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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 56

by J. L. Beck

I find that to be the normal conclusion. I haven’t found the woman that makes me feel. Feel enough to climax, enough to punish, as I want to do.

  I toured the entire floor almost. It was exciting and there is more than just hot men here. There were lots of beautiful women too. So, I felt a little lackluster next to some of them. Is there something in the water? I again ask myself as I grin. Maybe it will work on me too. Then I did spot Trevor once. He stood by a desk, staring at me as Dottie and I went by.

  There were three women there around him. Yes, of course there was. I mean just look at the man!

  I shivered a bit and tried to avoid those blue eyes of his.

  On the way back to my reception area, I spotted the other hottie. Micah…Just thinking his name makes me sigh. He has the warmest eyes. They make you feel like… I shake my head as Dottie is telling me something. Pay attention, Jenna. You are NOT here to daydream. I can see this whole hot coworker thing is going to be a major challenge. Focus on work. I will have to come up with a plan to help with this attraction. And it’s double the attraction too. Not just one guy, but two. How in the hell did this happen? I’ve been through high school and college, then a few jobs and yes, there were guys all along the way but those two? These were men and not your average guys. Also, both were so different, yet they make my pulse quicken and my palms sweat and my panties...

  “Jenna?” Dottie calls to me.

  I blink and look over at her.

  She laughs. “Yes, it can all be quite overwhelming. But you will fit in just fine.” She gave me a wink.

  Yes, I will fit as soon as I can get myself together and not have my hormones dictating my thoughts.

  “Okay, well. Look out for Mr. Maxwell’s first appointment of the day. Mr. Powell, okay?”

  I nod. “Thank you for everything, Dottie.”

  “Just doing my job. You will be okay.”

  I sit and tap my keyboard to verify this Mr. Powell’s appointment then glance at my time on the screen.

  “Hello,” a male voice says.

  I raise my head up and my mouth promptly falls open—again.

  Tall, dark hair, dark eyes…Oh, and such a dark look but hot somehow. A suit that fits him perfectly, probably Armani or something and did they tailor it well! He just seems to exude power. “Yes sir.” I stand up. This has to be Mr. Powell. “Umm, Mr. Maxwell isn’t in yet, but if you will have a seat?”

  He pauses and tilts his head at me. “Oh? He isn’t here yet?”

  I shake my head.

  He rolls his eyes. “You’d think he would be here bright and early. What a slacker.”

  I instantly look down at my desk. Another bad comment about my boss. I cannot say anything. Argue with a client on my first day? Or if I seem to agree with him I’ll probably lose my job. “Umm… No, he hasn’t yet arrived and I am sure it is for a solid reason as well. He is a very busy man. So can I get you some coffee, tea, or bottled water, perhaps? While you wait, I mean?”

  He smiles at me.


  Tall, dark and powerful has a killer smile, Go figure. My knees feel weak. A third time in just one working day? Oh, no. It just cannot be.

  “Umm, well… I could use some water,” he says.

  I click to it and try hard to stay on task while yet another hot man stands within a foot of me. Steady Jenna. This is a client. It’s bad enough to get hot flashes for coworkers but a client of your boss’ and on the first day? I turn and motion to the chairs. “If you’ll have a seat?”

  He shakes his head. “I rode in the car all day. I will stand.”

  Well, he is decisive and rather stubborn too. I run to the kitchen area and get his water.

  He is leaning on the desk and gives me a smile as I came back and hand him the bottle. “So, I’ve never seen you here before. New, are you?”

  I roll my eyes. “It is so obvious?”

  He chuckles. “Yes, but that isn’t a bad thing. And I think it is very admirable that you stuck up for the old man. So, how is…Old man Maxwell treating you so far?”

  I bite my lip at the old man crack. “I haven’t met him yet. But really, why does everyone call him that? I mean, it isn’t very respectful.”

  He stares at me and tilts his head back with a hearty laugh.

  I stare. The sound of it is yet another jolt to my entire body and mind. Wow.

  He shakes his head. “Yes, it might not be. However, I’ve been coming here for a long time and he’s always been called that.”

  I look around. This man seems like a powerful type, yet he’s so open and friendly, so maybe since he doesn’t work here, I can ask, “So, how old is he really?”

  He smirks at me. “Don’t wanna work for an old stuffy geezer, right?”

  My cheeks flame. I messed up there. I should not at all be having this conversation with a client. “Um, yes. I mean—NO!” I stammer.

  He keeps laughing and opens his water.

  I watch him put a yummy pair of lips around the bottle and take a big gulp. I am mesmerized by this small action. But then again, this man could be doing any damn thing and it would be sexy as hell. He could just stand in a corner and he would be drool worthy. Yes, he was about 10 years or so older than me maybe. But who the hell cares?

  “So…” He puts the lid back on his water. “Miss Hawkins, is it?”

  I nod and grab for my tag, knowing that like Micah, he must have read it. It’s not there and I peer down. “Oh, no.”

  “What is it?” he asks.

  “Oh, I lost my card and on my first day too!”

  He stares at me. “Well, it has to be here somewhere.” He steps back and looks around.

  I realize I have now involved a client in my dumbass action of losing something so important on the first day. “No, it’s okay. I mean. I heard that Mr. Maxwell is tough, but surely, if I can’t find it, he will understand. I-it’s okay, really.”

  He shakes his head. “No. I hear he is a taskmaster. Like he thinks he’s a king or something,” he says and looks around.

  “R-really?” I ask nervously. “Dammit! My first day and if he finds out, I will look stupid…” My voice fades away. Why am I sharing this with him?

  He stops and stares at me, then shakes his head. “No. No, I mean he can be tough be about certain things but—”

  I sigh and look under my desk. There it is. “Oh, I found it!” I raise the card up.

  He grins. “Good. And don’t worry, I won’t tell.” He winks at me.

  “Oh, Mr. Maxwell,” Dottie calls as she rushes up.

  I freeze and look all around then at the door to his office, half expecting he had been standing there the whole time and heard everything. The door was closed. Perplexed, I look back at Dottie.

  She is staring at the yummy, 6 foot something, grinning client.

  OH. MY. GOD. Holy fuck!

  He bites his lip and looks sheepish. “Okay, so the jig is up. I’m old man Maxwell.”

  For like the fourth time today, my mouth pops open. OLD?

  At my expression, he laughs, and hardily.

  Dottie looks back and forth between us. Confused.

  He pats her arm. “It’s okay. Ms. Hawkins and I will get along just fine. And in fact, I already know she is loyal.” He nods at me his eyes twinkling. “Well… I will be in my office when Peter comes in.”

  I shut my lagging jaw and stare at him. “P-peter?” I ask still dumbfounded.

  He grins again. “The client?”

  I simply nod.

  He strides away.

  Still reeling, I stare at his retreating back. “WHY?”

  Dottie glances at me. “Why what, sweetie?”

  I look over at her. “N-nothing.”

  She pats my hand. “He likes you! This will be great!” She does a little happy shake with her shoulders and rushes away.

  Great? He is almost hotter than those other two! I have to work for him? And not stare at his ass which by the way I did just now, as he strolled away. I plop down in my
seat and let out an exasperated breath. “I am in SO much trouble.”

  “You are?”

  I look up.

  Trevor is standing in front of my desk, staring at me.

  “Umm, well no. I mean—yes, but…”

  He shakes his head. “You didn’t get cussed out by the old man did you?” He suddenly looks fierce.

  Finally, I snap. This has all been too much for my senses. They all led me to believe he was old and mean, then he walks up looking like Mr. Dark and Yummy. “OLD?” I stand up. “Why in the hell is everybody saying that? I mean I just met the man and old is not the first word that came to mind.”

  Trevor is grinning at me.

  Oh, holy crap. I just stood at my new desk in my new office and yelled!

  He shrugs. “Well, that has always been the name we use for the head of Maxwell.”

  I shake my head and sit back down.

  “You know, I see it is almost lunch…” He smiles at me. “And you look like you could use a break.”

  I stare up at him, still lost. “Lunch?”

  He nods. “Yeah, lunch. You know the meal you eat at noonish? So, come on. I will show you to the cafeteria.”

  I hesitate. I cannot hang out with Mr. Smells Too Good, Hot Muscles. I mean I am gonna crack up soon!

  He cocks his head at me. “You aren’t hungry?”

  Hungry? I now take a direct look at the man. Looking at you, I feel hungry all right. I shake it off. “I-I just…”


  What can I tell him? I cannot sit with someone that smells better than the food? I almost laugh aloud at the insane reason.

  He grins. “There. That’s better, you are smiling. A good sign. So let’s go.”

  I stand up. “Umm. I can’t.”

  He pauses.

  “I mean, a client is coming and I…”

  He nods. “Okay, but you are, by law, supposed to have an hour for lunch. I mean just because old—”

  “Okay, first off, the man is not old and secondly, he hasn’t been mean to me and thirdly…” I suddenly lose my train of words, as Micah steps up beside Trevor.

  Trevor turns his head to glance at him. “Hey, kid. I see you have the same idea as I do.”

  Micah gives him a suspicious look.

  Kid? I glance between the two of them. Old man for the boss who could make women cream by merely speaking in a low voice probably and now, kid for a sexy piece of heaven like Micah? I am so mixed up.

  “If you mean I came to rescue Ms. Hawkins from the old man, then yes. I want to take her to lunch,” Micah retorted.

  Trevor crosses his arms over his massive chest. “Well, I was here first.”

  I am gaping at them. They are fighting over me…well, not fighting. But they both want to take me to lunch?

  A buzzing sound pings on my desk. I turn to look. It’s the phone system.

  “There he is, like clockwork.” Trevor rolls his eyes.

  I step over and press the flashing red button. “Yes, sir?”

  “Yes, Ms. Hawkins. Peter just called on his cell to cancel, so you can take lunch.”

  I glance up at the two men waiting at my desk. That leaves out all excuses that won’t hurt their feelings.

  Trevor looks smug.

  Micah looks, well… pensive.

  “Okay, sir,” I reply.

  “Oh and cut it out with the sir, I hate it, call me Jake.”

  I take another peek at the guys.

  Trevor is scowling and Micah is now smiling.

  How odd. What is going on here?

  “So, since it is your first day. I figure I could take you.”

  I gasp.

  “I mean take you to lunch.”

  “I-umm…” I attempt a late answer.

  The red light goes off. I look up at the guys.

  Trevor is still standing there with his large arms crossed over his chest.

  Micah smiles at me.

  Aren’t they going to leave? I mean he is their boss.

  The door opens and Mr. Maxwell walks out. He stares at the two younger men. “Hey, boys.” He nods.

  Boys? Okay, I am just too damn confused by all of this.

  “Well, Mr. Maxwell, we…” Trevor points at Micah and then at himself. “…Have already asked Ms. Hawkins to lunch, sir.” He emphasizes the sir part.

  I bite at my lip. There is an undercurrent here and I cannot quite point it out. Of course, I can’t, as I am at a loss as to why, so I say nothing.

  He stares at them. “Oh, is that so?” His eyes darken.

  I glance between Trevor and Jake.

  Micah is smiling hugely.

  Why is he smiling? This is all so…

  “So, you think you can just whisk off with my new EA?” Jake challenges.

  My eyes widen.

  Micah starts laughing.

  And why is he laughing?

  “Well, I suppose we can all take her out,” Micah adds. “After all, this is her first day and I am sure it has been rough.”

  Rough? Try exasperating, frustrating, head spinning, hot and bothered, and let us not forget… panty melting.

  Jake smiles at him. “Yeah. I suppose you are right as usual there, kid.”

  I raise my head. Kid again?

  “Well, let’s go!” Trevor pipes in. He is now smiling too.

  Okay...what the hell is going on here?

  Jake holds his elbow out to me. “The old man can escort her there.” He hooks my elbow with his arm and leads me away.

  The other two men step up beside us. The hallway is large and now I see that is very fortunate, since these are not small men by any means.

  I am hemmed in by three of the sexiest males I have ever smelled, seen, or heard speak in my life as they all three—take me to lunch.

  Lunch might just rank as the most interesting meal ever in my life.

  Trevor made me laugh. Micah asked me curious questions about my schooling and my interests. Jake mostly looked bored but he did seem polite enough and he did smile at me a few times.

  Maybe it was because when we did walk in, stares were aimed our way and some people did have their mouths hanging open. So maybe Jake felt odd being the boss and sitting with us? But somehow, I knew that couldn’t be it. He doesn’t seem like the sort of man to care what anyone thinks.

  So afterwards, they escorted me back and the day went by uneventfully. Thank God! I mean after the first part of the day from Oz, I am going to need hours of therapy, as it is to get back from this particular yellow brick road.

  Jake‒as he made me call him‒seemed to be absent afterward and I didn’t see him for the rest of the day. I sat at my new magnificent desk to study and look over all the client files to know who they were, what they did, when they were to come in and all of it. Mr. Maxwell...I mean Jake fooled me earlier and it would not happen again.

  Trevor and Micah remained absent too. I wondered at this but I knew also, it might be for the best. I mean, I just think I did need a break from holding my breath, keeping my hardening nipples from showing, clasping my thighs together tightly due to tingles radiating between my legs and all the responses that any normal woman in her right fucking mind would have being around Greek gods.

  I grin.

  Yes, who would they be if they were in fact, Greek gods? I love mythology and always have. Would Jake be Zeus? Trevor would be Apollo and Micah? I pause at the thought of him. He puzzles me the most out of all three men.

  A person could describe him as intense, but he smiles easily as well. At lunch, he would watch the other two men with great interest. Then he would turn his keen interest to me. Truly, with a curious look in those emerald eyes. A deep guy. I have never met a guy that seems so complex.

  Finally, the workday ended. I make it home and as soon as I get into my apartment, I literally toe my heels off and fall face down on my couch, stomach to the cushions. I pitifully let out a deep, long sigh.

  What an exciting day. Up and downs and mostly…ups with tw
ists. Me thinking I would have this old stuffy boss, only to find Mr. Dark and Sexy. Then the two coworkers that could work at Chippendales and make millions as women handed them their hotel key and panties.

  I start to laugh. I acted like such an idiot too! I did feel like I was on some kind of roller-coaster ride where the thrills were just too hot to handle. My mouth popping open too many times to count.

  Really though, truth be told I am in trouble, but I just want this job so much and I hope I can handle the men, not the job, as that part isn’t so hard or at least, it didn’t seem to be, yet.

  Handle them? I think not. Well, maybe I am over reacting. After all, they were just flirting with me maybe? Harmless flirting and nothing more. I mean like I’m such a catch? Yes, I have long blonde locks and some have said lovely hazel eyes and a nice figure. I look down at my breasts a nice size not flat, not huge. But really, nothing special really? Just look at all those other beautiful women in the offices. Yes, I might be just assuming things when all they were trying to do was be nice to me on my first day. I suppose I’m just nervous because I already KNOW I want them…Doesn’t mean they want me so badly.

  As I close my eyes, so exhausted, all I can see is their faces. All three, not just one face. So odd, three men? All looking at me like I’m a lollipop of their favorite flavor that they want to lick very thoroughly.

  Oh, to be licked by any of the three too. What would it be like? To have them all on me at the same time? Their yummy mouths, strong hands, hard bodies, licking me, kissing me, eating me, fingering me, their hard cocks in me while whispering how I belong to them—

  I scramble up on the couch in a true panic and stare at the wall.

  WHAT? A foursome? Me? With three men? No, no, no. Why on earth would I think such a thing?

  I mean I’ve kept my scruples all these years, kept my virginity in fact. Scoffing at my friends who would just jump into bed with some guy, give it away, and take less than they deserve in return. Just to be ignored later and dumped.

  I am not a whore, no far from it. So, why would I be thinking of having 3 men at one time? I rub my face with both hands in utter frustration. I haven’t even had one at one time!

  Getting up, I run to my room. I tear through my chest of drawers. Finding it, I grab my pen and sit on the bed. The journal I got from my sister for Christmas. She’d said with a shrug, “You never know if you get a bad crush on a guy, you can write about it.”


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