Book Read Free

Rescuing Diana

Page 14

by Linda Cajio

  “I swear I’ll put it on the bulletin boards!”

  Through the muffling she recognized Jim Griegson’s voice, and it sounded high-pitched and desperate. Obviously he had heard about the conference set for the next morning. By now he also must have discovered the program wouldn’t run.

  “Starlight is previewing the game on the boards beginning tomorrow and—”

  The phone went dead.

  Diana slowly hung up and turned around. Adam was there, his arms going around her in a secure embrace. Her teeth chattered helplessly in reaction, and she sagged against him.

  “Ya done good, kid,” Angelica said, patting her on the back.

  “Beautiful, Diana!” Dan exclaimed. “You sounded like Angelica. Or a hachet man for the Mafia. Take your pick.”

  “Don’t start, Roberts,” Angelica said warningly.

  “Don’t tempt me, Windsor.”

  Adam leaned down and whispered, “I think my brother has the hots for her.”

  Diana burst into laughter. His ridiculous conclusion was exactly what she had needed to dispel the last of her fears.

  “What’s so funny?” Angelica asked in a suspicious voice.

  “I told Diana a dirty limerick,” Adam said innocently. “Now, if you two will take your squabbling elsewhere, Diana and I would like to go to bed.”

  It wasn’t until after Dan and Angelica had left that Diana discovered Adam had meant for her to go to bed—and sleep. He intended to stay up and guard the house, and no attempts at seduction could convince him otherwise.

  She really should be more understanding when her knight was making a rescue, she thought as she finally climbed into bed.

  Still, he didn’t have to be so single-minded about it.

  The night, though, was too quiet to suit her.

  And it stayed that way.



  As the computer continued to intone its instructions, Diana couldn’t resist smiling as she sat behind the speaker’s table. She kept her eyes focused on the back of the room and refused to look at Adam, who was standing next to the door of the conference room in the hotel. With everything else that had been happening, she had forgotten to warn him about Sir Morbid’s penchant for losing his teeth throughout the game. She had honestly meant to. She had a feeling he would make her pay for this too. Good thing she thoroughly enjoyed the punishment.

  She also kept her gaze away from the man seated in the last row of the small, laughing audience. Jim Griegson’s appearance had surprised her. She really hadn’t expected him to show up, although Adam, Dan, and Angelica had. She wondered if he had come in an attempt to throw off suspicion. With so many reporters present, his absence probably would have been noted and commented on. She only hoped the rest of Dan and Angelica’s plans continued as well as this part had gone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Dan said with a flourish as the computer began to play the music of “We Make Excitement,” “Starlight Software is pleased to show you a preview of the first talking adventure game, Knights of the Oblong Table. And right now, one hundred of the best-known electronic bulletin boards in the country are also previewing the game to their customers, in the first stage of our media blitz. ‘Knights’ is the product of one of the most creative minds in this business, and you all know her, Diana Windsor!”

  Feeling like a dressed-up doll on display, Diana stood and nodded as the reporters applauded and cat-whistled. She wished she’d worn her plain blouse and skirt instead of the vivid red dress Angelica had bought for her. Oh, well, she thought, sitting back down. She was doing things up proper. Besides, Adam had tried to tumble her right back into bed when she’d put the dress on this morning. If only they hadn’t had this damn conference.…

  She brought her attention back to her surroundings when Dan continued speaking.

  “Starlight is also pleased to announce that Diana will be a partner in the company. We feel that every department of Starlight will benefit from her knowledge and judgment. Also, Starlight will have exclusive rights to her future games.”

  A loud buzz went around the room at this second surprise announcement. Diana glanced down at the table to hide her amusement at Angelica’s low grumble of disgust. Angelica and Dan had complained loudly about the concessions they’d given each other. Fortunately, those same concessions wouldn’t make a difference in Diana’s life. Angelica would oversee the partnership, and she, Diana, only had to create her games and make an occasional visit to the company’s headquarters in Seattle. As Adam’s wife, she probably would have been doing that anyway.

  “We expect to have the game in the stores within the next six to eight weeks,” Dan said. “But you’ll all get a chance to play the preview version today, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.”

  One reporter immediately stood up. “How long does your exclusive agreement run with Diana?”

  “I’ll take that,” Angelica said before Dan could answer. “Starlight has exclusive rights while Diana is a partner in the company. Should she, for whatever reason, sell her stock, then the rights revert back to her.”

  “Was Diana given the stock as part of the agreement?”

  “Diana was not given stock, she bought it,” Dan replied.

  “Is that true, Diana?” asked another reporter.

  “Yes, quite true,” Diana said, smiling at the woman. She wasn’t about to tell the woman that the money wasn’t actually coming out of her pocket. The payments would be diverted from the profits of the game. “I feel Starlight has excellent goals, and I want to be a part of its future. I will have primarily a consultant status, and won’t be involved in the daily running of the company.”

  She gave an inward sigh of relief when the reporters turned their attention back to Dan and Angelica. The rest of the conference continued smoothly under their more expert direction. Once everybody started milling around the room, she slowly made her way to Adam, carefully avoiding Jim Griegson, who was talking to several reporters.

  “Sir Morbid loses his teeth?” Adam asked through tight lips.

  “I’m sorry I forgot to tell you,” she murmured, keeping her gaze on the floor. “If anybody asks, I can always say Sir Morbid was based on Dan.”

  “You’re not getting off the hook that easily. I’m going to torture you senseless for this one.”

  She smiled at him. “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I.” He glanced over her head, then looked back down at her. “Get ready. Here comes Griegson.”

  Drawing her courage from Adam’s calm demeanor, Diana didn’t turn around, but waited for Griegson to join them by the door. The large potted plant beside her would shield them from the others.

  “Very nice, Diana,” Jim said when he reached her. “Although the game is a little silly, isn’t it?” he asked with a smirk.

  Tilting her head, Diana smiled again. “Did you think that when you were so ready to put it on the bulletin boards, or is it just because we blocked you?”

  He gasped, his eyes wide with disbelief. “What?” Obviously, he hadn’t considered the possibility that he had been found out.

  “Don’t bother with the act, pal,” Adam said. “We know it was you.”

  Jim’s gaze flicked nervously back and forth between the two of them. “As I told you last night,” Diana said, “you’re in violation of federal copyright laws. That’s big trouble, Jim, and I doubt if CompuWorld would be happy about one of their reporters stealing a programmer’s sour
ce codes and then trying to ransom them.”

  Jim straightened and glared at her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said stiffly.

  “Don’t be a fool,” she said in a low voice. “You gave yourself away that first night, when you told me to keep my bodyguard in his cage. Only Adam has ever been called that, and only by you.”

  She watched the panic flare for an instant in his eyes. Adam crossed his arms over his chest, and she knew he had seen it too.

  “Anyone could have heard me say that—”

  “I also recognized your voice, in spite of the muffling.” She drew in a deep breath and lied. “And then there’s the fingerprint the police found.…”

  “That’s impossible!” Jim blurted out. “I—”

  “—wore gloves,” Adam finished for him.

  “You’ll never prove it in court!”

  Diana tapped her chin, as if in thought. It was time to pull their second bluff. She only hoped Jim didn’t call it. “I guess you have nothing to worry about, then, do you? Of course, you won’t mind that the police are searching your home and office right now. After all, there’s nothing to find, right?”

  Sweat began to bead on Jim’s reddening face, although he still protested, “That doesn’t prove I did it!”

  “You have two choices, Jim,” she said. “You can deny the theft all the way to court. That’s one option. Or you can sign a full confession that will not be shown to anybody as long as you’re a good boy. That’s option number two. Starlight will not prosecute if you take option number two.”

  “That’s blackmail,” Jim whispered.

  Adam’s smile never wavered as he said, “There is a third option that Diana hasn’t mentioned. You can step outside with me. But I don’t think you want to do that. I’d make a prosecution lawyer look like a pussycat.”

  Diana’s ears burned as Jim called Adam a filthy name. She glanced behind her and said, “I think you’re attracting attention, Jim. Adam and I wouldn’t mind the others getting wind of this, but you might. I suggest you decide what you’re going to do, and quickly.”

  “I need time,” he whined.

  Diana almost felt sorry for him. Almost. She could never even remotely justify his stealing her source codes for ransom. “You have no time, Jim. I want the confession before you leave here. Otherwise I will prosecute, with Starlight’s backing.”

  “You bi—” At Adam’s growl of warning, Jim stopped his curse. “I’ll write the damn thing, okay?”

  Adam pulled several typewritten pages and a pen from his pocket and held them out to Jim. “No, you’ll sign this. You can read it over, if you like, but you can’t make any changes.”

  Jim stared at “his” confession for a long moment, then took it and the pen from Adam. His hands were shaking badly as he opened the folded papers and read their contents. When he was finished, he looked up at Diana. She could easily discern the defeat in his eyes.

  “I want to write that I’m signing it under duress.”

  “No,” she said. “You just sign your name and the date. Anything else and I won’t accept it. Then I’ll prosecute. We’re letting you walk away from this with your dignity and your livelihood intact. A signed confession that stays in a locked safety-deposit box is a very small price to pay for what you did, and you know it.”

  In a fury, Jim signed the confession and shoved it into her hands.

  “I hate you,” he spat out. “I hate every one of you creeps who think you’re so damn smart and talented. But I showed you! I got past your stupid alarm system and stole your codes. You remember that!”

  “Don’t try anything with Diana. Ever!” Adam said, grabbing Jim by the arm. Jim’s face contorted in pain. “We’ll have you in jail so fast, you won’t know what hit you. And consider yourself lucky, pal, that I don’t take you apart right here for what you did. Now, get the hell out!”

  Yanking Jim around, Adam stepped to the door. He opened it and shoved the man outside. As the door shut behind him, Adam dusted imaginary dirt off his hands.

  “If I had seen that performance the first time we met,” Diana said, grinning at him, “I would have realized you’re a Sonny Crockett type.”

  “At least that guy has all his teeth.”

  He didn’t get a chance to say anything more. Angelica and Dan were there, both asking questions at once.

  “It went fine,” Adam assured them, taking the signed confession from Diana and holding it up. “Diana really backed the guy against the wall.” He gave his soon-to-be wife a smacking kiss on the mouth. “I’m just glad she’s on my side.”

  “I wonder what Jim will think when he gets home and discovers the police have never been there,” she said.

  “Oh,” Adam said, “I expect he’ll be sufficiently scared to keep his mouth shut and his nose clean from now on.”

  Grinning at his brother, Adam silently congratulated himself on his nice, neutral answer to Diana. She didn’t know it, but she hadn’t actually lied to Griegson when she’d said his place was being searched. They hadn’t had any real evidence that Griegson had stolen the source codes, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any to be found. He and Dan had hired private detectives to search Griegson’s apartment first thing that morning. Just before the conference, Dan had gotten a call from them that they had found the source codes. Adam hadn’t told Diana earlier, just in case nothing was found. She probably wouldn’t have approved anyway. It was better to let her think her virtuoso performance had set Griegson on the straight and narrow. If the man thought the police had found the source codes and were ready to prosecute at any time, then that was just a little added insurance. A knight had to protect his princess in every way possible.

  But he was so proud of her poise during the confrontation with Griegson. He knew she’d been nervous, but she hadn’t needed rescuing once. He had, though. He’d barely been able to keep from punching the smirk off Griegson’s face. It had only been his love for Diana and understanding her need to handle Griegson herself that had held him back.

  “Now that that’s over with,” he said, interrupting Diana’s reenactment of Griegson’s breakdown, “when will this damn conference be done? I want to start a honeymoon as soon as possible, with or without benefit of marriage.”

  “Everyone will be here for another couple of hours at least,” Dan said, and laughed. “Or until all the free food and booze are gone.”

  Adam groaned.

  “Besides, there’s no honeymoon until benefit of marriage,” Diana said sternly. “And there won’t be any marriage until you finish the work on that hotel annex and I finish the game.”

  He groaned again. “Damn! I forgot all about the hotel.”

  “And I thought I was the absentminded one in the family,” Diana said, shaking her head. “Go to the office now, before your poor partner thinks you’ve deserted him. And I don’t want to see you until the annex is done!”

  “You’re a hard woman, Diana Windsor,” Adam grumbled.

  “I’m rescuing our honeymoon from interruption, Adam Roberts. Now, get moving.”

  With a feral grin he pulled her into his arms for a long kiss. Finally he raised his head and asked, “Can we still fool around before the honeymoon?”

  She smiled and kissed him again. “Of course. I’m impatiently waiting for lesson number twenty-eight.”

  “I bet you’ll pass with flying colors.”

  “Silk sheets at last,” Diana said with a sigh as she ran her hand over the bedclothes.

  “And in a rented condo in Hawaii, with a rented Ferrari down in the parking lot,” Adam said, stripping off his suit jacket and tossing it onto a chair. “All your favorite things.”

  She laughed and threw herself exuberantly into his arms. Taken by surprise, Adam staggered backward before regaining his balance. His wife of one day didn’t seem to notice as she hugged him.

  “You sure know how to make a girl happy,” she said.

  He gazed down at her shining violet eyes. It
never failed to amaze him that she was gentle, yet strong as steel underneath; innocent, yet totally sensual; naïve, yet sophisticated and smart. And she was his—completely and totally his.

  His body responded instantly when she kissed him. His hands tightened around her slim waist.

  “I’m starving,” she murmured.

  “For me, I hope,” he murmured back, smoothing his hands down the curve of her bottom. “It’s been days.”

  “Actually, it’s been days since I ate properly. I really am starved for a good meal.”

  He slumped, and she slipped out of his embrace.

  “We’re really going to have to do something about the way you kill the mood,” he said, his hands on his hips.

  She grinned. “My stomach growling would kill the mood, and at a more strategic moment.”

  “Very true,” he conceded. “We’ll rescue your appetite first, and then we’ll rescue mine.”

  Later, Diana drank the last of her coffee and sighed in pleasure. They had eaten dinner in the privacy of their hotel condominium, and she decided they’d spend every meal of their honeymoon here. She and Adam had worked hard to have an uninterrupted two-week honeymoon. As far as she was concerned, it wouldn’t be interrupted by anything—not by lying on the beach, or sightseeing, or even dinners out.

  Both of them needed to renew themselves after days of exhaustion. Between work and moving Adam’s things into her home, they had had to plan a wedding, too. It had been a small one, with just family and a few friends, but she couldn’t imagine a more beautiful way to start their life together. Along with a diamond ring and the most revealing negligee she’d ever seen, Adam had also given her another Charlie. As touched as she had been by the other gifts, nothing had meant more to her than his taking the time to hunt through the secondhand computer shops to find her a replacement for the computer Jim Griegson had smashed. The new Charlie now had his own hidden cubbyhole, from which he controlled their home’s burglar-alarm system. Dan had hooked him up to a remote telephone line, too. Adam called him his backup knight.

  “Everything was delicious,” she said, patting her mouth with her napkin.


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