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Jaxon_The Assignment

Page 19

by Miranda P. Charles

  “What?” Xavier asked.

  “What what?”

  “You’re staring at us.”

  She smiled. “I’m just… feeling you guys. I was remembering how I thought my world was falling apart when Jax and I broke up, then I was kidnapped. It’s nice to look at you and know that I’m right here and you’re right there, and we’re not under the thumb of some dark-souled people.”

  “Aw,” Eve said. “That’s so nice. Thank you.”

  “No. Thank you.”

  Ten minutes later, Jaxon arrived.

  “Hi, babe,” he said, kissing her.

  “Hi. How was work?”

  “Good. My guys are so great. I can totally count on them. I hardly need to be there.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re not planning on taking time off to drive me around, are you?”

  Jaxon laughed. “No. Unless you want me to.”

  She shook her head. “I’m really enjoying having some freedom.”

  “She went shopping for three hours, and hardly anyone recognised her,” Eve quipped.

  “That’s great. What’d you get?”

  Holly took a deep sigh and grabbed the shopping bag she’d brought in. She had no clue how this was going to go, and she had no idea how Xavier and Eve were going to react. But she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “I bought Xave and Eve some new stuff, and I want them to try them on for me right now.”

  “You bought us clothes?” Xavier asked. “Why?”

  “Because I had so much fun shopping by myself.”

  “O-kay,” Xavier said. “But why buy us clothes?”

  She held the bags against her chest. “You two promise me first that you’ll try them on right now. I really want to see what you look like in them.”

  “Okay,” Eve said readily. “I’m excited to see what it is. And thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Xave?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Holly opened the bag and brought out black clothes that resembled those worn by the Indie Rebels. She couldn’t get the exact styles, but she supposed the Indie Rebels had their costumes—or whatever they called them—custom made.

  “What on earth are they, Holly?” Xavier asked, his eyes round.

  “I really loved the Indie Rebels outfit, and they looked like this,” she said innocently. “I thought it would be fun to get you similar ones.”


  She shrugged. “Why not? It was a memorable night for me. And you didn’t get to see them.”

  “So what?” Xavier said.

  “Come on. You promised you’ll try them on.”

  The couple exchanged glances.

  Holly narrowed her eyes. “You’re not keeping a secret from me, are you?”

  Xavier scoffed. “What are you talking about?”

  “Please wear them?”

  “Fine,” Eve said with a careless shrug. “They’re good clothes.”

  The couple went to one of the bedrooms to change.

  “What was that for, sweetheart?” Jaxon asked.

  Holly scooted closer to him on the couch. “I still believe those two are Indie Rebels, even if you don’t think so.”

  Jaxon let out a laugh.

  She rolled her eyes. Thing was, she’d been hearing her brother’s voice her whole life. She couldn’t have been mistaken that Xavier was the one who’d asked her and Jaxon if they were okay that night they’d been rescued. She also wouldn’t be surprised if the woman she’d seen with them was Eve since her sister-in-law was of the same height and build.

  “Don’t you think it would be very strange if Xave and Eve are both Indie Rebels who turned up at the perfect time to rescue us?” Jaxon asked dryly.

  She smiled. “Well, life is strange. I haven’t even stopped mulling about the fact that the thing that made you not want to go out with me is the very thing that made you go out with me.”


  She let out a laugh. “You rejected my advances so many times because you were deadset on wanting to avoid the negative consequences of my superstardom. Yet, it’s that same superstardom that attracted the kidnappers to me, which forced us to be in such close proximity that you were unable to resist your attraction to me.”

  Jaxon smiled, caressing her hair with his fingers. “And you know what that tells me?”


  “We’re totally meant to be.”

  Her heart expanded so quickly that it took her breath away. She lunged at him and kissed him hard.

  “Do you want Xave and Eve to be Indie Rebels?” Jaxon asked against her lips.

  “Yeah. And I’m still hoping that someone answers our question on how to become Indie Rebels ourselves.”

  Jaxon pulled away to look at her face. “They’d already come back with a big fat no when we asked if we could meet our rescuers in person. I very much doubt they’d say yes to us joining them just because we’ve offered our assistance to their cause. I’m sure they’re very strict with who they accept. Anyway, why are you so keen?”

  Holly simply shrugged, embarrassed to tell Jaxon that she liked the thought of paying back the world for her wealth and career by working with a group that literally helped clear the streets of criminals and save people’s lives.

  But no one from the Indie Rebels had gotten back to her regarding her multiple requests for information on how to join them. It was humbling that she—Holly Stirling—was being ignored.

  So she was going to take a video of Xavier and Eve in black attire and send it to that Aidan guy who’d answered her original message. If she could show that she—and she’d include Jaxon in this too—already knew the identity of two of their members, then maybe they’d consider their request to join.

  And if she was wrong with her assumptions? Well, Aidan—whoever he was—could have a good laugh at her expense.

  Eve and Xavier came out, wearing their new outfit, and Holly pressed record on her phone.

  “What, you’re taking a video of us too?” Xavier asked with a sigh.

  Holly checked them out, imagining them wearing the masks—which she hadn’t been able to find at the shops. “You really look like two of the Indie Rebels at Fleur’s mansion.”

  Xavier rolled his eyes.

  “I’d know your voice anywhere, Xave. I thought I imagined it, but I know I didn’t.”

  “You think we’re Indie Rebels?” Eve asked with a laugh.

  “That was why you were very insistent on playing bodyguard to me,” Holly continued, ignoring Eve. “But if you don’t want to tell me, that’s okay. I’m sure you need to keep it a secret.”

  “Well, now you’re just making things up,” Xavier said dryly.

  Holly grinned. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

  Chapter 22

  Another month later…

  Jaxon pumped his fist in the air as he read Aidan’s message. “Yes!” he said with jubilation.

  The chiefs had unanimously agreed that he, Xavier and Eve could become full agents. Finally.

  It also meant that Holly had been accepted as an IR initiate. Yes! Yes! Yes!

  He’d actually passed initiation five months ago after he’d helped close the kidnapping case as well as round up all the members of Fleur’s syndicate. But he’d wanted to lend his weight to Holly’s request to become an IR agent, so he’d asked that she be accepted to their team first before he moved up to the next level. The chiefs had ordered his official graduation to be postponed until they’d made a determination regarding his request.

  It had been a risky move. He hadn’t been sure if he’d be penalised for being more loyal to Holly than the IR.

  But he simply didn’t want to hide anything from Holly. His IR work could be detrimental to their relationship if she didn’t know about it. So he was glad and relieved that the chiefs had agreed to his entreaty.

  And they were going to celebrate.

  He texted Xavier and Eve, asking them to come for lunch. Then he called Aidan.


  “Hey, time for us to see your face.”

  Aidan chuckled. “Anytime, bro.”

  “How about you join us for lunch today here at Avalon? I’ve invited Xavier and Eve. I know Holly’s only an initiate, but if you get to be the one to explain to her what it means to be an Indie Rebel, then she can meet you too, can’t she?”

  “I thought you or Xave would do that.”

  “You’re so much better at laying down the rules. She’s bound to take your words more seriously.”

  Aidan laughed. “I guess I can make a case for that. Tell you what? If the chiefs approve for Holly to meet me, then I’ll turn up for lunch.”

  “Great! I’m sure you can convince them.”

  “I’ll try. See ya.”

  “See ya.”

  He went to the bathroom, where Holly was having a bath after their workout on the obstacle course in the backyard. “Hey, babe, I invited Xave and Eve for lunch. Hope that’s okay with you.”

  Holly smiled delightedly. “Yes, of course.”

  “I’ll go to the shops and grab some stuff for us to cook. Do you need anything else?”

  Holly shook her head. “Thank you, honey. Hurry back, okay?”

  He winked at her, deliberately not kissing her goodbye. It would be so easy to strip off his clothes and join her in that bath. So he hurried to the car instead.

  Traffic was a bit heavy, and parking was atrocious at the shops. It took him more than an hour to buy what he needed and get back home.

  “Hey,” Holly said when he arrived back. “What took you so long?”

  He gave Holly a peck on the lips as he placed the grocery bags on the kitchen island. “Sorry. It was so hard to find parking.”

  Holly curved her arms around his neck. “I missed you.”

  He chuckled. Holly always got a little hot whenever she had a bubble bath.

  “We have half an hour,” she murmured, pressing herself against him.

  His body reacted swiftly. “Well, I suppose that’s enough time…”

  Holly kissed him passionately, and he was lost. Seriously, this woman could turn him on with a touch. Did she know how much power she had over him?

  He lifted her from the floor and carried her to the bedroom. With indecent haste, they undressed each other, their lips and hands roaming each other’s bodies with heated insistence. No sooner had they tumbled on to the bed that he was positioning his cock at her entrance. Then he was inside her, filling her, going in and out, panting harshly as he watched Holly’s face contort in rapture.

  “Honey,” she moaned.

  His hips pumped against hers over and over as he strived to make Holly feel the sheer pleasure she was giving him—and much more if he could manage it.

  God, how this woman could make him feel.

  “Ahh!” Holly cried out loud, her ecstasy reverberating through his own body.

  He groaned out his release and marvelled once again at what this amazing woman could do to him.

  “Wow,” he said as he kissed her neck. “We should have quickies more often.”

  Holly giggled. “We didn’t even need fifteen minutes.”

  “By the way, we might have an extra guest coming today.”


  “He’s a friend of mine you haven’t met yet. We work together.”

  “Okay. What’s his name, and how come you thought of inviting him today?”

  “Um… it’s kind of a surprise for you.”


  “Yeah. No more questions or you’ll ruin it. Let’s go prepare lunch.”

  They took a quick shower, with Jaxon refusing to give in to Holly’s pleas to give her clues about his surprise. He did make love to her again, and that distracted Holly from her line of questioning.

  They’d had to hurry with lunch, though. They were still in the middle of preparations when Xavier and Eve arrived, bringing dessert and wine.

  Jaxon checked his phone for a message from Aidan. Nothing.

  Aw, it would be a shame if Aidan couldn’t join them today.

  A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again.

  He went to answer it and his eyes rounded. “Bro! What are you doing here?”

  Bryce grinned. “Someone said you’re having a lunch party. How come you didn’t invite me?”

  “Um… who told you?”

  “This guy.” Bryce pointed to a good-looking man about their age walking up the stairs.

  Jaxon frowned. “Aidan?”

  Aidan grinned. “Hey.”

  Jaxon laughed, man-hugging Aidan tight. “Good to meet you. And… Bryce… He’s an IR too?”

  “He wouldn’t be here otherwise, would he?” Aidan quipped.

  “You weren’t expecting that, huh?” Bryce said.

  Jaxon looked at his brother in disbelief. “Wow. I’m so glad. Come on in and tell us about it. The others would be shocked.”

  They walked to the dining area, where Holly, Eve and Xavier were setting the table. The three greeted Bryce gleefully, although Xavier and Eve exchanged surprised looks.

  “And this guy’s our guest of honour,” Jaxon said, placing an arm around Aidan’s shoulders. “The best mentor anyone could have. Aidan Radcliffe.”

  “Aidan!” Eve threw her arms around Aidan.

  “Finally, bro,” Xavier said, also hugging their mentor. “But wait…” He pointed at Bryce.

  “Already one of you, I’m happy to say,” Bryce said, to the delight of the couple. “Imagine my shock when Aidan told me that you guys had been working against me. But I must say, I’m very glad things happened as they did.”

  “I’ve never been more relieved when I got Bryce’s message back then,” Aidan said.

  “Aidan?” Holly said in an almost whisper. “Aidan from the Indie Rebels?”

  “Yes. Great to meet you, Holly.” Aidan kissed her on the cheek.

  Holly gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. She turned to Eve and Xavier. “I knew you guys were Indie Rebels. I just knew it! But you…” She narrowed her eyes at Jaxon. “You’ve already been accepted? Before me?”

  Jaxon smiled. “I’ve been an Indie Rebel for a while now, babe, even before Xavier and Eve. I just couldn’t tell you before.”

  Holly blinked, clearly shocked.

  “He’s been campaigning to get you in the team,” Aidan said. “He’s even asked not to be moved up to becoming a full agent until you’ve been accepted.”

  Holly took a few seconds before her face broke into a grin. “I’m in?”

  “Yes, you’re in. And the chiefs have given permission for you to know about the five of us being IRs, even if you’re just an initiate. Considering your relationship with these four, it’s justified.”

  “Thank you so much, Aidan,” Holly said before looking at Jaxon with narrowed eyes. “You were already working with them to protect me from the kidnappers?”

  Jaxon nodded.

  “We’ll talk about that later, Mister.”

  He gave her a hug. “Aidan will explain to you why I—we—had to keep this from you.” Then he turned to Bryce. “I still can’t believe I didn’t figure out you’re an IR too, bro.”

  Bryce grinned. “I became one after I called them for help five months ago. Tell you what, I’m still only an initiate, but this sure beats being in Fleur’s syndicate.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Holly encouraged everyone to sit around the dining table and start eating.

  “Holly,” Aidan said as he scooped food on his plate. “There are important things you need to know.” He rattled off the Indie Rebels’ rules.

  Jaxon watched Holly’s face, searching for signs of apprehension. Thankfully, he didn’t see any.

  Holly took a deep breath when Aidan finished talking. “Yes. I accept. Thank you. So I need to do assignments, so I can pay back in kind what the IR has done for me?”

  “No,” Aidan said. “You didn’t ask for our help. We took the kidnapping case because X
avier asked us to look into your new bodyguard. And because it’s Bryce, this became Jaxon’s case as well. Then it became Bryce’s too when he contacted us the night of your kidnapping. So they’re the ones paying in kind. As for you, you can just be an inactive IR. You’re bound by the rules, but don’t need to do assignments.”

  “What if I want to help?”

  “You can. Then you’ll have the opportunity to become a full agent at a later time.”

  Holly smiled. “Then I’d love to help when I can.”

  Jaxon let in a deep, slow breath, concern for Holly immediately hitting him. But Holly was tough and smart. She could handle it. Plus, he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “By the way, Bryce,” Aidan said. “I have a new assignment for you.”

  Bryce grinned, rubbing his hands. “Tell me.”

  Aidan pulled out his wallet and took out a printed photo. He put it on the table in front of Bryce.

  “Hey, I know this woman,” Bryce said. “I met her at the Whitsundays. Her name’s Emma.”

  “That’s right. She’s the daughter of a man believed to be the head of a criminal gang keen on taking us down.”

  Bryce’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

  “Yes. We don’t think they’ve found cracks in our security that they could slide into, but the chiefs are worried they might be getting too close for comfort. So we want to strike them out first. We’re aware that they knew you as a member of Fleur’s syndicate, plus you’ve had a connection with Emma in the past. You’re the best agent to infiltrate them.”

  Jaxon raised his brow at Bryce. “What kind of connection did you have with her?”

  “Uh…” Bryce shook his head as if to clear it. “We had a one-night stand.”


  “Any feelings?” Aidan asked.

  Bryce snickered. “Nah. That was two years ago.”

  Aidan nodded. “We’ll discuss this more later. Right now… I thought we’re having a party.”

  “Yes,” Jaxon said. “Cheers, everyone!”

  They clinked glasses and devoured the food.

  A couple of hours later, Jaxon took Holly to the balcony and sat her on his lap.

  “Are you really okay being an Indie Rebel?” he asked.


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