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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 7

by Reese Madison

  She’s drawing invisible designs on my thigh. It’s distracting. Her absent-minded affection is oddly comforting. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world to be touching me like this. I can’t imagine anyone hurting this sweet little woman.

  I tried to think about baseball, but by the time I pulled into the garage I was hard as a rock. As the light came on and the doors opened she saw my discomfort and blushed. Her shyness is sweet, but I’m looking forward to the day when she’s ripping her clothes off for me as the garage door closes.

  With every fiber of my being I know I can get her there. She has a little wildcat in her. It’s in the dark red lipstick and darker than natural hair color. I noticed she has a collection of brightly colored hairpieces when I packed her stuff. That explains how she was changing the damn strip of color every day. One day bright pink, the next neon blue. I like the dark red one myself.

  Women and their mysteries.

  Once inside the house my little mystery suddenly grabbed my arm and swung me around so my back is to the wall in the hallway just inside the house. She looked up at me for a long moment. She’s hard to read, which is frustrating because she can all but read my mind.

  She unfastened my belt and flipped open the button of my jeans as she spoke softly, “I can’t remember the last time I wanted to do this. And no, it’s not out of some warped sense of gratitude. This is just about you, and what you’re making me want to do.”

  I nodded. Whatever you say baby, just don’t stop.

  She pushed my jeans down carefully and knelt at my feet. Her gentle exploring and touches are worse than a good hard fuck. If she doesn’t stick it in her mouth soon I’m going to come on her face. She wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft as her pink tongue ran around the edge of my tip making me try to the grab drywall behind me.

  When she cradled my cock on her tongue my elbow went through the wall. She flicked my tip with her tongue as she giggled. Not funny honey.

  She put me back on her tongue and had me gripping drywall again. My knees went weak as the eruption built. I tapped the wall with my fist hoping she’ll take a hint just before unloading in the poor girl’s mouth. I almost came again when she took me nice and neat.

  I slid to the floor and pulled her into my lap to hold. It took me two tries, but I finally managed to grind out, “I need you.”

  “Already? We’re not doing it here in the hallway. Not unless you light a candle or do something romantic.” She teased pushing up and offering me her hand to join her, which I did.

  I slid my fingers through her hair and held her head so I can kiss those perfectly talented lips. I drank from her until she pinched me hard enough to snap me out of it.

  Her smile told me I hadn’t gone too far. I was relieved, and getting aroused again. She tucked me inside my jeans while I just stood here looking into her eyes. I want to taste her. All of her.

  She snapped her fingers, “Snap out of it big guy. I need to shower off work and get comfortable. I have two houses to clean tomorrow morning, so I need my car. All my supplies are in it.”

  I rolled my eyes and fished they keys to the piece of shit out of my pocket.

  She took them quickly, “Where is it??”

  I tried for my voice again, but nothing came out. Fuck. I took her hand and brought her into the kitchen where I could write on the junk mail.

  It’s in the backyard. Tomorrow is your last day at that job. Understood??

  “You’re not the boss of me.” She gave a bad impression of a stubborn teenager.

  Come with me. We’ll move the shit to your truck. At least drive something I don’t have to fucking worry about you in! She’s trying my patience, something I’m in short supply of on a good day.

  “MY truck?? I don’t own that truck.” She argued getting defensive. It’s been too long of a day for this bullshit.

  Yes! I slammed the pen down and grabbed her keys. Stubborn, sexy, sweet, kissable, pain in my ass, fuck she’s got a great rack, woman. What the hell is wrong with me?? Oh yeah, her.

  “I can practically hear you cussing me in your head.”

  I held the door to the garage open for her, then waved her majesty through.

  She stuck her little pink tongue of magic out at me as she passed through. “You said three words.”

  I almost laughed out loud. Little vixen. As far as I was concerned the game hadn’t started yet. I figured noon tomorrow was the start time. My little dark haired angel with kissable almost-too-red lips, skipped ahead three spaces and got me before the word go. Cheater.

  * * *

  For some strange reason I feel empowered. I literally brought that man to his knees, well, his ass. The way he held me afterwards was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He just held me. He didn’t fondle me, or push me away. He held me. If he’s not careful I’m going fall in love with his big cranky ass.

  Since I have to get up so early in the morning to go to work I have to shower and dry my hair before I go to bed. This tends to take a while.

  It might not take this long if I wasn’t being bothered every five minutes. “If you go lay down I’ll be done sooner.” I informed him after turning the hair dryer off for the third time.

  He gave me what I’m learning is his impatient look.

  “Go.” I shooed him away again. “This time stay out. I’m tired and want to get some sleep.”

  He watched me for a minute before leaving the room.

  I finished drying my hair and tied it up so it won’t frizz before going to find him waiting between the sheets. “I should be in a guest room.” I sat on the edge of the bed to take my socks off. I can’t sleep in socks. Freaks me out.

  He tugged on my sweatshirt.

  “No. Behave yourself. I’m going to sleep. You’re almost as exhausting as three jobs and two kids.” I backed my way under the covers and took his hand to my chest when he moved in behind me to spoon. “Goodnight Drake.”

  “Mm-mm.” That meant no.

  I started to roll but he put his finger up, then another, then three. Three. “Oh yeah. Which three?”

  He tugged on my shirt.

  I sat up and tossed it on the floor. While I was up he unfastened my bra. “That’s two.”

  He snapped the hem of my pajama bottoms.

  I wiggle rout of them and slid right back in front of him. “Give me your hand. Just because they’re off doesn’t give you free reign.”

  He fit his body perfectly behind me and cupped my left breast to hug me in tight.

  “Now will you go to sleep?”

  He nosed my hair, hugged me, then kissed the top of my head. That means yes.

  My phone’s alarm had me up entirely too early. Even Drake moaned in complaint. As nice as it was to be with him, I need a break to think clearly. Cleaning houses gave me a chance to think, and listen to really loud music to purge some tension.

  Not that Drake didn’t help me over a huge hurdle when he touched me, but I need to think, and I can’t think with him around. He takes up the whole room. Almost literally. His long hair gives him a kind of warrior look. If he had a shield and a kilt I’d have to ask if he was a descendant of Duncan McCloud.

  “There can be only one.” I said out loud to myself later that afternoon on my way back to Drake’s to change for my shift at the club tonight. I called and quit the used car sales job. That’s one reference I’m not worried about chucking off the old resume. Ugh.

  Later that afternoon when I got home Drake met me at the door and pointed to the truck I’d left in the driveway, instead of pulling into the garage, with a curious look on his face.

  “I only have an hour and a half before I need to leave. You’ll be happy to know I quit job number three.” I slipped past him taking an extra whiff of his unique scent. He looks sweaty. “What are up to in here?”

  He closed and locked the door behind him.

  I grabbed a beer and kicked out of my shoes in the kitchen as I drank half of it at once. “Oh man that’s go
od. Why are you all sweaty?”

  He picked up pen and paper to write: Working out, not used to being idle.

  “Ah. You should get a job or three, that’ll keep you in shape, and you get paid.” I teased taking my beer to the bedroom.

  He gently caught my arm after I set my beer down and brought me around to face him. I watched as he touched the 12 on his watch.


  He nodded and tugged on my shirt, then held up one finger, then pointed to his throat.

  “You want to do that now?”

  Thumbs up.

  “You realize you have to make it quick, right?”

  He put his finger up and typed a message to what I thought would go to my phone, but when he shows me the message, it was to Red. Cherry will be a half hour late.

  “That’s not fair, it’s not like she can tell you no. You’re her husband’s brother,” I argued.

  He shrugged tugging on my shirt.

  I pulled it off and tossed it on the bed.

  When I reached for my bra he put his hand over mine and shook his head as he pointed to his throat.

  “Oh yeah, you haven’t said anything yet! Do you see how distracted you get me??” I put my hands on my hips, “Talk to me.”

  He cleared his throat and focused like he had to go over the Hoover Dam to get this out. “I won’t hurt you.”

  I blinked wallowing in the echo of the deep sound of his voice. “You better not, and that’s four. With four I’m practically naked.”

  He pointed to my shoes one at a time as he counted off two and three on his fingers. Four got me out of my jeans. Now I’m standing here in a bra and underwear.

  “There. Happy?” I twirled around once and gave him a little ta-da!

  I might as well have dangled raw meat in front of a hungry tiger. He pounced grabbing the backs of my thighs and lifting me up as our mouths crashed into each other. Evidently I missed the big guy this morning because I kissed him back harder than I’ve ever kissed a man in my life. Crap. Why does he have to taste so damn good?

  My back hit the bed breaking our kiss and making me scold him, “Drake! Take it easy.”

  He nosed my chin up and continued to devour my neck.

  I put my hands on his shoulders. “Wait. I said you could look, not touch.” It’s just an excuse to get him to take a break so I can catch up.

  He stopped immediately and came up to hover.

  I ran my thumb over his lower lip. “Slow down. Please.”

  He narrowed his eyes.

  “I know, I started the game. I just need a minute here.”

  He shook his head and closed his eyes telling me that’s not what he’s concerned about.

  “You’re going to have to write it down Drake, I can’t always read your mind.”

  He shook his head and fell over on his side to put his head on my shoulder.

  I twisted his hair between my fingers. “Don’t fall asleep.”

  His fingers started tapping my stomach and walked down a couple inches to the top of my underwear.

  “Are you asking if you can touch me?”

  He nodded and walked down a little more.

  “If I say no, are you going to be mad at me?”

  He sat up and looked back down at me with crunched eyebrows. “No.” The pained look that followed him saying that made me feel bad.

  I propped up on my elbows, “Don’t look so surprised. That’s what I’m used to Drake. I never got a say. God I wish you could talk to me.” I sat up. “You don’t understand what it’s like to accept abuse because you want it over with sooner than later. Especially when your oldest daughter is forced to watch as her father beats and rapes her mother.”

  Drake sat up with me and tried to take my hand.

  I pulled away, “I tried to warn you I was damaged. I can’t even tell you half the things that man put us through. The divorce is nothing but a game to him. He’s probably looking forward to blackmailing me into going home with him, that way he can spin it all for his friends on how he saved his silly wife. How I’m so helpless without him.”

  I looked up to brave those concerned blue eyes, “I don’t know how to be normal. I forgot how to feel anything but love for my girls. Everything else opens me up for more pain. Pain I can’t handle again. My girls need me to stay focused on them so their father doesn’t ruin them. Trying to be a normal woman in this bed with you… it’s hard. I don’t know how to relax and enjoy it like I used to.”

  He touched his finger gently to my jawline and ran it down under my chin. He tried to console me with an understanding look.

  “No. You don’t understand, but thank you for listening, and being patient with me.” I slid off the bed and went to get my shower. Way to ruin the mood genius.

  After getting ready for my shift at the club I found Drake sitting on the couch flipping through pictures. A lot of pictures.

  I walked over and sat down to see what he’s doing. Words caught in my throat now too. These people, look like hamburger meat. I thought I’d been through a lot, but these women have been literally butchered, then left alive to live with their deformities.

  “This is why you lost your voice?” I asked putting them back in neat piles so there aren’t too many clouding my head.

  He scattered them all over the coffee table making a messy collage of tortured souls, then slapped a piece of paper in front of me that read, This is what’s in my head. Having you in the same room makes it go away. All I need is you. I don’t care if I’m an inch from entering you. Tell me to stop, and I WILL stop. He tapped the pen on the paper and set it down before collecting the photos.

  I handed him the pen back and took over the gathering, “Why did you take all these pictures?”

  To solicit funding.

  “That’s pretty low.”

  People don’t like to come off their money without a damn good reason.

  “I’m sorry I ruined the mood earlier. I see these and my past seems kind of pale in comparison.” I closed the lid on the box and sat back while he wrote.

  Don’t trivialize how you feel.

  “I think we need to talk before we keep playing my stupid game.”

  No way. Game on. I won’t get mad if you want to stop, no matter when.

  “Don’t you get frustrated? Angry?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me then shook his head.

  I sighed knowing this is going to take some time to get used to. “I’m going to work. Are you coming in for dinner later?”

  He nodded and stood to walk me to the truck. I got a nice long reassuring kiss before he closed my door and watched me drive away.


  Women. I can handle rebels, and triage situations. I can handle being bum-rushed by a herd of kids both grateful and fearful. But Cherry? The idea of her having been hurt shuts me down.

  I want to talk again so bad I got carried away and scared her earlier. At least I think I scared her. She seemed fine when she left for work. I need to shake this fucking shock bullshit so we can have a real conversation for once.

  My phone buzzed on my desk about two hours later when I was returning emails before heading over to the club. I picked it up in case it’s Cherry. All my work shit is being forwarded to Zac for now. He’s my partner in crime, and another half-brother. Being a Colson means not knowing exactly how many brothers you have. Some people have zero family, I have more than I can count.

  The text message was from Goat: There seems to be a debate down here only you can put an end to. Mind joining us?

  I replied, On my way.

  On the way to the club I started getting a bad feeling this is about my Cherry. I parked by her truck, my old truck. I suppose I should get her something smaller to drive, but her face lights up when she starts the big diesel engine.

  Goat met me in front of the bar. “Dude, it started out friendly enough, but then some asshole…”

  I shoved him aside and ducked inside. Somebody really needs to put a bigger door on t
his fucker. I looked around and saw my Cherry right away. She backed up from a table with one of her smiles that says she’s not as amused as she’s trying to appear.

  I walked right over startling her to the point she almost dropped the tray of empty beer glasses. “Shit Drake. You scared me.”

  I nodded towards the table of wanna be bikers. They’re young, and probably got in here via a friend of a friend. Happens all the time.

  “Just newbies. I guess they got bored at the other bar down the street.”

  I narrowed my eyes knowing damn well she’s holding back.

  “Who called you?”

  I showed her my phone.

  She rolled her eyes, “Please. He’s overreacting. I’ve dealt with worse. Go sit down so I can feed you. Beer?”

  I shook my head and backed off so she could get back to work. Fine. I’ll just sit here at the bar and see for myself. Bad Cherry. She needs a very thorough tongue-lashing. God I love her short little skirts. Focus asshole.

  I watched and drank, drank and watched. I’m not getting drunk, it’s just beer. It would take half a keg to put a dent in my tolerance level, mostly due to my size.

  After watching these idiots for a little while I’ve narrowed down the one who seems to have a thing for my Cherry. He watches her like he’s hunting her. Waiting for her to go outside alone, so he can follow.

  When he whistled for her attention my blood boiled. Cherry is not a dog. I set my beer down. Cherry flicked him off and finished taking another order. Good girl.

  A minute later she went to see what he wanted. As soon as his palm smacked her ass I launched myself across the room and table.

  Things got a little fuzzy after that. I remember trying to toss the guy out the side door by the stage, but ended up putting us both through the wall. This is a wood paneled steel shed. The metal isn’t all that thick, and the wood is old and brittle, but together they’ll make sure we hurt tomorrow.

  I remember pounding on the guy’s face. Then I was being dragged off and men shuffled around in front of me. It’s been months since I was in a good fight. Everything is rushing back. My brain is confused. I can’t focus. At this point I don’t know if I’m in the middle of a war zone or being hauled off to prison camp.


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