Wronged Desires

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Wronged Desires Page 8

by Lillian MacKenzie Rhine

  Swallowing back the emotions that were soon to run over, I whispered, “And now?”

  “Now. Right now is perfect with you in my arms.” He touched his kiss to my brow. I inclined my face upward to taste his lips while he massaged his fingers through my ponytail, slipping the band out. Once my hair was free, he took a moment to stare into my eyes. “How do you feel now?”

  In between sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, I purred, “Now is perfect.” Palming his cheek toward me, his kiss began to warm my body. “There is one thing that is bothering me though,” I whispered against his lips.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I miss you calling me Babygirl,” I stated running my fingertips over the pebbled pattern of his abs.

  “I miss saying Babygirl,” he said before he traveled his kisses down to my neck pulling the drooping strap down farther. My hands tickled the back of his neck with him situating my thigh around his waist. My breath stopped when I felt his aroused excitement. I couldn’t hold back the moans that had been stifled from all of the emotions of our talk.

  My legs tangled with his and our lips fused and held together again, but not for long. My pert nipple was released into the humid air. Kem began to lap at the tender morsel. My whimpers became louder. I threw my head back from the ache he was creating between my thighs, then used my muscles to clinch my slit, wishing that he would soon fill the space that was void of him and put me out of my misery. He ground his heat toward mine, drawn to it like a magnet before he tossed me onto my back.

  Kem, what are you doing to me, I purred on the inside. While bunching my bothersome gown in his forceful grip, he planted fiery kisses in the wake of canvassing every inch of my flesh. I was pinned underneath his fevered body, trapped in a fight of wrestling flesh.

  My chest rose and fell, while the sound of steamed breaths floated atop the air. The crickets’ serenade outside was singing to my body when my thighs widened, giving him a landing point for his hungered mouth. He buried his lips flush with my tender bud while I thrashed my torso upward, grabbing hold of his head as he forced his lapping tongue closer to my core. I wanted to absorb all of him into my body in that moment, but there was work that needed to be done. Kem groaned with each taste of my nectar-filled fruit, pinning my knees to my chest as I struggled against the sensation that was making me weak.

  Tears emerged from the ecstasy, and I bit into my bottom lip panting for breath when he kissed his way back up my neck, raining the light touch of his lips on my satin sienna flesh. With him positioned between my thighs, I toed his boxer briefs off feeling his heated erection bounce against my mound. Kem swooped his grip under my open thighs, lining his hardness with my apex as my inhalation transitioned to an exhalation with his insertion. Yes, don’t ever take this feeling away.

  While he inched in a little at a time, he watched my expressions for pleasure versus pain, but I was only focused on the sweet taste of orgasm. Kem nibbled at my jaw line, moistened from the humid night air as his thrust deepened and I accepted more of him. My first delicious orgasmic peak was reached in seconds, but his mind was set to detonate the ticking bomb that rested inside of my watered, tight canal.

  The muscles in his neck and shoulders began to flex and relax with every push and thrust he gave. I love the way a man looks in the throes of passion, I thought, peering at his pleasured facial expressions. I stopped my selfish stolen glances that were arousing me past a limit I had ever known and focused my attention back to pleasing my love. I caressed his lower back, sliding my palms on the spinal path to his firm rear, bringing him in deeper to my inner wet cushion. “Oh, Babygirl,” he whispered against my ear, then flipped to his back and took me along for the ride.

  Once I was astride him, I took matters of control into my own hands, lowering myself, planting kisses on his hardened chest, and licking each individual abdominal muscle. When I made it to his hips, I looked up toward his face to find him looking down at me with those bright emerald green jewels. His hand lightly caressed down a strand of my dark brown hair to my cheek as he became a voyeur to my exhibition.

  I kissed his palm, sucking his extended thumb into my mouth, making him suck in a lungful of air. His heavy lids overtook him as I removed his thumb and replaced it with his throbbing beacon of soft yet hardened muscle. The taste of my juices mixed in with his pearled morsels made me glisten from the rush of desire running down my inner folds. My palms began a dance up and down his torso while his hand guided my head up and down to his cries of gratification.

  Kem soon sat up just enough to grasp around my arms, bringing me back up into his kiss, inserting himself into my warmth that was overflowing with the need to explode. His hands gripped at my hips to push deeper inside. My labored breaths matched his pace when I felt the final jump of him inside of me. I tightened my walls around his love and received his essence as I sat upright, and swayed my hips against his convulsive thrusts. The act of bucking on his bronco caused me to scream out with my own explosion and collapse to his chest. Tired and completely spent, we still found a need to giggle at the act that occurred. That night we remained connected, sleeping in the moonlight darkness.

  Chapter Six

  I woke the next morning from having the best rest I’d had in years and turned to face an empty spot where Kem once lay. Did he disappear? Was last night a dream? I heard a chuckle coming from the doorway and there he was, clad in his cuffed tuxedo pants with the suspenders in place over each shoulder and a white tank underneath giving way to an unadulterated show of his meticulous ink. His tousled hair hung low over his brow, making him look years younger.

  “Morning, beautiful.” His voice sent chills over my body.

  “Hey,” I purred, sliding myself upward in the bed as he approached and sat at the foot.

  “I was thinking over a few things while I watched you sleep this morning.” My cheeks warmed at the thought of him watching over me.

  “What did you come up with?”

  “I think it’s safe to say that we’ve connected over this time spent together my dear,” Kem stated, placing my hand in his to kiss it.

  “Yes we’ve reconnected.” I yawned, stretching my hands above my exposed body.

  “I think it’s important that we do things right this time, if you allow me to remain in your life.” I nodded in approval, and then he continued. “Even though we’ve made love twice at this point, I want to start over in a sense, with our relationship.”

  “Okay.” I was curious as to where he was going with the conversation.

  “Will you do me the favor of joining me on our first date?”

  Cupping my hands together with youthful anticipation, I asked, “Where are we going?”

  “The electricity is still out, so I think we should go out for breakfast and do a bit of shopping since I only have a tuxedo to wear. I got a report from the workers down the road that the electricity should be on no later than tomorrow morning.”

  “Great, I need to get something to wear as well. I only packed for the weekend.”

  “I actually stopped by the house and picked you up a few pairs of jeans, shirts, and undies—the lacy kind to be exact.” He raised his brow, smirking in my direction.

  “Mr. Sutter, you are simply making me blush with embarrassment,” I stated with the air of a traditional Southern belle.

  “I placed the suitcase in the bathroom and I heated some bath water for those aching bones I gave you last night.” I slid off the bed. A large grin was plastered on my face while I sauntered to the bathtub full of bubbles. Sliding into the hot liquid was like heaven with each bubble draping over my satin skin.

  “There’s room for two in here,” I mentioned to Kem who was in the other room.

  “We’re supposed to be taking it slow, remember? No more naked situations of passion,” he shouted from the bedroom.

  “Come on, just this one last time before we rewind back to day one.” Kem came running into the bathroom stark naked with his massive ins
trument dangling in front of my eyes.

  “Since you’re forcing me, I will oblige a lady in need,” he said as he eased into the waters. Wanting a little more of what he had to give before he took his tasty treats off the market, I tickled my feet through the bubbles up his chest with him taking each toe and inserting them into his mouth. I positioned myself astride his thighs, riding the waves of lustrous passion until the water became chilled past our level of comfort.

  Not surprised at his great choices in clothing, I dressed in a pair of sky-blue skinny jeans and a simple white cotton tank. I slipped into a nude wedge heel and drew my hair into a chignon finishing with a classic set of golden bangles around my wrist. Kem slid in behind me, smelling of the fragrant bath salts, to tickle my neck with his lips. Not wanting to miss out on the plans we had for the day, I fanned him away in protest.

  “No, Mr. Sutter. No kissing on the first date. I’m a lady of modesty.” He scowled, holding out his arm for me to link mine into.

  Riding in the Bentley coupe was a welcome change to my fast-throttled roadster as we made our way into town, driving past all the cleanup efforts from the storm. We chose to eat at a quaint little café near the Memorial City mall. To my surprise they had cinnamon rolls, which I had to order just for comparison reasons. Kem ordered a steak breakfast burrito and milk while shaking his head, laughing at my choice. Once our food came out, I immediately began to regret my order. The cinnamon roll had the visual representation of something that should be found behind a coil in a vending machine. Kem had a hard time holding in his laughter, but seeing my disappointment, he cut his burrito in half and held the portion up to my mouth for a bite. He ate his half and fed me mine, which was a superb alternative.

  We walked hand in hand, reminiscing over our first visit to the mall when we were in college. We challenged each other to visit every single store and kiosk and purchase something cheap that we didn’t need. Of course Kem lost when he entered the maternity store, finding nothing more than nursing bras and oversize clothing.

  After a few hours in the mall, we had purchased him two pairs of shorts, two colored shirts, a graphic tee with the emblem of a local band, and some new sneakers on our impromptu shopping trip, then we ended up in a small “mom and pop” record store. My eyes lit up looking at all the old albums of REM, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and more. My legs started to itch wanting to take off like a kid in a candy store when Kem turned me toward him. “This is our actual date. I want you to pick out an album and I will do the same. We’ll assign each other a song from an album of choice and we’ll serenade each other tonight.”

  “That sounds fantastic, but I have a few questions. If we have no electricity, how will we play the CDs?” I blinked rapidly, waiting on his reply.

  “I plan on buying a CD player and a couple of double D batteries. You know, taking it old school with a boom box. Any more questions from the lovely lady?” He bowed for affect.

  “Okay, great answer. Lastly, can you do a striptease while you sing this chosen song?” His eyebrows peaked at my questions. “Why, Ms. Sutter, I’m a gentlemen, my dear,” he stated, smoothing his messy hair away from his face. “However if you insist, I can oblige my lady.” If he continues to talk in that British accent, we won’t make it out of this mall before I shove him into a dark corner and have my way. “But do remember, my dear Babygirl, we had our last romp in the hay until further notice.” Damn, how will I survive?

  Giving me the okay to explore, he swatted my rear causing me to scowl as I ran in the direction of alternative greats. After gathering an armful of great musical pieces that I wanted for my collection, I spotted Kem in the rhythm-and-blues section with a bunch of CDs. He carefully tucked his choices out of my line of sight, making me frown like a child.

  “I’ll show you my choice during lunch, then we’ll head home and scour the Internet for lyrics and tips on stripteases.” He chuckled at his joke.

  “You’re going to need that last part,” I taunted.

  He started to sway his hips, moving up behind me as we danced to the rock band that was playing over the sound system. “I have no problem moving to the rhythm, but you on the other hand, as Nan would say, are stiff as an ironing board.” I nudged him on his side as he laughed at his playful insult. Kem grabbed my waist, pulling me toward him and adhering his lips to mine as the other patrons watched our public display of affection.

  After we made our purchases in the record store, we headed to a nearby taco shop for a few chicken tacos and queso. Focusing on Kem’s bag of music and his sly grin, I asked, “What are you hiding over there?” He gave his lemonade a final sip before the verdict was delivered, then he shrugged picking out a CD and sliding it across the table like an illegal deal was being forged. My eyes almost fell out of my head when I saw the CD of an R&B classic crooner that was given the genre of “baby-making music.” To add insult to injury, Kem’s lips curled tightly at the corners when he flipped the CD over, pointing out the song of all songs that he wanted me to shed my clothes to while singing. I contorted my face, murmuring, “All right, I can definitely do this.”

  “So, what are you holding?” His wide smile almost blinded me. I took out one of my favorite groups, shoving the CD his way. As long as I had known Kem, he was not much for alternative music whereas I had an eclectic ear. Kem slowly nodded. “Touché, but don’t count me out, I’m going to give you what you need, Babygirl.” I blushed at his statement and we chatted more over our meal. Reconnecting with Kem on a boyfriend level took me back to the beginning when we were in the glorious honeymoon stage and it was all about hanging out and having explosive sex. When I thought about it, things hadn’t fouled up until we walked across the stage of graduation and down the aisle of matrimony. In the middle of my thought, my phone buzzed from an incoming text message.

  Sandra: “I wanted to let you know that Mr. Worshaw received all the necessary paperwork and the meetings went very well.”

  “That’s great and thank you for picking up the slack while I’m stuck in Houston,” I texted back.

  “Texting your boyfriend?” I looked up, almost caught off guard from Kem’s inquiry. “It was only a joke,” he blurted grinning.

  “I’m sorry. It’s Sandra telling me about the meeting I missed,” I admitted, viewing her next message while Kem waited for me to send her a response.

  Sandra: “How are you holding up down there after the storm?”

  “No electric, but Kem came down to keep me company.” Before I could put my phone away the next message came through in seconds.

  Sandra: “Kem? Wow lol. Why is he there? I bet he’s up to something. Probably wants to move back in with that mold business being a front.”

  I rolled my eyes, shut my phone, tossed it into my purse, and exhaled my agitation as Kem sat stunned.

  “What’s the problem?” He reached out to encapsulate my hands inside of his, which calmed my rising temper.

  “Every time I mention your name, she cops an attitude.”

  Kem grinned, grasping my chin so my gaze would meet his. “You know Sandra was never a fan of mine, so there is no surprise that she’s annoyed that you’ve been in my constant company.”

  “I know, but there are some other things that have given me reason to worry about our friendship outside of her bad taste for you. She’s been out of sorts lately and it’s driving me insane.” My fitness goals and her rudeness at the office being some of my concerns.

  “We’re both on vacation, plus we’re having a great time. Let’s not bring ourselves down to the level of the lost and lonely. You know what Nan would say if she was privy to this situation?” Oh boy, not another grandma lecture through the mouth of Kemington Sutter.

  “Would she say that misery loves company?” I asked rolling my eyes.

  “You got it, Babygirl.” He grinned, finishing up the last bite of his taco.

  “Let me find out that my grandmother’s spirit has traveled into your body and you are to carry her around for my en
dless taunting. Wealthy Caucasian male with the heart and soul of an African American church lady, isn’t that a picture to behold?” I said, teasing Kem.

  “At least you know you’ll eat well, now let’s get up out of here.” His matter-of-fact statement made me snicker to myself. I’m eating well, Grandma Kem, well indeed.

  We headed home, listening to an Isley Brothers CD Kem had picked up at the record store. “No wonder you and my grandmother got along. She would sneak and listen to her ‘soul’ music as she called it on Saturdays while out in the garden. I heard it so much growing up that it turned me off toward it.”

  “I guess I’m the same as you. My parents had us in piano and violin classes since we could walk. Classical music was not only played around my home, but it was performed on a daily basis by us children. Now, I can’t stand the stuff.” His face grimaced at the thought.

  “What do you think your parents’ response will be to us dating again?” I had no idea why I was asking about them, but I always had a problem with the disconnect he and his parents created over the emerging years of his life. With me being so close to my grandmother, and her loving me unconditionally, I couldn’t understand why the Sutter’s love came with a contract of conditions written by the devil himself, it seemed.

  “Please, they’ve been fighting me since the divorce knowing that I wouldn’t give up on our love. They both banded together to try to get me caught up with other women by sending me on dates and even telling the craziest of women my address, but my loyalty only stands with one.” He reached out and grasped my knee with his free hand. “When it comes down to it, they’ve threatened to cut me off well before you came along. First it was my hobbies, then the proposition of doing well in school. I toned down my activities and flew through high school and college with academic accolades, but you, I wouldn’t budge on. Not one bit.”


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