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Page 11

by Russell, Justin D.

  “Steve what was done in Seattle was done because it had to be, and yes I myself enjoyed it but we didn’t purposely cause suffering.” Mike said. “This isn’t war, this is no different that some asshole torturing small animals for fun.”

  “Well I am having fun guys and if you will leave me to it I can finish up and be back in the camp to help out in a few minutes.”

  Steve raised his gun out to his side and without even looking at the terrified eyes of his next target shot another guard in the head.

  “That’s enough,” Mark yelled. “Give me that fucking gun NOW!”

  Steve looked at his father, grabbed the top of his sidearm, and handed it to him. It was obvious to Mike that this was not the same Steve he had grown up with. Steve liked to get violent on occasion but was never cruel like this. He watched as his old friend walked past him without so much as a glance or a word and headed back towards the gate. Mark yelled to the guards to close their eyes, not really caring if they understood him or not, as he and mike finished them off as quickly as possible.

  “Have you ever seen this side of him?” Mike asked the senior Gilson.

  “No Mike, to be honest if you had asked me just before we came out here if my boy was capable of this I would have taken offence to it. I don’t know what is going on but we better get to the bottom of this shit before he does anything else like this.”

  “I’ll bunk up with him and talk to him when we get back to Seattle,” Mike said. “For now let’s just focus on getting these people through the trip back to the city and give him some time to calm down.”

  When the two leaders had cleaned up after Steve’s mess and put an end to the sick and twisted game they headed back into the large camp together. When they finally managed to find Steve he was working with his men to help in the long process of recording information from the thousands of people wanting to join their army. He seemed to Mike to be the same guy that he had been when the militia was first formed but Mike knew now that there was something different about his friend.

  “Hey Mike, we have a whole lot of work ahead of us to get all these people armed and trained up!” Steve said as if he didn’t even remember what had just taken place only an hour prior.

  “Yeah Steve we have a real army now. We are going to need all the help we can find to fight the Chinese from here on out. I’m pretty sure they are going to notice that we are here and are a hell of a lot more than just a distraction when they figure out that they just lost a major city.”

  Mike did his best to play along as the last thing he wanted were any of his men much less the new soldiers realizing there was a problem with one of his best leaders.

  “So Mike how long do you think it will be until these newbies are ready to fight?”

  “I don’t know man, it’s going to take at least a week to get them all back to Seattle and from there it will take months before they are healthy, trained, and ready for the battles we have ahead of us.”

  Steve smiled and gave a thumb up as Mike turned and went to check on the rest of the camp. He was even more weirded out by how easily Steve seemed to put his little game in the past. If they were giving out military awards for acting Steve would be sure to get a few. Mike wanted badly to confront his friend and make sure that was actually him and not some evil twin that even his own father didn’t know about in those woods. It would just have to wait until they got back to Seattle and Mike could have a talk with him in private. For now he just wanted to get back on the march and get back to the city.

  Portland was next on Mike’s agenda. While he didn’t think there would be the enormous enemy presence that he expected to find in Los Angeles, Mike figured there would be at least the same number as they had just fought in Seattle. Another obstacle that Mike foresaw was the length of time it would take for the Chinese forces to begin viewing his new army as a serious threat. With Seattle firmly in American hands it would not be long before the enemy started to prepare for them. The key, in Mike’s mind, was to get to the nearest cities as fast as possible, defeat the enemy before the Chinese had adequate time to reinforce their troops, and recruit heavily from the liberated camps. The only problem was that the new recruits would need time to mend.

  Even if Los Angeles did not already have a large number of Chinese soldiers the city of angels most certainly would by the time Mike and his army was able to reach it. They would need as many soldiers as they could get and Mike would need his scouts to work harder than ever to map out the city without being seen. Rick was a great leader and with all of these new soldiers Mike wanted badly to promote him due to his proven leadership potential but knew that the success of his all important scouts to take on such a dangerous mission hinged on that very same leadership that made him so promotable. Rick would have to stay with the scouts at least until after LA.

  As the lines of recruits began to thin so did the immense pile of weapons that had been confiscated from the camps guards. Each new recruit would come to the recruiting table, give their name and any helpful information, and then was directed straight to another group of Mike’s men to be given the proper equipment and at least one weapon. From a distance it appeared to be a soldier making assembly line. The organization of this process helped to speed the recruiting efforts dramatically. Once each man was properly armed and equipped they were told to eat and rest so that they would be as ready as possible to make the long journey back to Seattle.

  By the next morning they were ready to move out. Movement through the mountains was difficult at best. Many of the new soldiers did not know yet how to move tactically in this environment and tired quickly due to malnourishment. Every hour Mike would stop the movement and allow for some rest. Each time they stopped Mike watched his soldiers make the most of the down time by starting to gather groups of new recruits and go over makeshift classes. The most well trained men from the original Middle Militia did most of the teaching, going over everything from basic marksmanship to building entry. Mike saw his now hardened veterans embracing the new soldiers as if they had been a part of their family all along. This was a family, an American family that regardless of their different backgrounds, races, and religious beliefs were brothers with the same dream of living once again in a free nation. Mike could now see the beginnings of a nation where all its citizens were truly equal, a nation where no amount of money, level of education, or a person’s ancestry would ever cause them to be looked down upon. As long as there was still American blood running free through the vanes of this beautiful country freedom would survive.

  It took twice as long to get from the camp to paved roads as it had taken to move from the roads to the camps but Mike was relieved when they finally arrived on a flat surface. On the roads the veteran soldiers formed a line on each side of the road and spread out at an even distance just as Mike had taught them to do. The new soldiers were placed in the middle of the road where they would be in less danger in case of an ambush. Movement sped up considerably on the roads but Mike still stopped every hour and at every stop more classes were taught to his recruits.

  The entire march Mike watched Steve closely. Still there were no signs of the violent psychopath who had recently played a deadly game of duck duck goose that made forced Russian roulette seem sane. Steve was still the same as he had always been, at least on the outside. There was no doubt in Mikes mind that his friend was hiding some dangerous issues.

  When the long journey was over and the army arrived back in the Seattle peninsula with over five thousand new soldiers, second battalion was standing ready to accommodate the large numbers. The soldiers of second battalion had stations set up with food, clothing, and even more equipment and immediately took to the needs of the freed prisoners. As the new soldiers completed yet another assembly line they were escorted in groups to houses to make their homes and get rest. Both of Rick’s scout elements had returned without any incidents and each with over a hundred recruits that were already being trained and organized.

  Chapter Fi

  As soon as Mike was just about ready to go get some rest after the long march Tim came running up to him more excited that he had been when he learned he was going to blow up bridges.

  “Mike buddy, you are not gonna fucking believe what we found while you were away.” Tim started. “My guys were searching the city for that intel you wanted and well we found something even better!”

  “Tim it’s late brother can this wait until morning? I’m really looking forward to getting a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed.”

  “Trust me Mike sleep can wait. What was that old saying we had in the service, that’s right, you can sleep when you’re dead.” Tim joked. “Nah but seriously Steve is waiting for us to catch back up with him as I know damn well that crazy bastard is going to love this so let’s not keep the big guy standing around.”

  Mike had almost forgotten about Steve. He thought about pulling Tim aside and filling him in but decided he could do that tomorrow after he had a chance to talk to Steve in private. Tim started to walk towards a nearby Jeep and Mike followed. Tim drove about half a mile down the road and stopped to let Steve climb into the back. Watching the giant man attempt to squeeze into the back seat of an old Wrangler almost made Mike start to laugh, but he still was too concerned about his old teammate to have much of a sense of humor.

  While Tim drove both Steve and Mike were silent. It had been some time since either of them had ridden in any type of motor vehicle and even at the slow speeds that they were moving Mike felt as though they were flying through the city. It felt good to be moving faster than his feet could carry him and he let himself sink into the seat and enjoy the breeze coming at him without a door to hinder its travel. When the Jeep finally slowed to a stop they were in a more urban area of the city. Mike and Steve followed Tim into what appeared to have once been a large office building.

  “I can’t wait for you assholes to see this!” said Tim.

  He led them through large room and headed straight towards a closed office door that had two young soldiers posted on it as if guarding something inside. Mike could only wonder what surprise could have this old devil dog so excited that he had two of his guys guarding a door. As they approached one of the office guards opened the door and allowed their group to enter, and then closed the door quietly behind them.

  What Mike saw staring back at him left him both impressed and wishing he and Tim had talked about Steve before bringing him on this field trip. Sitting, tied to an office chair, and wearing a gag much in the same fashion of Steve’s recent victims was a middle aged Chinese officer.

  “Do you realize what rank this asshat is wearing Mike?” Tim asked

  “Sure do. Looks like you have captured an enemy general!” Mike exclaimed. “Where and how did you manage to find him?”

  “He was right here in this office. My guys were searching through it when they heard something under the desk. Thankfully they decided to check it out rather that just trying to shoot through the desk. They came around from each side and got their sights on him before he had any chance to pull up his pistol.”

  “All right,” yelled Steve. “We are going to have some fun with you general sir!” Steve said, sticking his face up to the generals and grinning from ear to ear.

  Instantly Mike sensed that Steve being here could be very bad. He was happy about having such a high ranking prisoner and knew that this provided a great chance to get information before moving on but Steve was downright ecstatic about their new guest. Mike knew what Steve liked to do to prisoners after their last mission and while he was sure they were going to have to use some kind of torture to get answers he was afraid that Steve would take it too far and kill the general before they had the answers they needed.

  “Alright I’ll stay here with the general but I need you two to hop back in the Jeep and round up Mark and Tom.” Mike said. “I don’t care how tired they are, hell I don’t give a shit if they show up in pajamas, I want them here now.”

  Steve looked at Mike and before he could say a word was shot a look that told him he wasn’t getting to stay and play. Looking as if he had just been slapped in the face Steve walked up to the general, spat in his face, and walked out of the room.

  “Mike what the hell is his problem? You could have cut the tension between you two with a knife. Is there anything I need to know?”

  “Yeah but it can wait for now. Mark and I will fill you in when you get back here. I’m gonna start working on some dialogue with our friend while you are out. Oh and try to find a bucket to bring back. I have a feeling we are going to have to get inventive if we want to make him talk.”

  Tim gave Mike a joking salute and left to find the other leaders. As soon as the door was once again closed Mike walked up to the general, put his hunting knife to his cheek, and cut the gag off with one swift slice. He walked around to the front of the desk and stared at his guest who stared back at him with rage in his eyes. There was no doubt that this man knew what was going to happen but if there was an ounce of fear in him Mike could not find it.

  “Well general I’m not even going to pretend that there is any chance that an educated man like yourself doesn’t speak English so don’t insult my intelligence and play otherwise.”

  The Chinese leader held his stare but didn’t say a word. Mike knew this was going to be a tiring process and by the end of it he might actually have to let Steve play harder that the rest of them would be willing too. He hated the idea of torture but knew that the only way he was going to get answers from this hardened veteran would be through violence.

  “Ok, sir, my name is Mike Hoffman and I am the leader of the New American Army, so in a way I myself am sort of a general. What is your name?” Mike waited for the general to answer even though he knew that wasn’t going to happen. “Look the last thing I want to do is start doing nasty things to get the answers that you and I both know I will get so you can make this a whole lot easier on both of us if you just start talking now. I’m sure you know why I told my friend to bring back a bucket so talk now or it won’t be long before you are laying on your back with water pouring over your face. If you feel like chatting let me know.”

  Mike turned and went out the door giving the prisoner time to contemplate his fate. It wasn’t long before Tim and Steve were back with Tom and Mark in tow. As they walked into the main lobby Steve brought up the rear holding a large 5 gallon water jug like it was his trophy. Mike shook his head and walked up to the group.

  “Well I’m sure Tim and Steve filled you guys in on the recent developments so I’ll spare you the details of what we have behind door number one. I just got done talking with the general, well I did all of the talking, and he is going to be a hard one to break.”

  Steve stood there staring at the door with a huge smile on his face, still holding the empty jug.

  “Hey Steve how about you go fill that thing up? I’m sure you can find some water source around here, hell I don’t care if you use toilet water.” Mike said.

  Steve happily went on his errand while Mike watched for him to be out of sight. “Well guys Mark and I have something you two need to know and I’m going to let Mark do most of the talking.”

  “Yeah Mike I figured that’s why you sent him away.” Mark said. “When we were at that big camp Steve took off with a handful of Chinese guards he had decided to take prisoner. Mike and I went out looking for him to see what was going on and well we didn’t like what we found. He had them tied to trees in a circle, gagged and facing each other. When we got closer it hit us that he was playing with them. I watched my only son walk around playing duck duck goose and then shooting the one he called goose in the head while the others watched. The most disturbing part of the whole thing is that he was really enjoying himself. I’m not sure what is wrong with him but we need to keep him in our sights so that he doesn’t do anything like that again.”

  “Well then that explains why you sent Steve with me to get these two and why he was so damn pissy about

  “Guys Steve is one of us and I love the guy like a brother but what we are about to do works better with a cool head. We are going to have to be very careful as we get further into this, and trust me it is going to take a lot to break this guy. This general will more than likely be very close to death by the time he is ready to talk and the last thing we need is Steve getting over excited and killing him before we can get answers. There is nothing fun about this but we are going to do what we have to and there will be times when those of you with weak stomachs will want to leave the room. The problem with Steve is that I know he is going to enjoy this and we can’t let him get carried away.”

  “Well let’s cut the chat before the big guy gets back.” Tim said. “How about we go introduce you two newcomers to our guest of honor?”

  Tim led the three of them back into the room. Again one of the young soldiers opened the door for their entrance and closed it slowly behind them. The general was just as Mike had left him, sitting still and staring straight ahead as if trying to break down the wall with a Jedi mind trick. The man was like a rock but Mike and Tim both knew from experience that even the hardest men have a breaking point and this man would be no exception.

  “Last chance to start talking general.” Mike said. The general just continued to stare down the wall. Mike walked around the table and spun the chair around to face him. “How many men do you have in the states?” Mike yelled. Still no words came out and the general stared back at him with rage in his eyes. Mike slapped him hard with the back of his hand. “Answer me you fucking asshole! How many soldiers did your government send here?” Again there was no answer and again came the back of Mike’s hand slamming into the side of the generals face.

  Tim walked up behind the chair, wrapped his arm around the prisoners neck, and shoved two of his fingers into his eye sockets. The general let out a small instinctual yell followed by a deep growl. Mike took his fist and rammed it as hard as he could into the belly of the general causing him to gasp loudly.


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