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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 5

by Reese Madison

  Drake was there to pay my cab fare and open the door for me when I got back to the hotel.

  Once the cab left I asked him, “Since you sent breakfast, again, I guess my invite to breakfast is kind of dumb. Can we just talk? Please? I really wish I knew what was going on in your head.”

  He pulled out a new notebook and pen.

  I threw my hands up in the air and turned around, “Fine. I guess it’s better than nothing.” I sat on the curb a few feet away.

  He sat down next to me so I could read while he wrote. Not playing mute. Can’t find voice.

  “I know. I believe you. I’m just… confused. Why are you here??” I tried to look at him, but he’s watching what he writes.

  You need me.

  “No. I don’t. I might be poor, but I’m doing just fine. A lot better than I was two years ago.” I defended my struggle.

  He hesitated over the paper and rubbed his forehead before finally writing, I’m not good at this even when I can talk.

  “I don’t know what this is. Look, I just want you to know that this can’t happen. As much as I wish otherwise, it just can’t. Daniel will come after me. You can’t protect me twenty-four hours a day. I have three jobs for Christ’s sake! Are you going to follow me to each one?” I stood up. “I’m too tired to argue with you Drake.”

  Sit down. He showed me the pad.

  I snatched the pad and went stomping up to my room on the second floor and locked myself inside. I spent the next two hours sitting with my back to the door crying so hard I was rocking to keep from screaming out in frustration.

  By the time I was able to pull myself together my eyes were almost swollen shut. Great. I took a cool shower, and kept a cold wet towel on my eyes until finally opening the door for some fresh air.

  Guess who?? “Stalker.” I walked over to the railing wishing it were sunny.

  Drake took my sunglasses off and held my chin while he peered around for a better look. His groan of disapproval made me laugh. I watched him go inside my room and come out a minute later with that damn pad of paper.

  While he was writing I snatched it again and tossed it over the railing. “Fuck your damn paper. You have something to say, say it.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew it was a mistake. “Shit. I’m sorry Drake.” I started to go around him to fetch the notebook. “I’m mad at something that has nothing to do with you, and I’m taking it out on you. I’m such an ass.”

  He gently took my arm and sat me on the bench between my room and the next one. Then he pointed at me to stay put and went to get the pad. When he reached the top step he showed me what he’s written on the way up.

  Why are you crying?

  I decided to be honest. There’s nothing left to be for me at this point. “I ran into some of the other moms. People I used to consider friends. Well, not really, but they were the closest I was allowed to have to friends. When I left Daniel they turned their backs on me. Now they pretend to miss me and want to talk me into going home. Then they go on and on about how they’re doing this and that with their kids, and I just want to run screaming for the hills.”

  He wrote for a minute, then showed it to me. Forget those stuck up bitches. When we get home to the club you’ll feel better. You have real friends there.

  “I don’t know about that. Everyone is really nice to me, but we’re not exactly friends. It’s not their fault, I’m always working one job or another, so I don’t have time to be social.”

  You’ll have time soon. You look tired, let’s go lay down. He thumbed to the room and shoved the notebook in his pocket bending to scoop me up.

  “What are you doing?”

  He carried me into my room and set me on the bed before turning to lock the door.


  He shot me a look that said I’d be best to shut up while I’m ahead.

  I grabbed a pillow and hugged it to my chest.

  He walked over and motioned for me to make room for him.

  I slid over, “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  He laid down shoving a couple pillows behind his head. Then he lifted his arm and patted his shoulder beckoning me to lie down.

  “Hang on.” I turned to get my phone and set the alarm. If I’m late to pick up the girls the goons will take them home, and I’ll miss my last night with them for months.

  Once it was programmed I turned back around and set my phone on his stomach before I let my head rest on his shoulder. His arms came around me in a warm embrace like I’ve never known. This is one big, safe, strange, man. He smells like heaven. I fell asleep on a cloud of man heaven.


  The girls hated saying goodbye to Drake. Even Rebecca had warmed up to him. Ashley cried so hard you would have thought I was taking her away from her real daddy. No, more like the daddy she deserves, not the one I stuck her with.

  I got a tearful goodbye too. While I was saying goodbye up by the door to my old mansion from hell, Drake was moving my bags from the taxi to his bike. No kids, no need for taxis. I hope he doesn’t think we’re riding all the way home tonight. Ugh.

  Before I could descend two steps the voice from hell came from behind me, “Well well, slumming it with bikers now I see. Michelle, I knew you were a little slut, but really?”

  I turned around to find the king bastard of them all, my ex-husband, smiling like the cruel asshole he is. “He’s just a friend.”

  “He owes me two men.”

  “Maybe if you’d stop spying on me your men wouldn’t disappear on you.” I argued.

  “Someone has to look out for the best interest of the girls. It seems their mother has abandoned them, until it suits her that is.”

  I turned to see Drake leaned against his bike watching us with his arms folded across his chest. His arms are rather large. I bet he could lift the front end of that bike off the ground. Or chuck my ex-husband into the ocean far enough to drown his ass.

  “Just because I gave you a divorce, doesn’t mean you’ll be allowed to cheat on me Michelle. I only signed the papers so you couldn’t rob me blind by being my wife.”

  “You hated me after I got pregnant with Rebecca. I wasn’t your wife, I was someone who ruined your perfect little image by getting knocked up, fat, and ugly. I’ve never been your wife Daniel. Go fuck yourself.” I hopped down the last few steps and straight over to Drake.

  Daniel followed. I can feel it.

  Drake took my hand and put me behind him.

  “So? Having fun with my slut of a wife? She used to suck a mean dick, but I haven’t been able to get her lazy ass to do shit in years.”

  Drake just stood there looking Daniel right in the eye as calm as a pond at sunrise.

  “What’s his problem?”

  “Nothing, just go inside Daniel. We’re leaving.”

  “Don’t bring him back here Michelle. Where are my men?”

  Drake shrugged.

  “You better hope they show up, or I’ll see you get the beating worthy of two men.” He threatened walking backwards. “Have fun while you can, wife. You’ll be home soon enough. Back in my bed, where you belong.”

  “I’ll never step foot in that house again.” I promised tugging on Drake’s arm, “Let’s go. Please. This is only going to get worse.”

  Drake shrugged out of his cut and wrapped it around me before using it to pull me closer. What he did next will probably get us both killed. He put one hand on my hip and the other tangled in my hair at the back of head. His mouth came down to claim mine like it did when he kissed me at the hotel that first night.

  He broke free suddenly, shot Daniel a steady formative glare, then mounted his bike. He helped me on, tucked me in securely, and started the engine.

  Daniel folded his arms from the top step as if accepting the challenge.

  Drake made sure I was tucked in one more time, then leaned to the side, kicked the stand up, and laid rubber on that fancy rose stained concrete brick driveway so thick and hot it was still smoking when we
reached the end of the circular drive. The decorative bricks alone cost a hundred grand. I’ll stop giggling over that one in about twenty years. Not.

  Drake had checked me out of my room and into his without ever telling me. Now I get why he was packing all my shit earlier after our nap.

  I’m nosy by nature. It’s gotten me in trouble with Daniel more times than I can count. When I saw Drake’s duffel bag sitting on the dresser I couldn’t help but take a peek. I mean, who doesn’t want to know everything about the big sexy biker god who probably bleeds pure testosterone.

  He caught me, not that I was trying to be sneaky, and stepped over to lean his thigh against the dresser and give me a one-eyebrow raised look of amusement.

  I took my hand away as if the bag was on fire. “Sorry. I tend to be nosy, and I know nothing about you.” Like that was an excuse for my behavior.

  He nodded to the bag giving me permission to snoop, so, I did.

  I’m like a kid on Christmas morning with a mystery to solve. Who is this man? Why is he so interested in me? And why can’t I resist his… charm? No. I wouldn’t refer to Drake as charming. The only thing I found of interest I was so used to seeing it didn’t faze me. I used to carry a gun too.

  I looked up closing the bag, but not zipping it. “Well, that was boring. I’ve been meaning to get another gun, but I always spend my money on bills and these trips. Plus guns kind of remind me of my old life.” I’m talking to myself, but not.

  He reached into the bag, unloaded and dislodged the clip of his .400, then held it out for me to take.

  I admired the gun for a moment reminiscing over all the times I went target practicing with my .380, “Thank you, but my fingers aren’t strong enough to load these clips.” I showed him my hands, “They’ve been broken a few times. I liked my old .380.” I turned around to snoop some more while he put the gun back together.

  A minute later he took my hand and motioned for me to sit on the edge of the bed to read what he’d written while I wasn’t looking. He picked up my foot after dropping the pad in my lap.

  You can keep the job at the club, but quit the other two.

  “I wish. I need the money Drake.” I gave him my other foot so he could remove that shoe too.

  He tossed my shoe aside with the other one.

  I scooted back on the bed and sat Indian-style as I pulled a pillow over to hug to my chest. “What did you do with those two guys?”

  He sat with his back to me to remove his boots now.

  “Never mind. I don’t think you should tell me, then I’d be an accessory.”

  He fell back suddenly landing his ruggedly handsome head in my lap.

  I can’t help but touch his long wavy black hair. It falls just past his shoulders when he takes the ponytail holder out, which he did when we walked into the room. “I’ve warned you about getting involved with me, right?”

  He nodded once with that affirming blink.

  “Did you enjoy yourself earlier at the house?” I accused trying to tap his nose, but he’s fast and tried to bite my finger in defense.

  His shrug was noncommittal.

  “I wish I could see the bill for cleaning up the rubber you laid on that concrete.”

  He caught my hands and began studying them with his eyes and fingers.

  “I’m going to need those arthritic gloves in another year or two.”

  He pressed a kiss to my palm as he shook his head.

  “How long have you been mute?”

  He held up three fingers.

  “Three weeks?”

  He shook his head.

  “Three months?”

  A nod.

  “Does it hurt?”

  He shook his head before rolling and crawling over me until I landed on my back.

  I put my hands on his chest, “I’m not ready for this.”

  He nodded as if I’d stated the obvious.

  “I have nothing to offer you Drake. You know my life now. If it’s sex you want, I’m sorry, I don’t do one night stands. I’m already having trouble with you engraining yourself in my girl’s lives without asking me first. If Ashley never sees you again it’s going to break her heart, bad.”

  He put his finger to my lips silencing me. Our eyes locked in silent understanding for a long time. I’ve never looked into anyone’s eyes this long. It’s amazing what you can see just by lingering.

  Drake’s eyes and expression told me he’s insulted by my words. The thumb he ran over my cheek as his eyes drank me in told me this was not a one-night stand for him. I should have pushed him away when he lowered his lips to mine, but I couldn’t.

  Something happened just now. Something big. Just before his talented lips caused my brain to go blank, I made a mental note to take him a little more seriously. The insulted look was too much. I’m hurting his feelings when I tell him he should go away and stop bothering with me. I don’t like hurting his feelings. Makes me feel sad, and a little bit sick.

  Our kiss ended when his phone buzzed on the nightstand. He excused himself to the table and chair with an apologetic look. I fell asleep half watching him work diligently at his laptop a few minutes later. There’s something oddly erotic about a big sexy man who can type sixty words per minute.

  I remember waking up when he came to bed, but he wrapped himself around me so smoothly and comfortably, I drifted right back off again.

  He woke me up before I was ready with wandering hands. The problem is I’d been dreaming about his hands on my body, so feeling them confused both my body and my brain. I moaned into his kiss as his hand slid down the front of my jeans.

  That’s when reality bit, hard. I turned my head to break the kiss and put a stop to this as his fingers slid into me and tickled the magic spot I’d almost forgotten existed. My body betrayed me, arched, and came hard on his fingers.

  “Oh my God!” Spasms raked my body. Each one gently letting me back down to earth, then picking me back up for another high.

  He removed his hand and climbed up straddling my hips. My jeans are still on from yesterday, and since I’ve lost so much weight he didn’t have to unfasten them to get his hand down the front. I dug my fingers into his thighs as he freed himself.

  I almost freaked out at the sheer size of him, and the way he has me pinned, until I realized he’s not after sex. He needs release. When he tugged on my shirt I lifted it up exposing my stomach for him.

  He mouthed a thank you and took my left hand in his right to show me I can touch him. His left hand is working himself slow and steady. He’s fucking beautiful. I want to come again just watching him.

  I cupped his tight sac and watched as he erupted onto my stomach. Watching his body twitching in ecstasy is by far the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Of course it was over too soon and I had to hold back the pout when he tucked himself away. I know it’s for the best if we stop here, but found myself tempted to push him to his back and kiss that giant shaft of his until it was ready for me to climb on for a nice long ride.

  He pointed for me to stay while going to get a couple towels to clean me up. I offered, but got that look that says, “No, and don’t argue with me.”

  When he finished gently removing his mess he tossed the towels to the floor. Then he kissed me softly on the lips for a minute before taking my hand and pulling me upright to sit on the edge of the bed. He set the notebook on my lap and left to take a shower. I looked down and read:

  You’re mine now, not Daniel’s. When we get home I want your divorce papers for my lawyer to look over. We will get your girls in your custody. This is no life for them, and you know it. I don’t have words for what you do to me, but I have words to guilt you into not fighting me on this. Two words. Rebecca and Ashley. Now get ready for a long ride home xo.

  I read it three more times before he rejoined me. I looked up wishing those water drips making fresh trails down his torso were my tongue. I swallowed, “You’re guilting me into being with you?”

  He shrugged noncommittally

  “What makes you think I trust you enough to offer up my life like this? We barely know each other, and you want to take on all my responsibilities? My family? No Drake. I’ve been fooled once, it won’t happen again. I can take care of myself, but thanks for the offer.” I threw the notebook against the wall and stormed off to take my own shower.

  He got the silent treatment from me all the way to Yuma. I have to admit he took it in stride. Either that or he was happy I wasn’t yelling at him.

  Before I could take two steps towards the bathroom from the gas pumps he caught my hand and brought me over for one of his mind blowing, possessive kisses that make my brain go blank and my knees weak.

  When he came up for air he kept his hold on my body as his eyes searched mine.

  “Yes, I’m still mad at you. You ask too much, and yet I can’t stop kissing you. I don’t know if I’m mad at you, or at myself for being too weak to put an end to this before you get us all in a world of hurt.”

  He nodded before kissing my cheek and motioning for me to go use the restroom.

  Six hours riding crotch to crotch is not as fun as you would think. In fact, it sucks. I’m not horny, I’m stiff, sore, hungry, cranky, and tired. Not in that order. The only good part was resting my head against his chest the whole time. That and kisses he stole from time to time.

  He finally pulled the bike to a stop and shut the engine off. I looked around as he peeled me off and carefully set me on my feet. “This isn’t where I live.”

  The garage door opened revealing a black pickup truck and another Harley. He tucked the one we’d been riding between the two, then got off and beckoned for me to join him as he unstrapped my bags from his fender.

  “Is this your house??” As I look around I realize it’s a damn nice house. A big Santa Fe style house that’s no mansion, but still took up a third of the cul-de-sac.

  Drake gave a low whistle to get my attention and wave me inside.


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