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Phases of Passions II (Trilogy Bundle) (Werewolf Romance - Paranormal Romance)

Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Yes, he’s amazing.” Her mother beamed, making baby noises at Jack. Then something in her clicked, and she looked up sharply at Erin, the love in her eyes now replaced by anxious fear.

  “But how did you manage to travel here so soon after the birth? You didn’t push yourself too much, did you?”

  “No, I’m fine,” Erin confirmed. “My birth was actually not too bad, and I’ve healed much faster than the doctors thought I would.”

  The news of quick healing made Erin’s mother pale. “But he’s still so young, how did he manage the journey?”

  “He slept through most of it,” Erin answered casually. “I think he quite enjoys being in the car.”

  Erin’s mother looked back at Jack, whose cheeks had reddened as though he were on the brink of tears.

  “He probably needs changing.” Erin took her baby back and began to prepare his travel changing table, pulling an assortment of products out of her diaper bag. Silently, her mother watched, a troubled expression darkening her wilted features.

  “There, all better.” Erin kissed Jack’s forehead and rested him in her arms. Relaxed and now clean, he immediately fell asleep.

  “I don’t think it was wise for you to come here,” Erin’s mother said sharply.

  “And why’s that?”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Mother, of course it’s safe. But it is for me at least. I don’t think I’m the one you are looking to protect. I think you are protecting yourself.”

  Erin’s mother pursed her lips in agitation.

  “You know why I’m here, don’t you?” Erin continued.

  “To let me meet my grandson.”

  “No, that was just a decent cover story,” Erin declared, her eyes narrowing. “Besides, I thought you should get to see him at least once before I disappear.”

  “Disappear?” Her mother’s eyes flew open in surprise.

  “Stop playing dumb with me!” Erin tried to handle her frustration. Jack was sleeping soundly in her arms, and she didn’t want to wake him. “You know full well why I am here! How long did you think it would take for me to finally figure it all out! Whichever pack you are affiliated with, they surely cannot be more important than your own daughter!”

  “Pack? What are you talking about?” The older woman remained mystified by her daughter’s words, which only angered Erin further. She should have known that a lifetime learning how to deceive could not easily be broken through. Her mother had spent decades lying to her, why did she ever believe she would stop now?

  Jack gurgled in his sleep, reminding Erin of why she had come. She thought that seeing her grandson, her tie to the future, would help her mother finally be truthful with her daughter about her past yet, as always, it seemed that she would hide behind her barriers of fake bewilderment. Erin felt disappointed and dejected. She had been foolish to visit.

  “I hoped we could get past all this,” Erin said, her voice small and tinged with regret.

  “All what? Darling, you’re not making any sense. I’m so thrilled to see Jack but I wish you’d called first.”

  “Why? So you could pretend to be out? Or so that you could make good with the pack leader, implore that you’ve got no choice, that you tried desperately to keep me away.”

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “This is how you want it to be between us?” Erin’s voice rose an octave in anger. “You want our final words to one another to be lies? Mother, I know. I know everything. Your lies are what put me in mortal danger. You kept me in the dark for so many years that I failed to see what was right in front of me. You betrayed me.”

  “I did no such thing!”

  “Yes, you did!” Erin continued, her pulse racing. “You knew all along about my father, about who I was, about the curse that tainted my blood and now I’ve passed that curse on to Jack and you let me do it! You should have told me, Mother, you should have told me about who I am.”

  Erin’s mother settled in to a stony silence, having nothing to say.

  “I did not want a life living in hiding for him but I have no choice! You always talked to me of darkness but what I needed from you was the truth not some vague warning!”

  Erin steadied her breathing and looked down at her sleeping son. The whole situation was making her uneasy, especially being back at her mother’s house. The air in the room was heavy with memories. Erin remembered being a little girl and wanting to go out and play with the other children after dark but she was always forbidden to do so without good reason. Despite how good she was, she was always punished and denied normal interactions with the other children on the street.

  Looking back, Erin now understood why she had been segregated, it was to keep her safe. Just as Jack was being hunted, so had she been once. But in keeping the truth from Erin, all it had served was to send her further in to the dark underbelly of the world. Feeling different and alienated from her peers, she sought solace in other outcasts. Despite her mother’s best intentions, the darkness had found her. Sean’s curse was also her own and like kindred spirits they had found one another.

  “I just wish you’d told me.” Erin sighed. Her mother’s expression didn’t change. She looked back out to the yard, ignoring her daughter and grandson.

  “All I ever wanted was the truth.” Erin carefully stood up, balancing Jack so that he didn’t wake up. “If the darkness within me is so terrible, why did you ever fall for my father?” Erin asked but her mother didn’t turn to face her, let alone respond.

  “I don’t want our goodbye to be like this,” Erin admitted tearfully. She could easily part ways with every other aspect of her life in order to protect her son but turning her back on her mother was far from easy. It felt like she was parting with a part of herself and it pained her.

  Finally her mother turned to look at her, her face stern and unreadable. “I raised you out in the open, like any other child. I gave you normality, I gave you a life.” Her voice was brittle when she spoke, as though each word might shatter before arriving at Erin’s ears.

  “And that turned out so well,” Erin said sarcastically. “I never had normality, Mother. I had the shadow of a burden that wasn’t mine hanging over me. All your morbid talk of darkness ruined me, and I won’t do that to my son. His safety is what matters most to me.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have brought him here,” her mother declared. “Think what you will of me, but you’re a mother now, you must know that I’d always put your safety and well-being ahead of my own.”

  The point muted Erin. It was basically an admission of love, something she had not expected to hear from her mother.

  “You need to leave,” her mother added coldly. Her eyes ceased looking sharp and appeared vacant.

  “Mom.” Anxiously, Erin took a step toward her but her mother raised a weary hand to stop her drawing too close.

  “I’m just tired,” the old woman sighed. She did indeed look exhausted, drained from her many years spent hiding a secret so dark and sinister that it haunted her dreams.

  “It doesn’t have to be like this,” Erin implored desperately. “You could come with us, we could keep you safe.”

  Her mother shook her head, her gray hair shifting around her shoulders. “Once the bond is forged, it cannot be broken.”

  “What bond?” Erin asked, puzzled. She looked down at Jack, wondering if she meant the maternal bond but that didn’t make sense. If the maternal bond couldn’t be broken then surely her mother could leave with her, right here and right now and turn her back on everything else?

  Erin’s mother noticed the confused look in her daughter’s eyes and smiled sadly to herself, her mind still sharp with wisdom and experience even though her body was slowly decaying around her.

  “He’s not told you, has he?” she asked.

  “Who? Told me what?” Erin demanded.

  “He should have told you,” the old woman sighed. “After all, forever is such a long t

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK SIX: Let's Make a Pack - Volume 6


  Let's Make a Pack


  Erin’s home felt emptier than usual when she returned from visiting her mother. Jack stirred slightly as she placed him in to his travel cot, but he remained asleep. Weary with fatigue, Erin wandered in to her kitchen to make herself a coffee.

  As the kettle whirred and boiled the water, she looked dreamily out of the window and at the yard beyond. She liked her home. She’d like it the first moment she laid eyes on it as the sleazy realtor showed her round and made inappropriate investigations into her private life.

  “So you’re single?” he’d asked keenly as Erin eyed the modern kitchen.

  “This kitchen is lovely,” Erin enthused, deliberately ignoring his question.

  “Just think of all the meals you could prepare in here,” he beamed, flashing her the fakest smile she’d ever seen.

  “Yeah.” Erin struggled to mirror his fakery and continued to browse through the room.

  “And it’s a lovely neighborhood,” the realtor added. “Full of families. Nice girl like yourself must be thinking of settling down, if you’re not already?”

  There he went again, trying to discern her relationship status.

  “Is this a laundry room?” Erin inquired, opening the door within the kitchen and poking her head around.

  “Yes, yes, that’s the laundry room, very useful.”

  “Mmm.” Erin scanned the small room. There was a washer and a separate dryer and a sink. The whole house was small but extremely functional. It was exactly what she was looking for.

  “Has there been much interest in the house?” she asked the realtor, turning as she did so to notice that he’d been staring at her butt the entire time she’d been looking around the laundry room. Her skin prickled at just how unpleasant this guy was.

  “A few people have looked round,” he disclosed. “None as lovely as you though.”

  “Well, it’s a lovely house,” Erin concluded. “Exactly what we are looking for.”

  “We?” the realtor asked, immediately looking deflated.

  “Yes, my husband and I. This is exactly what we are after, we’ll take it.”

  Erin had enjoyed watching the mix of emotions contort the realtor’s pointed features. He’d been both elated and devastated in the same moment. He’d sold the house, his primary goal, but the beautiful woman he was hoping to bed was suddenly unavailable. It was a tainted triumph for him.

  Of course the mention of a husband had been a lie. One Erin often made when trying to discourage overly amorous admirers. Back then, looking round the house, it had seemed an innocent enough lie. She believed that one day she would have a husband and the perfect fairy tale ending that all girls seek. But now she wasn’t so sure. The perfect, predictable life no longer felt like an option for her, and even if it was, she wasn’t sure she even wanted it anymore.

  The kettle boiled, and she poured the steaming water in to her mug and stirred her coffee, inhaling the delicious aromas as she did so. She needed the caffeine. She still wasn’t sleeping through the night and her reactions were becoming dulled as a result.

  She stood blowing in to her coffee, waiting for it to cool when the doorbell rang. In her sleep-deprived haze, it took her a few moments to register the sound and by then the caller had rung it several times. Quickly placing her mug down Erin, headed toward the front door.

  “I’m coming!” she declared to whoever was impatiently waiting on her doorstep. She opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Sean standing there.

  “Sean?” she gasped, her heart beginning to race. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t going to come, but I missed him.”

  For a blissful moment, Erin misheard and thought he’d said that he missed her. But as he navigated his way past her and into the living room, she realized with a sinking disappointment that he was actually referring to Jack.

  Shutting the front door, she followed Sean through to the living room, trying to not look hurt.

  “He’s out for the count,” Sean said as he peered in to the travel crib.

  “Traveling really tires him out,” Erin explained.

  “Hey, little guy,” Sean whispered. “Daddy’s here.” But Jack didn’t stir, too lost to his own exhaustion.

  “Did you get on alright at your mother’s?” Sean turned his attention to Erin, noticing the forlorn look upon her face. “Oh no, did it not go well?”

  “What?” Erin tried to shake off her sadness and focus. “What makes you say that?”

  “You look upset, that’s all.”

  “I do?” Erin internally berated herself for letting her emotions get the better of her. If only Sean hadn’t arrived just as she’d been fantasizing about husbands and happily ever afters. It was as if he always knew when he was on her mind and the exact moment to make an appearance.

  “I’m fine,” Erin reassured him and she smiled, but the smile did not extend to her eyes, which gave away her true feelings.

  “You really don’t look fine.” Sean strode over to her and stroked her forearms with his hands. The sensation sent electricity surging down Erin’s spine. She’d desperately missed his touch.

  “I’m fine,” Erin repeated, trying to convince both herself and Sean.

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?” Sean suggested softly, trying to coax the truth out of her.

  “You’ll think I’m stupid.” Erin blushed, turning shyly away from him.

  “Try me.” Sean took his hand and cupped the tip of her chin, turning her back to face him. She’d forgotten just how intense his eyes were and how she could easily get lost within them.

  “Fine,” Erin sighed in submission. “When I opened the door and you were there, and you said you’d missed Jack, I was kind of hoping that it wasn’t Jack you’d missed, that it was me. But that’s stupid and I feel stupid for even thinking it.”

  “Why is it stupid?” Sean asked, his voice deep and delicious. He took a step closer to Erin and her heart broke out in to a crazed medley within her chest.

  “Because… you came here to see your son… not me,” Erin stammered, struggling to deliver her words.

  “Maybe he’s just an excuse to see you.” Sean was so close that she could smell his breath. He smelt of mints and beer. He moved his hands so that they were around her waist and drew her toward him.

  “I missed you, Erin,” he declared and no sooner had the words left his lips then they were locked in a passionate kiss.

  Erin hungrily accepted his tongue in to her mouth and played with it. She had missed him so much it hurt. Every fiber in her body longed for him.

  As they kissed, Sean’s hands traveled up Erin’s body and began to entangle within her hair. She groaned with pleasure as they continued to kiss. She wanted to have sex with him there and then but Jack was sleeping just yards away and that wasn’t right.

  Using all her willpower to break free of the kiss, Erin took Sean by the hand and led him out of the living room, toward the staircase, but as they reached the bottom step Sean altered their course and began to guide Erin toward the kitchen. Her body tingled at the excitement of the gesture, she’d never had sex in her kitchen before.

  Without anything being said, they entered the kitchen and Sean lifted Erin up on to one of the counter tops and deftly pulled down her skinny jeans and bright blue panties, discarding them behind him on the floor. Exposed to him, Erin gasped in delight. They continued to kiss as Sean used his fingers to enter her, sliding in and out of her wetness as Erin moaned with pleasure.

  “Fuck me,” she pleaded into his ear as they came up for air. Sean didn’t need asking twice. He slid out of his own jeans and boxers, and Erin gasped in delight at the sight of his hard, erect penis. Without hesitation Sean entered her, moving his hands to her lower back and pulling her tightly toward him.

  “Oh God!” Erin
leaned back and allowed herself to get lost in the sensation. Sex with Sean felt so liberating, so amazing, that the entire world melted away and all that mattered was that moment and their union.

  “You feel so good!” Erin cried out.

  “You feel amazing,” Sean told her, his voice deep and guttural.

  Leaning forward, Erin started to kiss Sean’s neck and now it was his turn to moan as the sensation made his entire body melt with delight. She kissed and licked upon his skin as he thrust deeper and harder, the movements becoming more frenzied.

  “You’re so sexy,” Sean told her, sounding breathless. “You’re going to make me come!”

  Erin wrapped her legs around him, binding them together for the pinnacle moment. Sean let out a satisfied sigh as he released himself within her. Panting, they gradually broke free of one another.

  The air in the kitchen now smelled of sweat and sex. It was a smell Erin had all but forgotten and she was glad to have it back in her life.

  “That was…” She tried to find the right word. Amazing, spectacular, mind blowing.

  “Overdue?” Sean suggested, flashing her a cheeky grin as he wriggled back in to his jeans.

  “Yeah.” Erin smiled bashfully. “Extremely overdue.”

  “I promise that next time it won’t be.” He placed a hand on the back of Erin’s head and drew her up to him for a long, hard kiss.

  “I did miss you, you know,” Erin admitted as the heat of the moment dissipated, leaving sincerity in its wake.

  “I missed you too,” Sean told her solemnly.

  Erin gazed at him. Sean was so devastatingly perfect with his chiseled jaw and dark, brooding eyes. He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man, yet there was the underlying flaw of his curse, the curse which, in spite of herself, Erin was beginning to believe in. But if Sean was cursed then so was Jack. Surely she could love them both, even if they did transform in to wolves upon a full moon?


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