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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 60

by J. L. Beck

  I look at each of them.

  Micah steps forward. “We were already going to be here, but I was so hoping it was my painting that you were talking about. And this painting is of you. I just painted it three days ago and added it tonight.”

  “B-but why?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “I, well. Dammit, Jenna you must know that I like you.”

  My eyes widen. “I-I…”

  He takes my hand. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.”

  “Good, cause right now I wouldn’t know what the hell to say.”

  They all stare at me and laugh.

  I bit my lip. “Did I just say that out loud?”

  They all nod.

  I flush.

  They all chuckle again.

  “So…” the man who’d escorted me over, speaks up, “Can I get you a drink?” He looks right at me.

  The three men all turn to glare at him.

  He stares back at them all. “What?”

  “Get yourself a drink,” Jake growls.

  “Yeah and drink it way over there,” Trevor adds as he waves his hand toward the other side of the gallery

  The man looks at me. “Can’t the lady answer for herself?”

  I open my mouth to tell him, I can.

  The three of them turn and sort of lean into the guy.

  I step back. What the fuck?

  The poor guy slinks away.

  “What was that?” I ask.

  They turn back around and smile at me, but none of them gives an answer.

  Then Jake finally does, “He was a creep.”

  Trevor nods. “Admit it, Jenna, he was. Like he’s the kind that just comes to these events to pick up women.”

  Okay, this has gotten weird. Are they my body guards now?

  Micah grabs my hand. “Come on. You want to see the rest?”

  I nod.

  He drags me along. His paintings are magnificent. To think it is Micah that did these? Well, actually it isn’t so surprising. I mean if anyone were an artist, it would be a guy like him.

  Still, I wonder about the painting he did of me. Then he wasn’t even shy about it. About me seeing it, I mean. Like…he wanted me to know, as he openly said, You know I like you.

  Then the other two. Jake and Trevor, they just stood there like they knew that already and they seemed fine with it. What changed since just this afternoon? I know something has, but I just cannot for the life of me, figure out what.

  So, for the next couple of hours, they were all with me at one point or another. And the oddest thing, they would step in front of any guy who got close to me. Like they were actually blocking men from getting anywhere near me.

  It was so odd and kind of funny too. Cock blockers? I mean it is one thing to try and protect me from Peter whom they thought was a racy type. But blocking all men? I should have gotten mad, but damn, having any one of them standing next to me was just too delicious to refuse.

  Micah turns to me. “I will get us something to drink. What would you like?”

  I shrug. “Well, they are serving champagne?”

  He smiles. “And I bet you like the pink.”

  I gasp. “Yes! How did you know?”

  He smiles. “I’ll be back.” He looks over at Trevor and gives him a nod.

  I look between the two. What?

  Trevor grins and nods his head.

  Micah takes a step away and his expression changes “Oh, shit!”

  I turn to follow his startled gaze.

  The supposed creep from before is pointing at Micah and a group of women are standing around him. They all look over with excited expressions on their lovely faces.

  Suddenly, a rush of people run across the gallery floor heading straight for Micah.

  Trevor laughs and looks over at Jake.

  Jake is grinning. “Well, the kid is now a star.”

  Micah looks panicked as they all rush him. “Take care of her.” Then he is pushed back away from us as at least ten women are asking him questions.

  “Can I pose for you?”

  “Where did you get the idea for the abstract?”

  “If I buy one, can we have a night together?”

  My mouth is open in shock.

  Trevor takes my elbow and moves me over toward Jake. Their eyes meet. “I’m going to get her some pink bubbly.”

  Jake nods and his eyes darken as he moves closer to me.

  My mouth snaps shut. Okay, now I definitely know they are watching over me. I also cannot get over how those women just stormed poor Micah. I now know why he kept himself a secret. I watch as one woman reaches down and grabs his ass. He jumps as if he’s startled. My eyes widen. “Well, just fuck no,” I mutter and take a step toward them. No one is going to woman handle him!

  Jake grabs my arm.

  I look up at him.

  His dark eyes are twinkling.

  “Let me go,” I seethe.

  He tilts his head at me. “And if I do, what are you going to do?”

  I am now getting angrier as the same woman does it again. The blonde haired skank! “I am going to teach a bleached haired slut some manners!”

  Jake looks over at Micah and the women and sees what I do. He starts to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Trevor arrives with my glass.

  Jake motions his head toward the crowd. “Micah is getting some hands on experience.”

  Trevor looks over as now, two women have their hands on his fine ass. He bursts out laughing.

  I am fuming, as it is so not funny. The man is so sensitive and sweet. It’s like sexual abuse!

  Trevor looks at me. His eyes round a bit. Then he glances at Jake.

  “Yeah, man. She is gonna go ballistic if we don’t do something,” He is still chuckling.

  “How dare they woman handle him!” I exclaim. “It’s sick!”

  Both men start laughing hard.

  “It is not funny!” I snap.

  At my outburst, they both quiet down.

  Trevor hands me my glass. “Okay, sweetness. I will distract them all, okay? Then you can rescue our boy.”

  I am beyond appeasing as I grab the glass and tip it back in one huge gulp.

  They both stare at me.

  I swipe my mouth. “Okay let me at her or at both of the filthy sleazes.”

  They are both staring at me.

  I am so angry, I don’t care that those gazes are directly on me as I again try to step out of the hovering male enclosure they have me in.

  “Okay, just calm, okay?” Trevor asks. He nods at Jake.

  Jake takes my elbow again. “Just slow your roll Ali.” He laughs. “God dammit, you are adorable.”

  Trevor grins. “Right? Damn.” He turns and walks over to the podium that is at the center of the room.

  “W-what is he going to do?” I ask an amused Jake.

  He shrugs. “You never know with Trev.” He again chuckles.

  Trevor steps up and taps the mike. “Attention everyone.”

  The room that is rather noisy seems to quiet down. All gazes turn to him.

  “So, tonight. There will be a giveaway of one of the paintings on show.”

  I gasp and stare at the crowd of women groping and hanging all over my boy. I freeze. MY BOY? My body starts to tremble. Oh, fuck. I’m jealous! It hits me like a freight train on jet fuel traveling a thousand miles an hour.

  “Please gather at the desk to fill out your tickets.” Trevor motions to the huge reception desk.

  A poor clerk is standing there with a paling face like he has no idea what Trevor is taking about.

  The crowd moves away from poor overwhelmed Micah.

  Except for the two skanks.

  While Jake is watching the crowd, I pull away. Before he can react, I am across the room and right up on these two whores. “Step away from him,” I demand.

  The two fawning females look over at me. Both are taller than me, or they’re wearing heels and that makes them taller. But I don’t
give a fuck. I care about where their dirty hands are.

  The blonde smirks. “And who the hell are you?”

  I square my shoulders and am about to lose my shit. “I am the chick that is going to pull every bleached hair out of your empty head if you do not get your slimy hand off his ass!”

  Jake runs up. “Dammit, Jenna!” He looks mad, but there’s still a spark of amusement in his eyes.

  The two chicks get a look at him and let go of Micah.

  Micah looks shocked and is staring hard at me. His green eyes suddenly go deep in color.

  My whole body flushes unexpectedly. I have never seen his eyes do that. It makes me feel like he just touched me.

  The two females move over toward Jake.

  I break the hot eye contact with Micah and glare at the sluts in heels. “Oh, no. He is not available to Whores R Us either.” I step in front of them.

  They both halt.

  “I am going to say this one last time. Get away.” My fists are clenched.

  “Who the hell are you?” the blonde asks.

  “I already told you. I’m the bitch that is going to slap the teeth out of your mouth if you don’t—”

  The blonde lunges forward on her 5 inch heels and takes a swipe at me with her claws.

  I take a step back then lean forward and grab her arm, wrapping it up behind her back.

  “OWWW!” she yells.

  Jake and Micah look stunned.

  “You’re going to break my arm!” The bleach bunny whines.

  Yes, I took classes to learn that move and never thought I would use it on some skinny, bleached blonde ratbag. I lean my mouth close to her ear and whisper, “Yes, in three pieces. Now, if you want your arm intact, you will walk away when I release you.”

  She gasps and groans in pain.

  The other slut bag looks horrified and she quietly slinks away.

  Jake steps close. “Jenna, you need to let go.” His eyes are full of some emotion that is unreadable.

  Micah nods. “Come on Jenna. It is okay.”

  I let go.

  The girl is crying.

  “GET. LOST,” I demand.

  She looks terrified and runs away.

  I let out a breath and step forward. “Are you okay?” I ask a stunned looking Micah.

  He nods but doesn’t speak.

  “Well, god damn!” Trevor arrives. “Who knew that sweet Jenna was a stick of fucking dynamite?”

  Jake and Micah exchange glances.

  When he says this, I suddenly realize what the hell I just did! My face heats up as all three men are staring at me with curious but intense gazes.

  Trevor starts laughing hard. “Well, kid. Your show will be something to remember!”

  I look at him and the other two. My body is shaking. Oh god, what did I just do? I wonder again in panic.

  The three of them are now smiling.

  Micah says, “See? I told you guys. Special…one hundred fucking percent!”

  The other two stop laughing and are looking directly at me.

  I am so embarrassed. I just turned into an enraged animal in front of the three of them! Special? I roll my eyes. Like special Ed? I cannot believe I lost it like that! I am usually the last person to get mad. I truly don’t know what happened. I just snapped!

  They see I look upset and all three gather close to me.

  “Come on,” Trevor says. “I’m hungry, so let’s go get some Whore De Vours.”

  We all look over at him.

  He shrugs. “Come on, you know that was funny and clever. I mean Whores R Us? Come on, it’s funny!”

  They all start to laugh.

  I laugh too, as some of the tension leaves me.

  The rest of the night turns out to be fun and enjoyable.

  They finally walk me to my car and wave as I drive away. The three of them looking so edible as usual.

  When I get home, I sort of feel like I’d been on a date, a crazy mixed up ride of a date…I freeze at this thought. A date with three men—a date with two coworkers and my boss? Where I showed them all how I really felt. They had to know I’d gotten jealous. Oh, crap!

  We all get into the Limo.

  Trevor is still laughing.

  Well, I’m not. I’m thinking over what happened tonight. From the minute, she arrives. Her in red? I just about dropped to my knees to worship her. ME! A woman who could make me go to my knees? That dress hugging every sweet curve. Her with her hair down and not in some bun like at the office. Her hair is like an ash blonde with highlights, and it looks natural. Under the lights in the gallery, it became illuminated like it sparkled at times. So after her references to the other woman’s bleach job, I knew her color is natural.

  I could just imagine wrapping it in my fist, feeling its silky texture and using it to pull her mouth closer to my cock.

  Then her scent, it nearly drove me insane.

  Then the lipstick that she wore to match her dress? I wanted to smear it with my mouth. Mess up such perfection, have it sliding along my cock

  Just so god dammed sweet, she made me feel protective of her, keeping those slimeballs off of her had become a vocation, not just a duty as we all agreed to do.

  I was hard all night and thought I might suffer from blue balls for the rest of my life. The truth is, I only agreed to Micah’s proposal to shut the two of them up. I truly do not want to handle a god dammed virgin. The women I like are far from that little gate. I now know for sure that my brothers have it bad for her. I had guessed it before but thought it was just her being new and so cute.

  Apparently, it is more than that. Me being the big brother, I would never want to crowd in on their happiness. Yes, I tease them and I especially like to goad Trev, but I decided in the limo before we got to the gallery to just go along, then bow out when the time came.

  That is until she came into the gallery tonight. I did notice right away as Micah said that she is so refreshingly natural. I kept having thoughts of what it would be like to train her, slowly of course. To hear her moan and beg for me to fuck her. Have that sweet mouth as my own. To have her eyes locked on mine as I fuck her.


  I slowly realize during the evening that my little brothers were right. I have to have her. I want to do so many things with her. I also believe, due to the precum leaking from my tip, that this might be the woman I have looked for. I dare to hope but try not to think too hard about it.

  An innocent too!

  Then this is where I am troubled. I have only been with experienced women. Mainly, just true subs in the last few years.

  Trevor speaks up, “Did you see her when she showed up?”

  I shake my head as he pulls me out of my lusty and troubled thoughts. “Yeah, like her arriving in that red dress? A fuck me dress, I might add.”

  Micah sighs as if he’s picturing her.

  I don’t have to picture her, she is now stamped on my brain.

  “And her wanting to kick ass over the kid?” Trevor adds. “Who knew those fireworks were under there? Under that sweet exterior? God dammit, was that hot.”

  I finally smile. I gotta smile. “Fucking adorable.”

  “Right?” Trevor agrees. “I mean she was gonna throw down over Micah.”

  “And over Jake,” Micah finally joins our conversation.

  Trevor looks surprised and gazes over at me.

  I nod. “One of the…what did she call them, sleazy skanks was moving my way.”

  Trevor laughs. “So, she was jealous,” he states.

  I shrug. “Whatever it was. We were all up on protecting her then she turns and protects us?” I chuckle. “Adorable and perfect. She’s a firecracker, I thought I had her pegged. Mousy, sweet, shy.” I’m shaking my head. “I’m usually good at reading women, though I admit I was wrong on this one. I bet she can get wild if you provoke her.”

  Micah sits forward. “No provoking, old man!” He looks fierce.

  Trevor and I stare over at him.

I raise a brow at him and can’t help but to tease him, he looks so serious. “I just know that sweet ass of hers would blush such a pretty pink when spanked.”

  Now they both look over at me.

  I shrug. “I wouldn’t hurt her. I know what I’m doing and—”

  Trevor now looks fierce. “You won’t hurt her,” he seethes.

  I lean forward and lock gazes with him. “I think you are assuming wrong on what I do with women, little brother. I’m not a sadist. I do not use whips and chains. FUCK you! I admit, a woman can barely walk after I’m through but that’s because she has climaxed so much she can’t use her legs.” I lean back in the seat again. “What I will do for Jenna will be what she wants.”

  Micah shakes his head. “Maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves here.”

  We both look over at him.

  “OH!” Trevor looks animated now. “Now he says it! What happened to…We have to share her?”

  He shakes his head. “But what do we do? Storm her? Take her like she’s some slut?”

  The two of us bristle at this.

  “Of course not!” I answer fiercely. “This has to be handled right. She isn’t just some average woman.”

  “I agree.” Trevor nods.

  Micah studies us for a long moment. “I think…I’m in love with her, guys.”

  We both freeze in our seats.

  “I-I know it’s just been a week, but tonight? When she came up and nearly tore that female off me? I felt something that I never have before.”

  “Yeah, a hard on that would damn near choke a sane man,” Trevor interrupts.

  I glare at him.

  “Well? Tell me you weren’t hard all night?”

  I look away.

  “Yes!” Trevor laughs. “You were. All three of us were.” Then he stops laughing. “But I also watched her in amazement. The things she saw in the kid’s paintings. Like she could see inside him, what motivates him. To have a woman see you like that?”

  Again, the car went quiet.

  “So it will be Micah,” Trevor finally speaks again.

  We both look at him.

  “Me… what?” Micah asks.

  I look him in the eyes because I know exactly what Trevor meant. “You, that takes her virginity.”

  His eyes widen. “W-what?”

  I nod.

  Trevor continues, “It has to be you. We can already see how she thinks of you and to handle something like this? Yeah, man. You are the one.”


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