, he's licked, kissed and done some fantastic things to my body with his fingers. My favorite part is he always asks permission first.

  I’m standing in the bathroom in a blue high low skirt with stars on it and a crop top that has red and white stripes. It’s covering a cheetah print bikini. A knock comes to the bedroom door as I’m finishing up a light layer of makeup. Without it, I don’t look twenty-three.

  “It’s open.”

  “Hey, ya about ready? Nolan is bouncin’ off the ceiling.” Rónán asks coming in.

  “Yeah, just adding the gloss and I’ll grab my flops.” I look over at Rónán; he’s in a pair of black board shorts on them is a green design of clovers and stripes to look like the American flag and sandals. This would be considered normal but for the tank and short sleeve button down. Showing off is intricate tattoo designs. It’s just… Too many clothes for such warm weather. “You know you could show off more skin and I'm betting all the moms would be having wet dreams later.” I say quirking a brow at him as I pass by.

  “Aye, and you’d best believin’ you’d be slathrin’ aloe all over me for weeks.
I’m Irish; we don't tan. We burn and blister in the sun. Or hadn’t ya noticed I’m a wee bit pale?”

  I smile over at him before bending over and grabbing two pair of shoes. Strappy sandals and flops. I stand and turn back. “The joys of havin’ Italian blood, no burning. Cute or normal?” I ask, holding up both.

  “Go comfy; ya got tennis shoes? They would be better, all the runnin’ round, but if ya lookin’ to show off that pedicure, then the flops I guess.”

  I sit on the bed. “Have you forgotten who you're talking to? I wore heels as a pastime. It didn't matter if I was in jeans, shorts or whatever. I was in heels. Comfort is a thing of the past.”

  Rónán laughs, “Why’s ya go an ask me then?” He’s shaking his head. “Come on. I’m getting hungry, and the barbeque is callin’.”

  I finish hooking my straps. “Do you really wanna know?” I smirk, tapping his chest as I pass him on my way to the door.

  “Aye, what’s that supposed to mean?”

  I lean against the door waiting on him. “Every time I ask you a question like that you get the same look on your face as you did the very first time we were here. I didn't understand it then, but I do now. I see it every time you start to go too far. Now kiss me and let's get you fed before one of us have to stab you.”

  “Ya just read me don’t ya, now?”

  “Sometimes.” I shrug and pull him to me for a quick peck. “Apparently, you guys are hungry. So lead the way, host.”


  It's been an odd sort of day. Parties I've done. Naturally, they're larger than this one. However, this block party is made up of five families, including Rónán. Each has invited their families. So to say there is a ton of people here would be an understatement.

  Rónán is out on the jet ski taking the kids for rides. So, Finn is with him. I can see them both from where I'm laid out on a towel. I've shed the sandals, skirt, and top. I've seemed to have caught the attention of the single crowd and older teens. The married guys could be looking but if so then they're hiding it well. Thankfully. The teen crowd is where I should fit in, but I have to act older, so I just smile at them then go back to watching and listening.

  Let's face it; mom bod is not what I have, but these people don't know that. I was asked how I kept from getting stretch marks when having Finn. I told them what I had seen on tv. They took it, thankfully. I was asked where we came from. I lied again and told them Nevada. What was I supposed to do? Ah, I think the best part of my day so far has been how jealous these women are. Married women and moms are just as bad as kids on wanting to know your business. The biggest question I've gotten; is he as good in bed as he is in my dreams? I was right that he is their wet dream.

  Now I'm alone taking in the sun and waiting for the guys to come to find me. I was up on the roof of the boathouse, but with the sun beating down, it got too hot. So, now I'm in the grass. It's a mix of older teens and over twenty-one, as some are drinking but not all. There's a ton of different things, like frisbee, soccer, even volleyball.

  The sun is starting it's decent, but we still have a long time before nightfall. Rónán is excited for tonight. Says it’s his favorite. Of course, it is he’s Irish, and that’s all they do is blow stuff up.

  I’m lying here daydreaming about what Rónán could do to me while those fireworks are going, making the sky glow above us when I’m hit with a ball. I sit up and grab it. Volleyball, of course, it would be. Next thing I know my sun is gone as a tall blonde stands in front of me. He’s got abs just not near as tasty as Rónán’s.

  “Missing something?” I ask, holding up the ball.

  “You have my ball.” He smirks down at me.

  “You only have one? That’s something, must mean you’re different than the rest.”

  His smirk becomes an all-out grin. “You wanna find out?” He puts out his hand. “Come hang, and I’ll show ya a good time.”

  I take his hand, letting him help me off the ground. I dust my ass off. “Oh, I really hope you aren’t expecting more than a few games.”

  “It’s all fun and games until somebody gets kissed.” He squeezes my hand and leads me toward the net.

  “How about one on one and the winner gets to choose what the other gets?”


  20 Rónán

  “Rónán!” Nolan yells for me as I’m docking the jet ski. I needed to piss, so I was gonna take a break.

  “What’s up, kiddo?” I ask, seeing him run toward me.

  “Mom’s challenged Pacy Johnson to a volleyball game! You gotta see this!” He grabs me and drags me down the dock. Sure enough, on my field is a net and there surrounded by half the block is Noel and Pacy Johnson the twenty-two-year-old son of Dwight and Olive Johnson.

  Noel’s tossing the ball in the air gauging it and her opponent. “We’re at what five to three? Whatcha wanna go to?”

  “Just serve would ya?” Pacy huffs, he’s sweaty and looks flustered, while my Noel looks cool and collected.

  “Hey, twenty says my kid nails her.” Dwight nudges me.

  I side-eye him, about to say something when Nolan looks at me, then him. “Yer on, but I’ll go double or nothin’.”

  “I’ll take those odds.” Says Miley Jarvis, “For her to win ten to eight.”

  “So you like a two-point spread, huh?” I smirk. Guess I’m taking bets.

  “Come on, Noel!” I shout, collecting cash.

  She finger waves and serves barely looking at her opponent. They play, and the ball goes back and forth, he gets it over on her a couple of times, but she comes back and comes back strong. Finishing six to ten her favor making me a cool four hundred bucks!

  I go over to congratulate her, and she’s all sweaty and slick. I grab her by the ass, not letting her even get a word out before I plant a deep wet kiss on her. This, of course, gains us hoots and hollers.

  She breaks the kiss. “I need a shower, but I’m really likin’ this spot.”

  “You go clean up, and when you get back, I’ll be done riggin’ the rest of tonight’s show. We can watch from the fire pit on my patio. Or the rooftop of the boathouse.”

  “You taking the kid or am I? He needs to eat soon, and so do you.”

  “We got plenty of food round here, burgers and everythin’ else. I’m sure we are good. You just hurry back.”

  “I’ll try to be as quick as possible, but I can’t promise anything once the cold water hits my shoulders.”

  “Hmm, I can be rubbin’ those for ya if ya like.”

  “You can’t if you’re out here and I’m in there.” She teases me. Just a few more days and she will be eighteen. Boy, do I ever have plans for her? “Before I go; how much did you win?”

  “Yer cut is one fifty. Gotta give the boy a bit for helpin’.”

  “Take whatever is coming to either of us and pay off somebody. He has everything he needs.” With a quick kiss, she leaves me standing as the crowd disperses.


  The fireworks last night were a clear sign that Noel and I need to discuss what we are becoming. While I was busy rigging explosions all manner of guys were trying to get her to dance and drink with them. I was practically beating them off with a stick! It was a beautiful display, as usual, and I even to Noel’s dismay let Nolan set off the grand finale. It was safe enough, as it was on a canoe in the water and we were using a remote.

  Today I’ve traded in my jet ski for the speed boat and have dragged Nolan out as Noel wasn’t interested. I’ve got kids on inner tubes and am dragging them behind us at high speeds.

  “So-” Nolan shouts over the sound of the motor and the wind. “This is fun and all but shouldn’t you be like with- not me?”

  I chuckle. “Noel isn’t aware, but I’ve got tomorrow night planned for her, as it’s her birthday. I know I was all about being careful not to celebrate the actual days, but with a block party, it’s sorta easy to slip in.”

  “Right, okay, so I’m guessin’ you want me like outta sight?” He makes
the running motion with his fingers.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Well I’ve gotten kinda friendly with Hector and March Jarvis, maybe I could go stay with them?”

  “It’s not a bad idea.” I smile. “Ya sure ya okay with this? I mean me and yer- mum?”

  “Have I tried to get rid of you yet?”

  “I suppose not.” I chuckle. “Ya wanna go grab a few burgers, and see what she’s up too? Besides this sun is starting to really peak and I’m not looking to cook.”

  “Maybe she can make us some more money?” He smiles.

  I ruffle his hair, turning the boat and heading for the dock. We get the boat settled, and I send him in search of food while I head for my locker in the boathouse. I can feel my sugar dropping. Time for a shot. Fortunately, I packed them and have them in a locked cooler in the fridge down here. I grab my little alcohol wipes and into the thigh, it goes. I prefer the leg, it hardly ever marks up, as opposed to the gut where it would turn purple and hurts like hell with how shredded I’ve gotten over the years. I wait a bit then use the iHealth meter I have that works with my phone. It keeps track of everythin', so I know where I’m at and even tells me if I need to eat. Not that I’m ever not looking for a reason to chow. Eighty-eight. I’m good. Time to find Noel. I call the cell she bought when she started working at Wally-world. It rings a few times then she answers.

  “Yeah?” She answers with a- giggle?

  “Hey, ya a’ight? Wee Bird?” I ask, walking out on to the lower deck. People are hanging out, all over. My lawn is hating me right now, that’s for sure.

  “Of course, I am, silly. I'm on the rooftop with... Danny, Randy, oh it doesn't matter. Someone found some strawberries and cherries. You have to try them, oh and these ice pops are a-maz-in’.” She sing songs.

  “Oh, Christ. The ones with the fruit? Never mind, I'm already on my way up. Stay put.” She’s knackered. The upper deck was filled with boozy treats and libations. It was off-limits to the teens and kids for a reason. I come upon her, and she’s in this little pair of cutoffs with a flowy top that looks like the American flag. Her hair is in a pony and she looks just as comfortable I’ve ever seen her. It’s sexy and, yet, she’s steps from sloppy drunk.


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