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The Crucible of Immortality: Book One: Synthesis

Page 9

by Leto Blackman

  Congratulations! You have learned the Skill:

  Incapacitation (Novice, Lvl 1)

  Yeah you look like a badass. You're not sure what's going on or how you got here. But, if some mean looking mofro gives you grief you will fuck them up. You now know exactly where to strike your opponent to paralyze them.

  Stamina Cost: 20

  Cooldown: 3 minutes

  Paralysis Duration: 4 seconds

  Experience awarded: 15

  I laugh, the skill description is ridiculous. I run my hands over my new suit, it's silky, yet feels incredibly strong. I feel like a ninja, this is so cool. I equip my daggers.

  Congratulations! You have learned the Unique Skill:

  Blood-Shadow (Novice, Lvl 1)

  Damn, this skill sounds like scary. This skill allows the user to teleport behind the opponent and strike with both daggers to inflict critical damage plus add the bleeding affliction. Dexterity is increased by 1 every five levels of this skill.

  Requirement: Twin Daggers of Blood-Shadow must be equipped.

  Health Cost: 25%

  Damage: 25 bleeding X Critical Damage Multiplier.

  Bleeding: 2 per second for 5 seconds.

  Range: 15 feet

  Experience awarded: 50

  My daggers materialize into sheaths on my hips. They are deep black blades that curve with blood-red leather grips. I hold one in my hand and flip it in the air and catch it. I shake my head in disbelief at my new dexterity. I seem to be on some type of real life rpg planet. The gamer in me is ecstatic, yet part of me is scared to death. I wonder if whoever brought me here knew that I played a rouge/thief class in the games on Earth? And what is up with that lock box that was conveniently waiting for me? No level one player finds gear like that right off the bat. Someone left it for me. Where are they and what do they want? I need to find answers. Next I open my User Sheet.

  Name: Jill Stone

  Age: 18

  Gender: Female

  Level: 1

  Experience: 15%

  Synthesis: 72%

  Race: Human

  Focus: Undermined

  Fame: 0

  Health: 120/70

  Mental Energy: 150/100

  Stamina: 180/80

  Health Regen/sec: .2 (.3)

  Mental Regen/sec: .3 (.45)

  Stamina Regen/sec: .2 (.5)

  Strength: 6 (11)

  Constitution: 7 (12)

  Endurance: 8 (18)

  Dexterity: 14 (24)

  Agility: 14 (24)

  Intelligence: 10 (15)

  Wisdom: 7 (12)

  Luck: 15 (22)

  Base Melee Damage: 5-8

  Weapon Damage: 35-45

  Base Ranged Damage: 0

  Base Mind Power: 10

  Base Armor: 0 (35)

  Afflictions Resist Chance: Physical (5%)

  Mental (10%)

  Critical Hit Chance: 27.75%

  Critical Hit Damage: 150%


  Blessing of the Watcher: You have been blessed by The Watcher.

  Effect 1: Luck is permanently increased by 5.

  Effect 2: Movement speed is increased by 15%.

  Reward: Lock Box of the Progenitors.


  Analyze: Level 1

  Meditation: Level 1

  Incapacitation: Level 1

  Blood-Shadow: Level 1

  Huh, I guess I now know who my mysterious benefactor is, it's this Watcher dude. "Um, hello, Mr. Watcher? You around?" I say.

  "Are you addressing me Human Jill?" My gauntlet asks me.

  "No I'm not." I sigh. "Alright gauntlet, what's your name? I will use it when I'm talking to you so there's no confusion." I say.

  "You may name me, Human Jill." It says.

  "Okay. First off, just call me Jill. Secondly, can we change how your voice sounds? Your metallic voice is a bit creepy." I say.

  "When I scanned your language database I encountered a number of saved voice patterns and regional accents. Shall I use one of these?" It asks me.

  "My language database? You mean my brain? The saved voice patterns are memories. Oh! I know, can you find a male British accent?" I say with a grin.

  "Yes Jill, I have found such a pattern. Do you wish to update my voice pattern?" It asks me. "Yes please. I will name you Alfred."

  "So, Alfred, do you know what I'm supposed to do now? Where do I go? Are there other people around?" I say to my new butler.

  "Am not detecting any other people within our vicinity. Shall I display a map for you ma'am? It may provide you with the needed information." He says.

  "Wow, you are full of surprises, Alfred. You can detect lifeforms and you have a map? Yes, please pull up the map." I say.

  The map pops up in front of me. It's mostly grayed out, which is typical. It only shows the area I have traveled, which is nowhere yet. I zoom out all the way. I see a flashing red dot way off to the east. "Alfred, what is that flashing red dot on the map?" I ask. As soon as I ask a pop up appears.

  New Quest Alert:

  The Progenitor

  You have found a marker on your map that shows the location of The Progenitor. Meet with this being and become awakened.

  Quest Type: Legendary

  Difficulty: Torment

  Rewards: Immortality

  Do you accept this quest? Y/N

  "The flashing red dot on your map is a marker that shows the location of The Progenitor. Calculating the average speed by foot it would take you thirty-two days to arrive at the marker." He tells me.

  "Thanks, Alfred. I guess this is what I'm supposed to do." I say. I look over the quest again. Immortality? Is this serious? "Alfred, do you have access to my quest logs?" I ask him.

  "Yes ma'am, I am synced to all of your menus and logs." He tells me.

  "Do you know what The Progenitor is? I mean, you must know. You came from a Progenitor loot box and you are named Progenitor Attendant Gauntlet. And do you know what it means when it says to become awakened? And how can I become immortal?" I ask.

  "I do not have sufficient data to answer your questions." He says. I stare at the gauntlet and growl at it in frustration.

  "Well, what happens if I die? Do I respawn?" I ask.

  "No ma'am, if you die you will remain dead." He says.

  "Damn, this game is hardcore. Will you please let me know if any hostile creatures or players are within range?" I ask looking around, feeling paranoid.

  "No ma'am, I am unable to determine the intent of lifeforms. You must use your Analyze skill to determine if there is any hostile intent. However, I am able to inform you of any lifeforms in the area. I must inform you that some lifeforms can deploy stealth that will prevent detection." He says. A pop appears listing all lifeforms in the immediate area, it gives their size and range, but does not tell what they are. I notice a drop down menu that allows me to filter out insects and anything smaller than a kitten.

  I start walking in the direction of the map marker. I really take a look at my surroundings. "Man, the fat cats on Earth would kill for this world." I say to myself. The air is fresh and everything is green and so full of life. Only the one percent of Earth got to experience views like this. I laugh out loud thinking of that rich brat Adam that had been making my life a living hell because I wouldn't fuck him. He even offered to take me to one of the restricted nature reserves that are surrounded by fifty foot walls and turrets. The rich do whatever, and take whatever, they want on Earth. I rub my daggers as I think about that little douche bag.

  I felt like my looks were a curse on Earth. I pull up a menu showing a 3D image of myself. It shows me in my stealth suit and my daggers equipped. I look so freaking cool. I hit button that removes my items from my body. I'm 5'5, one-hundred and thirty-three pounds with pale skin and raven black hair that has a natural wave that flows to my shoulders. I know I am pretty, but I wish I wasn't. I know many women on Earth would kill to look like me. I know rationally, that I am not to blame for any har
dship I experienced from how I look. But, I grew to hate my body. I just wanted to be left alone. I was always judged first, by my pretty face and "sensual" body. I would love to say that Earth had moved past sexualizing women, but some things never change. I stare into my piercing green eyes and look down at my full breasts. I make a sound of disgust and wave the image away. My looks brought me nothing but pain on Earth.

  My thoughts turn to the last time I saw Adam. He had followed me into a bathroom at school and locked the door behind himself. He then push's me against the wall. Adam then put his face next to my ear, his hot foul breath breathing on me. He whispered in my ear "You shouldn't have turned me down. Now I'm going to fuck you and if you make a sound I will kill you." He then grabbed my breasts with one hand and tried to pull my pants down with the other. That's when I kneed him in the balls. After he fell to the floor, I screamed at him and then kicked him in the face with a satisfying crunch, I think I broke his nose.

  Then I ran all the way home. Jax was there when I came crashing in crying. He made me tell him what happened. When I told him about kicking Adam's face he chuckled lightly and said "The bigger the asshole, the harder they fall." From that day on it was what we would say about almost anything. When I would drop a spoon Jax would say "The bigger the asshole, the harder they fall.". It was our inside joke against the world. That same day Jax got us booked on the spaceship heading for a new world. I had to drop out of school and keep my head down until the day that we left Earth. That was a very long few months, always looking over my shoulder, thinking Adam would get his revenge. But, it never came, and a huge weight was lifted from me as they put me into stasis.

  That's my brother, always protecting me. Since our parents died, when I was ten and Jax was eighteen, Jax has raised me. I was a mess that first year. Always getting in trouble. Then Jax made me enroll in the Sun Martial Arts Academy. Master Sun changed my life, taught me discipline. I would spend my days at school, the dojo, and then escape to virtual reality MMORPG's.

  That is until men started noticing me. The first guy to try to force himself on me was a twenty-four-year-old guy and I was fourteen. I broke his wrist. Even after I transferred to a different school the story followed me. New guys thought it was a joke and would slap my ass and say disgusting things to me. The girls were not any better. They would call me slut and shun me. I withdrew into myself, didn't wear makeup, didn't smile. But the guys still came. Adam was the last in a long line of tormentors. All because I was considered attractive.

  I stopped in a field of purple flowers and unequipped my suit and daggers. I stand there naked and I scream as loud as I can, until my throat hurt. "Fuck you! Never again." I yell to everyone and no one. I realize that I'm crying. This isn't Earth, I will not be the victim anymore. I will not be touched by the assholes of the world. This is a wild, untamed planet, and I will destroy anyone or thing that seeks to hurt me. A warm breeze hugs me and the sun looks down upon me without judgment, they are my friends now. I smile and take a bow to give thanks to this beautiful new world. "Man, Alfred.... I needed that." I say as I wipe the tears away.

  "Yes ma'am. However, may I draw your attention to the creatures approaching. I believe your yelling drew them. May I suggest equipping yourself?" He says.

  "Well shit." I press the equip button on my menu and my suit and daggers materialize. I see four large creatures running towards me. They look like a wolf and a tiger had a baby. "Lets fuck these assholes up, Alfred." I say with a big grin on my face.

  "Yes ma'am, lets." I pull my hood up, then run and flip into the middle of them. I spin with my daggers and slash the throats of two of the beasts, ending their lives. I feel teeth clamp onto my leg and I scream out in pain. I activate Incapacitation and stun the one that is biting me, it releases its teeth and falls to the ground. I do a back flip and land a few feet away from the remaining two creatures. "Well, might as well try out my other skill." I say to myself and activate Blood-Shadow.

  My skin feels like a million needles strike me at once, and then a mist of blood envelops me and I disappear. Next thing I know I am standing behind the beasts and I feel power surge in me compelling me to strike out with incredible speed and force. I hit each creature rapidly and they explode in a torrent of blood and gore.Dire Wiger (Lvl 5) has died X4. You receive 240 experience points. Congratulations! You have leveled up X3, you have 30 attribute points to allocate.

  I look at the notification and then begin to giggle "Dire Wiger? Really?" I laugh and then slip in blood and fall on my ass. I laugh even harder "Who came up with that name? It's so stupid." I am now laughing so hard my side hurts.

  "Ma'am, are you okay?" I look down at my gauntlet and then giggle again.

  "Oh Alfred, I should call you Dire Wiger from now on. Who's the prettiest little Dire Wiger?" I say in a baby voice and pet Alfred.

  "Do you wish to update my name, ma'am?"

  I look around at the dead creatures and realize this is real. I just killed living creatures. It's the first time I have ever killed something, well besides spiders. I fucking hate spiders. My adrenaline crashes and my body starts to shake. I try to get away from the death and gore and slip again. But this time it's not funny. I crawl out onto a clean patch of ground and the vomit up bile. "Ugh, god. I know they were trying to kill me, right? Like, they weren't going to give me hugs and kisses I would imagine?" I say to myself.

  "Ma'am, you may assign your Analyze skill to me. I can auto cast it and update you in every situation as to the disposition of your opponent so there will be no doubt. You must allow me access to your mental energy, shall I proceed?" Alfred asks me.

  "Yeah, that sounds good, go for it."

  I get up and walk over to the dead wigers. I reach down and loot each body, I find four Brilliant Cores, they are beautiful. They swirl with energy and I am transfixed for a few minutes just watching them. I also find four uncommon wiger pelts, and a rare scent gland. I'm not sure what to do with the stuff so I just put it all in my inventory. I look around, huge mountains are to the south. I hear thunder and see the sky is starting to darken. The distant sky looks pregnant with rain and fury. "Well shit, however nice it might be to get cleaned off, I'm not sure I want to be stuck in that. Is there any shelter around here Alfred?" I ask my butler.

  "I believe there may be a small cave nearby. I will provide you with guidance."

  Flashing arrows appear in my vision, "You are the best, Alfred." I say.

  "Thank you, ma'am, it pleases me to serve." I walk for about fifteen minutes and then the sky opens up and lets loose its bladder. The rain assaults me with a million wet cold kisses. I jog and make it to a small opening in a cliff face.

  I enter slowly and cautiously, "Alfred, can you provide illumination? It's pretty dark in here." I ask staring into the darkness.

  My gauntlet emits a glow and I find myself in a cave, it looks like it goes back maybe sixty feet. I slump down onto the ground and begin to shiver. "I don't suppose you can make me a fire, Alfred?" I ask.

  "I'm sorry, ma'am, that is beyond my current abilities, there are upgrades that I can receive to expand my current uses." He tells me.

  I pull out the wiger pelts and wrap them around me. I lean back and close my eyes, a nap sounds marvelous right about now. I listen to the rhythmic lullaby sound of the rain, beckoning me to sleep.

  I wake up to sun shining and water dripping from the mouth of the cave. I look down and there is a small animal asleep next to me. I almost scream, but it's so cute that I don't. I hesitantly reach down and pet the baby animal. It wakes up and scampers back, it looks at me with confusion. It sniffs the air and then meows at me. "Alfred, why did you not tell me there was something next to me?" I whisper.

  "My apologies, ma'am, the baby wiger is friendly. I did not think posed a danger."

  I look down at the pelts I'm wrapped in and then pull out the scent gland. "Damn, I think I am wearing its family. I must smell like them now." I feel horrible, I know I was protecting myself, but now there
is a baby without its family. The wiger meows again and takes a few steps towards me. I slowly reach out my hand, the wiger creeps forward and sniffs my hand and then licks my fingers.

  Baby Wiger is trying to imprint on you, do wish to continue?*


  *You do not possess the Beast Bond skill, this beast will remain wild and may not follow commands.

  I really don't know what to do. The baby wiger meows again and nips my finger and then chirps. I cock my head sideways and look at the baby, the cute little thing sounded like a bird. It comes forward and rubs its head against my leg and then chirps. I select yes and I get a new pop up window saying I have gained an ally. I reach down and pick up the baby and hold her to my chest. She begins to chirp and purr, I place her on my lap and she rolls over onto her back exposing her belly. "Well aren't you the freaking cutest thing I have ever seen. I'm sorry I murdered your parents, but in my defense I think they were going to eat me." I rub her furry belly.

  She is about the size of a puppy, covered in dark brown fur with light orange strips. Her head looks both feline and canine and she has small fangs that protrude from her mouth. I rub her tummy more and talk in baby talk to her. She turns her head and looks up at me, she meows and then her tummy growls. "I guess we need to go hunting my cute little dire wiger."

  Chapter Seven: The Village

  I awake to pitch blackness. Am I in my stasis pod? I was having such strange dreams. People I've never met, places I've never been. I reach out and knock something over.

  "Jax? Are you okay?" A beautiful voice asks me.


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