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Brukr (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 8)

Page 10

by Celia Kyle

  Because I don’t want to go.

  Didn’t want to, but she had to. The scene in the parking lot was proof of that fact.

  The door slid shut behind Brukr, locking out the soft winds and locking her inside to be surrounded by his scent instead. Heat, smoke, sweetness with a hint of cinnamon, sensual and warm. She wanted to cover herself in his natural flavors.

  Not that she would, but a girl could fantasize.

  “Brukr, what are you doing?” She whispered the words, though she wasn’t sure why.

  “You are leaving.” His deep tenor vibrated the air and his words reverberated inside her. They shook Hannah all the way to her core and reminded her of what she’d miss if she left—Brukr.

  She’d also miss him finding his mate—a sight she’d happily skip.

  “Just as soon as the transport gets here.” She waved at the boxes. “I’m packing what I can, and the relocation team will do the rest.”

  “I do not wish it.”

  Hannah quirked an eyebrow and played dumb. She wouldn’t tell him how much a part of her wanted to stay, too. “You want to pack for me, then?”

  He growled and took a step closer and then another, and it took everything inside her to remain still. It took all her strength to stand tall beneath his frustrated glare. It was one he’d given her more than once. A look that said he’d happily bend her over his knee for a spanking if she wasn’t careful.

  She wondered what it’d feel like to have his large hand smacking her—

  “You are playing stoo-pid. I do not wish for you to leave the Preor.”

  He was so close, within reach, and she ached to close what little distance remained. But she didn’t—couldn’t.

  She shook her head and took a step back. “I can’t stay.”

  “You can.” His step eliminated what space she’d created.

  “No, I can’t. I made an agreement.”

  “Agreements can be—”

  “A vow, Brukr.” She had to put it into words he’d understand. “I made a vow when I reported my father. I testified, and the government provides protection.”

  “The Preor can protect you.” Mere inches separated them, so it was easy to see his skin stretch taut when he flexed his muscles—proof of his strength. “I can protect you.”

  “Like today?” She gave him a sad smile. “That’s why they relocate me. So people don’t get hurt.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You were hurt. That is unacceptable. The leaders provided poor protection. The Preor are superior.”

  “But I made a vow,” she gently reminded him.

  “A vow that sees you harmed because they are inadequate.”

  Her lips twitched, the corners slowly tipping up in a small smile. “We’re going to keep spinning in circles.”

  “I do not spin. That is for dragonlets,” he sneered, lip curled to expose the tip of his fang.

  “Brukr,” she murmured and—screw it—leaned forward.

  Just the tiniest bit until her palms rested on his chest, his warm skin flush with hers. She shuddered with the connection, her body reacting to his nearness and the feel of his smooth flesh. So hard, so smooth, so… She wanted to call him hers even without the Knowing, but she didn’t. He was a dragon-shifting alien intent on finding his true mate while Hannah was a human just trying to survive.

  “Try to understand. I must leave. It’s safer for everyone. Not just me, but everyone in the tower. I know without looking that there are dozens of people in the parking lot and more are on their way.”

  “I will kill them all.” He tipped his head to the side. “The quintet would assist. It would not take long to eliminate the threat. Triem needs to learn better aim, and Ivoth would enjoy not being tied to a desk in his mate’s office for a while. Radoo and Argan have not flown for a while. If we allow them to embrace their scales, they would enjoy the exercise.”

  And wasn’t that idea tempting? So tempting she almost thought about it for a moment, but she didn’t let her mind stray far. She shook her head. “No. I did my part and now the government does theirs. It keeps me safe and reduces the heightened chance of more violence. They find out I’m alive and things get… messy.”

  “Have you not done enough for the government? You submitted your sire for judgement. They have relocated you many times, have they not?” With her nod, he continued. “At what age are humans granted the ability to make their own choices? Is it not your time to choose?”

  “You would think,” she twisted her lips in a grimace, “but they keep finding me, and every time they find me, the government—Eric—steps in.”

  Brukr growled, long and low, the sound vibrating through her body and heading straight for her core. Her pussy clenched and she fought to suppress her shudder. Her clit twitched, silently begging to be touched, stroked, caressed… She wanted Brukr to touch her, explore her body with his hands and mouth.

  Which was another good reason for her to leave. She craved him but couldn’t have him, and it’d kill her to see him mate another woman.

  “If you stayed, you could help many.” He lifted his hands and placed them over hers, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Many more than the quintet would kill in your defense.”

  The tone was sweet, cajoling, but the words were just as violent as all his others.

  “Elle and Cole-Daven have plenty of others to help them,” she reminded him, but his denial was immediate.

  “No, they require you.”

  “Brukr, I have to go. And you…” She closed her eyes and licked her lips, unable to say the words while looking at him. It was hard to admit weaknesses, and Brukr was a walking, talking weakness. “You’re making it very hard to walk away.”

  “Then do not.”

  “I have to. The crowd almost got Violet. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to someone else.”

  “We will increase the number of guards.” He had a response to everything she said.

  Hannah sighed. “You’re breaking my heart,” she whispered. “Just let me go.”

  “Hannah?” His voice was soft, low, a gentle brush of moist air across her lips. She sensed his nearness even if she didn’t open her eyes and imagined kissing him once more. Just a single, last kiss to carry her to her next life.



  One word. One word and then he gave her what she craved… his kiss.

  Hannah moaned against his lips, sinking into his embrace, and gave herself permission to revel in their connection. One last moment—memory—to take with her on the road. One last experience to carry her through the days—years—ahead.

  She parted her lips for him, granted him entrance before he even had to encourage her to open. She welcomed him just as he welcomed her, and she delved into his mouth. Their tongues tangled in a passionate dance, stroking and caressing. Arousal burned in her blood, the meeting of their mouths stoking her need to burn hotter.

  Brukr released her hands and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer until their bodies were flush. His hard planes cradled her softness and she fought to memorize the feel of his chiseled form. She wanted to memorize every hard muscle, every scar, the feel of his skin, and the warmth of his scales.

  So she could take it with her when she left.

  Hannah slid her palms up his chest, fingers exploring his collarbone before she continued her travels and twined her fingers behind his neck. She clung to him, pushing to her tiptoes, and tried to take the kiss even deeper. She wanted—needed—more from him.

  And Brukr seemed to sense exactly what she craved. Those large hands stroked her clothed body, his heat sinking through the fabric as he stroked her with purpose.

  The purpose?

  He bent his legs slightly, adjusted his grip, and then lifted her. He encouraged one leg to wrap around his waist and she quickly followed the movement with her other until both held her securely to his body. She was opened to him, legs spread so his hardness…

  Hannah moaned i
nto his mouth and rocked her hips, rubbing her cloth-covered slit along his thick length. He needed as badly as she did, his body prepared to fill and stretch her aching pussy. She shuddered with the new pressure, a jolt of pleasure zinging down her spine with every flex.

  Brukr groaned as well, his deep rumbles adding to her ever-increasing craving.

  Were they moving? Was he carrying her somewhere? She didn’t care. It didn’t matter. As long as their kiss didn’t end and his glorious hardness didn’t soften, it didn’t matter.

  Except then he sat her on a high, hard surface. One that held her weight and left his arms free. One that placed her at the perfect height to keep his cock exactly where she needed most.

  “Brukr,” she moaned against his lips and tightened her legs, pulling him even closer. She rocked her hips, gratified when he did the same and released a groan that matched hers.

  “Shaa freem,” he murmured and then took her mouth once more, tongue plunging into her.

  Hannah wasn’t sure what the words meant, but the emotion behind them… The emotion made her desperate for him—all of him. She wanted to make love to Brukr—just once—before she vanished.

  She released his neck and stroked his chest, fingers sliding over skin and scales as she dipped further south. The katoth pants were sexy, but naked was even sexier. Naked and inside her would be best of all.

  She brushed the waist of his pants and traced the worn edge, the tanned hide smooth with age. She hoped they smoothly came off.

  “Brukr, need…” Needed so bad. She wanted him hard, deep, strong…


  No. Just once.

  “I have you, shaa freem.” His hands wandered, fingers stroking and exploring. Hurried and slow at the same time, he gathered the fabric of her shirt, tugging it higher and higher.

  I have you. She let herself dream for a moment, let herself think of belonging to the large warrior for just a second, even if she knew it was an impossibility. For now, she’d take what she could get and revel in his love making.

  For now.

  “I believe we should drown him and claim it was an accident.” Or never, since that sounded suspiciously like Radoo.

  “Agreed.” And Argan, as well.


  Hannah ripped her mouth from Brukr’s and buried her face against his neck, cheeks heating with embarrassment at getting caught. Again.

  “But first we must separate them. Elle ran when they were discovered. Hannah did not.”

  “Perhaps they are tied together?” Any hope that they were teasing them vanished with Argan’s confusion. “Hannah, has he tied you to his body? If you would show us the rope, we can—”

  Brukr interrupted the other warrior. “Come near and you will die. Slowly. Painfully.”

  It was wrong that she found his threat hot, right? Right. Unfortunately, her pussy disagreed. And her clit. And her nipples, because they formed two, hard points inside her bra.

  She was so fucked-but-not-fucked.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hannah trembled, a full body shudder that rubbed her thasiq—pussy—against his hardness. Her hot, wet thasiq. Her natural scent called to his dragon, urged him to peel her clothing from her body and drop to his knees. He would taste her, explore her slick center with his mouth and fingers, and then slide—

  “I do not believe he could best us. Not while his wred remains firm.” Radoo spoke and Hannah groaned, but he did not believe it was from pleasure. No, the bitterness of embarrassment—hers—filled his nose. It replaced the musky scent of her desire, and Brukr decided that maroon winged male wished to take his final flight. Soon.

  “It would not be honorable to challenge him now.” Argan crossed his arms over his chest. “We will wait until he has calmed.”

  Radoo sighed. “That means we will endure more injuries. Are you certain we must wait?”

  “I do not believe you need to wait at all.” Brukr glared at them both. “If you do not fall silent I will tear your wings from your backs and throw you from Hannah’s aerie even if my wred is hard.”

  Argan grunted and ignored Brukr. “He is favored by Emperor Haclu. We must wait and ensure the battle is equal. It is the only way to avoid the emperor’s wrath.”

  Brukr winced. He did not deserve to be favored by Emperor Haclu—not for the actions of a coward—but the emperor bestowed the honor on him while he’d remained locked within a ryaapir unit, in stasis and unable to deny…

  Who did he try to fool? He would have been unable to deny his ruler anything.

  “Fine,” Radoo grumbled and matched Argan’s stance, the two males finally falling silent and staring at him… and Hannah.

  Hannah, who remained wrapped around him like an aschir—similar to an Earth mon-kee but much more determined. He believed Earth mon-kees could be pried from their prey while an aschir could—and sometimes did—cling until death.

  Brukr did not believe dying with Hannah wrapped around him would be bad. Though he would like all of her wrapped around him, including her thasiq.

  “Calm, shaa freem.” He kept his voice low and ignored the presence of the two warriors.

  Hannah snorted, which made her center nudge his hardness, and he gritted his teeth against the urge to find release. Her nearness, her scent, had him hovering at the very edge of ultimate pleasure, and he refused to stain his katoth pants like a hatchling who just noticed females.

  “Calm isn’t exactly happening,” she murmured back at him. “Not with you… and them… and…” She shook her head, her hair tickling his skin and scales with the gentle brushes. “Nope.”

  Which meant the only way to end their standoff was to rid himself of Argan and Radoo. Easier thought than done, but Brukr sen Zak’lu was not one to shy from a challenge. At least, not anymore. Once upon a time…

  “Why are you inside Hannah’s home?” He narrowed his eyes first at Radoo and then shifted the glare to Argan. The male had sought to be Defense Master. He was a skilled warrior who did not act without reason. “How did you enter?”

  “Through the entry.” Radoo answered his question and then spoke to Argan. “I believe the humans are correct and males can only think with one head at a time. The Healing Masters should research the topic deeper. I did not hear of such a thing with the Preor but our males have spent much time on the planet. Perhaps…”

  Even Argan glared at Radoo and, once the maroon male fell silent, returned his attention to Brukr.

  Brukr who still held Hannah closely, their bodies flush in the most perfect of ways. Perfect if they did not have an audience.

  “The human Eric will be at the tower shortly. Radoo and I are to escort Hannah to his shuttle.”

  Brukr’s gut clenched. He did not want her to go with the human Eric. He didn’t want her to leave the Preor. In truth, he didn’t want her to leave… him. “She will not be leaving the Preor.”

  “I won’t?” Hannah’s surprised tone matched Argan’s.

  “She won’t?” The yellow-hued male frowned.

  “Excellent. Hannah, release Brukr. I do not wish you to be hurt.” He did not like Radoo’s obvious joy at the prospect of battling him.

  Brukr focused on Argan. “No, she will not be accompanying the human Eric. Inform him plans have altered.”

  Hannah pulled away from him, unwinding her arms and leaning back until only their hips touched. “Why?”

  He wished she had not asked that question. He also wished he had an answer. He simply could not let her go.

  Ever? The dragon’s joy suffused his mind, its desire for Hannah obvious. It did not care about mates and dragonlets. It only wished for Hannah.

  Other parts of Brukr only wished for Hannah. Even as he stood beneath the threat of a fight with Argan and Radoo, he wished for all of her. Could he fight as he made love to her?

  Possibly. But the chance of her being injured was too great. He’d have to wait.

  She poked him in the chest, blunted nail prodding his tanned skin. “Why?”

  “Ivoth stated that repeating a question does not guarantee an answer and is pointless,” Radoo murmured. “Do you believe females are like males? They can only think with one head at a time? But I did not see a secondary head on a female when I studied their anatomy. Do you—”

  Brukr kept his attention on Hannah but released a handful of snarled words at the other two warriors. “Argan, if you do not silence him…”

  He caught sight of a blur of orange and yellow from his periphery followed by the distinct sound of a fist connecting with a hard jaw. Then came Radoo’s grunt and… pure silence.

  “Why don’t you want me to go with Eric?”

  Honorable males did not lie. They did speak partial truths which were not lies. “I do not believe the human Eric can—”

  “Why do you call him ‘the human Eric’? Is that how you refer to me when you talk to others? Never mind.” She shook her head. “That’s off topic. Why can’t I go with Agent Eric Long? He’s been handling my case for years.”

  Brukr chose to only answer half of her questions. “We dislike the human Eric.” I dislike the human Eric because he looks at you like I look at you—with wanting. He did not add those words, though. “We like you. You work for Cole-Daven. You are a friend of the Preor.”

  “But I’m only a friend of the Preor because I work for Cole-Daven. If I didn’t would you suddenly start calling me ‘the human Hannah?’”

  He frowned and stared down at her, trying to ignore the flush in her cheeks. He disliked her anger, but she was truly beautiful when furious. “You are attempting to twist my words.” He shook his head. “If you did not work for Cole-Daven, you would still be a friend of the Preor.”

  “Would I?” She quirked a brow. “Knowing who my father is? Would I really?”

  “We do not punish the dragonlet for the sire’s actions against Syh.” Radoo stepped forward, and Brukr decided he would teach the male to mind his own business. Painfully. “Esteemed Warrior Jarek’s sire killed millions of females, yet he commanded the Preor Third Fleet. Your sire killed merely—”


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