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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

Page 32

by Kenneth Mullinix

  ~Chapter 15~

  Meet Elwood Booker

  Hot summertime winds rustled underneath Junior's long, luxurious outstretched feathered wings at they fluttered in time, with each downwards and upwards stroke. The hot winds made a soft swooshing sound that was a pure wonderment to Louis's ears.

  A powerful stroke here, then a long glide through a thick fluffy cloud, out the other side, and back into the bright daylight; now banking gently to the left, as another gust of life giving air, catches the underside of Junior's wings.

  It was pure magic.

  "Can you feel it Mr. Beamer?"

  "Feel what Louis?"

  "The renewed feeling in your soul, were flying, were soaring, it's all so unreal Mr. Beamer!"

  "Yes I feel it Louis, it is wonderful and magical, an experience given to us courtesy of Charlie and Junior."

  "Relax and enjoy the experience Louis, for you are, our master.

  Arion, Ancient and Master are reunited for a common cause. This is your life; enjoy it as it comes to you Louis" stated Charlie.

  Charlie nodded to Junior. Junior was off again, lost in the joy of flight. Diving to the left with wings tucked into his sides; Louis instinctively nestled into and directly behind Junior's feathery neck. He knees were folded together tightly, elbows inward, his head in a lowered forward position, to cut wind drag.

  Louis's red hair shone brightly, in the clear sunshine, the chain mail coat and slivery armament backscattered, and bent the light beams into the color of the rainbow. Louis was a colorful spectacle bolting downwards at unmatched speeds, spiraling and spinning in delight inside of Junior's newfound flying skills. Louis lit up the noontime skies like a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm.

  Louis shouted out at the top of his lungs.

  "I'm a free bird! I'm the conqueror of the skies, they belong to me!"

  Louis gave a hard tug on the leather reins, nudging the bit tighter in Junior's mouth, this gently pulled Junior's head backwards, he instinctively reared back, sending his wings outwards with the tips of the feathers, pulling from the bottom in a upwards motion. This slowed his speed, sending him gliding upwards. Louis held on tightly as his other hand pulled on the left rein with authority. Junior spiraled twice to the left, sending Louis and himself upside down.

  Louis, once more sent out shouts of glee.

  "It's a miracle Junior, its pure heaven!"

  "I know Louis, I am enjoying myself as well, but we must be getting back to Charlie before we lose ourselves in the moment, and lose our way."

  "You're right, Junior keep me in check. You must not forget that I am still young, fun, and full of energy and my thoughtlessness will sometimes, still get me in trouble."

  "I am young as well, don't forget Louis. Charlie somehow watches out for me when I am not around, just as he does you. I think he is telepathic in some way and he is telling me right now, to rise up back into the upper stratosphere, and fly by his side again. I must not disobey his commands."

  "Then fly upwards, with determination in your heart."

  A slight tug on the reins once more and Junior ceased the playfulness and joy of simple flight. He now took towards an upwards draft, that his nose had just sensed. The hot gust of air shot him upwards again with great speed and accuracy, to not more than a mile away from Charlie, who was keeping a straight line towards the eastern horizon.

  Mr. Beamer was comfortably perched upon Charlie's back; searching the far-off and distant lands stretched out in front of them, for as far as the eye could see. Junior tipped his wings again to the left sending Louis and him gliding ever so softly, in next to Charlie's position.

  "Did you have a nice flight Louis?"

  "Oh you know I did Charlie. Could you not hear me screaming?"

  "Yes I could Louis. When I was first turned into a Pegasus, around the age that Junior is now, I as well shouted out within my new freedom."

  "You were a Pegasus and could fly before?"

  "Sure I did Louis. I have been from what I can remember a Pegasus three times over, over the course of my lifetime. I have been called on several times, by many magicians and wizards to take this form in the past, just as I have been called upon this time by Mr. Beamer."

  "Well, who would have thought that to be true? I learn, more and more about you everyday Charlie. You are a true wonderment to me."

  "Charlie is a real wonderment to me as well Louis, but we have real work to do now," said Mr. Beamer as he pulled the golden Compass of Nubia from one of his saddlebags. The compass shone brightly in the sunlight; sending a golden glow outwards in front of Mr. Beamer's eyes. He studied the compass with great consternation in his eyes then spoke out.

  "We are flying on a direct easterly course, and have since leaving Indiana, and are now right where we should be. If you look below us you can see Columbus Ohio, down below and to your right side, you can see Lancaster, and up ahead of that Zanesville. See the beautiful hills and dales. It is truly a beautiful country that we live in."

  "You're sure right Mr. Beamer, it is beautiful."

  "We will stay on this eastern track towards Harrisburg and Trenton then head sharply northward towards the eastern seaboard of these lands. We will have to rest Charlie and Junior sometime during the day though."

  "We are both fine for now Mr. Beamer. You forget we were re-born or re-birthed for this task. We are Pegasus's; this is our calling. We are strong in our resolve. Before nightfall we can rest. We can relax for the night in a little town called Scranton on the outskirts of New York this first day. I know a farmer there who has harbored me in the past. He will give us all safe lodging, clean water, and hot food to eat this evening. His name is Elwood Booker, "The Farmer" said Charlie.

  "That is the destination for the evening" called back Mr. Beamer "we have at least another four days of travel before we reach the mystical kingdom of "Kalapa" hidden beyond the snowy peaks of the Himalaya Mountains above Tibet.

  Mr. Beamer pulled on the reins in Charlie's mouth, commanding Charlie to rise into the upper-stratosphere even higher. The air would be thinner and calmer higher up. Junior followed Charlie's lead. The green valley's and low-lying hills drifted away from view.

  Louis pulled a cloth scarf up tighter around his neck to ward off the chill in the air this high up, as Junior glided gently forward with each downwards stroke of his wings.

  The hours passed as Louis gazed upon the horizon in amazement.

  The colors of the earth in all her brilliance was still ever the sight to see. Deep blue's in the sky, the orange and yellow umbra encircling the sun, and the whites in the gently drifting clouds, were astonishing to gaze upon, soaring in and out of small cloudbursts, and gently wrestling with a weak southerly jet stream at the higher climbs.

  The hours of effortless flight passed quickly.

  Town and cities small and large came into view, and then were quickly lost from sight. Louis drank freely from a satchel of well water stung around his neck. He snacked on dried venison, and a few flour biscuits that Hattie May had given him before he left on his journey that morning.

  As the waning sun started to grow fainter on the horizon, Charlie spotted a lush green valley in Lucerne County in the near distance on his left side. As the last of the sun disappeared from view, Charlie led the way, slowly gliding lower and lower, into Sweetvalley and closer to the farmhouse, of Elwood Booker.

  Junior pulled up his wings, then a few quick flutters and a little concentration, and all were quiet and safe once again on the ground; it was a perfect landing. Charlie seeing Junior safely land on the ground followed suit, landing next to him, effortlessly.

  The farmhouse was quite.

  There was a large barn on one side of the farm surrounded by a white picket fence and a few horse corals. On the other side of the barn were rows of plowed fields; looking very much like Mr. Beamer'
s farmhouse. On the main farmhouse, a lone patio light and two front kitchen lights were glowing, in the still of the dark.

  With Charlie's prodding's, Louis dismounted Junior, and advanced towards the front door, giving it a gentle knock. After a brief moment, the door swung open and out walked a tall thin man. He looked to be: an unassuming gentleman standing about six-foot three inches tall, had a pair of pale blue coveralls on; had graying hair and a lean face. He still looked youthful through his nicely trimmed gray beard. His eyes were honest.

  Louis stood about five-feet back off the porch dressed in his kingly armor with bow and quiver, and sliver shield, still strung across his back, with his chain mail slung over his narrow chest.

  Louis gave a disarming smile as Elwood gave him an astonished, yet kind glance. Elwood then looked over Louis's shoulder spotting Charlie, Junior and Mr. Beamer out by the barn. He could hear their breathing.

  "And you are?"

  "I am Louis Robert Parks, the soon to be savior of the world."

  "It's nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Parks."

  "It's nice to make your acquaintance as well, Mister Booker."

  Elwood looked over Louis's shoulder towards his barn then spoke.

  "Charlie you've changed since the last time you were in my presence."

  "So I have, just as the times are now changing."

  "Were you not a Unicorn last time, sporting a long white Billy goat beard, a flowing lion's tail, with cloven hooves and a golden horn on your forehead?"

  "Yes, you may be graying, and older since the last time we met, but your memory has not faded nor your wit. I was all that you just said."

  Louis turned to look at Charlie, shaking his head again in admiration.

  "Charlie I can't seem to keep track of your past. One day you're a Pegasus, one day a Clydesdale, then a spirited Painted Pony, a common Carthorse, and so on and so on. Are you going to turn into a Unicorn again before this is all over?" asked a bewildered Louis a foretelling question.

  "Louis Arions are like Chameleon lizards, changing colors on a whim, or like a cocooned butterfly waiting to burst forth from her humble abode and hiding place, to greet a new life. We are able to change physical forms to fit your needs; for you are, my Master."

  Elwood looked downwards, grasped Louis by the hand, giving him a hearty handshake and a warm hello. Louis gave a hearty handshake in kind.

  "My other names are The Chosen One and Ra-Atum-Khepri as some around here lately have been calling me."

  "I knew I would meet you someday. Charlie once told me there would be a new Child-King born upon the earth again. That day appears to have arrived."

  "Yes it has..."

  Both walked towards the barn.

  "And this must be Tut-ankh-Amon, or better known as, Mr. Beamer."

  "Yes that is true, that was my name once long ago. What is your title and true name?" asked Mr. Beamer as he firmly shook Elwood's hand.

  "Yes I have heard of you Mr. Beamer I mean Tut-ankh-Amon. You are the Librarian and The Keeper of the olden ways. You are an Ancient. Now as for my name...let me was so long ago as well...but I, remember. It was Horus the has long..."

  "Then you are just the person we need to see. Charlie has even secrets that I do not know about. We must talk later but as for now, can we stay in your barn this night and rest our weary bones.

  We have been in flight for the better part of eight hours. Charlie and Junior are worn out, and to tell you the truth, my hind side is very sore. I am a little old for all this flying. It is going to take a while to get use to it."

  "Yes Tut-ankh-Amon, you can stay. I will have my wife bring you and the Chosen One a home-cooked meal, and for Charlie and his son Junior there is plenty of hay, apples, and fresh water in the barn. I will return in a moment."

  Elwood disappeared back into his farmhouse, the door quickly closing behind him.

  "Charlie we must seek advice from Horus, for I now know who he is, as you..."

  "Yes Tut, there is a reason we are here. For I know many things of the ancient world, just as you do. Remember I walked the face of the earth in those days as well. In those early days, I was once called The Deliverer," said Charlie.

  "Yes some of your old feats are now coming back to me. Did you not defeat the fire-breathing beast Chimera, with the help of Bellerophon, so very long ago in ancient Egypt?" asked Mr. Beamer.

  "So you do remember. My olden name was Pegasi."

  "Things are coming back to me little by little, but yes that was one of your olden names."

  "Well we can discuss this at a later time. We must seek cover and take to the warmth of the barn, and the generosity of our host. Your dinner will be here shortly then we all must talk. There is much to learn from our humble friend tonight. I assure you he will know the scope of our quest, and have answers for us, that we could not find by ourselves."

  "You are right again Charlie" said Mr. Beamer as all headed for the two open doors of the barn.

  Louis shook his head in doubt once again, after listening to Charlie and Mr. Beamer's conversation.

  Elwood returned shortly from the main farmhouse, arms full of two plates of leftovers from their earlier dinner; Charlie and Junior found a few baskets of apples to eat, hay was plentiful. All ate and drank their fill as Elwood said a few more hellos, as all were formally introduced once again.

  The night was still early and there was much to discuss, for Elwood had felt the earlier biting wind, and experienced the ground shake with anger as well. After an hour of lighthearted conversation while sitting on a few hay bales, Mr. Beamer finally spoke up about their quest, and their immediate future.

  "Horus that is a name from my past, I remember some but can you fill in the blanks, for I know that Elwood Booker must be the identity that you have taken in your new life here in this quaint town."

  "Yes we are all so much older now. Two-thousand five hundred, and some odd years on the back side of that figure should be about right, so I can see your memory has faded with time. For I am Horus the Elder the olden sky god. I am the son of Geb, and Nut, and the brother of Osirus.

  Set's was my twin brother; we once formed the true Light and Dark and I use to have quite a different roll in the world. My left eye was the moon, and my right eye was the sun. I once got in a terrible fight with my brother Set; Set gouged out my left eye; it became the evil Eye of Horus, which has now fallen into the hands of Petar Deegan Aden better known today as Squint-Eye Pete.

  When that happened, the moon then became the dominion of the god Thoth. Under his command is Hathor the Moon Rider. Then my right eye came into the possession of Isis through another great battle; that eye now belongs to Kauket, the Queen of Primordial Darkness or as she is now known, "Big Sal Rossi".

  Charlie spoke.

  "Yes I now remember it all so well, that is why we have come to visit you tonight. I know you have felt the violent ground shaking the last few weeks, and the biting winds of Hathor as she prepares to take to flight again, riding the face of the moon to her next meeting with good, and evil in the Valley of the Kings during the next summer equinox."

  "I have felt the evil shaking, and the evil winds of change. It will be as it once was. The battle lines have been reformed, and you are now here for my advice. Is this correct?"

  "Yes we seek your council," said Charlie with a new now very serious look of worry across his face.

  "But what you don't know Horus the Elder, is that the two evil eyes have now joined, and their dark powers are growing as we speak, and that the book of Aka Manah has been opened once again, the olden book of evil" interjected Mr. Beamer as he as well, had a look of concern and trouble on his face.

  "I did not know that that the two eyes had conjoined. It makes since that someone would one day seek out
the combined powers of the two evil eyes. Who holds these powers as we speak?"

  "Elwood that would be Petar Deegan the Black Fire he is in possession of those eyes, or Peter the Terrible as he has been called before. Louis here had the misfortune to have experienced the evil Eye of Horus on an epic journey to the North Pole last year. He lived to tell the story, which no child ever has, that is one reason that he must be the Chosen One, it was fate." exclaimed Charlie.

  "So you are heading east then back to the cradle of civilization, and back into the den of Mehan the Serpent King to be done what was done once before, and the Chosen One will face the wrath of Mehan?"

  "Yes that is correct," said Mr. Beamer as he turned to face Louis again, to give him support "yes he will do our biding, and wage the "Battle for the Ages" once more.

  You see his two friends are now directly involved, as we all are; they are in the captivity right now of Petar. So you see he has a stake in this deeper than any of us do so far. If the darkness prevails we could all still survive but these two small children, and the minds of all the children in the world is now at stake. I will not go into all of that right now, because I know you understand all that I say."

  "Can you help us Horus?" asked Charlie.

  "Yes can you help us? I know as Tut does now, that when both of your eyes were stolen, this sent your world into darkness for all these years. Not being able to see light must be hard on you; blindness has its hardships."

  Louis turned to look once again at Horus the Elder, only now realizing that his world is devoid of light.

  Sadness overtook him.

  "Yes the darkness has not been kind to me, for I miss the true beauty of the light and the world it illuminates. It has been so long since I have seen beauty but beauty and friendships can be found in darkness, if you know where to look."

  Horus turned his blind gaze towards Louis, and nodded his head. Louis did not understand the implications of this at that moment. His youth undermined his knowing.

  "Well then I will bring light back into your world. I can do this, for I am the Chosen One. I am heading with my three friends here, to Shambhala to gain the final wisdom I will need to conquer this growing evil. I have already felt the anger of Petar, sat upon the Tree of Knowledge, taken the life of Growlar the Ancient Cave Bear, experienced the horror of "Nebuka the Terrible" and defeated Petar once, so I know I can do it again.

  If this is the last thing I do on this earth, I will defeat this scourge forthcoming to our world, then I promise you; I will bring light back into your world, and bring you the two evil eyes" proclaimed Louis who was now in a heightened state of excitement.

  "When my two eyes were stolen from me by thieves and cowards in the night, and upon waking in darkness for eternity, I finally gathered my wits and emotions about me. Then I cast a wicked spell on both eyes, using the evil book of Aka Manah. This evil spell was transferred, to the unlawful wearers and unnatural owners, turning them into, two evil eyes.

  Then this evil grew more than I could have imagined throughout the years. They are now more valuable than ever, especially to Hathor the Moon Goddess, the ruler of light and Mehan the Serpent, the ruler of the "Neither World", the ruler of darkness. The only thing more valuable in the world than the possession of the two evil eyes to Hathor is Mehen's Golden Heart and the only thing more valuable to Mehen is Hathor's Golden Crown that she wears around her head, so you see there lays, the crux of this upcoming fight between good and evil.

  "Yes some of this I understood already, for we are the holders of the Good Book of Thebes the Sworn Book. We have been reading from this book to help us in our quest. We have the Staff of Thebans, the Magic Bell of Amun-Ra that is in Louis's possession (worn around his neck), we hold the mystical Compass of Nubia, the Silver Shield of Heracles, and we are the holders of the Bow and Quiver of Ra, the Sun God. We were going to bring with us the Looking Glass of Amun but it was shattered to pieces in a recent accident.

  We, Charlie and I, thought that if we offered these gifts equally divided to both Hathor and Mehen, then they would cease to fight and go back into their respective slumber for the next three-thousand years, until the next Precession of the Equinoxes. Then we would deal with this constant evil again in the future as has been in the past" said Mr. Beamer.

  "Although your thinking is to be commended, it most likely will not work. It might, do not get me wrong. It has never been tried before, but the idea is worthy of thought and contemplation, but I feel you do not have time for this right now. Actions speak louder than words, and actions are what are needed now, now that the two eyes of evil have co-joined.

  Petar being the holder of the two eyes will head towards the Valley of the Kings. On the day of the Precession of the Equinoxes he will raise, command, and then ride Mehen the Serpent King out of his dark lair, and by using the Eye of Wedjat and the Eye of Horus he will defeat Hathor this time for good, sending the world into a state of twilight for the rest of time itself. It is called The Blue Hour where neither, there will be light nor darkness. Light will be blocked out, from the sun by the full moon for all of eternity and beyond," said Elwood.

  "If this plan won't work, and all things you say are true, then I must go to Shambhala and receive the sacred training I will need from King Kulika. I must learn the ways of The Enlightened Ones. Because this is the only way to truly defeat these two gods," proclaimed Louis as he sat on nearby hay bale, wiping the sweat off his brow.

  "All that Elwood Booker said is true. I can now see that. My calculations and my dreams of a peaceful ending to this are amiss. Louis must continue on to Shambhala and complete his training. He will need to read more from the Sworn Book said Mr. Beamer "only then will we have a chance to stop the shifting of the earth's axis and eternal gloom in the skies above and growing on the ground below. Hopefully the earth will not swallow us whole before we reach the Valley of the Kings, and the ground will not open to swallow our friends, with the shifting of the two poles."

  "How much time do we really have Mr. Beamer?"

  "I am not sure Louis, it all depends on time it's self, and how much we can learn between now and the equinox."

  Elwood spoke out.

  "I believe this, to be the answer to all of your questions. Louis, after your training is complete in Shambhala, and you have read all you can from the Good Book you must continued on to Egypt, and to the great pyramids that lay there, you would climb to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza, also called the Pyramid of Khufu. Upon reaching the top during the start of the full eclipse of the moon, Hathor the Goddess of the Moon will be ready to ride her full moon across the western skies as it passes in front of the sun. For Hathor is the Solar Deity, Hathor is the Mistress of Eclipses. She will spit fiery poison like a cobra, and may even devour all before her like a ravenous lioness. It will all depend on her mood and the tidings you bring her. You may, as I said before have a chance to bribe her."

  "I will be strong and brave Mr. Beamer. Don't any of you worry about me."

  "As all this is going on Petar will climb up, or already be upon the Great Pyramid of Khafre which is directly across from the Great Sphinx, Mehen the Serpent will have raised, from his Neither World grave.

  It will be your job and your calling to have Hathor continue on her path across the sun and not tarry about. You must convince her to continue on her way. You must win over her, trick her, or use whatever means you have at your disposal, to make her keep her destiny with time and space, and continue on her arc across the sky.

  For Petar will be wielding the evil eyes of Wedjat and Horus, this is a formidable force that will be working against you. Upon the calling and rise of Mehen the Serpent, they will both try to coax her to stay. They will promise her diamonds, gold, and wealth beyond our imaginations. Mehan the Cobra Serpent will be: a trickster no doubt, a charlatan and a swindler of epic proportions.

  You Louis wi
ll have to find away to stop all of this, or Hathor will not continue on her journey, and the darkness of the moon across the western skies will forever rest on the apex of darkness and evil.

  The world as we know it will be cast into an eerie unnatural or supernatural darkness for the rest of time it's self. It will be sinister and ghost-like, and frightening beyond our fathom. The good inside of man will wither and die in the darkness, starting with our children, your friends Louis. Sammy, Chug, Harry, and especially your Molly will be the first to feel Mehen's rage. Louis you must stop this" said Elwood as he stared straight into Louis's cobalt blue eyes.

  Louis looked about the barn at the worried faces of his friends; faint-hearted smiles were only seen.

  Louis could feel the courage sinking in their hearts as they looked to him for answers and strength.

  "That's all I have to do? Fight two battling dark-lords who will be wagering against us, with our fate in their hands. That sounds so easy Mr. Beamer. Heck, why didn't you tell me earlier, so I wouldn't worry anymore about this whole thing. When I read the Sworn Book, it didn't say much of anything about this; but I will do what I can. Being twelve years old and wizened beyond my years is a good thing, heck I feel grown-up right now. If being "The Savior" or the Chosen One is my calling then I must do what I must, have no fear for I will rise to the occasion."

  "I am glad you are no stranger to danger Louis, and have accepted and resided to accept your fate. Remember you are Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri, the reincarnation of the Sun God". You are the giver of light, and must have complete faith in your abilities, and with your new teachings at the hands of the masters of Tibet, you will thwart this devilry."

  "Don't you go worrying Tut, you can have, full faith in me, and in fact all of you can. I will not let any of you down. Now let's get packing and leave within the next daybreak. I am sure glad we cleared this up," said Louis and he turned towards the barn doors.

  Louis took a deep breath to calm his beating heart, grew a little darker shade of red in his face, then ran his hand up across the top of his head, to feel his again, ever growing appendage: his world famous red cowl-lick.

  He then turned back to face everyone present, directly fainting, right in place.

  Poor little Louis, fell face first onto a nearby clump of dry hay, with all the worries of the world squarely placed on his slender shoulders. A soft thud was heard.

  "I guess I should have broken the bad news to him a little more gingerly," said Tut with a wry and cynical smile.

  "Do you think?" asked Elwood as he walked over to Louis, picking him up with his two hands, while desperately trying to revive him.

  Louis slowly stirred.

  He methodically opened his eyes as if he had been sleeping for a hundred years, blinked twice and asked, "Is this all true, am I really being held in the arms of an ancient reincarnated sun god in the form of an old farmer? Am I also looking at a Pegasus horses who are my best friend? Being given battle lessons to fight two ancient serpents, by a man who claims to have lived three-thousand years, who also claims to be a ancient librarian/ and mystic and calls himself, Tut-ankh-Amon, and lastly, am I really looking over at two winged horses who are taking me on a grand quest to Egypt? Or am I just having my usual daydreams and visions of grandeur again?" How big did that bump on my head get when that baseball hit me a few years back? Is this all a dream? Are you all real?"

  Louis looked around the barn once more in astonishment then quipped, "I guess it''s...all?true."

  Louis directly fainted once more, into the arms of Mr. Elwood Booker.



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