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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 62

by J. L. Beck

  Now, I do laugh. They look like fish out of water. They look so astonished. I shrug and keep chuckling. “Well, we should have known when she refused to take the limo with us and brought her own car. No man will strand her anywhere either.”

  They both stay quiet.

  Trevor looks over at Jake. “What the hell just happened?”

  Jake slowly shakes his head. “The woman walked out on us. That’s what he fuck happened.”

  I am now laughing openly. I know THAT has never happened to either of them probably. I get up.

  They look up at me, still stunned.

  “And where the hell are you going?” Jake asks.

  “After her. You dumbasses!” I rush out through the restaurant, hoping I can catch her.

  I see her getting into the elevator and the door closes. Dammit! I look to the stairs. Thirteen floors? I open the door and take two stairs at a time. I am literally flying down the stairs. I plan to catch her and take her somewhere affordable. I mean my brothers usually hang out in all the best places. Not me. Yes, sometimes when they invite me, but I like regular hangouts.

  Breathing heavily, I finally make it to the lobby.

  I see her going through the revolving door. I rush over, go through it in a whirl. Desperate not to miss her, I look back and forth down the sidewalks. Where did she park? I spot her.

  I take off in a run, finally catching up to her as she sits in her car. I tap on the window.

  She jumps in her seat, looks up at me, and rolls her window down. “Micah?”

  I nod but I’m so out of breath I can’t speak for a moment. I’m huffing away. I’m in shape but damn—that was a mini marathon.

  Looking concerned, she asks, “Are you okay?” Her hazel eyes widen. “Is everything all right?”

  I nod and try to huff out the words, “D-Den…” I gasp and hold my side.

  She looks upset and opens her door, getting out of the car. She grabs my arm. “Micah!”

  I stare at her.

  Her face is just so lovely, so animated, no hiding what she feels or thinks. It’s why I knew she had the ideals she does. Like paying for herself. I watch her when she talks at work.

  Her eyes are large as she is still confused by my behavior and they reflect the light from everywhere.

  I grab her up and pull her to me. Lowering my lips, I finally kiss her.

  Her body stiffens.

  I hang in there, keeping my mouth over hers and I don’t push my tongue in.

  She seems to relax and I wrap my arms around her.

  She pushes her tongue into my mouth.


  I feel so elated, but I kiss her gently. I so want this to work with her. I don’t want her to get away. Be scared away. I ease up and pull my mouth from those heavenly lips. The flavor of her is so delicious. It could be addictive.

  She is gazing into my eyes.

  “I-I wanted to know if you like Dennys?”

  Staring at me, she looks a bit dazed. “W-what?”

  “Dennys to have lunch?” I repeat.

  Slowly, she smiles and laughs. “O-kay. On tenth and Williams?”

  “Yeah, that’s a good one.”

  She tilts her head at me. “You ran all the way down the stairs to catch me?”

  Feeling embarrassed now, I give her a nod. Overeager much?

  “You are just so wonderful.” She smiles at me.

  I feel like just got an award or something majorly important. “So, let’s go?”

  She nods.

  “Um, there’s just one thing,” I add.

  Jenna raises a perfect brow at me. “You aren’t going to insist on paying, are you?”

  Laughing, I shake my head. “No. I, well, I need a ride there.”

  Jenna looks surprised then she realizes that I rode in the limo to get here. “Yes, sure get in.” She smiles at me.

  I run around the car and open the door.

  She gets in, belts up and pulls away from the curb.

  As she is watching for traffic, I spot my two brothers on the walk looking back and forth. I give them a wave and she doesn’t see it or them.

  They both stare at us as we go by.

  Trevor breaks out laughing.

  Jake looks thunderous. Like he does right before he gives me that fucking wedgy.

  I look forward again. They both have to learn the one thing I already knew. For a woman like Jenna… You gotta be willing to go the extra, try to earn her respect. And if she leaves, you run for your life to catch her. I am grinning like mad. Poor saps. Maybe when they get it. They might just get her. But in the meantime, I feel happy.

  The lunch with Micah was so awesome. He is so interesting. I wanted to pick his brain about so many things. I also wanted to ask about his brothers but that would have been rude. Like I’m out with him and ask about them? No. Awful.

  We spoke about his painting, his interests and every time he tried to turn the subject to me, I would ask another question about him. I also had to admit after I dropped him off at work as he said he had a meeting, I’d wondered if his brothers knew he’d been out with me? Would they care? I shrug as probably not.

  Still, I wonder what is up with all that. They all three seem to be interested in me. But they, all three, don’t seem to care about that huge fact. Yes, they compete but I don’t feel like it’s out of jealousy. I roll my eyes. I am getting ahead of myself here. How do I know it isn’t just Micah who wants me and his brothers are just there for support?

  Because of the way both Trevor and Jake look at you, is why. There is pure heat in their gazes. Like the way Jake kept flirting? The way Trevor stares at me, like he wants to grab me up at any second. So, how does it all compute to them? Whoever dates me first? It is so confusing, yet I have to admit it is exciting.

  Okay, so yes. It is a fact that I want them all. But they can’t all think that I will date all three of them? No! That would be insane.

  I sigh. This has all been such a roller coaster ride. I think for a minute. If I do date Micah, won’t that be breaking company policy and my own policy? Yes, it would so this kind of thinking is just self torture.

  It’s now eight o’clock or so and I am finally able to relax if I can. I let out a sigh. Boy, after today, do I have some writing to do tonight. I look around the living room. My stomach tightens. Where’s my briefcase? Gasping, I sit up straighter on the couch.

  “Oh, crap!” I yell.

  My briefcase and my journal are sitting…in the freaking office!

  I’m starting to hyperventilate. NO! No, no.

  I swallow heavily. Yes, yes, Jenna. You left it on the floor next to your desk. I get up and run toward the door. I stop. I’m in my PJs. I flip around and run to my bedroom. Oh, god! Shit, shit, shit!

  After dressing in sweat pants and a tee. I’m flying out the door and leaping into my car like a crazy woman.

  After flashing my badge at the night guard, I get in the elevator and tap the floor button too hard and three times.

  The doors open and I do jump at the overly loud DING!

  I tiptoe into the office. It is well after nine, so it should be empty, except for maybe the cleaning crew. I can’t believe I forgot it. What if one of them found it? Why oh, why did I even bring it here? Because my mom could have read it, is why. But what if one of them reads it?

  My journal that holds all of my secret fantasies. Naughty ones of what I really want from my bosses. The three sexiest men on the planet. They are all powerful men and I’ve barely kept my panties dry whenever any of them came into my area.

  Then again, why am I worried? None of them would be near my desk. Why would they?

  They hang out at that desk, Jenna!

  Opening the inner office door, I quietly step through.

  Why is the light in here on? Okay, it has to be the cleaning crew. Walking over, I finally get to my desk and look around on the floor.

  My briefcase is open. Oh, crap! I search inside. Oh, God! It’s gone.

here are voices coming from the main office. Panicked, I again, tiptoe my way across the floor to where Jake’s door stood ajar.

  “You should’ve never even opened that, man!” Micah says in exasperation.

  “Yeah?” Jake replies. “Well then, I suppose you don’t want to know what’s in the chapter about you, right?”

  “Fuck him!” Trevor pipes in. “Read the one about me.”

  “You need to put it back!” Micah says again.

  I feel as if I might just die. They have my journal! It would all be over now. Then Micah would be turned off if he hears what I’ve written about his brothers. God, I feel like I’m going to die.

  Then there’s silence and I strain to hear anything. What are they doing?

  Jake clears his throat. “Umm, yeah. Maybe we shouldn’t have gotten this. We should put it back—”

  I can hear a scuffle.

  “Give it to me!” Trevor seethes.

  Again, silence.

  “Oh fuckkk,” Trevor mutters. “This is fucking hot.” Then he begins to read aloud, “Jake is the one who really unnerves me. He acts like he could care less. Except for that look in his eyes. The way his eyes heat up when he looks at me. I just want to drop to my knees and grab his cock out of those tight dress pants he wears and devour him while he fucks my mouth…”

  Silence again.

  I cannot breathe. They know! The Maxwell men all know now!

  I hear pages flipping.

  What do I do? I can’t just burst in there and yank it from their hands!

  “Wait… wait,” Trevor says. “I think we are getting ahead of the story.

  I bite my lip and my body is shaking.

  “I’m going to read from the start.”

  “You do not have any right!” Micah explodes.

  “Listen kid. You said it yourself, we have to be careful,” Jake says.

  I furrow my brows at this.

  “Yeah, for once, the old man is right. If we have a chance with her, we need all the info we can get,” Trevor adds.

  I feel like the breath just whooshed out of me, like I got gut punched. If WE have a chance with her? My head pops up. The beginning? It—oh, god. It might just be the most damming.

  Trevor starts to read aloud, “First off, will be Trevor as I met him first. With startling blue eyes, a rich laugh and he likes to joke. I bet in bed, he likes just about anything too. I wonder what kind of things, he does like? OH! I bet he loves to go down on women. Yes, I can just see his face and that velvety tongue lapping me up. I also bet he has the hottest mouth a woman ever felt. With a twinkle in those baby blues as he drives me wild while fucking me hard with his tongue. I end up coming so hard and when I do, he shimmies his muscled body up and plunges his thick, hard cock into me. I come and my pussy squeezes him so hard, he comes.” Trevor stops speaking and his voice actually shook at the last part.

  Hearing him saying aloud what I wrote about him? I am wet, but I am a shivering mess.

  I am going to die!

  Again, there is silence.

  “Here kid,” Trevor says.

  I hear shuffling.

  Micah? Oh, god, oh god.

  “You know that you want to know, Micah,” Jake urges. “Come on we have already read parts of it. We will all have to admit it to her. You are here and I don’t see you leaving.”

  After a long moment, I hear Micah’s voice, “Next, I met Micah. Sweet, sensual Micah. His deep green eyes locking with mine as he fucks me slowly, and so sweetly. I bet he lasts a long time as he draws out the heat while making me soaking wet and begging for it, hitting me deep with every long thrust. All while rubbing his satiny skin against me in a whole body caress. Watching my face as I come. Then kissing my breath from my body as I do come.” His voice trembles and fades away.

  “FUCK!” Trevor swears. “How can this girl be a virgin?”

  “She’s a natural is why,” Jake replies. “Micah said she was special and perfect and he was right. Dammit. We cannot mess this up.”

  “What if by doing this, we have already?” Micah asks sounding upset.

  There’s silence.

  Again, my heart is pounding. I am wet, trembling and terrified all at the same time. This cannot be happening!

  Now, Jake’s deep voice starts reading, “Finally, Jake. Jake Maxwell. Oh, wow. Such power. I bet he takes over and controls a woman’s body to such a point that they can barely whimper. Takes you by storm until you do not even know who the hell you are. Stretches it out, demands what he wants, making you obey as you literally drip your own juices down your legs in reaction to his commands and love every god dammed minute of it. Telling you, he owns your pussy and pumping you full without mercy, all while locking his deep dark eyes onto yours, pinning you…”

  There’s a pause.

  “How in the fuck does she know all of that?” Trevor asks.

  “I told you guys, this woman is different, she read you both and me. Then even Jake! She sees deep inside you. God, and now, we have fucked it up!”

  “Stop panicking, Micah. She won’t know.”

  “The hell she won’t! I don’t lie to women Trev.”

  There’s silence again.

  Gulping, I slide down the wall. It is all out in the open now and I cannot stay working here. No, certainly not after what they all just read. A sob escapes my throat.

  “What was that?” Jake asks.

  My eyes round. I can’t move. I’m frozen in pure panic.


  Swiping at my tears, I am afraid to look up.

  Hands grab me and pull me up.

  Jake is looking into my eyes.

  I sniffle and tears are pouring down my cheeks.

  His eyes soften. “Look. We…” His voice fades away.

  I yank away from his hands. “I’m leaving,” I hiccup.

  He grabs me again. “Oh, no. you’re not.”

  I gasp as he hefts me up and plops me over his shoulder, carrying me into his office.

  “Put me down! I need to clear out my desk!”

  “Jenna?” Micah asks concerned.

  “I raise my head and stare at him.

  He looks rather pale. “Dammit! I am so sorry!” he says.

  Jake leans over and slams his office door, then locks it.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Trevor asks in a panicked voice.

  Jake sets me down in a chair and steps back. “I’m making sure, as you both said before. To not let her get away.” He looks upset.

  I hiccup and start to cry.

  The three of them look ashen.

  Micah gasps. “Shit! She’s crying!” He drops to his knees in front of me.

  I look down at him wide eyed.

  Trevor comes over and looks at me with such tenderness in his blue orbs. He does the same—drops right to his knees.

  I am flabbergasted, stunned, speechless. I let out a small hiccup.

  They both place their hands on my knees.

  I glance from them to look up at Jake.

  He is clenching his fists and moves forward.

  My eyes widen. No, this man wouldn’t!

  He slowly sinks to his knees and lays his dark head on my knee.

  I can’t swallow. I cannot move.

  “Please forgive us, Jenna?” Micah speaks.

  I cannot answer. These three sexy men are at my feet and pleading?

  “We…we want to be with you,” Trevor admits.

  “You already know I do,” Micah adds.

  Jake raises his head. “Please don’t leave?”

  I blink my eyes. “B-but after what you read…I-I can’t just…”

  They are all three looking at me with a plea in their eyes.

  “I promise we will make it up to you,” Jake says.

  “But I what I wrote—you must think…” I cannot finish.

  Jake caresses my thigh. “We do not think anything except that you are the perfect woman for us.”

  “Us?” I ask. “As in all t
hree of you?”

  He nods and his brothers do too.

  “Three men?” I exclaim.

  Jake chuckles. “You wrote about all three of us. So why is that a surprise?”

  “I-it is crazy is why!”

  They all nod.

  “You all decided this already?” I ask in a small voice.

  They again, nod.

  “B-but we know it might be scary for you,” Micah adds.

  I do not know what to say. Though it makes sense now, how they’ve been acting and the things I noticed before—the change in their behavior recently. “But you are my bosses!” I try to get up.

  Their hands are pinning me down.

  Jake laughs. “I think you have that wrong little girl. You seem to be the one in control of us.” His dark eyes are full of admiration.

  “B-but I’m nothing special. I…”

  They all smile.

  “The hell you aren’t!” Trevor speaks up. He shivers. “You pegged us all with what you wrote. I mean you’ve known us only a week. Damn!”

  I bite at my lip. “I wrote that the first day.”

  They all gape at me.

  “See?” Micah says.

  “Special,” they all three state at the same time.

  My body jumps at the chorus.

  Jake laughs. “You are so fucking adorable.”

  I look at all three of them. “But what about…My virginity?”

  Their smiles drop.

  “Yeah, that’s the thing,” Trevor responds to this. “You have saved it for someone special. You must have.”

  I nod.

  “So, would you consider that to be us?” Micah asks.

  I’m breathless. This cannot be real. I’m dreaming again. Anytime now, my alarm clock will ring and I will wake up with my panties soaking wet while feeling entirely unsatisfied.

  We all three wait.

  I am actually on my knees at a woman’s feet. This is a first except if I’m eating a female out. Yes, I want to with this one too. But she looks so upset. I think we might have fucked this up.

  I fucked it up.

  When we got back to the office, it was to regroup after what happened today. Who would have thought she wouldn’t eat with us if she couldn’t pay for it herself? I have never met a woman like her. She stunned me. She has stunned me from day one and this is something that hasn’t ever happened before.


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