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Steele Your Soul (The Trouble With Elves Book 3)

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by Decadent Kane

  “I’ll forgive the first one. Ya hit me again, and you’ll be regrettin’ it.”

  “But you kissed her...”

  “Aye, I’ll kiss any lass I choose. You’re not my wench; I’m not your mate. Ye have two choices. Get over it or get lost.” He knew he sounded harsh, but he couldn’t beat around the bush where women were concerned. He had to make sure each one knew where she stood right away or, like Kida had, she’d be gettin’ the wrong idea for sure.

  Her eyes widened. Her breath came in short spurts as she attempted to control herself. “I’m sorry. I just... It’s hard, you know. You are a pirate. I have accepted this, and I’m sure you have many in all your travels, it’s just...hard to watch is all. But I’m not sorry for calling you out on it.” Kida’s other hand slipped up his pants to finger his hard-on. “I have a right to my feelings.”

  He cleared his throat. “That ya do. Ye can make it up to me though.”

  “Oh?” She raised her chin in mock challenge.

  He knew he could soothe her green demon. He smiled, picked her up by the waist, threw her over his shoulder, and headed toward his cabin. He had plenty of time to get Pepper out of his system. One way or another.

  “You addled elf. Put me down.” But she giggled and squirmed in his arms. The lass softened to him like melted butter. They always did, and he always enjoyed it. Joren had no intention of hurting any of his beauties, so he’d soothe her with a caress or two.

  Joren flung the door shut after he breeched his room. He let her down and immediately set to untying her sundress. She bit her lower lip.


  “Yes, lass?”

  “Make me come this time. I love what you do with your tongue.” Her eyes closed as he snaked his arms around her and let the dress fall to the floor, revealing her curvy body in the afternoon light.

  “’Tis but my pleasure.” He licked the tip of one perky nipple, and she sighed. The nub hardened between his lips. He sucked the peak inside his mouth and twisted the other nipple between his fingers.

  When he pulled back, Kida’s arms circled his shoulders and he lifted her up. Firm legs wrapped around his waist as he walked over to the bed in the far part of the room, straining his muscles to hold the rest of her against him as he kissed along her collarbone. He knocked over a chair on his way, and she laughed.

  When they finally made it, he dropped her down to the bed, and she bounced, her perfect tits bounding with her. She leaned over, moved his shirt out of the way, and undid his pants. Her breath whispered warm on his stomach, and he shivered when her tongue darted out to taste his skin. His pants dropped to the floor, and he kicked them aside. He pulled his shirt over his head as Kida found the tip of his cock with her lips, and he inhaled a sharp breath. Both his hands found her head, and he wound strands of her long hair in his fists. His hips pumped as she sucked him in slowly. Her mouth was wet, hot, and tight as she sucked him in. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and she pulled back only to slide down again, taking him deeper. She moaned, and it vibrated along his head and shaft, creating the most enticing feeling. He pumped with her, faster, urging her ever deeper.

  Women are such exquisite creatures. How could I keep only one?

  Chapter Five

  Pepper ran her fingertips over her lips. She could still feel the pressure of his lips upon hers, warm and firm. A pirate had kissed her. She hurried down the dock as far away from Joren’s ship as she could get and as fast as possible. Her stomach turned. She had slapped him, hard. What had she done? What had she wanted to do? The thought of his warm moist lips devouring her made her panties wet. She groaned. She could not think like this about a pirate of all the elves. No way would her grandmother approve. Besides pirates were good at two things—fucking a lot of women, and breaking the law. Oh but those sapphire eyes could loot her any day. No, no she couldn’t think of those eyes. She needed to keep her head on right and continue walking. Don’t look back, go home to my normal life, and be glad to have it. A pirate’s life was not for her.

  “Butterfly...” The word tumbled out, low and amused.

  Pepper’s heart skipped. She spun around as quick as her body would allow, and there stood the drow, Tide, with two other feral drow at his side. He had a large, brown fiber bag in his hand, and they advanced on her. She looked around, ready to call out for help, when she noticed she’d already gone out of the port and was alone on the road back to her grandmother’s. Trees and dirt wouldn’t be very helpful. Her stomach turned. She couldn’t take on all three of them, and she had barely made it past Tide the first time she encountered him on the ship. How long had it been? An hour? Had he waited for her to leave before making his move? She regretted pissing the diseased elf off.

  They spread out before her, the two lackeys shorter than Tide. All wore ugly grins as if they thought they could take her without a fight. She took a few steps back; it wasn’t far. Maybe if she ran for it, she could make it back to at least a trading post. Her body tensed, ready to spring, and Tide’s eyes dared her to run. Pepper took a deep breath and bolted back toward the port.

  “You can run, butterfly, but I will always catch you.” His voice sounded right behind her. Terrified to look, she pushed herself harder forward. Her lungs were screaming, her chest heaved, and perspiration set across her brow. Please let someone come up the road, anyone. Pepper knew there was little chance of help though, this time of day. It was settling to evening, and the sun threatened to dip beyond the horizon.

  A rough grasp on her elbow jerked her arm hard. No! She wouldn’t let this happen. She tried to wrench it free, and her movement only allowed the drow to get a better hold as he squeezed down on her arms, causing her to lose her footing and trip, toppling them both to the dusty ground. She kicked at him and swung her hands to slap him, scrambling to set herself free and run again. But he countered every swing and blocked her, entangling her tighter within his grasp, until finally, she could do no more than pant as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Isn’t that better, butterfly?” His voice came out sickening sweet, as if he were a lover.

  She shook her head and tried to hit him with it. He moved out of the way and let out a loud, bellowing laugh. She felt his body rumble against her back. She hated being so close to such a nasty character.

  “She’s a wild one, sir.” The other two drow had caught up. Their breaths came in gasps.

  “She’s all mine. I’ll make her up special and keep her body for myself. And you fools will keep your traps shut, or I’ll pull your souls out your asses. Understand?”

  They both nodded and dread curled slimy fingers around Pepper’s heart. The rumors... Tide planned to take her soul and keep her body as a slave. She gulped down a sob. Don’t let them see you cry. But the tears sprang to her eyes anyway, rolling in hot streaks down her cheeks.

  “Oh, no need cry, butterfly. I’ll make it painless, and then your soul will wander as I ravage your body.” He ran a moldy finger down her cheek, and she shook it away. Her hair clung to the wet parts of her face. Anger curdled in her stomach. There had to be a way to get loose. She rolled her wrists in his hands trying to break them apart, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he stood with her, easily keeping her off-balance enough that she had no leverage but was still upright, so he could handle her. Pepper let out the loudest scream she could manage, pushing the air out of her lungs hard, for all she was worth. Tide squished her into him, making it hard to breathe, and her scream fell to nothing, echoing off the trees.

  She dropped herself, dead weight, and he fell back to the ground with her. She had no intention of letting him do any elfing thing to her, not with her body and not with her soul. She’d make this as difficult as possible, stall as much as she could, and hopefully, someone would come by. Someone had to.

  “Cute trick. Give me a hand, guys.” The other two traipsed over. Each grabbed a leg and Tide held her arms. She wiggled her hips and squirmed, fighting their grasps.

  “Let me go,
you slug slime!”

  “What a mouth. Don’t worry. You’ll be broke of that soon.”

  “Coward. Should have known the only way you’d get a girl was to force her. You’re pathetic.”

  “You’re special, butterfly. I want you all to myself. We drow tend to share in order to keep our society alive...but you...I have special things planned for you. Insult me, spit on me, but in the end, you’re mine, and I’ll do whatever I want with you.”

  Disgusted, she struggled harder, and her foot loosened. She flung it up and kicked the drow holding her foot in the face. He stumbled and scrambled to grab her ankle again with his pudgy black fingers. She kept flinging her foot at him, hitting him wherever she could.

  “Get a hold of her, you idiot. Do I have to do everything myself?”

  They had her pinned against them, walking in the same direction, away from the road, toward the rushing waters. She couldn’t bite them ‘cause no one put his parts close enough. All she could do was curse and watch the greenery go by as they carried her off. Shrubs stung her eyes, and low branches scratched at her face. “I’m going to kill you when I get the chance, drow.”

  “You don’t get to call me that. You are beneath me, you little harlot. I’m the special one here. I can take you if I want, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, not even your pirate boyfriend. And he’ll get me, butterfly. I have something special for him too. I’m gonna make him watch.” A wicked laugh came from Tide’s chest, rumbling against her back. When she broke loose, she would stab him in his dick with a fork.

  Chapter Six

  They boarded a small ship, not as big as Joren’s. No cabin, a steering wheel, a sail, and a makeshift cover in case it rained. The deck had a few small crates stacked on top, but otherwise it was a piece of crap. Maybe she’d be lucky, and they would drown before he stole her underground or wherever he intended to take her. The small vessel rocked with the weight of them all boarding.

  “Grab a rope,” Tide said, and the drow holding her right ankle left to retrieve the requested item.

  She kicked out with her booted foot, but the other skinny drow had her before she could do much damage. She let her anger curl around her, warming her, biding her time. Eventually, there would be a moment, and she would take advantage of it. The pudgy one came back with the rope, and they pinned her face down on the deck of the ship. Her chest hurt with Tide’s knee in the middle of her back, and she struggled for each breath as he pulled both wrists behind her back and secured them.

  “Here.” He tossed the rope to one of the drow by her feet and he secured her ankles. Then Tide picked her up as if she weighed nothing and moved her under the makeshift tent, tying the extra part of the rope from her ankles to the steering wheel so she wouldn’t be able to squirm off. It would not have been her best choice of escape—but it would have been better than sitting there. A cool breeze wafted up from the waters, and she could smell wet earth and fish.

  “What? Can’t handle a defenseless girl on your own, Tide?” Pepper tried to spit on him.

  “Shut your mouth, or I’ll shove something in it to keep it quiet.” A gleam sprang up in his eyes, and a sly grin spread over his lips. Her eyes widened, and she abruptly snapped her mouth closed. “That’s better, butterfly. Don’t you like it when I’m nice?” His finger ran over her lips, and she cringed away from his touch. “You’ll learn to love my touch soon enough.” He stood and walked over to the steering wheel. “Sail!” he yelled, and one of Tide’s henchmen unrolled the big white sail. The wind caught it and the boat shifted, moving slowly forward. It picked up speed as it moved with the current. Tide set the steering wheel and turned back to Pepper. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Does it matter?” She glared. He didn’t get to be the nice guy. He was a cheap trick. A piece of slug slime who needed kicked overboard and left to drown, and Pepper hoped with all her might that her thoughts came across in the look she sent him. She wanted to see his face eaten off by piranhas or some other disturbing water creature.

  “Of course it matters. It will be a short trip to my little cave, but I don’t want it to be harmful to you. After all, your body will fully belong to me soon. I’d rather it not be bruised.”

  Pepper glanced past him toward the steering wheel. If she yanked her legs, she might be able to move it. Keep him talking. “I’m fine. But there is one thing you could actually do to help me feel better.”

  “What is it, butterfly?”

  “Let me go.” Pepper yanked her legs with all she was worth and pushed herself backward, knocking the makeshift cover off its hinges and ripping the top fabric off it.

  His dark eyes widened, and his face turned into a scowl as he realized what she was doing. Pepper kept rolling until the wheel turned with her. It didn’t take much for her body to pull the wheel all the way over before anyone had time to right it, and they slammed into the bank. Her body lurched with the crash.

  “I’m done with this. You want free?” Tide stormed over to her and picked her up by her hair. She swallowed a squeal threatening to escape and wiggled, but he held on tighter, ripping pieces of her hair out of her head. “Tie the ship up, boys, and then come stand guard so no one gets in my way.” Tide dragged her off the ship with him. He didn’t carry her but pulled her by her hair. Her legs and arms scraped along the rough ground, rocks, and brush. He found a little alcove and set her upright, bringing his face directly in front of hers. “I’ll set you free!”

  Pepper spat in his face. His hand came down hard and swift across her cheek, a burning pain reared up on the left side, and she righted herself before she toppled completely over. She glared at the ugly drow before her and curled her lip up in a sneer. How in the world would she get out of this one?

  “Keep still, and I won’t hit you again.” Pepper believed him. Tide reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a deep brown box. It had elfin symbols etched on the lid and around the side, but they were old language, and Pepper couldn’t read them. It looked like a spell or enchantment of some kind to her. Though she couldn’t presume to know what he kept in it, she didn’t want to know.

  Tide grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her into him. “It will only hurt for a second, I promise.”

  Oh God, he planned to kill her. Would he do it slowly? Would it be quick and painless? At least if she was dead, then he couldn’t take advantage of her soul or her body. He leaned into her and his rotten breath came out hot against her lips. He pushed her bottom lip down with his thumb. Would he kiss her? She smelled the pungent rot of eggs and her stomach churned. His lips covered hers in a wet, sloppy kiss pulling at both of her lips and darting the tip of his rotten tongue in and then out. She could bite the damn thing clean off if he’d just go in a little farther.

  One of his hands roamed up her back, underneath her shirt, and the other cupped her face.

  A searing pain exploded in her chest as if someone had taken a hot sheet and pulled it over her, cooking her from the inside out. She screamed as she felt her essence stripped from her core, ripping ever so slowly from her body like peeling off sunburned skin in the most painful way possible. Tide’s eyes lit up with pleasure as Pepper watched a purple, smoky spirit waft up in front of her, growing slowly and pouring itself into the brown spelled box.

  “That’s right, butterfly. Your soul is mine.”

  Chapter Seven

  Joren walked out on deck and stretched in the morning sun. He loved the early part of the day. He let a smile cross his face. Few people were at the dock. A couple held hands as they walked down the port, waiting for the shops to open. A little elfling ran in circles by his mother. Others were coming in from the city. No hustle and bustle. The shops had barely begun opening their thatched hatches. The morning was relaxed, easygoing. Even the waters seemed calm, rocking the ship gently. His ship moaned with the small waves as if the Lily was telling him good mornin’. He sauntered over to the side of his boat and watched the fishers gut fresh fish for the morning
market. He barely smelled the fishy smell others complained of anymore, as most of his time had been spent around the scaly creatures. Like his nose was immune.

  The small waves tumbled along the side of his boat, leaving a trail of white foam in their wake. He’d had the Lily for more than five years now, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. She’d sailed him through the roughest parts of the underground and kept them both alive. They worked well as a team. She was his, and he belonged to her just as much. Joren ran a hand along the railing. “Won’t be long now, love, and the waters will part for us.”

  The Lily rocked, as if in answer to his voice. He imagined her nodding to agree with him. He patted the siding and turned back toward his cabin. Kida stood half-dressed in one of his button-up shirts as she leaned against the doorframe. The sun sparkled across her lovely skin, and his cock twitched at the sight of her. Hair slightly askew, sleepy eyes, happy and relaxed. Women were his weakness. He grinned.

  “Come back to bed. It’s early yet, corsair.” Kida reached out for him, and his shirt parted, revealing plump flesh barely above her nipple. He had the urge to pull the material down so her breast sprung out at him. He could already imagine the weight of the plump breast in his calloused hand.

  He didn’t much care for the pet name she used. Corsair was a romantic term for a pirate, and he didn’t see himself as the romantic type. He’d rather be bad with many wenches. One would never suit him. But he let her call him it, to sate her, keep her happy while he was here. After all, he didn’t have to spend a lifetime trying to keep her in good spirits. Just a day, maybe two at most, every month or so. Joren slowly walked back over to his lovely wench. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the cabin with her. Before he could shut the door, he heard someone call his name.


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