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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 3

by Reese Madison

  Thankfully they were so busy they didn’t notice all the times Drake would snake his arms around my waist and bury his nose under my ear. Sometimes he’d kiss me, and on more than one occasion it sounded like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t quite get it out.

  When the girls asked if we could eat dinner at the zoo I gave them my usual response. “Sorry ladies. You know the drill, entertainment or gourmet.” That’s when I remembered Drake had given us the season tickets to use. “Oh wait! Maybe I can spring for it!” I dug the cards from my purse and held them out for Drake to take back. “Here. Since you paid for entertainment, we’re going to buy you dinner.”

  I used to have season tickets for these parks, but for the last two years I haven’t been able to come as often, and springing for the extra money takes away from my limited funds too much. We have to eat. If we’d been more than three times in the last two years I might be more motivated to buy season tickets again, but even getting in for free there’s still food and drinks. Expensive food and drinks at that.

  “Here Mommy??” Ashley bounced on her tippy toes.

  “Sure. Why not? It’s been a while since we’re eaten off real plates huh?” I laughed rubbing the top of her head before looking back up to Drake because he hadn’t taken the cards from my hand yet. “What? Here.”

  He shook his head as the confused look came back. He’s pretty good about expressing what he’s trying to say with his eyebrows. I might be getting used to his expressions now too. I don’t know.

  “Give these back to whoever you borrowed them from.”

  He shook his head and pushed them back towards my purse.

  “Won’t they miss them??”

  He rolled his eyes a little like he does when I don’t read him so well and took the cards. He handed one to Rebecca, one to Ashley, and the last two he held back out for me, then quickly shoved them in my purse before pointing to me, then himself, and back again.

  “These are your season tickets?”

  He sighed with a slight groan and pulled out the last resort pad of paper to write: I donate a shitload of money to this place every year. I have six more of those.

  “Oh. Well then. Thank you Drake. Girls, say thank you.”

  They thanked him with hugs to his leg and torso that made his eyebrow go up as he looked at me for help. I gestured for him to pat their backs, so he did. Remarkably gentle for such a large man. Within seconds he seemed to soften and relax. I don’t think the girls made him nervous, it was my reaction to them hugging a strange man that made him look to me for guidance.

  The girls stepped back and went in search of the sign with the big You Are Here map to pick out their dinner destination.

  I put my hand in his and pulled him to follow behind the giddy little angels. “Thank you Drake. I live to see them smile like that. I wish I could see that every day.”

  He cleared his throat so I’d look up for the look I’ve dubbed as ‘please continue’.

  “Later. I just want to thank you, and let you know how much this means to me.”

  While the girls read the sign he took pen to paper again: What are your plans for tomorrow?

  “Probably not much. Sundays are usually pool days. I go out and get us a big bucket of fried chicken and some sides. Then we just hang out eating and swimming all day. I’m usually out of money by Sundays. We decided a couple years ago to splurge on Saturdays, and veg out on Sundays.” I explained sounding a little too proud of our arrangement. I guess I am. I’m proud of my girls for being such willing participants in the game considering they grew up having everything they could possibly want handed to them on a silver spoon.

  He nodded touching my chin with his free hand so I’d look up. I thought he was going to kiss me as he lowered, but then he went past my lips to my ear. “Mine.”

  “You have a very limited vocabulary Mr. Colson.” I teased letting it slip I know exactly who he was. For some reason I was hoping he would say his name out of habit earlier, and it would confirm the rumor that this is a long lost Colson brother home to roost.

  He touched my arm before using the pad and pen to communicate, if you knew, why did you ask?

  “I asked because I wasn’t sure this morning, but after spending the day with you, I figured it out. I’ve only met Turner once, you’re kind of a dark meaner looking version of him, with a little Joe sprinkled in.”

  “Mommy!! Mommy!! Let’s go to the gorwilla wrest want!!” Ashley gets excited and reverts to baby talk.

  “Alright, lead the way.” We ate there once when I first left their father. I ate almost everything on the menu because it was the first time I’d had an appetite in years. That meal set me back two weeks pay, but damn if it wasn’t worth it.

  Along the way Drake showed me the pad where he’d been writing while we walked: Keep your money in your wallet. This is better than any therapy out there. I owe you.

  “I don’t know. This wasn’t about therapy, and it’s definitely not a date.”

  He squeezed my hand and grabbed my hair at the back of my head just hard enough to hold my chin up so he can claim my mouth with his. It was a brief kiss, but a powerful one. It left me feeling slightly bruised, and chastised… for what?

  His grip was a little tighter on my hand as we caught up to the girls.

  Before they could hear us I asked, “Are you mad at me?”

  He showed me a small space between his thumb and forefinger.

  I bumped his arm with my shoulder. “You’re such a mean looking grump, how will I ever know when you’re mad at me??”

  He just squeezed my hand and kept walking.

  “The girls seem to like you. I was worried Ashley might be afraid of you.” I confided. If he’s not going to talk back he can’t yell at me for being brash.

  I got the hand squeeze again.

  Ashley struggled with nine hundred deep steps so I picked her up and put her on my shoulders. “I wanna be taller!!” She squealed.

  “I can’t get you any taller sweetie.”

  “Drake can!” She argued.

  “I don’t think Drake wants you on his shoulders.”

  Next thing I know he’s on one knee and tapping this shoulder.

  “Are you sure?” I asked both of them as Ashley all but dove onto his shoulders.

  “Yeah!!” She squealed as he stood. “Let’s go back and see the big cats after lunch! I bet we can see the pandas without standing in line!!” The girls know I hate how the pandas are so blocked off, and that they make you wait an hour in line for a bogus picture and a peek at the majestic bears.

  “We’ll see how much time we have. You two have probably worn poor Drake out today.”

  Drake shot me a look like I was nuts. Once we were seated he passed me a note under the table. I have orphanages all over South America and Africa. This is nothing to wear me out, and a very welcome change of pace. I meant what I said. I need this. I need you, and these two monkeys.

  I nodded deciding to talk more about this later. Maybe once the girls go to bed we can sit outside and talk. Or I can talk, he can write.


  Dinner was wonderful. The girls talked poor Drake’s ears off. He managed to find a way to communicate with them almost as well as he does with me. The pen and paper helped. I would read his questions out loud for them, then sit back and listen for what seemed like forever as they launched into prolonged explanations of their latest adventures.

  After lunch we saw the big cats and giraffes before taking the sky tram ride over the park. Drake had to sit on one side, while the girls and I sat on the other side. He still tipped us a little with his weight.

  At the end of the day Drake gave the taxi driver a wad of cash and a note that said to drive us around for a while by the boats. It’s getting dark, and the boats are always lit up so beautifully. I felt bad that he wouldn’t be here in the car to enjoy it with us. That is until I heard the familiar rumble of a Harley not to far behind.

  By the time I got the gi
rls bathed and tucked into bed to fall asleep to a movie, I was wiped out. Drake didn’t say anything about meeting outside tonight. I found myself hoping he’s out there to share my nightly joint with me.

  I don’t smoke around my kids, but a joint before I lay down helps me sleep. Without it my brain won’t quiet down, and I hear every noise as a possible threat. Red hooked me up my first week at work when she saw how sunken in my eyes were.

  As soon as I opened the door I smiled like an idiot. “I should have known you’d show up. Did you rush through that shower to get over here?” I noticed his long wavy black hair is weighted down with water, and the fresh scent of soap and cologne make me want to bury my nose, and my worries, in his neck and never come up for air.

  He crossed his arms and leaned his butt against the railing.

  “Well, whatever. Thank you for today. The girls had a blast. Normally it takes me two hours to get them both bathed and tucked into bed. Tonight they all but dove in.”

  He nodded once with a long blink that said I was welcome.

  “Orphanages huh?”

  He nodded again taking the joint after I got it lit and my first two hits.

  “How many?”

  He took his hit and handed it back before using both hands to make ten, then seven.

  “Seventeen? Wow. Sounds like a lot of work.” I looked out over the parking lot. “No goons.” I turned looking right up into his eyes. “You run them off?”

  He tilted his head and brought it back up as if saying I might be right, but he’s not going into details.

  “Right. I don’t want to know.” I turned around leaning against the railing next to him. “That was a very rude kidnapping the other day Drake.”

  He shrugged.

  “Do you do this kind of thing often?”

  He shook his head drawing his eyebrows together.

  “I didn’t think so. Men who do shit like that tend to look more annoyed than hurt when smacked in the face, twice.” I waved off the last of the joint. Let him have it, I’m good. “Goodnight Drake.”

  He pinched the joint out and grabbed my arm as he shoved it into his pocket.

  Since his grip wasn’t much of a grip, and because he bore down on me with just raw need in his eyes, I stopped and looked up for a kiss. “Why are you here? What do you want?”

  He let go of my arm and ran his hands up my back pulling me closer. As he lowered I put my hands on his chest to brace myself for pushing him away if this gets out of control.

  One hand gripped my hair, the other held my lower back. “Drake… . please.” Either let me go, or kiss me before I explode.

  He held my lower lip between his teeth for a moment with his eyes closed, then kissed me so hard I thought he might crawl inside and take up residence. Not that he’d fit, the man is huge. He could crush me if he wanted to, but his embrace is firm, not pressing. The thought of escaping didn’t occur to me.

  It shocked me when he stopped first. Cupping my face his blue eyes seemed pained as they searched mine.

  “Tomorrow?” I asked softly hoping to ease that heartbreaking look in his eyes.

  He closed his eyes and nodded once slowly before exhaling suddenly.

  I hopped up and kissed his cheek, “Sleep well.” I ducked inside and shut the door before sliding to my ass to the floor behind it. “Shit shit shit shit.”

  “Mommy?” Rebecca asked.

  “Right here honey.”

  “Did you kiss him again?”

  “I think so. My head is spinning.” I laughed as she crawled over and sat between my knees for me to play with her hair.

  “I like him, but he’s bad for us. Daddy is going to shit purple kittens.” My eleven-year-old baby girl is growing up too fast. She’s seen more than her share. I left my ex because I couldn’t stomach seeing the same things happen to Ashley. Without me there Daniel has no reason to use them to torture me. He leaves them alone for the most part, unless it’s to spoil them to the point it cuts into my visits trying to repair the damage he’s done. More so with Ashley than Rebecca.

  “I told him that.” I finger combed her hair preparing it for a long French braid.

  “What are we doing tomorrow?” She leaned her head back so I could start with her bangs.

  “I don’t know for sure. I told him our usual plans. I know we’ll see him tomorrow, but I don’t know anything else. He doesn’t talk to me either honey.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think he saw some bad things where he works. He said something about owning orphanages. I don’t know what that means, but he looks kind of militant.”


  “Military like. I picture him whacking away at big tropical plants with a machete and shooting bad guys out of trees.” I giggled. Well, it’s true.

  Rebecca laughed too, “I bet he could take out five of Dad’s goons.”

  “Let’s hope we never have to find out. Don’t get too excited honey, I don’t really think Drake will stick around for very long. He’s healing from his own past, like we did. Remember?”

  “I like him. Maybe he’ll come around and say hi now and then. Ashley’s in love.”

  “I am not!” Ashley jumped out of bed and sat in front of Rebecca.

  “Are too.” Those two continued to play argue and tease each other at Drake’s expense until I got both long-haired angels braided and tucked back in bed.

  My phone buzzed on the nightstand. I picked it up and read: From Drake: Breakfast will be there at 8a, we’ll leave by 10a. Go to sleep already.

  Me: Yes sir. Bossy much?

  Drake: Yes. Are the girls back to sleep?

  Me: Are you spying on me??

  Drake: Heard you slide down the door and sit with the girls. I sat for a while too. Goodnight Cherry.

  Me: Sherry.

  Drake: Cherry. Go to sleep.

  Me: :P

  Breakfast was another pile of pancakes, berries, and whipped cream. Drake knocked on the door at nine-thirty to see if we were ready.

  I waved him inside so he doesn’t have to hold the weighted door open. “Come on in, we need a couple more minutes. Ashley decided she wanted her sister to curl her hair so she could look extra pretty for you today.”

  He nodded once before looking around. His eyebrow went up as he took in the mess.

  “Hey, we’re girls that only get to have a slumber party once every three months. It’s fun. Maybe it’s a girl thing.” I started picking things up.

  Drake took them from my hands and tossed them back on the bed.

  “Mommy!!” Ashley yelled from the bathroom.

  “Duty calls, make yourself at home.” I went to rescue Ashley from a backwards curl.

  Twenty minutes later we made it down in front of the lobby where a limousine sat right out front. I looked around for a taxi, but I don’t see one.

  A tall man in a hat, the driver of the limousine, opened the door and waved me in. “Mrs. Colson?”

  “Huh? What?”

  Drake motioned for the girls to get inside. They looked at me. I looked at Drake, then the driver. “What did you just call me?”

  “Mrs. Colson. Mr. Colson said you and your family would be in need a driver today. That’s me. Milton Chambers at your service ma’am.” He held his hand out for me to shake.

  I like his firm handshake, “Okay Milton. Where are we going?”

  “There’s an arcade not far from here. After that I was thinking lunch at the aquarium. The rest of the day is up to you. I put some brochures inside the car by the bar.” He thumbed to the open door.

  “Thank you. Sounds great.” I stepped over to get in and looked up at Drake, “We’re going to talk about this later.”

  He shrugged as if expecting as much.

  I ducked into the car in time to catch Rebecca with a Coke. “Share with your sister.” What the hell. It’s not every day you get to have fun in a limo. Daniel’s limos are boring, and he refuses to let the girls touch anything. I say let them play.
  I’ve always had a playful nature, which Daniel told me when we were dating was one of the things he loved about me. As soon as we were married he informed me I was to grow up and stop acting like a child. One of many heartbreaks to come.

  Drake slid into the car taking up most of the back seat as he settled into the corner. He beckoned me with his finger to join him.

  I looked at the girls one at a time and shook my head so they couldn’t see. Silent communication is oddly easy for us.

  He beckoned again with a look that said they were fine.

  I shook my head again and turned my attention to Rebecca. “Sounds like we’re going to some kind of arcade. How long has it been since we’ve done that?”

  “Calvin’s birthday party.” Rebecca reminded me of a party three years ago where Daniel showed up drunk with his goons to drag us home because we hadn’t told him we were going.

  I told him, twice, but it was hard to catch him sober at the time, so he didn’t remember. I should have left a note, but having done that before I knew it wouldn’t make a difference. I’d get in trouble for leaving a ‘rude note’, instead of talking to my husband directly.

  I wasn’t sure how to save that one, so I changed the subject. “Oh look, a DVD player. Looks like it has a movie in it.” I pushed the Play button and watched as Cars started up. “Perfect.”

  Drake’s hand motion caught my attention. He beckoned again, this time with a more impatient look in his eyes.

  I checked to make sure I wouldn’t be missed and crawled over. “There. Happy?”

  He pulled the pad of paper from his from shirt pocket, which read: How was breakfast?

  “It was good, great, actually. Thank you. Again. Can I just bank a thousand thank you’s for today so I can stop saying it?” I asked playfully.

  He nodded in agreement to the deal as he wrote: Just have fun. Do I scare the girls?

  “No. Not at all. Becka is scared, but not of you. She’s scared her father will do something mean because of you. Ashley thinks you hung the moon, which wouldn’t surprise me with as tall as you are.”


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