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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 54

by J. L. Beck

  "Please Wyatt," I moan, my voice breathy. I'm so close, but I'm not one of those girls who doesn't need stimulation to get there.

  Wyatt stares down at me, the look in his eyes fierce as he shakes his head. "Don't move," he growls.

  I start to whimper in protest, but it's cut off when his fingers trail across my hip to the apex of my thighs before his thumb presses down right there in the exact spot I need him to be. His thumb moves in slow circles at first, driving me out of my mind until I'm almost crying. "Please, oh god, Wyatt," I pant as his thumb begins to press harder.

  Wyatt pinches my clit between his finger and thumb and that's it. I'm flung over the edge into my climax and am barely aware of his thrusts speeding up before he slams into me hard, finding his own pleasure. His head drops down into so that his forehead is resting between my breasts and his breathing is just as heavy as mine. Bringing my hands up I run my fingers through his hair soothingly as he continues to shudder above me. We lay like this until both our hearts slow to normal before Wyatt finally slides out of me and gets off the bed.

  When he comes back, he lays down beside me and pulls me back into him so that my back is against his front. I can feel his breath ruffling my hair as he wraps his arm around my middle. Taking my hand in his he entwines our fingers together and I can feel his body relax along mine. As his breathing begins to slow, I close my eyes and revel in the sense of belonging. Something I've never really felt before. I fall asleep easily, remaining wrapped in his arms until morning.

  As my eyes open, I become aware of the warm, naked chest my cheek is resting on and the strong arm wrapped around me. My hand is splayed on his hard abdomen and Wyatt's still asleep, his breathing deep and even. Even though I've been sleeping in his bed for the past few nights, this is the first time I've woken up before him, so I take advantage of it. Balancing myself on my arm, I start at the top of his head, gazing at him in wonder. He's so freaking adorable when he's sleeping. Wyatt's face is relaxed and the worry lines that are usually present on his forehead are smooth, his mouth tips up in a small smile making me wish I knew what he's dreaming about.

  I trace his full lips with a finger, unable to keep my hands to myself. His hand at my hip tightens and my eyes fly up to meet his now open ones. His expression is amused and I know I flush bright red. He's caught me studying him which makes me feel vulnerable. Add to it the fact that waking up with someone else is still pretty new to me and I'm feeling bashful, which is completely unlike my usual abrasiveness.

  Wyatt turns suddenly to grab his phone off the nightstand, looking at it before he falls back onto the bed with a groan. "What is it?" I ask, alarmed.

  "It's almost noon. Clay and Emmett will probably be back soon, and I'm sure they won't be alone." His eyes are apologetic and I know he's not looking forward to sharing me anymore than I am to sharing him.

  Sitting up, I wrap the sheet around me more securely, hoping that feeling less exposed physically will help with how exposed I feel emotionally. The fight that we had yesterday shook me much more than I would have thought, and it made me realize just how attached I am to Wyatt. His lips touch my shoulder and I flinch, unprepared for the touch. Wyatt puts a hand on my cheek, turning me to face him. He studies me, his eyes moving back and forth between my own. When he doesn't find the answer he's obviously looking for, he frowns and the lines I was so happy were gone just a few minutes ago are back.

  "What's wrong, baby?" he asks gently, the concern in his voice obvious.

  I try to turn my face away, but his hold is firm. "Nothing," I murmur, "I'm just a little nervous about all of this."

  Dropping his hand from my cheek, Wyatt turns slightly so that he's facing me instead of just sitting beside me. "Nervous? About what?" I know he's confused, and maybe nervous isn't the word I should have used. This is all just so new to me.

  "Everyone is going to be staring at us, wondering what went on this week. I just don't know how to deal with it." I shrug, trying to play off how uncomfortable I suddenly feel.

  Wyatt knows me enough by now that he knows I'm getting ready to withdraw from him. It might just be self-preservation, a way to keep myself from getting hurt, but he grips my upper arms, pulling me around so that we're facing each other. "Who cares what everyone else thinks or wants to know? What happened this week is between us and only us. Quit worrying so much about what everyone else thinks."

  He's right, but I always worry about what everyone else thinks. No matter how much I act like an untouchable ice queen, and trust me, I've been called that too many times to count...especially by Brad. Ugh, he's the last person I want to think about. Wyatt pushes me onto my back before hovering over me and pressing his lips to mine. "I know I said not to worry, but if we don't get up soon, everyone will be here and you'll be smack dab in the exact situation you're trying to avoid." Getting up, he extends a hand to me and pulls me up so that I'm standing in front of him. Wyatt wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into his still very naked body. "Come on, let's take a shower," he whispers against my lips.

  After sharing the shower, which was another new experience for me - who knew showers could be so...enjoyable? - Wyatt makes us breakfast. It's nothing fancy, just scrambled eggs on toast, but it's delicious. "Wow. Good in bed and you can cook? Will wonders never cease," I say teasingly, and he smiles at my words.

  "What can I're a very lucky girl Peyton Williams," he says with a laugh and I grin back at him, enjoying the back and forth banter.

  I feel more at ease with him than I ever have with anybody else, even Scarlett. There's just something about Wyatt that makes me let go and lower the walls I keep around myself. He teases me, but he's the type of person who never takes it too far. I never have to worry that he's masking a nasty thought with a joke. There's been entirely too many people in my life who would.

  We're standing side by side at the sink doing dishes, me washing and him drying, when the front door opens and loud voices yell his name. Wyatt looks over at me with a half-smile before shouting back, "In here assholes." Shaking his head at their replies, "are you decent" (Emmett) and "Dude, you didn't fuck her on the table did you?" (Clay), he mouths "I'm sorry" as they walk into the small kitchen. Emmett has his arm around Olivia and Clay is leering at SarahBeth who looks about as uncomfortable as I am around him while Max and Kat just shake their heads.

  Clay's look changes to sorrow when he looks over at me. "Oh man, I was hoping y'all would be naked," he groans with a wink as I roll my eyes at him.

  Emmett smacks him on the back of the head and everyone laughs. Obviously, this is something that happens often for Clay, someone always seems to be smacking him for making a suggestive comment.

  "Hey Peyton," Max says with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about Clay and his poor manners. I promise he wasn't raised in a barn."

  "Don't worry about it," I tell him, waving away his apology as Kat comes over to give us both a hug. I'm still not that comfortable with hugs though, so it's a little stiff, but she doesn't say anything about it.

  After she hugs both me and Wyatt, she looks between us thoughtfully, "Something looks different..." she trails off when Wyatt puts his arm around me and smiles proudly.

  Her eyes widen, but just as she starts to say something, Clay shouts, "Go Wyatt! You actually did score!" Coming over, he holds out a fist for him to bump, but Wyatt pushes it away with a frown.

  "Shut up you moron." He says grouchily before grabbing me by the hand. "Come on Peyton." Wyatt pushes past everyone, heading for his room. Closing his door, he deflates with a sigh before looking down at me nervously.

  "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, worried about what's going through his head. Was the reality of us being together too much for him? I quickly run through the events in the kitchen in my head, but come up with nothing. I don't know why he's looking at me like he's afraid I'm going to bite his head off. When he still doesn't say anything, I start to panic, "Will you please tell me what's wrong, Wyatt?"

he murmurs, pulling me into his arms so that I can rest my head on his chest, "I'm fine. I promise."

  "You are not fine," I argue, crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine isn't leaving the room where all your friends are, and it definitely isn't pulling me into your bedroom away from everyone else. Are you...are you ashamed?" My voice cracks on the word, and is much lower when I continue. "If this is too much --"

  Wyatt cuts me off. "Don't be an idiot," he grumbles, and I can feel him shaking his head back and forth against the top of mine. "I was just worried about how you'd react to Clay putting all our business out there. I know you're pretty private and I know you were worrying about how it would be with everyone here now. I just...I didn't want you to have to deal with that." Still keeping me tucked under his chin so that I can't see his face, he says softly, "If you want to go home, I'll understand. Just...will you let me stay?"

  "You really are an idiot," I say with a huff. "Clay doesn't bother me. I mean, yeah, he's an ass and he has absolutely no filter, but I knew people were going to wonder what went on this week. I'll be okay."

  Pulling away, Wyatt looks down at me, studying me carefully. "Who are you, and what have you done with the Peyton Williams I met a few months ago? That Peyton would have kicked Clay's ass...and then mine too just for being friends with him."

  Laughing, I punch him lightly in the stomach. "Jerk. I'm still the same girl. I'm just not as uptight." Looking up, I give him the naughtiest smile I can, or at least I hope it's naughty, and not just a weird grimace. "I guess you relaxed me this week."

  Now, it's his turn to laugh. "Oh, is that what it is? Well, I guess I'll have to make sure you stay relaxed then, huh?" After a moment, he opens the door and gestures out toward the main room. "Well, are you ready to face the firing squad then?" Instead of answering, I grab his hand and lead him back to the kitchen, where our friends are all still talking, only now, Scarlett and Annabelle are here too.

  "Peyton!" Scarlett screeches before running over to me. I try to push Wyatt in front of me, but it's no use. Scarlett flings herself into my arms, jumping up and down with her arms wrapped around me, leaving me no choice but to wrap my free around her. "Ohmigosh! I missed you soooo much! How was your week? Did you and Wyatt have a good time?" She barely takes a breath as she looks down to where Wyatt's hand is entwined with mine, "Ahhh!" she screams, "Are you guys together?!?"

  I haven't been able to answer any of her questions because she's just firing them all at me, but after the last one, she's just staring at me with wide eyes. "Jeez, Scar, calm down would you? To answer your questions, my week was great, and we did have a good time." I don't answer the last one right away and she releases me so she can glare at me. "Okay, okay. Yes, Wyatt and I are together now." Turning back to him, I smile at him and he grins back at me before dropping a quick kiss on my lips.

  Scarlett squeals before hugging me tightly once more. "Oh wow, this is so great!" she enthuses. "Now, we just need to find me a man," she muses, looking first at Max, then Clay before bringing her gaze back to mine. "Or..." she starts, "maybe your new man can set me up with someone!" Wyatt laughs, but doesn't agree or disagree with her.

  "Fuck guys, are we going to have to listen to the "OMG Wyatt and Peyton are boning" show all night, or can we go do something? This is fucking boring," Clay complains.

  Wyatt wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in so that my back is against his front. "You guys want to go race go-karts?" His voice is excited, and I'm reminded of the time he took me to the go-kart track. I am so ready for a rematch!

  Punishing Their Virgin

  A Reverse Harem Romance

  J.L. Beck

  Three gorgeous, possessive, over the top alpha’s that want to share me, who want to punish me.

  I’m a bad girl, a very, very bad girl and I’ve got my sights set on the Maxwell brothers. They’re three of the hottest billionaires in New York and they also happen to be my bosses.

  It’s always been my dream to be taken by more than one man, but I never thought I’d want three. I’d been saving myself for someone extraordinary and never thought I find three such men.

  There’s Jake, the dominant alpha, that wants to spank me. Micah, the sensitive alpha that makes love to my mouth in a way no man ever has before and least we forget Trevor the fun, try anything alpha, he’s willing to try anything, at least once.

  When they find out their sweet, little assistant is still a virgin and better yet, she has a few fantasies she wants to fulfill, they promise nothing but pleasure, mixed with a little bit of punishment.

  Bad girls get spanked, good girls get spanked, and *ucked and even though I want to be a bad girl, I definitely want all three of them at the same time.

  Maxwell Industries! I got the job! After 3 interviews and one where I thought I fucked it up, I still got it. Executive Assistant to Jake Maxwell himself. I knew very little about him and hoped he at least, wouldn’t be old and stuffy. Like even if he were old, maybe he would be nice and have a great sense of humor. The salary was a plus, better than I’d made at any of my former jobs.

  Today would be my first day. I hope I don’t screw up. I’ve dressed in a neat pencil skirt knee length and a nice white blouse. Low heels and my hair in a bun. I didn’t want to look too sexy and appear like I’m trying to be seductive.

  I don’t know how to act too sexy really. I have some experience with guys, but they were college guys and wanted up and into my skirt. I vowed that it would have to be someone spectacular that would make it all the way with me. So far, no one has been even a spark over great.

  I promised my mom I would only give it away to someone special, someone that makes my heart skidder as she called it. Also most guys are so predictable and some of them so lame, that even at 24, I am still a virgin. I feel okay about it, even though it really isn’t normal. I feel like it’s the right thing and that I have plenty of time and won’t just throw it away or waste it on a lame experience where I will always think of it as a mistake.

  Don’t get me wrong. I have my toys in my nightstand next to my bed. I even watch porn sometimes. I’m not sexless, I just don’t have sex.

  Excited, I dab on a bit of concealer then just lip gloss and eyeliner. I don’t want to appear like a made up Barbie with too much color on my face. I want be respected. I know I will have to earn that and I fully intend to. I know how offices are, businesses. How some women climb the ladder by climbing up on a desk and doing the boss. Nope. I wouldn’t do that.

  Grabbing my keys, phone and briefcase, I set off to work. At—MAXWELLL INDUSTRIES! Can you tell I’m excited? I’m just bursting with it.

  After the short drive, as luckily, I live only a few blocks away, I enter the lobby. It is impressive. I admit it nearly made me speechless when I came here for my first interview. Marble floors, all brass and glass.

  I proudly flash my badge at the security desk.

  The security guard winks at me, grabs it and slides it across the digital bar coder. “There you go, Ms. Hawkins, welcome to Maxwell.” He hands me my card back.

  Clipping it to my blouse, I grin at him. “Thank you umm…” I read his nametag. “…Bert.”

  I turn and head for the elevator.

  The doors opens and there stood a man…I gasp. Well, maybe a god?

  Tall, broad shouldered and an easy smile. And muscled to walls of muscle!

  He steps aside to allow me in.

  I get in and stare at the button panel, suddenly my marching on to the new job anthem fades away and I’m wondering who this man is.

  “What floor?” he asks.

  Oh, that voice, it is like liquid heat. I gulp and answer, “The top?”

  He chuckles and hits the 12th floor button. “You don’t sound sure,” he teases.

  I suck in a breath. Do not turn and look. I bet his smile is panty melting. My head starts turning. NO! But it’s too late.

  His smile is dazzling. The kind that makes your knees weak.

  SEE! You looked you dumba
ss. You cannot get the hots for some guy that maybe works here.

  “So,” he speaks again in that hot, honey coated smooth as silk voice. “Are you new here?”

  I nod.

  “Really? First day?”

  I again, nod. My vocal chords decide not to work cause this man’s scent just entered my space and delicious is the first word that floats through my dazed mind.

  “Shy are you?” he says in a low tone.

  I bite at my lip and feel determined to prove otherwise. “Umm, no. But you know how first day jitters are.”

  He laughs.

  Oh now, I have to turn my head and stare. His laugh is so rich and like makes my skin rise up with goosebumps.

  Buzz cut blond and dancing blue eyes.

  I stare and hope drool isn’t forming at the sides of my lips.

  “If you’re working on the top floor, you got old man Maxwell. He is such an ass.”

  I keep my mouth shut. Not going there. No opinions or office gossip, second rule of professionalism, after the no co-worker affair rule.

  “So, you must be the new EA?” he asks after a moment of silence from me.

  There, he already guessed it and I’d better keep in line here since it’s obvious he already doesn’t like my new boss. “Umm, yes.”

  “Mmm…” He leans in close.

  Oh, My God! His scent is so…Whew, it is hot in this elevator!

  “Well, he’s gone through many assistants. You just have to have thick skin.”

  My gut clenches and I’m not sure if it is because of the heat coming off this sexy wall of muscle or if it’s because of what he is telling me. “H-he’s mean?” I ask in a small voice.

  Silence from behind me.

  I turn to look.


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