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Brukr (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 8)

Page 15

by Celia Kyle

  “You destroyed me.”

  “I created you,” Eric countered. He lowered his head, hot, moist breath bathing the side of her face. “And you’re perfect. I can’t let you ruin that.”

  “What are you gonna do, Eric? You’re on a Preor ship. Do you think they’re going to just let you—”

  “Shaa freem.” Brukr’s warning growl cut her off.

  “Don’t call her that!” Eric’s shout rang in her ear, and he pointed the short knife at her mate.

  As if a warrior would be afraid of a little piece of metal. Her on the other hand… When Eric placed it beneath her chin once more, more than a little fear returned.

  “Don’t call her that,” he spat at Brukr.

  Hannah met her mate’s intense stare and silently begged him to back down. She turned that same entreating look on the others as well. The situation was delicate. It didn’t need violence. It needed cool heads and—

  “He can’t have you,” Eric whispered in her ear.

  “You will not leave this ship,” Brukr growled, and his shoulders broadened, his size increasing. Her mate’s dragon was obviously close to the surface and very near to breaking free. That… would not be a good thing.

  “You can’t stop me. I won’t let you ruin her. She’s perfect now. She’s mine.” Eric’s ramblings picked up again, one word after another, all strung together. “I did this. I’m keeping her. Mine.”

  “Everyone just needs to take a deep breath.” She tried to remain calm, tried to keep her voice soft as she spoke to the group of males.

  “If I do such, I will release a ball of flame and end him,” Brukr growled, and smoke escaped his nose, the dragon’s breath escaping to hang in the air.

  “I won’t let you have her. I won’t.” The tip of the knife dug into her skin, sinking into her flesh with ease. “We’re meant to be together.”

  “Eric, think about this. We—” The knife eased deeper, and tears flooded her eyes. She tried to remain silent, but the further it went, the more her pain grew, and she finally released her cry. “Ahhh!”

  The warriors leapt forward and Eric scrambled back, dragging her with him. The knife fell to the ground, tumbling from his fingers, but then he had his hand on something better—worse?

  “Get back!” He held up the small disc, the bit of metal and tech that… “This is a cleanse flare. Get back now.”

  A cleanse flare. A device that, once triggered, would destroy everyone—everything. Any hint of biological material—bodies—would disintegrate. Gone. Poof. Forever. There would be nothing left to heal. They would all be… nothing.

  “Eric, wait. Think about this…” she pleaded with him, but she wasn’t sure why she bothered. He’d already lost his mind, hadn’t he? Eric had controlled her, reshaped her, from the moment she turned eighteen. And now he’d infiltrated a Preor ship with the express purpose of kidnapping her.

  Or killing her so no one else could have her.

  There was no “thinking” about things. There was no bargaining or reasoning with him. He’d made his choice.

  “Brukr,” she focused on her mate. “You guys need to leave. I’m going—”

  “No,” he snarled, the word bellowing from his mouth with his dragon’s voice. “Mine.”

  “Please. I don’t want you all to get—”


  “No,” Eric shouted in return. “She’s mine.” He held up the cleanse flare, cradled it in his palm, and flicked the edge with his thumb. Now it merely needed to be pressed and it’d all be over. He brought his hand toward Hannah’s chest, arm moving as if in slow motion. He was going to slam it between her breasts, over her heart. She was going to be the source of her own destruction. “Mine, fore—”

  Hannah closed her eyes and waited. Waited for the end to come. Waited for the overwhelming pain of losing Brukr combined with the scorching fire of her death by cleanse flare.

  Pressure slammed into her chest, Eric’s palm flat against her body, and a searing heat burned her nerves.

  It was done. She was dead. And so was Brukr.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The stirring in Brukr’s heart and rush of adrenaline snapped him from slumber to awake in an instant. Awake yet wary. He remained motionless, listening to his surroundings, and sought the cause of his heightened state. His dragon was alert as well, stretching its bonds and pushing against Brukr’s mind. It encouraged him to rise, to hunt.

  Hunt what?

  The dragon’s voice rumbled a single word, a single syllable—who.

  Hunt who?

  He didn’t understand, but he didn’t need to. He could figure out the beast’s desires later—after he discovered the source of his unease.

  Brukr remained motionless, retaining his position at Hannah’s side. He hadn’t left her from the moment he’d caught her as she fell, shuttle bay rvu half-destroyed by the human Eric’s cleanse flare while Hannah was scorched by the human technology.

  The only thing—being?—that’d saved Hannah was Penelope. The ship had acted quicker than any other ever could. In a millisecond, the computer had redirected the cleanse flare and encased it in a shield. At the same moment, it teleported the human Eric into space.

  It hadn’t been fast enough to spare Hannah injury, but she still lived thanks to Healing Master Whelon and Primary Healing Warrior Yazen. The males spent countless hours monitoring the ryaapir unit and directing its progress.

  Now, they waited.

  Now, he waited. Alone in medical with nothing but dim lights, the hum of the ryaapir unit, and the sound of Hannah’s slow breathing for company.

  Syh, grant her life and health. Please do not tear her from my arms. I will prove myself worthy of her, I vow it.

  A sense of warmth enveloped him, a peace cradled his thoughts and spread to encompass his body. The sensation slid over skin and scales, blanketing him in a xina light layer of tranquility and… love.

  Not the love of a dam or sire—the passionless caring he would expect of Syh. No, this was edged with something else. An emotion that he could not describe. It was caring and yet so much more. A devotion that resonated in his very soul. It rang true in every part of him. And then…

  Then he physically experienced the sensation. A gentle caress of his head, the touch tender and feather light. It grew in strength, and he recognized fingers sifting through his hair. The weight was slight and weak but there.

  And that was when he realized what—who—woke him. No other could touch him—affect him—in such a way. None other than…

  “Shaa…” Brukr should call her shaa freem as he had before, but she was so much more than his warrior. “Shaa kouva,” he murmured and lifted his head. Her eyes remained closed, face pointed to the ceiling, while her hand continued to caress his hair and then slowly lower to his face. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm. He wished to shout with relief—joy—but the mere sight of Hannah awake stole his strength. All he could do was whisper once more. “Shaa kouva.”

  A small smile tipped up the corner of her lips. “Shaa kouvi.”

  That small endearment sent a shiver of deep pleasure through him. He’d never thought to hear those words from another. Yes, he’d traveled to Earth in search of a mate, but… he never believed Syh would deem him worthy of a female. He’d only been assigned to the mission because of the emperor’s favor. Favor he did not deserve.

  Brukr breathed deep, drawing in her natural scent, and savored the intricacies of her aroma. It was different now—different after Whelon and Yazen had healed her.


  “Hannah, how…” he rasped and swallowed hard, fighting to clear his throat so he could speak. “How do you feel? Should I summon Whelon? Yazen?”

  Every male on the ship who had any semblance of healer training?

  She sighed and still did not look at him, her face still pointed at the ceiling.

  “I’m fine.”

  He grunted. “I do not like that word. Fine. It says nothing

  Hannah’s lips curved a hint more and then… then she gradually turned her head. It fell to the right, rolling carefully until her features came into view. Then she gave him the greatest sight to all Preor. She opened her eyes.

  “I’m well enough, shaa kouvi. I’m well enough.” Hannah stroked his cheek. “What happened?”

  He drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. He forced his body to release some of the tension he’d hoarded and carried while he waited for her to awaken. She was well enough. Well enough to talk and ask questions.

  Brukr stared into her eyes, more green than brown now. It was one of the changes she’d endured during her healing. Whelon hadn’t only repaired the damage from the cleanse flare. He’d repaired her Pol Mutation and gen mods as well.

  “The human Eric released a cleanse flare against your chest.” His dragon stirred, the beast furious that it had not been able to turn the male into a meal.

  Hannah chuckled. “I doubt he would have tasted very good.”

  He frowned. “I do not understand.”

  “Eric probably wouldn’t have tasted good. He was a little pudgy and not a lot of muscle. Hardly worthy of a Preor dragon,” she teased.

  “I…” Brukr shook his head. “Penelope teleported him off the ship—to space—while also containing the cleanse flare. There is a great deal of damage to shuttle bay rvu.”

  And he had been thankful he had not been forced to notify Engineering Master Vende of the needed repairs. The male was very protective of his machinery. Already the male demanded to speak to the illogical Knotted Liquid to discuss program repairs to Penelope.

  “I think Penelope’s perfect just the way she is, and Vende better not call Liquid illogical. Women don’t like being called illogical.”

  His breath caught, air turning to ice inside his lungs. “Hannah?”

  “Hmmm?” The smile was lazy, and her caresses continued gentle and slow.

  “I did not say those words aloud.” Hope threatened to spark to life, but he buried it beneath logic and the truth. Syh had not forgiven him for his past. Syh knew all and was aware of his actions on the battlefield that day. The dishonorable did not have mates.

  “Shhh… You’re the most honorable warrior I know.”

  Brukr sat up straighter, lifting away from the ryaapir unit, and straightened his spine. He’d remained bent forward, head resting on his arms atop the unit’s edge, but now… Now he needed focus.

  “Hannah.” He licked his hips and battled back the hope stirring in his chest. “Why did you call me shaa kouvi? Have you heard other mated couples and chose to use it with me?”

  A tendril of amusement stroked him, a full body caress followed by a low chuckle from Hannah. “I feel it, Brukr. I can’t call you anything but shaa kouvi. Don’t you sense it?”

  He licked his lips, stalling for time as he let her words roll through his mind. He felt… something… but he was not sure if he wished to name it. Not when there was the chance he was wrong. It would destroy him if he was wrong. “I…”

  “I’ll say it for you. We’re mates. I can feel you inside me—your thoughts, emotions. I know you feel me, too, even if you’re not ready to admit it. I don’t,” she hesitated, worried eyes meeting his, “I don’t feel the Knowing though. I don’t…”

  Her lower lip trembled, and he rushed to reassure her. He did not experience it either, but there was no doubting their tie.

  “The Knowing does not make us mates. I claimed you before this moment. With or without the Knowing, we are tied. Nothing else matters.”

  “But a Preor’s greatest wish is to experience the Knowing.”

  He shook his head. “Perhaps for another, but my greatest desire has been to prove myself worthy of a mate to Syh.”

  Brukr wasn’t sure how he’d managed to deserve Hannah, but now she was his.

  “You’ve always been worthy,” she countered.

  He shook his head. “No, you do not know what—”

  Two soft fingers ghosted over his mouth. “I know you. Now I know all of you.”

  He winced and tore his eyes from her. He didn’t want to see her face when she knew all. She might think she knew, but she didn’t.

  “Brukr…” She reached for him once more and he eased out of reach.

  “I should summon Whelon and Yazen. They will be furious that I did not comm them the moment you woke.”

  Shaa kouvi…

  Her voice inside his mind. Her voice inside his mind.

  “Shaa kouva.” He glanced at her again, unable to resist her allure.

  “You were young.”

  He winced. “A sixth warrior.”

  “Young.” Her voice adopted a new strength—determination. “Young and unfamiliar with fighting.”

  “I had trained for many turnings.”

  “Training isn’t warfare. It isn’t facing an opponent and trying your best to kill them before they kill you.” He opened his mouth to object, but she simply shook her head. “You were young and hadn’t ever seen battle, and then there you were—in the middle of it.”

  He did not need Hannah’s reminder of his position. He truly had been in the middle of the violence.

  “They eliminated the strongest of us first.” He let his mind drift to that time—a time when cowardice overtook training. “The first warriors and the emperor’s own Primary Ruling Warrior. The second warriors soon followed.” Roars had filled the air, shouts and groans which gave way to the rattle of a male’s last breath.

  “I had been granted a great honor. I had excelled in my training and attained status as the youngest sixth warrior.” He’d been so full of himself. So proud and arrogant. “I was positioned at the emperor’s side. A position of honor.” He snorted. “Not the best position for a coward.”

  “You’re not a coward.”

  “I ran, Hannah.” When the battle reached its height, when death seemed like a certainty, he’d thought of his survival only—not his ruler’s.

  “And then you went back,” she countered. “When you saw what the emperor faced, when you found an opening, you went back. You could have kept running, but you risked your life to save his.” She caressed the scar beneath his jaw. “They nearly cut your head off. They would have taken his.” Hannah placed a finger beneath his chin and encouraged him to turn his head. He found that when it came to his mate, he could deny her nothing. “No matter what happened before that moment, you did save his life.”


  “You’re an honorable warrior, Brukr.”


  “This isn’t about Syh or proving yourself worthy of a mate. You have a mate—me. Maybe we don’t have the Knowing, but I can tap into your thoughts, and you can look into mine. Maybe the Knowing will come with time, maybe it won’t, but no matter what, you’re a strong, worthy, honorable warrior.” Her expression softened, love in every soft line. “It almost makes me wish the Preor used the human naming convention. I hate that others won’t recognize your status when we’re introduced. I could be Hannah joi Brukr Zak’lu.”

  His thoughts immediately went to his name… and the fact that he’d never explained the addition of ‘lu and its significance. Until that moment, he hadn’t even thought of the change. Did someone else…

  “No, I didn’t hear it from anyone else,” she whispered, eyes wide while shock overtook her features. “Do you think the Knowing…”

  “I… I do not know.” He shook his head and hated his ignorance. “Other warriors state that its manifestation is instantaneous. After Delaney was healed, the Knowing appeared as soon as she woke. This… I do not know what this is.”

  “Brukr?” He hated the tremble in her voice. “It’s time to comm Whelon.”

  Yes, he would comm Whelon. And Yazen. And even Chashan from Earth if necessary.

  Then he would pray to Syh.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  If Whelon told Brukr that Hannah was “fine” one more time, the ship would need a new
Healing Master.

  “Whelon, I do not believe Hannah is healed—”

  Whelon sighed. “She is fine, Brukr. You are both well. Your connection will evolve as Hannah’s gen mods revert and her body heals.”

  “Which means she is not healed!” He jabbed a finger at the Healing Master. “You said she is fine, but she is not healed. How is that fine?” Brukr shook his head. “It. Is. Not.” He sliced his hand through the air. “She will remain here in medical until she has completed her healing.” He spun and scanned the room, searching for his mate. Already she had escaped while he argued with Whelon. He would beat the male for distracting him… after Hannah was well. For now, he glared at the male again. “Prepare the ryaapir unit for her. Once I have located her, we will return and she will complete—”

  Whelon dropped his head forward and pinched the bridge of his nose—an action more and more of the Preor exhibited when frustrated. Well, Brukr was frustrated too. “Brukr, you must understand. There are degrees of health and—”

  “A body is healed or it is not.” He crossed his arms over his chest and let Whelon experience the full weight of his anger. Whelon outranked Brukr, but as Hannah’s mate, he outranked everyone when it came to her. “Which is it?”

  A low whoosh came from behind him, the soft sound followed by the light patter of feet on the floor—two sets, one heavier than the other, but too delicate to belong to males. Two females then. He would turn and greet them as any polite warrior would… when he was done intimidating Whelon. Who didn’t appear very intimidated, but Brukr would not be dissuaded.

  “Shaa kouvi…” The low voice was familiar even if he was unused to the words coming from Hannah. “Quit arguing with Whelon.”

  Brukr grunted and the corner of Whelon’s lips twitched. The male knew Brukr was powerless against Hannah. “Whelon states you are not healed. You are not departing medical today. Perhaps tomorrow.”

  If he did not look at Hannah, she could not realize he lied. It would not be tomorrow. Maybe the day after. Or the day after that. Now, another full Earth week of healing would soothe some of his concern.


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