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Butter Wouldn't Melt

Page 21

by Penny Birch

  ‘. . . I prefer Hudson Staebler, he’s so big, and I love his accent.’

  ‘He’s worse than Mr Spottiswood. He likes to put girls on leads and treat them as dogs.’

  To my utter horror she just giggled. Morris had raised his hands for silence, and we went quiet along with everybody else, my stomach slowly tying itself into knots as he began to speak.

  ‘Ladies and Gentleman, if I might have your attention please, now that we’ve all had a little drink and a chance to get to know one another, it is time to begin. As always there will be a round of spankings first, but with a rather different structure this time. We’re going to play a little game called Ladies’ Choice. The rules are simple. Each of you beautiful young ladies, my own lovely wife included, must choose somebody to spank her, the punishment to be delivered in front of us all and on the bare, naturally. Spankers may decline in the hope of being chosen by another girl, if they wish, but nobody can go twice until all nine girls are standing against the wall with their red bottoms to the room. Girls may choose other women to spank them, but if so, she must take it with a small plug in her bottom, which must stay in while she does corner time. No girl doing corner time may spank. Is that clear?’

  As he spoke he had reached out to indicate the mantelpiece, on which a line of squat butt plugs had been arranged, each with its lubricated wrap, and with a big pot of jelly at the end just in case some poor girl’s bumhole proved a bit tight. They were made of clear plastic, which meant that once it was in a girl the interior of her bottom hole would show. My stomach twisted tighter still as I wondered which was worse, being spanked by a man or having a plug inserted in my anus before taking it from another woman, but still with men watching. Both choices seemed equally appalling, but Jemima was looking shocked, which was at least something.

  Morris was smiling as he went on.

  ‘Good. First then, I’m told that there is a small matter of office discipline to be sorted out, which means that tonight, rather than dishing it out, our Miss Phelps will be on the receiving end. Maggie?’

  I turned to Maggie, as did everybody else. Her face was full of consternation, her eyes darting between us, and for all my pleasure in seeing her get it, I could fully sympathise with the way she felt. I’d be making the same choice myself, soon enough. In fact, the sooner the better, because the worst men were sure to be left until last. I leant back to take another glass of champagne from Annabelle as she passed behind my sofa, hoping to boost my courage.

  Maggie was still vacillating when the intercom sounded from the hall. Morris went, looking irritable, but came back well pleased with himself.

  ‘Sophie and June are here,’ he announced. ‘What an unexpected pleasure.’

  Something in his tone of voice told me the pleasure wasn’t unexpected at all, but if he had some perverted little scheme in mind it didn’t seem to involve me. I knew Sophie, a friend of Penny’s whose happy playful attitude to spanking had always inspired me, and June was obviously the girl Mr Spottiswood had been talking about. Both were in school uniform, although not the real thing, with scruffy white blouses half open and tiny red-tartan miniskirts that deliberately left their knickers showing.

  ‘Maggie?’ Morris asked when the two girls were settled. ‘I believe you were about to chose who is to give you your punishment spanking?’

  ‘Mr Montague,’ she replied in an almost inaudible whisper.

  He looked surprised, but got to his feet immediately, crossing the room to offer her his hand. She took it and allowed herself to be led to the spanking chair, her head hung in shame and pink-faced with embarrassment. I’d been hoping to get Mr Montague myself, and my enjoyment was mixed with resentment as Maggie was prepared.

  It was still exciting, and not just because she’d punished me and helped to make me Mr Prufrock’s pet tart. To see another woman spanked is always exciting for me, and because she was older and usually dominant there was an extra thrill from knowing just how humiliated she would be feeling as Mr Montague turned up the skirt of her sailor suit to show off her naked bottom.

  She was quite fleshy for such a slim woman, with soft, full cheeks and smooth pink skin. I could just see her face, still set in consternation for her fate, an emotion that became abruptly stronger as Mr Montague put his hands on her bottom and pulled her cheeks wide. He made a brief inspection of her anus, just as she had inspected mine, nudged her legs slightly apart so that the hairy bulge of her pussy showed from behind, and began to spank.

  I was thoroughly enjoying myself as I watched. She took it well, at least managing not to throw a complete tantrum, but the expression on her face was a joy to behold, with her eyes glaring at me, at Lucius, and even at Helen. I gave her a smile and a little wave, which had her glaring harder still until the expression broke to pain at a harder smack. Her bottom was so soft that each smack made her flesh spread out and sent ripples through her cheeks, which was also comic, and had most of the audience grinning or laughing, including Jemima.

  ‘So you think it’s funny, do you?’ I asked her quietly, trying to stifle my own chuckles. ‘Wait until you’re the one with her bottom bare and everybody’s laughing at you because you look silly and you’re in pain.’

  She shrugged and spoke.

  ‘That’s OK. My bum’s not all sloppy like that, and besides, Hudson’s promised to take it slowly if I suck him off afterwards.’

  ‘Jemima! You little tart!’

  The words had come out by instinct, and I immediately realised I’d called her by the name I like to be called myself. The blood rushed to my cheeks and I sat back again, speechless. I knew she was no innocent, but to offer to suck some dirty old bastard’s cock in order to make sure he took care over her first ever spanking was . . . was just the sort of thing I’d done, several times now.

  Across the room, Mr Montague was delivering a last, blistering salvo to Maggie’s now well-reddened bottom. He’d been stern with her, and she was gasping and trembling quite badly, with her make-up spoiled where a few tears had escaped her eyes. She’d been punished, properly, which was highly satisfying.

  Her tiny skirt was turned up into its own waistband to leave her bottom showing and she was sent into the corner, to stand with her hands on her head, her nose pressed to the wall and her red cheeks showing behind. A few of the men clapped politely and Mr Montague took a small bow before returning to his seat. Morris took the floor again.

  ‘That is our only punishment spanking of the evening,’ he stated, ‘so from now on we will draw lots. Harmony?’

  Harmony picked up a what looked like a magician’s top-hat from the table beside her and walked over to Morris. He dipped his hand in, rummaging for a moment before drawing out a piece of folded pink paper. I felt my tummy tighten again as he opened it, hoping it wouldn’t be me but knowing it would be best if it was.

  ‘Penny,’ he announced.

  She made a face, then leant towards me behind Jemima’s back.

  ‘Who’s your worst?’ she whispered.

  ‘I don’t know,’ I answered. ‘Mr Spottiswood? Mr Protheroe?’

  ‘No conferring,’ Morris ordered.

  ‘Sorry,’ Penny answered, ‘just checking something. Um . . . Mr Spottiswood please.’

  His podgy face immediately split into a dirty leer. She and I exchanged sympathetic looks as she stepped forward, to stand by the punishment chair as he approached. It was sweet of her to take him out of the line-up of spankers, although I was pretty sure her choice was also an excuse to make sure she got a good dose of humiliation.

  ‘I’ve never spanked you before, have I?’ he asked as he sat down.

  ‘No,’ Penny answered.

  ‘Then you’re in for a treat,’ he said. ‘Over you go, and make sure you get your bum well up in the air. I like it that way.’

  Penny obeyed, posing herself over his lap with her feet together on the floor to make a plump, cheeky ball of her bottom within her jeans. Mr Spottiswood begun to unfasten her, fumbling at the but
ton and peeling down her zip, all the while with the emotion growing stronger on her face.

  She had to lift her hips even more to let him peel her jeans down, and her panties came with them, a thoroughly undignified stripping. He wasn’t finished either, but pulled off her shoes and took her jeans off completely, then adjusted her knickers so that her bottom was perfectly encased in smooth white cotton as she got back into the spanking position he had ordered. She’d begun to tremble a little, but he went on with her preparation, laying one hand across her bottom to stroke the seat of her panties and giving her cheeks a little wobble as she spoke.

  ‘Plump little thing, aren’t you?’ he asked.

  Penny just made a face, but got a hard smack for her obstinance.

  ‘Plump little thing, aren’t you?’ he repeated.

  ‘A little . . . I suppose,’ she answered.

  ‘A little?’ he chuckled, planting a second smack to set her bottom quivering. ‘Hardly that! I think you should cut down on the pies, my dear.’

  It was completely unfair, as Penny’s bottom may be full, but is firm and shapely too, not overweight at all, really, while he had a nasty little pot belly and was starting to get a double chin. However, she was the one over his knee, and not the other way around.

  He gave her another smack, and I realised it was to be a panty spanking and not bare, only to remember his nasty habits. Sure enough, after maybe a dozen swats he stopped and spoke again.

  ‘Oh dear, we seem to have forgotten something, don’t we? Girls are spanked with their panties down, aren’t they? Even fat girls are spanked with their panties down, especially fat girls.’

  Penny let out a little, broken sob. He chuckled and put his thumbs into the waistband of her knickers, speaking as he began to push them down over her full, pink cheeks.

  ‘You should have reminded me, dear, shouldn’t you? I suppose you didn’t want to show everyone how fat your bottom is, eh? Well you’re going to. You’re going to show it all, and for an extra little punishment, I think you should wear your panties in your mouth while I spank you, and perhaps a little tail.’

  He’d exposed her, the wide, pale spread of her bum now on show, stripped and ready, her body naked from the waist down but for a pair of short white socks. I thought of all the times I’d spanked her, and kissed her better, even licked her bottom, which sent a powerful shiver through me. He carried out his threat, pulling off her knickers and forcing her to take them in her mouth, so that a little scrap of white cotton was hanging out between her lips as he turned his attention back to her bottom.

  ‘You’re firm, I’ll say that for you,’ he remarked, squeezing one cheek. ‘Well scrubbed too, but I wonder: do you wipe properly?’

  His hands had closed on her cheeks as he said it, and I saw Penny wince as her bottom was hauled wide, showing off the thick growth of hair over her pussy and around her bumhole, which was twitching in response to the sudden exposure and what must have been overwhelming shame. I was very glad I’d soaped between her cheeks when we’d showered.

  ‘Pristine, apparently,’ he remarked, and he’d put his finger to her bumhole, tickling the little knot of pinkish brown flesh and laughing as her ring began to open and close, ‘and well trained too! I suspect Mr Willy’s been up the chocolate mine. You should shave though. We spankers prefer a nice nude cunt, while I’m sure you get bits of loo paper caught in all that bum hair.’

  Penny was sobbing badly, with little shivers running through her body and the first tears trickling from her eyes. She made no effort to get up though, and I knew exactly what was going through her head, and also that it was far stronger than I could possibly have coped with, not from him, let alone in front of an audience.

  ‘One last little detail,’ he said, letting go of her bottom.

  She looked back, no doubt wondering what further humiliation he could possibly inflict on her after having her panties stuffed in her mouth and her bumhole inspected in public. He’d put his hand in his jacket pocket, and I saw her expression change to puzzlement as he drew out the girls knickers I’d seen earlier, a tarty scarlet pair, and another in black. Only as her cheeks were once more hauled rudely apart did I realise what he was going to do with them, and my mouth came open in shock and sympathy as I watched.

  The red panties were inserted into her pussy, well up, then drawn out again, now wet and sticky with juice, which he wiped on her bumhole to open her enough to let him poke them in with a finger. Lifting the red pair, he inserted the black in turn, pushed well up her cunt, and she was left with the two pairs of tarty knickers hanging out of her twin holes as he finally set to work on her bottom.

  After what he’d done to her, just having her bottom slapped must have been a relief, at least for a while. He did it really hard, putting his whole arm into every slap and hitting her thighs as well as her bum cheeks. She was kicking immediately, and wiggling her bum around in a pathetic and useless effort to dodge the smacks, and I was sure that if her knickers hadn’t been in her mouth she’d have been squealing like a pig.

  Everybody thought it was hilarious, laughing and clapping, complimenting Mr Spottiswood on his technique and remarking on how much he’d added by stuffing all three of her holes with panties. I was very grateful indeed it wasn’t me, and felt genuinely sorry for her, but I was getting ever more turned on, both by the fuss she was making and the view of her rear end with her cheeks wobbling to the smacks and the red and black knickers jerking and bouncing in her holes. Jemima just thought it was hilarious.

  ‘You wait,’ I told her as the spanking finally stopped and Penny slumped exhausted across Mr Spottiswood’s knee. ‘Just you wait.’

  ‘I told you,’ she answered. ‘Hudson’s promised to be gentle with me. But wasn’t it funny watching Aunt Penny spanked like that?’

  I didn’t answer, and she gave me a pert look as Penny was sent into the corner with a final smack to her now blazing red bottom. Our eyes made contact as she crossed the room, and I managed to mouth my thanks before she’d joined Maggie against the wall with her hands on her head and the tears still trickling slowly down her face.

  ‘An excellent spanking there, Ken,’ Morris said as he stepped forward once more, ‘and so, without delay, we have . . .’

  He dipped his hand into the top hat.

  ‘. . . Helen.’

  She chose Lucius Todmorden, and was duly turned over his knee, her sailor skirt lifted, her knickers pulled down and her sweetly formed bottom spanked to a rosy pink. He was far nicer to her than Mr Spottiswood had been to Penny, but she was a bit of a baby about it and cried, still snivelling as she joined the others against the wall. With three red bums now decorating his living room, Morris went to the hat once more, selecting Harmony.

  Her choice was Morris himself, and he added an extra humiliation by opening the top of her chauffeur’s uniform and pulling her breasts out, so that they bounced and jiggled as her bottom was smacked. Melody watched with undisguised approval as her sister was punished, even ducking down to tease Harmony’s nipples while Morris inserted a finger at the other end.

  With Harmony sent into the corner Morris picked again. June’s name came out of the hat and she chose Mr Judd, who tried to outdo both Morris and Mr Spottiswood for sheer dirtiness, taking her big, coffee-coloured tits out of her blouse, and gagging her with her school knickers while she was spanked. It didn’t work, because she just lapped it all up, wiggling her bottom and mumbling encouragement through her panty gag. His response was to beat her with one of her own shoes, which finally got some reaction out of her, and she was looking distinctly sorry for herself as she went to the wall.

  Toy followed, and choose Mr Mulligan. He hesitated, glancing at me, and I remembered how I’d promised him first go, but Toy was already at the chair, kneeling on it with her pretty evening gown turned up onto her back to show off the French knickers she had on underneath. He gave me what was presumably supposed to be an apologetic look and went to her, turning down her knickers and d
ishing out what would have been a quite elegant spanking if he hadn’t kept stopping to pull her pussy open and show off the pink inside her hole.

  Annabelle was chosen next, and selected Melody, but to my surprise she was refused and forced to chose again. With Mr Enos, Mr Protheroe and Hudson Staebler left, there was really only one choice. She went for Staebler, and I heard Jemima click her tongue in annoyance. I threw her a worried glance, because a very nasty suspicion indeed had begun to grow in my head, worse even than having to take a spanking from either of the two dirty old men still in the game.

  Hudson Staebler made a thorough job of Annabelle, leaving her snivelling badly and clutching her little red bottom as she joined the line of punished girls standing against the wall. I tried to catch Morris’s eye as he went back to the hat, but he ignored me. Sophie’s name came out.

  She was spanked by Mr Protheroe, another one who liked to humiliate his victims. He made her talk her way through the punishment, asking him to pull her knickers down, open her cheeks and even for a tickle of her bumhole. Like June she took it well, openly enjoying her degradation, even when he tried to break her composure by fucking her with one of the butt plugs.

  That left three of us, and Melody looked as unhappy as I felt, eyeing the enormously fat Mr Enos even before her name had been drawn from the hat. She knew she’d be going over his knee, and so did I. Sure enough, her name was picked, and over she went. He was actually really nice to her, comparatively, only taking down her knickers to the top of her thighs and spending a lot of time stroking and patting her bottom before getting down to the proper spanking. Despite that she obviously found the experience utterly humiliating, and she was pouting badly by the end.

  Morris stepped up again, now grinning right across his face, and rubbing his hands in unconcealed joy as he looked down on Jemima and me. All my suspicions were confirmed, the entire game a set-up so that he could arrange for a fresh sister-to-sister spanking in front of his dirty old men, and presumably he thought that when all the others had taken their punishment, including his own, very dominant wife, neither of us would have the guts to refuse. He was wrong.


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