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A Baby for the Billionaire

Page 13

by Davies, Victoria

  She brushed the downy baby hair off Hunter’s forehead before dropping a kiss on his head.

  “I’m sorry I can’t—”

  “Hush,” she said. “I get it, Walker. Let’s just take this one day at a time.”

  “Thank you,” he said, leaning down to join their mouths. The kiss was light and sweet, but it still made her body shiver in remembrance of just how good things could be when they touched.

  “Go get your stuff,” he murmured against her lips. “And come home soon. I have so many plans for our weekend.”

  She grinned at the suggestion. “All of them lascivious I’m sure. Okay, I’ll try to be fast.”

  With a last brush against Hunter’s cheek, she grabbed her bag and headed from the condo.

  All the while smiling while she went.


  “You did it, didn’t you?”

  Clara sighed. “Turns out you were right. And don’t worry, I called Todd and let him down easy. It’s not his fault he got involved in all this.”

  “Don’t worry about Todd,” Diane said from the phone. “He’s a big boy and it was just one date. I’m more interested in the fact that you and your other half sealed the deal after all these years.”

  Clara tugged a strand of hair behind her ear as she wandered the length of her apartment. Had it always been so small? “I can barely believe it myself.”

  “Walker’s really on board with this?”

  She shrugged. “Seems to be. We’re not making any plans or promises for the moment, but yeah, we’re as close as we’ve ever been to a couple. I’ve never had him pursue me that way before. I wasn’t just his friend when he looked at me. It was more like…”

  “He was looking at a woman he wanted,” Diane interjected.

  “Exactly. I’ve never been that to him.”

  “Or maybe you have and he just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  Clara smiled, wrapping her arms around herself. “Maybe.”

  “Listen to you,” Diane said. “Must have been a hell of a night.”

  “It was,” she said. “I’ve never had a night like that with anyone.”

  “Love makes sex different.”

  She sighed. “I’ve loved him for years but not romantically. I don’t really know how to move forward with all this. How to feel about it.”

  “Honey, you’ve been head over heels for that man for as long as I’ve known you. All this best friend this and companion that. Sometimes I just wanted to shake you and say, ‘Wake up. He’s right in front of your eyes. Figure it out.’”

  Clara twisted her fingers together. “Well, looks like we did.”

  “Finally. I know you’re trying to keep things on the more casual side, but this is major.”

  A real smile curved her lips. “I know. Walker might be…”

  “Your last relationship.”

  Clara sighed. “Think you can rephrase that in a way that doesn’t make it sound like I’m dying?”

  “I just meant this could be the big one. You might be at the start of the rest of your life.”

  “A life with Walker.” Her smile grew even bigger. “And Hunter.”

  Diane laughed. “Leave it to you to find an already-built family.”

  “Everything I’ve ever wanted,” she agreed. She wouldn’t be on the outside anymore. Her boys would open their arms and welcome her home. Excitement bubbled inside her.

  “There’s still a lot to sort out,” she hedged. “I don’t want to pin too many of my hopes on this. You know Walker. We might be back to square one in a week.”

  “Uh-huh. I get to pick out my own bridesmaid dress. Just saying.”

  Clara rolled her eyes. “That’s jumping the gun. Hell, I don’t even know what the game plan here is. I’ve got another couple of weeks with him, but who knows what will happen after. He might not even want more.”

  “Or he might not want you to leave.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll have to play it by ear. Thanks for letting me take all this time off. I’ll put it to good use.”

  “Having hot sex with your hunky billionaire.”

  “Taking care of an infant,” Clara corrected.

  “Yes, Hunter is the priority.” Then Diane added, “That and the hot sex.”

  “I feel like there’s an HR violation happening here.”

  “We’re not in the office. It doesn’t count. Besides, you gotta give me something. You’re living every woman’s fantasy here. Prince Charming is sweeping you off your feet. Tell me a tidbit to make me less envious. He’s packing a twinkie in his shorts, isn’t he?”

  “Afraid not.”

  Diane sighed with a dramatic flourish. “Life is unfair.”

  “There’s still a mystery baby mama out there,” Clara pointed out. “And, I’m about as far from a society wife as it’s possible to get.”

  “Not an issue. Walker doesn’t seem to realize he’s part of a society.”

  “He’s not that bad.”

  “To you. To the rest of us he’s annoyingly down to earth. Seriously, couldn’t he sponsor a charity ball every now and then to give our entertainment writers a story to cover?”

  “I’ll pitch it to him in the future.”

  “That’s right,” Diane said. “You’re the inside girl now.”

  “I was always the inside girl.”

  “Trust me, there are cards a girlfriend can play that a friend simply can’t. Get us invites to his next tech open house.”

  “I do that now.”

  “Hmm. Okay, well I’ll think of something.”

  She shook her head. “I feel I should point out that I’m not dating him for his connections.”

  “No, because you’re also annoyingly honest. The two of you are perfect for each other.”

  Yes, we are.

  Clara remembered when she’d first seen him. Walker thought they’d met at the party when she’d dumped her drink on him, but the truth was, she’d seen him once before that. It’d been in the common room and he’d walked in, arms filled with tech manuals. The pencil she’d been chewing on had dropped from her mouth as her body froze at the sight of him. She’d never seen a more beautiful man. Never reacted to anyone with the intensity of the feeling he stirred within her.

  She’d been debating going over to talk to him when her roommate had skipped along behind him. Clara had been unable to do anything while the other woman came up at his side and kissed his cheek. The smile he’d gifted his partner with had never left her, even after all these years.

  And now that smile was all hers.

  “Okay, lock in your billionaire and then start looking for one to introduce me to,” Diane said, breaking into her thoughts. “I offered up Todd, after all. Fair is fair.”

  She laughed at the suggestion. “I’ll keep my eyes open.”

  “Bonus points if he’s a fan of spontaneous getaways to Spain. I’ve got a lot of vacation days stashed up and a passport that needs some stamps.”

  “I’d like to point out that you could take yourself.”

  “Yes, but it’s not nearly as fun to go skinny-dipping in the Mediterranean alone.”

  “With an offer like that, how could anyone refuse you?”

  “Beats me and yet I have a bad case of perpetually-single-itis.”

  “Ah yes, I had a brush with that myself.”

  “Until you found the magic cure. You should go home, take two of him before bed, and definitely call me in the morning.”

  “Shockingly, not the worst advice you’ve ever given me.”

  “I’m a gem. Now really, go enjoy your weekend. Your assignment is in and I’ve got the rest covered. Enjoy your time off with your new family.”

  “They’re not mine yet.”

  Diane snorted. “That man’s been yours since you were too young to figure out what to do with him properly. Just relax and enjoy the honeymoon period.”

  “Oh, I intend to. Cross my heart.”

  Because now that nothing stood in her
way, she had years of illicit dreams to make up for.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Thank you for staying late tonight, Emily.”

  The nanny turned with a smile. “Not a problem. Enjoy your evening with Clara.”

  “We made it through one date incredibly well. I thought I’d surprise her tonight with another,” Walker said, perched on one of the new chairs in the room he and Emily had declared Hunter’s. It wasn’t as if they were short on guest rooms, and with how things had developed with Clara he’d decided to turn the bedroom next to his into a nursery. There were still a few pieces missing, but Emily had outdone herself getting the room set up.

  Though eyeing the newly positioned crib, Walker wasn’t sure how he felt about Hunter sleeping away from him. Even if it was just the next room.

  How fast things change.

  A week ago, a baby in his bedroom was the last thing he’d have wanted, but even though it had only been a few days, Hunter had wormed his way into his heart. He doubted it would be a temporary affliction.

  Emily changed the baby with deft fingers before bringing him over to place in his arms.

  “Where are you two going to go?”

  “I figured I’d take her back to somewhere from our past. It was the first place I ever really noticed Clara in a way that went beyond the bounds of friendship.”

  Emily grinned. “That’s too cute.”

  “What every man wants to hear. Our next date obviously needs to include beer and monster trucks.”

  “Sorry,” she said. “I meant it sounds like a great place to take this next step in your relationship. Honestly, I thought you two were a couple when I first started.”

  “We get that a lot,” he agreed.

  She shook her head as she folded the fresh laundry. “Maybe they were onto something.”

  “So it would seem. For two smart people, we were the last to know.”

  “She should be home any minute. Do you need to do anything to get ready? I can watch Hunter if you do.”

  He danced a stuffed toy in front of his son’s eyes, enjoying the miniature smile that erupted on the baby’s face.

  “I should get changed but…”

  “But this little guy is a charmer,” she said, smiling down at her charge with a fondness that eased some of the tension in Walker’s chest.

  “That he is. Must get it from his mother.”

  Whoever she is.

  Not for the first time, he cursed his wandering eye. If he’d been more careful, made better choices, none of them would be in this mess.

  Then again, he wouldn’t have Hunter. He would never have asked Clara to move in, and then they’d never have stolen that first illicit kiss.

  Would he trade all that in for the simpler life he would have had if he’d just stayed in a year ago instead of blazing through a few months of foolish pleasure?

  I don’t regret him. Even if he wished Hunter had been conceived the right way. In a loving relationship with two parents who wanted him.

  With a mother with curly brown hair and chocolate eyes.

  That sounds a lot more serious than you told Clara you were ready for.

  Kissing the baby’s forehead, he handed him back to Emily. “I should get changed,” he said. “Can you take him for a few minutes?”

  “No problem,” she replied, accepting the armful.

  The baby followed Walker with his eyes as he left the room, a trait he’d taken to doing this week. Each time the tiny head turned to search the room for his father, Walker’s heart squeezed. If his mother had never sent him here, he’d have never known this feeling could exist.

  Maybe someday I’ll thank her.

  If their paths ever crossed again. He’d considered the women who could potentially be Hunter’s mother and none of them were anywhere close. A couple were abroad, and the one had moved down south to open a bakery. None showed any signs of coming back into his life any time soon. He knew he’d eventually have to reach out to them all to figure out who he shared a child with, but he wanted the DNA results first. Besides, clearly Hunter’s mother was not interested in being found.

  That’s fine with me. Let her stay away for a while so Clara and I can sort everything out.

  There was only so much drama one month could hold, after all.

  Reaching his room, he changed quickly into his jeans. Tonight, didn’t require Walker Beckett, billionaire CEO. He needed…normal. An outfit that would remind Clara of the days before his software had exploded. Back when they’d been at the start of their relationship and he’d made a choice that had kept them apart for the better part of a decade.

  He’d like to rewrite that decision.

  Glancing in the mirror, he brushed back the dark hair that perpetually fell over his forehead. He’d thought of cutting it all short many times but could never do it. Not when brushing that hair out of his eyes was one of the only ways Clara would touch him.

  Everything’s different now.

  He couldn’t wait to explore the possibilities.

  A knock sounded at the door, and he turned to see Emily in the doorway. “She just walked in,” she whispered conspiratorially.


  Lightness filled him as he jogged down the stairs to see Clara shrugging out of her coat in the entrance way.

  “Hey,” she greeted him with an open smile. “How’s Hunter?”

  His grin widened, loving how his son was her top priority.

  “He’s with Emily,” he replied, moving closer to her. “She’s going to stay late today to do a little babysitting again.”

  “Oh?” She arched a brow. “Two nights in a row? Aren’t you embracing your inner Romeo. Where are we going?”

  “On a date,” he replied.

  She blinked. “A date? We could just order in and have one here. You still have that bottle of champagne to open.”

  “No,” he replied, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I want to take you out. Somewhere outside of this condo where there aren’t baby toys on every surface. Somewhere we can just be us.”

  “We don’t really know what ‘us’ looks like yet,” she pointed out, sliding her hands around his shoulders.

  “Time we figured it out, don’t you think?”

  Her gaze dipped to his lips before a radiant smile crossed her face. “Absolutely.”

  He ached to kiss her but if he did, they’d never leave the house. Holding himself in check, he pressed his lips to the skin beneath her ear before stepping back.

  “Go change if you need to,” he said. “I’ll call a car while you do.”

  “What should I change into?” she asked, examining his own clothes.

  “Casual,” he replied. “Low key.”

  Two brows arched this time, and he wondered if he’d miscalculated. Maybe he should have pulled out all the billionaire stops. Wined and dined her at Michelin-starred restaurants with limitless champagne and expensive entrees.

  But then her smile returned. “Sounds amazing. Give me five minutes,” she said before running up the stairs. He heard her duck into the new nursery first before heading for her own room. Within minutes, she was racing down the steps, clad in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt.

  Reaching for her hand, he led her from the home as Emily and Hunter stood on the stairs, waving goodbye.

  “Come on,” he said to her as they called the elevator. “Let’s have an adventure.”

  Using his arm for stability, she rose and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Lead on,” she replied without hesitation. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  His heart leapt in his chest at the words. They shouldn’t affect him so much. He should be trying to keep some distance between them but, as always, Clara blasted through all his best-laid plans.

  It’s too early to think about more than a day or two in the future, he warned himself. You have too many responsibilities to fall into a serious relationship right now.

  But Clara wasn’t someone he could be casual with. Not now
that he finally had her. After all these years.


  Clara looked out the dark car window as they whizzed through the city streets.

  “Not even a clue, huh?” she asked as she relaxed back against her companion.

  “We’ll be there soon,” he replied, playing idly with her fingers.

  Content, she settled back against him, enjoying the simple pleasure of being able to touch him the way she’d always wanted to.

  “Look.” She pointed. “We’re by the university.”

  His driver circled the main road of the campus as Clara left his arms to press against the window.

  “Remember what it felt like to run across the quad, late for a lecture?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes. I had one professor tell me if I couldn’t be on time to not bother showing up.”

  “Did you ever make it?”

  “No. I was planning on dropping his class. But after that I audited it for the rest of the semester just on principle. I don’t think I made it on time once.”

  “Now you’re one of the school’s most successful graduates. Or near graduate.”

  “Hey, hey, they gave me an honorary degree.”

  “Well, you were always far smarter than anyone teaching at the front of a class.”

  He shrugged. “There were a few I enjoyed. This place was my playground, sampling the courses and ideas that interested me. Teaching me how to talk to others who looked at the world in the same way I do.”

  She twined her fingers through his. “You’ve come so far. I’m proud of you, you know.”

  “I know,” he said, brushing his lips to the back of her hand. “You’ve always cheered me on.”

  “What are friends for?”

  He smiled as he leaned closer. “More than friends now.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut as he kissed her. Had she ever felt this contented in her life? It’s like a piece of her that was always missing had clicked into place and she never wanted to let it go.

  “Mr. Beckett, we’ve arrived,” the driver said, interrupting them as the car slowed to a stop.

  Clara glanced out the window and laughed. “Sammy’s?” she asked. “I think they’ll kick out anyone older than twenty-one here.”

  “I called ahead,” he said as they got out of the car. “We’re more than welcome.”


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