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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

Page 64

by J. L. Beck

  As I’m putting on my PJs, I’m waiting for the guilt to hit. The shame to shower down on me like acid rain from the skies of decency. I don’t feel any of that. Although, I could be categorized as the office slut? I don’t care.

  I wait all these years, then find them. They do it for me, like the saying goes. All three of them. So if I let them go or run from it now? I may remain a virgin till I’m old. Because what man could compete with them in my mind or do it for my body after this? They each have something about them that turns me on.

  My mom said don’t waste it on someone average. Well, they are NOT average. I chuckle. I mean just any one of them would be worth it. Then I get all three? I wanna pinch myself again.

  What sane woman would say, ‘eh…no, I’ll pass?’

  I finally crawl into bed. I lie there and let out a huge, long sigh. No wet dreams tonight, no hauntings and yearning for something elusive. I just had the real thing. Well, almost all of the real thing. I picture those sweet cocks. What will it feel like? Oh, god. If someone could die of pleasure that would be the way to go. Having those cocks filling me up? I tremble just at the idea of it.

  I do however; go over everything that happened in my mind. Jake coming in my mouth as I came. Trevor fucking me with his tongue until I came. Micah…

  I sit up and realize, he never came!

  He just helped to get me off by playing and sucking on my nipples. How selfish am I? I never even realized it. I can picture his sweet face as he smiled at me. The man is so sweet and unselfish really.

  Okay…so only one of them can pop my cherry and I decide this minute that it will be him.

  I am smiling as I fall to sleep.

  So the next day as I am dressing for work, I wonder how I am going to do it. I mean announce it to the three of them… I’m ready and I choose Micah to pop my cherry. I pause as I put some lip gloss on and laugh. Maybe I can go out with him, drag him here, then jump him! I am now laughing even harder.

  “Hey sweetie,” my mom says at my open door.

  “Hey, Mom. Almost ready for work.” And yes, the journal will go with me.

  She smiles and steps in. “Your sister called.”

  I nod as I lotion my hands and stare at my reflection. “What’s up with her?” I tease.

  “She was going on and on about some video.” My mom arches a brow.

  I suck in a breath. NO! She couldn’t have seen it! I stay steady and sit down to put on my shoes. “Oh?’

  My mom puts her hands on her hips. “I saw it.”

  I set my feet down and look at her.

  “So?” she prompts.

  I roll my eyes. “Okay so, some bimbos got out of hand and…”

  She is shaking her head. “Who was that handsome man in the video?”

  I shrug, knowing she’s referring to Micah. “A man from work.”

  “So you nearly broke some slut’s arm for a coworker?” Her face shows her disbelief.

  I let out a sigh.

  “I mean you had some colorful words for those girls and that one you came up with was good. Whores R Us?” She starts laughing.

  I bite my lip.

  “And I saw the look on your face. This guy means something to you.”

  I pause. Yes this guy does and his brothers do too. Oh, god. What is she going to think if she ever finds out?

  “Then the other one.”

  I freeze and stare at her. She means Jake.

  As she watches me, she gets it and her mouth forms a perfect O.

  I look away and grab my cell and briefcase. Dammit, you can’t hide anything from your mom. I mean how do they always know? Just this one time I needed to fool her.

  “Two?” she asks looking stunned.

  I stop and look at her. “No, mom. Not two.”

  She lets out a relieved breath.

  “It’s actually three.”

  She staggers back. “WHAT?”

  I know, I know I shouldn’t have done it. I needed to keep it secret but she already is guessing and I if I’m going ahead with this and I AM...I’d better let her know. I raise my chin. “Remember what you told me about my virginity?”

  She still looks blown away as she nods.

  “Well, I still have it. I never—I have never…”

  She looks concerned. “I-I never thought you would listen to me?”

  “Well, I did and no guy in school ever came close to making my heart skidder. No man either. Until…”

  She put her arm around me. “But sweetie. Why would they, they umm—well, umm—share you?”

  I again raise my chin. “Because they all three want me. They think I’m special.” I remember now what they all said last night.

  She looks nervous. “You’re serious!”

  I nod, stride to my nightstand and grab out the birth control pills I started taking last week raising them up. “I knew I would probably…Well, I liked Micah and he was the one to really show that he liked me. So, then when his brothers—”

  “BROTHERS?” she yells as her face goes white.

  I halt. Yes, I did feel shocked too, by this idea for days. “Yes, mom. Believe me, I have gone over this. I-I didn’t know they were actually brothers till a couple of days ago. Honest. But it doesn’t matter, they do IT for me, all three of them. Don’t you see? If I walk away, no one man will ever do it for me.”

  She lets out a sigh and stares at me “So, is this serious?”

  I pause. Is it? “I-I think so?”

  She stomps her foot. “Well, you better be damn sure.”

  I nod and step close to kiss her on the cheek. “It will be okay. They are all good men.”

  “Men?” She smiles at me. “Oh, wow!”

  I grin at her and head out. “If you saw all three of them, you would be cheering me on. Love you mom.”

  So, after I get to work, all three of the Maxwell men act as if nothing had happened. Oh yes, they brought the latte and donut. Micah and Trevor were just as sweet as always.

  Well, except for the look in Jake’s eyes. Yes, that is different. Those piercing dark eyes are right on me. Oh, how I squirm when he does that now. Especially after what happened with him, it is almost the same look as when I was sucking him off. I shiver, god it is till so hot when I think of it too.

  “Miss Hawkins?”

  It’s Jake on the com. I clear my throat and hit the reply button. “Yes, Jake?”

  There’s a pause. Then, he speaks, “Yes, could you please bring the Grant file?”

  I blink my eyes. I have that around here somewhere.

  “Now, Miss Hawkins,” he repeats.

  Pausing at his tone, I wonder why he sounds so pissed, when he was so sweet before. I turn to the file cabinet and find it under G, of course. I grab the file and walk to his office.

  Opening the door, I square my shoulders. Might as well meet this bad mood head on. I mean I didn’t do anything to deserve it. I close the door behind me.

  He has his chair turned to the window as I approach.

  I stand there and wait.

  “Lay the file down on the desk,” he instructs.

  I do so and let out a breath. Wondering what is up with him.

  “Come around here, Jenna.”

  I raise my brows. “T-to the window?”

  “Yes.” He chuckles.

  I freeze. Did he just chuckle? Now, I know something is up. I step around to the window and stand next to his chair.

  “You have been a truly bad girl, Miss Hawkins.”

  My eyes widen. What? What is he talking about? And why does he keep calling me Miss Hawkins?

  “Do you know what happens to bad girls?” he whispers.

  Finally, I raise my eyes to meet his gaze.

  His dark eyes are burning at me.

  I almost choke at the intensity there in his gaze. Either he is really angry or—

  He grabs my waist and lays me over his lap. “Let’s see what happens to bad girls…” Jake raises my skirt up and after a pause, he groans. �
�I never got to see these cheeks yesterday and I thought about them all night.”

  I am holding my breath and my whole body is shaking.

  “So, I ask again, do you know what happens to bad girls?”

  I smile and know he’s playing a game and I love it. “Umm, bad girls get fired?” I reply.

  His deep, rich laugh falls over me. “No, they get punished.”


  His warm hand smooths over my ass as the cool air hits my skin. He slips his hand under me and eases his strong fingers into my panties.

  Oh, wow. Oh, wow!

  He eases two fingers inside me.

  I gasp as I feel him enter me.

  “Mmm, wet. Very wet,” he mutters and begins plunging his fingers into me.

  I am going to die! I am! It is heaven and I feel myself gush over his fingers. I knew Jake was like this and that act of subservience last night… was just an act.

  “Yes, you are almost wet enough and now, you have pleasure, but you are still a bad girl.”



  He just slapped my ass!

  While pumping me with his fingers, he keeps spanking my cheeks.

  No man has ever spanked me. Then to finger fuck me while he’s at it? Oh god, it is sooo hot. My cheeks burns as my clit throbs and he is hitting my G spot with his fingers…Oh, I am going to come. Yes, hard—so hard. I knew he would play a woman’s body like this. I just knew it!

  He eases up on the ass slapping and again, caresses my cheeks. “Yes, this sweet ass is mine. I wanted to see it before. Your skin is perfect and now pink.” He thumbs my clit.

  I groan as I gush some more.

  “I love having your cream on my fingers and when I get a chance I will…” He pulls out of me.

  I gasp at the withdraw of such pleasure. I turn my head to see Jake licking his fingers.

  “…Yes, taste you. Just like honey. I could eat you all day.” He catches me peeking and raises a dark brow. “You are naughty.” He rubs my ass again. Smack. Then he thrusts his fingers into my pussy again. Pumping me like mad.

  I am squirming and I do in fact beg, “Please I’m going to—”

  He laughs as he plunges up high and slaps my cheeks again. “Yes, you will come for me, sweet Jenna. That’s a girl come on my fingers.”

  I gasp at the sound of his deep voice as he is working me over like I never imagined a man could do. I feel myself coming all over his fingers, as he demanded while he squeezes my ass cheeks with his strong hand, further enhancing my orgasm.

  I am breathless as I gush. “MMM,” I moan.

  “Now that is the sound I wanted to hear.” He again, chuckles.

  Jake sits for a minute allowing me to catch my breath. All while he caresses my bare cheeks with his warm hand.

  After another minute, he raises me up to set me on my feet. Pulling my skirt down into place, he winks at me. “Thanks for the file.”

  I am a little wobbly on my feet as I say breathlessly, “Y-you’re w-welcome?”

  He stares at me again with those wicked dark eyes. “Fucking adorable.”

  I make my way out, feeling like jello and gingerly sit at my desk, feeling dazed and my ass is sore. Did that just happen? I scoot in the chair and wince.

  Oh yes, it did Jenna. It did.

  God, seeing her at work is torture. Then acting normal while at work is the same. After tasting her skin, and seeing her sweet body? I have always been in control of my urges. I have dated girls for weeks and never pushed them into bed. So, this feeling of yearning is fairly new for me.

  I can see it is the same for Trevor. Even though he got a taste of her, he still looks desperate.

  Then the way Jake is acting today. Like the cat who got the cream. I pause. He wouldn’t! At work? We discussed this last night. Agreeing we would protect her and no sex in the office.

  I narrow my eyes at him as he came out of his office at 5 pm.

  He just grins at me.

  Jenna wasn’t at her desk she was down the hall with Dottie.

  Trevor walks up, takes a look at him and instantly knew. “What did you do?”

  He shrugs. “Just work.”

  I am still glaring at him.

  Jake sighs and steps in close as he whispers so no one else will hear, “Nothing really. I just had to…I needed to…”

  Trevor looks incensed. “Man, you can’t do that here.”

  I nod. “If you ruin this for us, I swear.”

  Jake looks upset. “Dammit. I always have control but I just had to.”

  We are glaring at him.

  He raises his hands up as he realizes what we are so mad about. “Oh, no. I didn’t do that. NO!”

  We both relax a little, but he still did something to her.

  “Hey guys.” Jenna arrives at her desk.

  We all turn to look at her.

  She smiles. “So, what’s with the little meeting?”

  Trevor and I swing a glare over at Jake.

  Looking puzzled, Jenna looks back and forth between us. Her eyes land on Jake and she lets out a soft sigh.


  I’m about to lose it. Jake took it over the line again.

  “Okay, okay.” Trevor shakes his head. “Into the office.”

  We all stare at him.

  I motion for Jenna to go first.

  Jake rolls his eyes and turns to head in there.

  Trevor pauses as he looks out at the office and hall before he closes the door. Turning, he folds his arms over his wide chest. “So what happened today?”

  Jenna looks panicked and swings her gaze over at Jake.

  He raises his hands up.

  She bites at her lip and looks up at us. “I-I he…”

  We wait.

  “Okay, so I turned her over my knee,” Jake admits.

  Trevor looks thunderous and steps close to him. “I told you not to ever hurt her!”

  “What?” Jenna asks looking upset.

  I step close. “Guys.”

  They turn to look at me. I motion to Jenna.

  “I-I don’t want you two to ever fight over me.” She turns that hazel eyes gaze at me. “None of you. If I ever come between you, I am gone.”

  We all audibly gasp.

  Trevor looks upset. “It isn’t like that. I mean if you and Jake…or you and Micah. That’s okay. But…”

  Jenna looks between us all. “But…?”

  Jake glances over at her. “He thinks I’m like twisted and need to hurt women to get off.”

  Putting her hand over her mouth, she blurts out, “NO! No, that is not what happened.”

  Trevor seems to relax.

  “I wouldn’t ever hurt her,” Jake says quietly.

  Jenna shakes her head and whispers with a breathless tone in her voice, “He spanked me.” She met his gaze and blushed. “And did other things. I-it was…I can tell you that it didn’t hurt!” She giggles. “Oh no, it did not hurt.”

  Jake relaxes and nods at us, looking smug.

  The asswipe.

  Jenna now looks over at me. “Listen you guys. I am actually glad we are like…Discussing our parameters? I mean, this is so new. Plus, like I said, it would break my heart if I came between brothers.”

  We all get tense. We have to remember in the future to never allow her to believe she has.

  I step close. “Well, you won’t. We just cannot expose you to getting caught out and having you embarrassed either. So we had agreed nothing happens at work.” I give Jake a side glance. “Or so I thought we agreed.”

  Jenna looks nervous. “He gave me nothing but…p-pleasure. Honestly and yes, I agree that we shouldn’t do anything here. While it may be tempting…” She looks at each one of us. “You are right and it wouldn’t do well for your reputations either. I thought about that earlier. It would be awful.”

  So she wants to protect us? I look at my brothers and they have a stunned look too.

  “Dammit, woman.” Jake steps close to her as if he wan
ts to grab her up.

  I step in front of him.

  “What? I can’t touch her?”

  I shake my head. “I want to touch her too. After yesterday…” I look over at her. “I want to do everything with her.”

  Jenna gasps and her cheeks go pink.

  “Dammit, so cute!” Jake grits his teeth.

  He’s right. The woman is divine, sweet. I’m also glad he sees it too, like I do.

  Jenna smiles nervously and raises her chin. “I am happy to hear you say that, Micah.”

  I’m puzzled.

  She steps closer. “I-I decide last night. I want it to be you.”

  I shake my head confused.

  She laughs nervously. “Come on, you know what I’m talking about.”

  My eyes widen. “Y-you are saying…”

  Nodding, she continues, “Micah—would you…I mean. I want you to pop my cherry,” she blurts out.

  My brothers gasp.

  She swings her gaze over to them. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt—”

  “No…” Trevor cuts her off. “It won’t hurt our feelings, Jenna. We all…” he pauses.

  “We all discussed it and he should be the one to,” Jake just states it outright.

  Her eyes round. “Y-you discussed it?”

  Oh, crap. I am nervous about her knowing this. “They just feel—I mean that I…” Dammit, I can’t even talk! This girl has me all wound up.

  Jake again, takes over as is his way, “Jenna, we want you. I want you in every way there is under the god damn sun. In every position I can manage.” He stops talking and glances at us. “Well? Say that you two don’t?”

  Trevor nods. “All night, all day. On the bed, under the bed… anywhere at all.”

  Jenna stares at them.

  “Me too,” I admit. “I have thought of nothing else all day except you Jenna. After yesterday…”

  Jenna stares at all three of us. Next, she does the oddest thing, she grabs Jake then me. She kisses our cheeks. Next, she grabs Trevor and does the same. “And you all say I’m cute.”

  We all stare at her. Like we are all thinking…Is this girl real?

  She tilts her head back and laughs at our expressions.

  “That laugh,” Jake whispers.

  She stops and stares at him.


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