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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 37

by J. L. Beck

  Lola continued to stare at me with big huge blue puppy dog eyes. How the hell did Mia not give in to her every command?

  “That’s enough baby girl. You’ll just have to come into the bakery with Mommy today and help me mix up some homemade cookies.” Mia swooped in right at the perfect time, saving the day, and taking the heat off Dad.

  “Ooooh, homemade cookies?” This time it was me who was pouting, though I could imagine doing a whole lot more than just licking the batter off the spoon.

  “Not so fast Mr. you’ve got stuff to do, today…” Mia smirked, knowing all to well that the only thing I really wanted to be doing, was her.

  “Well as soon as I’m finished with my tasks, I’ll drop by for lunch… sound good?” Mia and Lola looked at each other and then back to me nodding their heads at the same time in agreement.

  I got up shoving away from the table and placing my coffee cup in the kitchen sink. I needed to get Mia out of this little ass house, and into something that was going to support a growing family.

  “Don’t stay inside that pretty little head of yours too long…” Mia’s voice resonated through my thoughts, her tiny arms wrapping around my mid-section as she spoke.

  “I wasn’t thinking anything bad. Just that I can’t wait to fill your belly with more babies, and that this damn house is too small for all of us and our soon to be growing family.” I twisted around right then to see the look on her face. It was a mixture of happiness, laced with a smidge of fear.

  “You want… more kids?” Her voice wobbled a bit, causing me to laugh.

  “I want tons of kids. I want an entire family with you. I want a legacy to leave behind when we die of old age together.” My eyes dropped to her perfectly pouty pink lips. I wanted to kiss them.

  “But we haven’t even told Lola yet…” Mia’s voice was low and the worry that filtered through her words clung to me. Was she afraid Lola would react badly?

  “We will…” I started trying to defuse a bad situation from taking place. Mia was anxious about damn near anything nowadays and I wasn’t going to let something so small cause an argument. She was fragile as glass and I was the bubble wrap she needed to be secure.

  “I hope she understands…” Worry creases formed against her forehead.

  “Stop worrying. We will cross that bridge when we get to it, baby. For now, take some deep breaths, and relax. I’m going to go into town and talk to my ole’ man…” I all but growled the last part.

  My parents weren’t people I cared to interact with for more than one reason, still, my father made me part owner of the local hardware store in town so being back meant I had to keep up my end of the bargain up even if I truly wanted to beat the living shit out of him.

  “If he starts something with you, you know you can come by earlier. We can hire a lawyer, maybe find a way out?” There was an urgency to Mia’s words that I understood all too well. She wanted the best for me, but I had made my bed and now I had to sleep in it. Signing that contract, and taking over half of my father’s business was once a dream of mine. Until I discovered what he had been doing to my mother behind my back. Now the business agreement was nothing more than a trap, a way to keep in contact with my mother and me.

  “It’s fine baby. I’m fine. Everything is perfect. I love you. I love Lola. It’s going to be fine. Now get that perfect ass of yours to the bakery and bake me up some cookies. I want something delicious to devour when I come by at lunch…” I winked, placing a kiss against her temple wishing so badly that I could take her back to our bedroom and make good on the promise of putting more babies deep inside her belly. This woman owned me. There was no doubt about that.

  Hate wasn’t a strong enough word for the way I was feeling right at this moment. My father was thrilled to see that I had survived two tours in Iraq with all my limbs still attached what he didn’t know was how close to losing one of his he was. I ran a hand down my face in frustration.

  “You know I meant no harm son.” Here he was once again, lingering, speaking about the past that I didn’t care to relive. When he cheated on my mom with one of the high school girls that would come by and clean the house every weekend everything went to shit. My mom always said there was no saving a marriage where love no longer existed.

  “No harm is doing something on accident. Your dick didn’t just land inside her. You fucked her plain and simple. Own up to it, and move on with your life. God knows everyone else already has….” I huffed out a breath and squeezed my eyes shut daydreaming of Mia and Lola and the future that was paved before us.

  “Umm Mr.…” A voice I knew all to well resonated through the storefront.

  “Jake?” Sofia appeared right before me. She was wearing a skirt that barely covered her ass cheeks and a low cut button down flannel t-shirt that showed all but her nipples.


  “Hi, Sofia. How can I help you?” I tried not to sound too annoyed, thinking of the way that she had acted towards me at Mia’s brother’s wedding. She knew I still loved Mia and that she didn’t have a chance in hell at getting with me, yet she continued to try. It was exhausting.

  “I needed some help loading some items into my SUV. I bought some bricks and potting soil, and honestly, the stuff is way to heavy for a girl like me to lift.” She laid on the moves thick, batting her eyelashes, as she bent over the front of the register. I guess anything is better than listening to my Father bitch and moan. Plus, nothing bad could come from helping her load the shit in her SUV. If anything it would get her out of here faster.

  “Alright, let’s see what we can do.” I moved from behind the counter, following behind her as she strutted her stuff out to the SUV.

  How could a man let his daughter wear something like that?

  “It’s all right here,” Sofia commented pointing at a rolling cart loaded to the top with supplies for gardening.

  “I wasn’t aware that you gardened.” I coughed, grabbing the first bag of potting soil and placing in the back of the SUV that was already open.

  “It’s a new hobby of mine…” She purred trying to rub her body against mine. The blood in my veins turned to ice. Sofia knew better than to try something with me. I had warned her once, nicely, a second time and I wouldn’t be nice about it.

  “Great.” I hissed, hurrying to get the rest of the items into the back of her SUV. Sweat dripped down the back of my neck as I placed the last couple of bags inside.

  “Thank you for everything Jakey…” Sofia chirped shoving her chest against mine as her lips ghosted across my cheek.

  “What the absolute fuck are you doing?” I shouted, enraged that she had taken things yet again further than they ever needed to be.

  “Thanking you…” She seemed afraid. I wasn’t the type of man to hit a woman, nor would I hurt Sofia, but I was going to give her a lashing with my words.

  “Then say Thank You. Don’t try and kiss me. Don’t try and come into my store and seduce me. I’m with Mia now and I don’t need anyone trying to ruin what we have going on…” I was fuming, the anger inside of me spewing out the sides.

  “You and Mia won’t last. We all know that. Her daughter isn’t even yours so why would you want to be with someone that had a child with another man?” I clenched my fists at my sides. Sofia was so disrespectful and hateful that it took everything in me to turn around and walk away from her instead of staying right where I was and telling her where the fuck she could go.

  “Call me when you get board with her…” She called after me, making my steps flaunter. I wanted… no, needed to give that woman a piece of my mind, but she wasn’t worth it, not when she couldn’t respect that I wanted to be with Mia. So instead, I kept walking and I walked until the anger inside me dissipated. I refused to be a bear when I went to see Mia, and Lola at the bakery.

  “Oh fuck!” I said out loud, pulling my cell phone from my pocket.

  “God Damnit!” I shoved the device back inside and jogged back in the direction I had just c
ome. I was late, and it was all because of that bitch. I shook my head in frustration. My anger only growing, as I got closer to the bakery noticing that the sign on the door said closed.

  “What the hell?” Confusion laced my words as I spoke under my breath. I didn’t understand. Didn't we agree that I, would come here for lunch unless maybe she changed her mind?

  Fishing my phone from my pocket I dialed her number, the phone going straight to voicemail.

  “What the hell?” I slammed my fist against the door. My heart was beating furiously against my rib cage, and I hoped like fucking hell that what was taking place was mere coincide and not what I thought it might be.

  More heartache.

  I didn’t want to believe what I saw but there was no missing the fact that they had kissed each other.

  “Mommy! Mommy!” Lola cried, trying to figure out why her mother was all out of sorts. This was exactly why I didn’t want to try with him. Nothing could be like it used to be, it just couldn’t. It was all too good to be true.

  “Mommy is okay sweetie. I’m just not feeling well is all,” I half lied. My stomach was in knots and my heart was shattering into a million little pieces. It was happening all over again.

  “I’ll make you feel better…” Lola’s voice was filled with excitement and all I could do was smile because I didn’t want to let her down by telling her there was no cure for a broken heart.

  “Ummm…” My voice cracked and I wiped away the tears that wouldn’t stop falling from my eyes…. “Go get your suitcase, were going on a little trip pumpkin.”

  “Where? Where? Where?” She shouted.

  “Just… it’s a surprise, go and get it for Mommy.” I used my motherly tone, turning away from her as I tried to get my wits.

  I had only a small amount of time before Jake came here looking for me, and I knew he would. If that happened there would be no escaping his grasps. I had to get out well the getting was good.

  A loud pounding on the door filled the small living space. My hands shook and my heart threatened to burst from my chest.

  “Open up Mia, it’s me D.” My brother’s voice filtered into my ears overpowering the loud pounding in my ears.

  “Whh… What do you want?” I hollered walking slowly to the front door.

  “Just open the Goddamn door why don’t ya?” Donovan shouted, pounding a fist against the door. I blinked, licking my lips and wiping away any stray tears that may have been lingering. There was nothing I could do about my red eyes, or runny nose, so I knew I would have to explain something.

  With wobbly hands I unlocked the door, and pulled it open my brother’s face coming into view.

  “What the fuck is going on?” He whisper yelled, looking over my shoulder for Lola I was sure.

  “What do you mean?” I tried to remain calm but it was getting harder with every passing second.

  Donovan looked at me with disbelief in his eyes, “Don’t play dumb little Sis. Jake called me. He told me you were supposed to be at the bakery and you weren’t. He wanted me to check and see if you were here at the house.” He was giving me that big brother look that said spill or face the consequences.

  “Uncle D!” Lola squealed, practically running into Donovan’s arms. He picked her up and cradled her against his chest giving her the biggest hug he could possibly give her.

  “Hey sweet pea, can me and Mommy finish talking and then I’ll come and play with you?”

  “Yes! But Mommy says were going on a trip some where, and it’s a secret…” She whispered the last part, making a smile pull at my lips.

  “Oh really, well you’ll have to tell me all about it.” Donovan’s eyes darkened as she spoke.

  “I will…” She giggled, running away as soon as he placed her on the ground. When she was out of ear shot Donovan started with the questions.

  “Explain yourself right now!” He ordered.

  “We… We got back together and everything was great, until today when I saw him… He was….” A sob wracked my body, causing the words to get stuck in my throat. Telling someone what happened made it that much more real.

  “What did he do? You know I’ll protect you know matter what. He hurt you once before but never again Mia, never again…” Donovan looked as if he was ready to go into battle for me but I didn’t want him to fight a battle that had already been lost.

  “I watched him… He kissed Sofia. Right outside the hardware store. He was helping her load some stuff in her stupid SUV and then they kissed, and he let her kiss him….” I huffed out a breath I wasn’t aware I had been holding in.

  My brother clenched and unclenched his fists, anger forming in his features. “So what are you doing? Leaving?” I nibbled on my bottom lip for a few moments, unsure as to if I wanted to tell him what it was that I was doing. If anyone knew where I was going they would tell Jake and then he would come for me.

  “I don’t want to tell you, or anyone for that matter.” I crossed my arms over my shoulders.

  “I’m your big brother Mia. I have a right to know where my little Sister is running off too.” He took the same stance and we stared at each other for a long moment. There was no point and trying to hide it any longer, not when I knew he wouldn’t let me leave unless I told him.

  “Fine. I’m going out to the cabin, where we used to go during the summer out on Lake Kerplunck.” I uncrossed my arms, sighing in defeat.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it? I won’t tell anyone not even Jake. I just want you to be safe… You know I love you, Mia.” Donovan separated the space between us, wrapping his arms around my small frame.

  He hugged me like a big brother was supposed to hug his sister, with love and strength wrapped up in his arms.

  “We won’t be gone long. I promise.” Or at least I hoped we wouldn’t be. I didn’t want Lola to spend her entire summer away from her loved ones. I just needed to start making better choices.

  “Take your time, sis. Think of what you want.” Donovan released me fishing his phone from his pocket and typing out a text.

  “I will, and D, please don’t tell him…Please?” I pleaded with him.

  “I won’t Mia.” And I could tell he was telling the truth. For the first time in a long time I didn’t, feel alone when it came to dealing with my feelings about Jake.

  He walked out of the house, closing the door quietly behind him leaving me to do what I needed to do.

  I loved Jake, but I didn’t love him enough to be stuck as a doormat for the rest of my life.

  “Lola, get me your suitcase…” I hollered across the house. I couldn’t cry over this anymore. I needed to be strong. I needed to be me.

  I was a crazed man on the search for the woman I loved. She couldn’t have left, could she have? Questions coursed through my brain. I didn’t know where she was, all I knew was that her car was gone, and so were her things.

  “None of it is adding up!” The sting of tears in my eyes made me aware that I was on the verge of a complete meltdown. I guess this is what Mia felt like when I left her without so much as an excuse.

  “I told you that she wasn’t here man.” Donovan’s voice echoed through the house. I lifted my head from my hands, looking up at him through blurry eyes.

  “I know. I just didn’t have anywhere else to go. I’ve looked everywhere.” I couldn’t save us if I didn’t even know where to start.

  Donovan had a sour look on his face as she took in my shitty state. “How can you be so upset over something that you caused?”

  I blinked, confusion settling deep into my bones.

  What the fuck was he talking about?

  “I don’t understand dude?” I shook my head as if doing so would jar some answer to come forward. An evil smile pulled at D’s lips. He looked sinister looking at me the way he was, but I wasn’t scared, I had faced worse in this world.

  “Sofia. The kiss.” It hit me like a ton of bricks then. She had seen Sofia kiss me. She must’ve thought…

  “Its not w
hat you think D. I didn’t kiss her.” I shot up from the chair I was siting in.

  “You expect me to believe you when Mia saw it with her own eyes?” Donovan raised an eyebrow at me. He knew something, something that I needed to know.

  “I do, because what Mia saw wasn’t me kissing Sofia, it was Sofia kissing me. I shoved her away D. You know how much Mia means to me…” I was ready to get down on both knees and beg him to tell me whatever it was that he knew.

  “You fucking liar…” He growled, his fist landing against the top of my cheek without warning. My entire body swayed with the blow. “You broke her heart once, but a second time, really? You must think I’m dumb or something?” I sucked in fresh oxygen trying to calm my boiling blood. He wasn’t trying to start a fight; he was just trying to protect Mia.

  “I, fucking love Mia. I love her so much. I did nothing wrong. Nothing. I’ve been the man she needed, and the father that Lola deserved.” I spoke through clenched teeth.

  “Yeah right, you need to stay the fuck away from Lola. She deserves more than you anyway.” Donovan hissed, and I lost it then. Before I could stop myself I had him by the throat, pinned against the far wall.

  “I won’t stay away from Lola. She’s my fucking daughter. Mine. Just like Mia is mine. I love them both with every single fiber inside of me, and I will do whatever the hell I need to, too prove that to you. Do you understand me?” We were nose to nose, and from the look in Donovan’s eyes I could tell that he got me.

  “Wait, did you just say you’re Lola’s father?” He didn’t seem to skip a beat when speaking so I released him, moving away from him.

  “Yeah. We didn’t want to tell anyone until we were back together for a while, but Lola is mine. Mia got pregnant before I left for basic. She never told me, otherwise I never would’ve gone.” I ran a hand through my hair, well taking in a ragged breath.

  Donovan shook his head, “She lied…. that little asshole. She told all of us she didn’t know who the father was. That she had a fling with some guy over the summer. It makes sense now though…” His comment had my blood singing.


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