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Saving Courtney (Bryant Station Curves Book 4)

Page 7

by Rayne Rachels

  He got up on his knees. Capturing her other hand, he leaned down and kissed her hard. “I will sometimes be rougher…edgier than Harrison, but I will never hurt you. I will show you pleasure. Do you trust me?”

  She licked her lips in anticipation. She was wet for him. “Yes, I trust you.”

  Todd released her hands. “On your hands and knees.”

  Courtney rolled over and got up on her hands and knees. She knew she was in the most submissive and vulnerable position a female could be in, but she trusted Todd.

  Todd moved behind her. He used his knees to force her legs further apart. He reached around her and slipped his fingers into her folds. “You’re wet for me.”


  He twirled his fingers around her already sensitive clit. Courtney bucked against him. He used his other hand to push her head and shoulders down onto the bed.

  Harrison turned her face toward him. He caressed her cheek. “So beautiful.”

  Todd slipped a finger into her channel. She was more than ready. He grasped her hips to hold her still. With his other hand, he positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. In one swift motion, he pushed his cock deep inside her.

  She screamed his name at the sudden invasion. She panted.

  He did not move. “Just feel. Feel your muscles wrapping around me. So tight.” Slowly he pulled out until the head of his cock was resting at the entrance of her pussy.

  Courtney cried and moaned at the sudden loss.

  Todd pushed his cock back inside her. Repeatedly, he did this until she was begging him to let her come. She was so close, but when she thought he would let her have her release, he slowed his assault. She begged.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “You. I belong to you and Harrison.”

  Satisfied with her answer, Todd pushed deep into her.

  Courtney bucked and jerked as the orgasm washed over her. She screamed Todd’s name as she came.

  “That’s it. Come for me.” Todd pounded into her. “I’m almost there.” His fangs grew longer. Just as the first stream of his seed coated her womb, he leaned down and sank his teeth into her shoulder at the base of the neck.

  Courtney screamed as another orgasm rushed over her. Pleasure rippled through her.

  Todd extracted his fangs and licked the wound. He wrapped his arms around her as he sent the last of his seed deep into her womb. He collapsed on her and rolled pulling them both onto their side. He kissed the spot where he had bitten her. Where he had marked her.

  She belonged to him.

  She belonged to them.

  Cradled against Todd’s back, Courtney did not have the energy to move. “You bit me. You both bit me.”

  Todd rubbed her stomach. “We did.”

  Courtney closed her eyes. “We’re going to have to talk about this biting business,” she said as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Scott took another drink from his beer as he stared into the fire. The warmth and flickering dance of the flames lulled him into a calmness he had not felt in a long time. He looked around the living room. The exposed wood and brick gave it a unique look. It felt like a home. The house was warm and filled with love.

  “You ready for another one?” Skylar held out a bottle of beer.

  “Yeah.” Scott took the fresh bottle of beer. He drank the rest of the liquid in the bottle he already had and handed it to his brother.

  “So what did you want to talk to us about?” Abby waddled into the living room. Skylar took the mug of hot chocolate from her and helped her sit down on the couch.

  “Do you want the throw?” Skylar handed the hot chocolate back to her.

  Abby shook her head. “I’m good right now.” She put her arm over her huge belly.

  “When are you due?” asked Scott. He could see the baby move.

  “In about two and half months.” Abby smiled as she rubbed her belly. “She’s been really active today. Hopefully, she lets me sleep tonight.”

  Scott took a drink from the bottle. “Was it really a demon that kept you two apart?”

  Skylar and Abby looked at each other. Abby sighed. Skylar sat down beside her and put his arm around her. Abby looked at her brother-in-law. “It was. Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t think the person stalking Courtney is really a person.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Abby.

  Scott looked at her. “It’s a demon.”

  Abby and Skylar looked at each other but did not say anything.

  “I got a call from a buddy of mine who is on the Amarillo police force. He called earlier. The body of the guy who lived across from Courtney was found in his apartment…or rather I should say the shell. The guy’s body was completely sucked dry. There was only a withered shell left. A human didn’t do this.”

  Abby pressed her lips together. She stared at the fire.

  “What do you think? Am I crazy?”

  “You’re not crazy.” Abby said in a low voice. “I think you may be right.”

  Skylar picked up her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Maybe you should call Theo, and see what he knows.”

  “Who’s Theo?” asked Scott.

  “Theo is my half-brother.” Abby looked at Skylar.

  “He needs to know.” Skylar frowned.

  Abby nodded.

  Skylar looked at his brother. “I’m warning you now. I won’t let Abby put herself or my cub in danger.”

  Scott looked from his brother to Abby. “I don’t want either of them in any type of danger either.”

  Abby sipped her hot chocolate. “You said Courtney has some strange abilities.”

  Scott nodded.

  “Theo Willis is my half-brother. We have the same father—a father I’ve never met. He was killed years ago by a demon…the same demon that tried to kill Skylar and me.” Abby took a deep breath. It was the truth, though not the complete truth, but Scott did not need to know the rest.

  Scott stared at her. “You’re joking.”

  Abby shook her head. “Afraid not.”

  Scott stood up and walked over to the fireplace. He took a long drink from his beer, wishing it were something a little stronger.

  “From what you told us now and on the telephone, I don’t think Courtney is completely human. I don’t know what her other half is, but something wants her, and I positive it’s not for anything good.”

  “How do I protect her?” Scott turned and looked at Skylar and Abby.

  “You’re going to have to let her mates protect her too. You’ve done what you can by keeping her safe and bringing her here. Now let Todd and Harrison help protect her. They are her mates.” Abby took another sip of her hot chocolate. She handed it to Skylar who set it down on the coffee table.

  “But how do we fight a demon?” Scott stared at Abby and Skylar. “How do I stop it?”

  * * *

  Jared watched from the shadows of the building behind the bakery. She was in the apartment at the top of the building.

  He frowned.

  His face changed.

  For several seconds his true self shimmered over the human shell he wore. His sweet Courtney was in the apartment whoring herself with the two bears she had let into her domain.

  Though angry, he was not surprised she had fallen for the bears’ charms, but it did not matter.

  She was his.

  He would cleanse her of their filth.

  He smiled.

  Finding her had been easy…almost too easy. The bear who took her did not do anything to cover their tracks. Jared shook his head. He expected so much more from the bear. They were among the chosen.

  He snarled.

  The chosen were allowed to freely walk the earth, increasing their numbers like the filthy vermin they were…all because the gods and goddesses favored them. Yet, his kind hid in the shadows until summoned to do the bidding of their jailers.

  Soon. Very soon. It would all change. The Namtarians would be the rulers
of both worlds.

  An evil grin crept across Jared’s face. His sweet Courtney was the key. He would succeed where others of his kind had failed. He would rule. The gods and goddesses would only be able to watch as their chosen died, and then they would bow to him.

  Jared glanced up at the apartment. He had a couple of things he needed to do in order to cleanse his sweet Courtney. He turned and walked toward the sports car.

  * * *

  “Would you do something about your cellphone?” Harrison growled at his brother.

  Todd grumbled. Leaving the warmth of his mate was the last thing he wanted to do, especially since he had just found and marked her. He smiled. She was his. She wore his mark on her shoulder and Harrison’s mark on her other shoulder.

  His cellphone beeped again, causing him to curse under his breath. Careful not to wake Courtney, he untangled himself from her and scooted toward the edge of the bed.

  Courtney mumbled something. Her hand moved across the space Todd had just left.

  He felt a tingle in his chest. The connection between them was already forming. He watched Harrison wrap his arm around her waist and pull her back against him. Courtney’s hand was still out in front of her and there was a frown on her face, but she settled into Harrison’s embrace.

  Our mate is beautiful.

  Yes, she is, Todd agreed with his bear.

  Want to see her big with our cub.

  Maybe one day. Todd grabbed his cellphone and walked into the living room so he would not disturb Harrison and Courtney any more than he already had.

  Todd clicked the button on the side of his cellphone. “What do you need, Jim?”

  “Sorry to bother you so early, but a body was found in the roadside park just outside of town.”

  Todd closed his eyes. “And you can’t process the scene?”

  “I think you need to see this.” Something in Jim’s voice was not right. He sounded almost scared. “I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not sure how to proceed.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  There was a long pause. Todd was being to think their connection had been broken.

  “As best as I can tell, it’s Johnson Bleechman,” said Jim.

  “Is there something wrong with the body or the scene?”

  “The body is really withered,” said Jim.

  Todd rolled his eyes. “Bleechman was old withered when I was a kid.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. This body is really withered.”

  “Jimmy, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. But his body is withered and dried up as if it was mummified, except it’s not wrapped in any kind of cloth. The skin is withered and shrink-wrapped around the skeleton. I’ve never seen anything like this except for pictures on the ancient history shows.”

  “Shit!” Todd cursed under his breath. Another strange body to deal with. This was not how he had envisioned his morning, especially since he had just claimed his mate.


  Todd sighed. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He put the cellphone on the coffee table in the living room.

  Mate is in danger. His bear paced back and forth.

  Todd thought about the unidentified skeleton Abby had found months earlier. I think you’re right, he told his bear.

  We keep her safe.

  That we have to do, but I have to go to the crime scene.

  You stay here. Protect mate. The bear growled at Todd.

  Harrison is here. He will protect Courtney while I’m away. Todd shook his head and went back to the bedroom.

  Even though the room was still dark, he had no problems seeing their clothes scattered around the bedroom. He glanced over at Courtney. She was still asleep, curled up against Harrison. Todd felt his chest tighten as he stared at her. The sheets were down at her waist revealing her pale, generous breasts. Harrison wrapped his arm possessively around her waist.

  She was theirs.

  They had finally found their mate…the one woman meant for them, and she wore their marks on her shoulders for the world to see.

  Emotions rushed over him. Todd knew he was already in love with her, but the cold hand of fear wrapped its fingers around his heart. Bleechman’s body was an omen. It was not just a coincidence it turned up after he and Harrison claimed Courtney.

  It was a message.

  Whatever or whoever was after Courtney was here.

  Courtney had to be protected.

  “What’s wrong?” Harrison’s whisper was barely audible but he knew his brother heard him.

  “Johnson Bleechman’s body was found at the rest stop just outside of town.” Todd pulled on his jeans.

  “I’m not surprised. He was older than dirt. Why do you have to go?”

  Todd picked up his shirt. “The body was mummified somehow.”

  “Mummified? Like an Egyptian mummy?” Harrison raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s how Jim explained it. I don’t know. All I know is he was really shook up.” Todd buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his jeans. “We can’t leave Courtney alone.”

  “You think Bleechman’s death is tied to whatever is after her?”

  “Yeah, I do. It’s too coincidental.”

  Courtney mumbled something in her sleep. She kicked the sheets off her legs.

  “We can’t let anything happen to her.”

  “I hear what you’re saying.” Harrison looked at the woman sleeping next to him. “She’s already wormed her way into my heart. Now my bear is talking about cubs more than he did before we found her.”

  Todd grinned. “Same here.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on his socks and boots. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Take care. I have a feeling our mate would be angry if something happens to either of us.”

  “I think it’s going to be nice having a female, besides mom, worry about us.” He stood up. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

  Harrison nodded again.

  Todd looked at Courtney again. A sense of foreboding wrapped around him. He did not want to leave her. Even his bear whined about it. Todd shook his head. It was ridiculous. Harrison was with her. He would not let anything happen to her.

  Todd quietly left the apartment.

  Harrison snuggled against Courtney and drifted back to sleep. His bear was content for the first time in ages.

  * * *

  The quiet tones of Mozart drifted through the bedroom. Harrison opened his eyes and cursed under his breath. He slid out of the bed, careful not to wake Courtney. As soon as he picked up his jeans, his cellphone fell out of a back pocket. He muttered a couple more choice words as he bent down and retrieved the phone.

  “Hello,” he said as he walked out of the bedroom.

  “Harrison, Captain Morrison needs you to come in.”

  Harrison recognized the soft tones of Tina Carlson, the dispatcher at the fire department. “This is my day off.” He knew it sounded like he was whining, but he did not care. He did not want to leave Courtney.

  “I know. I hate calling you, but Harding and Chavez have already called in sick. I’ve got Martinez covering for Harding, but I need you to cover for Chavez.”

  Harrison groaned. Chavez was paired with the new guy, and the newbie was not exactly the brightest bulb in the box. Chavez constantly repeated directions to the guy.

  “You know we can’t let the newbie run amuck.”

  “When do I need to be there?” Harrison hoped for a little reprieve.

  “An hour ago. We’ve got calls coming in as I speak,” said Tina. “It’s like all hell is breaking lose.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Sorry about messing up your plans.”

  “Yeah.” Harrison heard the sincerity of the apology in her voice, but it did not help his attitude. “Tell the Captain I’m on my way.”

  “I will. And again, I’m sorry I had to call you.”

  Harrison grunted and ende
d the call. He knew he did not sound very professional, but helping others was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

  The sweet scent of honey and cherries assaulted his senses as soon as he entered Courtney’s bedroom. He paused and drew in a deep breath, pulling her scent inside him. His cock grew hard. Harrison wanted to crawl in bed and sink himself deep into his mate’s hot, tight channel.

  Honey and cherries. Mate tastes good, rumbled his bear.

  Yes, she does. Harrison stared at his sleeping mate. He wanted to have her in his arms when she woke up. He wanted to see her eyes when she came for him, but it was not going to happen. Not this morning.

  Want to stay with mate.

  Harrison rolled his eyes. His bear was even whinier than he was when he found out he had to go to work. I know. I do too, but we have to go to work.

  We stay with our mate.

  As soon as we finish the shift, we will come right back.

  Not good.

  It’s the best we can do. I don’t like leaving her either.

  His bear growled.

  I’ll call Scott. He can watch her until Todd or I get back.

  Don’t want him around our mate.

  Harrison shook his head. It’s the best I can do. Besides, Joy is downstairs in the restaurant.

  His bear snarled at him and turned its back to him.

  Harrison quickly dressed. With a last glance at Courtney, he closed the bedroom door behind him. He found a notepad and pen and wrote a note to Courtney. He propped it by the coffee pot.

  Then he called Scott.

  Harrison frowned.

  Scott did not pick up. Instead, his phone went straight to voicemail.

  Harrison left a message. He figured he would call Scott again after he got to the fire department. He glanced at his watch. He had to get moving.

  * * *

  Courtney rolled onto her back and slowly stretched. Muscles she did not realize she had were stiff and sore. She blushed deep red when she remembered why they were sore. A smile slowly spread across her already red face. She put her hands on her cheeks. The heat radiating off them warmed her cooler palms.

  A slight sting rippled through Courtney’s upper shoulders. She frowned. The pain was different from her other sore muscles she had. It almost felt like the time the stray dog bit…


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