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Butter Wouldn't Melt

Page 16

by Penny Birch

  I drew a heavy sigh as I pulled up my bikini pants.

  I’d had my pants pulled down by my little sister in front of Morris Rathwell. It didn’t bear thinking about, which meant I couldn’t get it out of my head. For the rest of the afternoon it stayed at the forefront of my mind, a constant humiliation on top of all my worries. I was still determined that Jemima wouldn’t go to the Rathwells, but she was equally determined to do so and there didn’t seem to be very much I could do to stop her. She certainly wasn’t going to let me talk her out of it, and wouldn’t listen to me or to Penny, even when they’d gone.

  In the end I gave up, and tried to make the strength of my feelings plain by not talking to her. It made no difference, except that after a while she began to sulk and went back to Granny’s. By then it was time to go home anyway, but Penny promised to drop me over later and we were alone at last, but in no mood for sex. She was nearly as upset as me, but trying to reason away our concerns.

  ‘It’s probably for the best,’ she was saying. ‘Once she finds out what the sort of people who go to Morris’s parties are like, she’ll soon change her mind. It will probably put her off spanking too.’

  ‘That’s true,’ I admitted. ‘Have you met Mr Mulligan?’


  ‘He’s a big greasy East End mechanic who likes to make girls show their bottoms in front of his son.’

  ‘He sounds typical. Have you met Mr Judd?’


  ‘He likes to bugger us . . . sorry, I shouldn’t say ‘‘us’’.’

  ‘Don’t worry. Mr Todmorden’s like that, but worse. He collects girls’ anal virginities.’

  ‘I’ve met him, but he’s not as bad as Mr Enos, who’s so fat he can only fuck us if we go on top, and he likes to give us enemas. Mr Protheroe’s almost as fat, and he likes to make us talk about what he’s doing while he spanks us. Then there’s Hudson Staebler, who’s American and likes to have us behave like dogs, and Mr Spottiswood, who they call the Pantyman because he likes to do things with our knickers, including wear them.’

  I grimaced, remembering the pair of knickers I’d left in the basement. Penny was right. Jemima would take one look at Morris’s collection of dirty old men and run for the hills. Morris was hardly going to stop her, so I could leave too and that would be the end of the party, no public spankings, no cock sucking. I pushed down a sudden, shameful pang of disappointment.

  ‘What about Morris?’ I asked.

  ‘He’ll do just about anything,’ she said. ‘For instance, he has a yoke he likes to make us wear, so our hands are trapped and he can hold on to get a really good push when he fucks us. He has a tiny cock.’

  ‘Well he’s not putting it in me!’

  ‘Be careful, he’s tricky. He’ll try to get you drunk and aroused, then play some dirty game which you’ll lose and feel obliged to pay the consequences.’

  ‘I’ll refuse.’

  ‘Fair enough. Oh, and watch out for Mel . . . or on second thoughts, if you’ve been living with AJ she might not seem so bad. At least Mel’s not likely to flush your head down the loo.’

  ‘Er . . . yes, sorry about that.’

  She answered with a wan smile and we both went quiet, each alone with her own thoughts. Jemima was bound to freak completely, probably as soon as we got to the party, but it still made my stomach crawl to think of the men, all of them hoping to see me spanked, maybe to spank me themselves, and afterwards, to have me attend to their cocks. Some of the ones Penny knew sounded worse than those I’d already met; Judd, Enos, Protheroe, Staebler and Spottiswood, each perverted in his own way, each keen to get his hands on me, and on Jem.

  ‘Bastards,’ I said out loud. ‘What is it with men? Why do they always want to be so dirty with us?’

  ‘Oh come on,’ she answered. ‘AJ’s no better.’

  ‘Maybe, but . . . you know, wanting to stick their cocks up our bottoms and . . . and things like that.’

  I was thinking of what Steve Frost wanted to do to me, but I didn’t like to say it out loud. Penny took a moment to answer, and she was looking embarrassed as she spoke.

  ‘That’s quite nice, really, as long as they’re gentle about putting it in.’

  She smiled at me, and I made a face, once more imagining my bumhole spreading to the tip of a man’s cock. I knew she liked it already, from some of our more drunken conversations, which had already done quite a lot to contribute to my fantasies, and after all, it does seem rather an appropriate thing to do to a girl’s bum after spanking it.

  This time it was quite a while before Penny spoke again, and when she did there was a new tone to her voice.

  ‘Do you want to come indoors?’

  I nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. She’d turned herself on, and so had I, but neither of us wanted to admit it had been because of the conversation and we stayed silent, simply taking each other’s hands as we came into her house. I let her lead me upstairs, to her room, where she kissed me, our mouths opening together for our tongues to touch as we held onto each other. Just the feel of her flesh had my excitement soaring, so smooth and soft, while her hands had moved to the nape of my neck and my bottom, caressing me gently to bring me higher still.

  When she slipped down my bikini pants I gave a little wriggle and they dropped to the floor. My top followed and I was naked in her arms, her hand on my bare bottom, stroking, squeezing, then applying a gentle pat. I stuck my hips out, clinging onto her as she began to spank me, ever so gently. This time, I was to be first.

  ‘Over my knee with you, Pippa,’ she said as our mouths finally broke apart. ‘I’m going to spank your naughty bottom.’

  ‘Yes, auntie,’ I told her, hanging my head in submission.

  She sat down on the bed and patted her lap. I crawled over, lifting my bottom for her attention. She took me around the waist, still very gently, but not so gently that I wasn’t trapped, and I felt deliciously helpless as her hand settled on my bottom. Her fingers pushed down into my crease and my cheeks had been hauled open to show off my anus, giving me a wonderful, delicious rush of humiliation.

  ‘Nice and clean, good girl,’ she said, leaning so close I knew she could see every tiny wrinkle of my bumhole and the little star of lines around it, ‘but I’m still going to spank you.’

  She let my cheeks close and applied a pat, a second, a third, and I was being spanked, already in ecstasy just for the joy of being across her knee in the nude with my bottom lifted for punishment. In no time I was purring with pleasure and wriggling my hips for more, which I got, but only gradually. The smacks were still gentle, just enough to sting, and bring me very slowly on heat as my bottom meat grew warm and sensitive.

  ‘That’s nice,’ I sighed, lifting my bottom higher still and getting a firmer smack in reward.

  ‘I bet AJ doesn’t take so much trouble over you?’ she said.

  ‘No,’ I admitted, ‘but that reminds me. I need to ask her permission.’

  ‘Even for me?’

  ‘I’m supposed to.’

  ‘I suppose you had better.’

  Her mobile was on her bedside table, just within my reach, but she still had me around the waist and she was still spanking me, the slaps of her hand on my bum flesh far too loud for me to risk calling AJ and having her realise we’d started without permission. I sent a text instead, simply worded, ‘May I? With Penny’. The reply was almost immediate, ‘URA tart’ which I took for a yes.

  ‘She says yes,’ I told Penny, as I folded my arms under my chin.

  ‘Good,’ she replied, ‘although I don’t see why you should have to ask her permission when it’s me. Since when did an aunt need permission to spank her own niece?’

  I giggled. It was a nice image, and there has always been something special about having my own aunt do me. Girls ought to be spanked by their aunts, and just knowing that I got it was often enough to come over, which I intended to do now. Cocking my legs wide to show pussy off, I reached back, only to get a
slap on the inside of my thighs.

  ‘Oh no you don’t, young lady,’ Penny chided. ‘I’ve got a new toy I’d like to show you first.’

  ‘Just stick it up then,’ I purred. ‘It’ll go easily.’

  ‘So I see,’ she replied, ‘but it doesn’t go up, it goes on.’

  ‘On? What, on my bottom? Not a paddle, Penny, bruises would be awkward just now.’

  ‘Not on your bottom, Pippa, on your pussy.’

  ‘You want to spank pussy? OK, but gently, please.’

  ‘Not spank.’

  She had shifted her grip as she spoke, but kept me in place over her lap as she rummaged in her bedside table, quickly pulling out a colourful box. Inside was the most bizarre device, a rubber bulb with a tube running from it to a thing like an oxygen mask, only clearly designed to fit over a woman’s sex.

  ‘It’s a pussy pump,’ she explained, ‘or a cunt bulger, to use Monty Hartle’s less elegant term. He gave it to me.’

  ‘He spanks you, doesn’t he?’

  ‘Never you mind who spanks me, young lady, just stick your bottom up again.’

  I obeyed, bracing my knees apart on the bed and raising my hips until I was completely available to her. There was a tube of lubricant with the pump and she slapped a little onto pussy, rubbing it in and smearing it around the sides of my lips, over my mound and near my bumhole. That alone was enough to make me want to come again, but when I tried to reach back I got my hand slapped.

  ‘Naughty Pippa,’ she chided. ‘Be patient.’

  She took the pump and I felt it press to my body, cupping pussy like a hand. It felt odd, but quite nice, and I’d realised what it was for, but the sudden sucking sensation still came as a shock. I felt the rubber seal press to my skin, and my mouth had come wide as the most peculiar sensation spread across my sex, as if my flesh was growing.

  It was, my pussy lips swelling inside the suction cup as she took out the air, until I was gasping and clawing at the bed for the sensation, and sure I’d burst at any second. My flesh was even touching the plastic, sensitive and slippery with lubricant, and I realised just how much she’d made my lips bulge and how fat pussy was. Not that she stopped, still pumping, until my swollen sex filled the whole cup.

  ‘Ready,’ she said. ‘Let me take it off.’

  I nodded weakly, and gasped as she tugged the cup off my sex with a liquid, sucking noise. Penny giggled.

  ‘Now look at yourself in the mirror,’ she ordered.

  She gave my bottom a pat and I scrambled off her lap, eager to obey. I was quite a sight, my body, as ever, slender, maybe a bit skinny even, but my pussy bulging out under my belly, fat and glistening and grotesquely sexual.

  ‘It’s even ruder from behind,’ Penny laughed. ‘Go on, bend over.’

  I turned around, my humiliation for what she’d done bubbling up with extraordinary power as I bent over. If I’d looked rude from the front, then from behind I looked obscene. My tiny bottom showed as usual, with the pink dimple of my anus maybe just a little fatter, and my slim thighs, only instead of my neat, slightly pouted pussy lips, a fat, blubbery cunt stuck out between.

  ‘Monty says it makes me look like a bonobo chimpanzee on heat,’ Penny laughed. ‘Now come back here and I’ll finish your spanking.’

  I managed a nod, shaking badly as I came back, to crawl across her knee and lift my bottom. She began to spank once more, firmer now, and across the crest of my cheeks, so that every slap made my bulging pussy quiver, to keep me firmly in mind of how I looked from the rear, how I would look to her as she punished me, like a chimpanzee on heat.

  ‘Shall I rub you?’ she offered. ‘Or do you want to do it yourself?’

  ‘I’ll do it,’ I answered her. ‘I want to feel myself.’

  She giggled and began to spank harder. I cocked up my bottom and slid my hand back, to touch the bulbous mass of my pussy. It felt as obscene as it looked, fat and puffy, slippery with lubricant and my own juice, and so sensitive. I began to explore myself, thinking of the sight I made from behind and how I was, spanked nude across my auntie’s lap as I masturbated my swollen pussy.

  ‘Harder,’ I urged, ‘and tell me how I look.’

  ‘I told you,’ she said, ‘like a bonobo chimpanzee on heat, with your little red bum and your fat, puffy cunt. Oh you should see yourself now, Pippa, you bad, dirty girl! Imagine letting me spank you. Imagine letting me pump your cunt up.’

  ‘I’m coming,’ I gasped. ‘Spank me harder . . . as hard as you can, and tell me how I look . . . tell me what a little tart I am, auntie . . . please, auntie . . .’

  ‘Little tart is about right,’ she said as her hand began to piston up and down on my now blazing cheeks, ‘a dirty little tart who deserves a good spanking, on her botty and on her cunt too, and a fucking too, Pippa, you deserve to have your fat chimpanzee’s cunt fucked, and I’d help. I’d hold you for him, Pippa, a dirty old man, so he could fuck you. If one came in he’d be straight up you, Pippa, and I’d hold you for him. I’d hold you down while he fucked your fat, blubbery cunt.’

  ‘Oh you bitch, Penny!’

  She laughed at me, knowing full well what she’d put in my head, and that I was starting to come. It must have been obvious, with my bumhole squeezing and my bloated pussy in contraction, and there was nothing whatsoever I could do about it. The awful image was locked firmly in my head as I writhed and squirmed across her knee, my rear view fixed in my mind’s eye, little pink bottom cheeks bouncing as my auntie spanked me, my bumhole winking lewdly between, my great fat wobbling cunt looking utterly obscene as I rubbed myself off, and quite ready to be mounted and stuffed full of cock.

  I rode my orgasm for what seemed like an age, still holding the image of myself mounted and fucked while Penny held me down. It was one of the best, and my body was still twitching long after it had died down, with little spasms running through the muscles of my legs and belly. She’d stopped spanking, and held me in her arms, cuddled tight to soothe me for the feelings she knew would be raging in my head, which helped to reduce my guilt and shame, but it was still unfair of her.

  ‘That was mean!’ I told her when I’d got myself back under control.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, and kissed me. ‘You looked so rude, and I couldn’t resist it.’

  ‘Well I hope you’re ready for your turn, that’s all,’ I answered as I stood up.

  She smiled sweetly and lay back on the bed. My legs still felt a trifle unsteady, and I took a moment before pulling my bikini on, only to find that my swollen pussy lips wouldn’t fit under the front, but bulged out to either side, a sight if anything more obscene and ridiculous than when I’d been bare. Penny was giggling.

  ‘I hope the swelling goes down quickly?’ I asked.

  ‘In about a week,’ she replied casually, and then burst into open laughter at the expression on my face. ‘No, seriously, it doesn’t take long at all.’

  ‘You have had it,’ I told her. ‘Kneel on the bed. Face to the wall.’

  She was smiling as she obeyed, turning to present me with her bottom, the full white cheeks spilling out to either side of her bright-red bikini pants. The material was pulled taut over her pussy, very wet and not with swimming-pool water. She was puffy too, although nothing like as puffy as me even though my swelling was already beginning to go down. When she was so obviously turned on, and quite capable of lapping up every humiliation I could throw at her, it was hard to know how to get my revenge, but that wasn’t going to stop me trying.

  ‘Let’s have these down then, shall we, auntie?’ I told her, reaching out to take hold of her bikini pants.

  I pulled them down, baring the full, pale spread of her bottom, with her pinkish brown bumhole showing at the centre of a little nest of hair and her well-furred pussy open and moist at the centre.

  ‘You’re a slut,’ I told her, and laid a firm slap across one plump cheek. ‘You call me a tart, but you’re worse.’

  Again I slapped her, hard enough to make he
r gasp and leave a pink handprint on her pale bottom flesh. I was only getting started, but it was fun to spank her, and I could at least try to get to her as well. Sitting down on the bed, I quickly pulled her bikini top up to flop out her tits and put my arm around her waist, holding her in place as I once more began to spank her bottom.

  ‘How does it feel, being spanked by me?’ I asked her. ‘How does it feel, Auntie Penny.’

  ‘Lovely,’ she sighed.

  ‘You utter slut!’

  ‘Yes, I know. Can I masturbate, please?’

  ‘No, not yet, not until I’ve made you feel the way I did.’

  ‘I need to come, Pippa. You’ve turned me on so much.’

  ‘Shut up.’

  I continued spanking her, making her cheeks bounce and wobble, her skin redden and her pussy grow ever more juicy. It was tempting to pump her up and she liked having a rear like a turned-on chimpanzee, but it was her pump and she’d probably just get off on the idea. It was no good sticking something up her bottom either, which she loved, so I continued to torment her as best I could.

  ‘Girls ought to be spanked by their aunts,’ I said, echoing my earlier thought, ‘but for an aunt to get spanked by her niece, now that is a real disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself.’

  She let out an excited sob and her hand began to steal back towards her sex, but I slapped it away. Obviously she had no shame at all, or rather she had plenty, but it just turned her on all the more. I kept spanking, until she’d begun to gasp and sob and wiggle her bottom in her need. Her hand kept sneaking towards her pussy, and I kept slapping it away, but was on the point of giving up when I realised one thing that might just get to her.

  ‘I know who should spank you,’ I told her. ‘Great Aunt Geraldine. How would that feel, Penny?’

  ‘Pippa, that’s not fair,’ she answered, and I laughed to hear the trace of panic in her voice.

  ‘Oh yes it is!’ I crowed. ‘And it’s what you’re going to think about when you come.’

  ‘No, Pippa, please . . .’

  She sounded truly desperate, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself, for all that she was trying. I grabbed her hand and pressed it to her sex, then went back to spanking her.


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