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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

Page 38

by Kenneth Mullinix

  ~Chapter 19~

  The Shaman of Shambala

  A light snowfall fell throughout the night, covering the golden city of lights Kalapa, high in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet. As the eastern sun broke over the mountainous horizon, it brought with it the healing and comforting powers of its sunbeams into Louis's room, through a lone upper window. The gold leaf covering the glass dispersed the rays, exploding them into a colorful array of shimmering lights.

  Louis knew this day would be like none other in his so very young life, for today he was to begin his final training, that is, if the stars, the moon, the heavens, and the earth would let him. He knew that the natural world and everything it, would have to accept him today, and cuddle him in its arms, for all things good were at stake in the world.

  After washing his face, from a bowl of fresh water that had been placed by his bedside, he dressed quickly then headed for secondary dining hall found at the very rear of King Kulika, mammoth golden palace. Upon reaching its entrance after a long walk down many marble hallways Louis found, Mr. Beamer having breakfast with the King, and as he slowly walked closer towards them, Louis looked out over a nearby balcony, spotting Junior and Charlie having breakfast and sunning themselves, in the lower courtyard below the dining hall.

  Louis called out to below.

  "Good morning Charlie, good morning Junior, it's a fine day for a new adventure!"

  "Good morning Louis! That it is, that it is" called back Charlie, looking upwards.

  "Well, aren't you in a good mood Louis, after last night when you fainted, I was not so sure how you'd feel this morning" said a worried Junior.

  "You fainted last night," said the king "do you remember doing that Louis? It was just as dinner was finished."

  "I will talk to you two later, after breakfast Charlie, and don't worry I feel just fine this morning."

  Charlie nodded and Junior continued to dine on a large plate of red apples.

  Louis advanced to the end of a long table where the king and Mr. Beamer were sitting.

  "No I don't remember, are you sure, that happened? I really fainted. You know, ever since I flubbed that catch, The Catch during the championship game a few years ago, when that baseball hit me on the head, I seem to be fainting a lot, and the visions and dreams that haunt me, seem to be getting worse" said a distraught Louis, as he rubbed the top of his head.

  "After breakfast this morning, and before your morning's reading of The Book of Honorius of Thebes-The Sworn Book I will have someone take you to our healer, the palace doctor, his name is Kamuzu," said the king as he sipped his morning sweet tea.

  A breakfast feast was for the taking this morning.

  There was a long table in the center of room filled with all the delights of a kingdom's kitchen. At the far end of the room the cities citizen were coming and going with plates in hand, filled with all manner of: fresh strange fruits, steaming oatmeal, fresh squeezed juices, tasty sweet breads, sugary delights, and egg-platters with every kind of omelets you could think of. There were hot plates of fresh cooked bacon and sausages, roasted pork, plates of freshly picked nuts and berries.

  It was a feast for the eyes, and the stomach.

  Louis filled his plate to his heart's content then placed a fresh sweet red apple in the lower front pocket of his robe. As he found a place to sit next to Mr. Beamer, he spoke out again.

  "I would like to see the palace doctor this morning. What was his name Doctor Kamuzu?"

  "Yes, he is our primary healer and has been for over a thousand years here. You see all that live here are very health, and live for a very long time. I am sure he will be able to help you. I will have one of our porters take you to him when you are finished with your breakfast, this morning."

  Louis did not even blink when he heard the age of the doctor. He had seen and heard so many strange things in the last few years that he just took it in stride.

  "I will directly take your advice king. Then I will take my last reading in the Good Book before I leave to find my Shambala, is that correct Mr. Beamer?"

  "Yes that is correct for today is the day, for you to start your final training. That is why we brought you here Louis; the rest is now up to you. We can really do no more," said Mr. Beamer as he finished his breakfast, only to light up his pipe. After striking a match and lighting a bowl of fresh tobacco, he reclined deeply into his chair, letting a large smoke ring drift out over the heads of all sitting at the table.

  King Kulika after finishing his breakfast as well and with a final gulp of his morning tea stood up from the table, motioning for a nearby porter to come quickly forward. A few soft words were spoken into the porter's ear by the king. The porter turned towards Louis smiled, then dutifully waited for Louis to finish his breakfast.

  Louis spoke no more as he finished his plate of heartwarming food, he gulped down the last of his sweet tea then stood up, motioning for the porter that he was ready to leave. The porter gently led him, out of the marbled dining hall towards the healer's offices, on the other side of the grand, golden place.

  Louis was not seen for more than an hour, until he finally reappeared with the porter into the "Hall of Kings" at mid-morning. He assured all that he was just fine, and that he was just having fainting spells and nothing more. The doctor could find nothing wrong with Louis.

  All were now present for the reading of the Good Book by Louis.

  The book was prominently displayed for all to see. The hall was filled to the brim with all the residents of the grand city, for today was the first real step in their salvation from evil.

  Junior, Charlie, Mr. Beamer, and King Kulika were standing around a long marble table in the very center of the grand hall. Louis approached the table with some trepidation in his heart. He looked Charlie square in the eye; assuring Charlie that he was really just fine, and for him not to worry about his recent fainting spells; he then looked over at Mr. Beamer, giving him a soft wink.

  King Kulika started the proceedings.

  "All gathered here today in the Hall of Kings, thank you. For it is you and your support for our own Louis, that must be acknowledged today. For because of you and your ancestor's that have gone before you, together that is what has made this day possible. Your eternal optimism and determination, and your keeping of the ancients writing, scrolls and texts of our people, and our ways of life in this great city of Kapula, is the reason we can now turn to our new savior.

  For evil is once again knocking on our palace walls. Petar Deegan Aden has arisen anew. He calls for his master and father once more in the form of Mehan the Serpent, the ruler of the Neither World. Our little Louis will thwart this dearth upon our world. It is written, and so shall it be."

  King Kulika turned towards Louis, extending his upward turned palm, reaching for Louis's hand, motioning for him to step forward; the crowd erupted in applause upon the ending of the great king's speech, and upon seeing Louis place his hand upon the Good Book.

  Louis gathered himself then spoke.

  "Even small children can have big dreams; I dream of a world without evil!" shouted out Louis above the roar of cheers abounding.

  "I dream of a world devoid of bullies, hypocrites, naysayers, pundits, soothsayers, and harbingers of evil tidings. I believe in love, friendships never-ending, and families together in eternity, with universal wealth in spirit, mind, body, and soul for all.

  Therefore, shall we dream it, and so shall it be true, for it is written. Written across my mind and written in my heart, it will come to fruition, so shall it pass. For I have the will and determination to make it so. Hathor the Moon Goddess, the ruler of light and Mehan the Serpent, the ruler of the Neither World, shall be defeated as before, let the The Book of Honorius of Thebes-The Sworn Book be opened once more, show me my way."

  As the crowd silenced and the room grew deathly still in anticipation, little Louis- Ozymandia-Ra-Atu
m-Khepri opened the scared book to begin his next, and most important readings.

  Louis's hands were steady and true as he grasped the leather binding. With another gentle look at his best friend in the world and confidant, Louis mouthed the words only for Charlie to hear..."Remember that horse race you once did win, the Porterhouse Steaks". Charlie chuckled and smiled at Louis, with love in his eyes.

  Louis opened the thick cover, and as he did, blue pulsating lights emanated from deep within its depths once more, splitting the common sunlight coming in from the upper skylights above, into shards of broke hues of yellow and gold. As the strange blue lights grew in intensity and spread outwards, the Pen of Jupiter Angel Satquiel rose above the pages for all to see, then slowly descended downwards lightly touching the blank pages found in the books center.

  King Kulika read aloud for all to hear as the words began to appear below the sharpened tip of the magically pen.


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