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Lone Star Romance Collection

Page 57

by Cathy Marie Hake

  He jolted. “I’m not talking about that. Nae, I’m not. I’m trying to tell you I might have a hard head, but the truth matters to me. Aye, it does. I canna have you thinking I’m proud of what I did. I canna let you go on believing I think ill of you.”

  “Okay. Thank you. Can we go get the crackers now?”

  “Are you listening to me, Wren?”

  “All of Texas must be listening. You don’t have to shout. And once and for all, will you decide what you’re going to call me?” As soon as she said that, Wren clamped her mouth shut.

  “The ruse is o’er. There’s no need for you to have to go by Katie any longer.” His brows furrowed. “Dinna you like sharing your name with a songbird?”

  She shrugged.

  “Dinna feign ’tis of no consequence. You wouldn’t have said anything otherwise. What’s wrong with Wren?”

  “Wrens are small and drab and common. Everyone who called me that shooed me off like a nuisance. Katie—“ her voice caught. “Never mind.”

  “Oh, I’m minding. I’m minding a lot. Everyone here calls you Katie. Aye, and they cherish you. You even said so yourself.”

  She started shaking. “The crackers—”

  “Will be there an hour from now.”

  An hour? She didn’t want to talk to him for even one more minute. She felt vulnerable, raw.


  “Don’t call me that.” The words flew from her mouth before she even thought them through.

  “ ’Tis a pretty name for a lovely lass. But I’ll respect your wish. Aye, I will. By your leave, I’ll be calling you Kathryn until I’ve earned the right to call you Katie.”

  “You’ve better things to do with your time. Once Mercy’s had the baby and the trial is over, I’ll leave.”

  “You’ll stay right where you are. I promised I’d see to it that you were settled in a happy location.”

  “I have been happy here—but it’s time for me to move.”

  “Why? Because of me?”

  She bit her lip and thought through her answer. “It’s not just you. Other places, once someone learned Whelan was my stepbrother, the people figured I was cut from the same cloth.” She shrugged self-consciously. “I’m accustomed to pulling up stakes.”

  “You willna do that this time. Nae, you willna.” He nodded his head. “I was in the wrong of it, judging you by his measure. You canna forfeit your happiness because you judge everyone else here by my reaction. Think on it: I had to chase folks away. Aye, I did.”

  Wren shook her head.

  “Lass, folks here learned a lesson several times o’er in the past two years. I dinna want to offend, but I’ll speak the truth, because ’tis wondrous in the end. Elspeth is the child of a vile attack.”

  Wren’s jaw dropped open. “But Rob—”

  “Loves Elspeth wi’ all his heart. Folks here didna know how to deal with Mercy’s predicament, so they ignored her. It nigh unto broke her heart. Carmen—bless her—was a stalwart friend, and Rob discovered his feelings ran deep for Mercy. He wed her and named Elspeth after our own Ma.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, you’re right. That is wondrous.”

  “Aye, ’tis. And so is how folks learned to look past the situation and care for Mercy. But the story doesna end there. You’ve met Jenny.”

  “Isn’t she a dear? And she sews so beautifully!”

  “Aye, that’s how we all think of her—now. Has she ever mentioned her past?”

  “But that’s in the past! She found Christ.”

  “Aye, and we all celebrated her salvation and wanted her to find happiness. Folks here gave her a second chance. And then there’s Carmen.”


  “She’s a fine woman—inside and out. Men hereabouts looked at her limp and decided she wouldna be a good wife. ’Twas foolishness. Aye, and now Duncan and she are besotted wi’ one another and anticipating a wee little blessing.”

  Joy lilted in his deep voice. Christopher made for a complete bundle of paradoxes. He’d spoken of indelicate matters very delicately. He could be gruff and abrupt, yet he’d been careful to get down to a little boy’s level and treat his concern over a marble as if it were vitally important. He sat here, telling her about how other women found happiness regardless of the past issues in their lives, yet he’d jailed her. Trying to clear her thoughts, Wren shook her head.

  “Attend to me, Kathryn.” His calloused hand slid over hers. “Dinna dismiss what I’ve said. Everyone else for miles around—they learned what God intended. Instead of allowing human nature to take o’er and making snap judgments, they’re striving to see others through God’s eyes. Me? I’m as thickheaded and stubborn-hearted as a cantankerous old mule. Rob—he’s the smart brother. Duncan? He’s the one whose heart is attuned to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Me? I’m the one who didna learn from my brothers’ examples or pay heed to the message all our friends and neighbors learned from God.”

  She steeled herself with a deep breath and slid her hand away. The loss of warmth and shelter struck her hard. Nonetheless, she folded her hands in her lap. “Open-hearted as they are, the people around here would be easy game for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. God sets a hedge about His people for protection. You’re prickly.”

  A prolonged sigh rumbled out of him. “I’ve thorns aplenty.”

  “Maybe it’s for God’s purpose. The Lord might have created that quality in your soul because He needed you to be a warrior and not a lamb.”

  “There’s a bonny thought, but I canna agree fully. His sheep shouldna become ensnarled in the hedge He sets about them for their own good. I yanked you away from the flock and wounded you. Aye, I did. ’Tis a sorrowful thing I’ve done, and I’ll do my best to make it up to you, little Wr—Kathryn.”

  The remorse in his eyes and voice tore at her. Carmen needed the crackers, but Chris needed her forgiveness far more. “There’s nothing to make up, Christopher. Nothing. I admit, when you first imprisoned me, I was outraged. But I came to realize how my attitude revolved around my feelings, and I hadn’t stopped for even a moment to seek God’s will. I asked Him to reveal to me what He would have me know.” Her voice started to tremble, and she blinked back tears.

  “Ooch, lass,” Chris moaned.

  “Remember me crying when Mrs. Kunstler brought the cinnamon rolls? She labored and made a special trip and bared the ache of her heart just to comfort me. And Mr. Rundsdorf? Carmen and I have made him several shirts—but he wants to be my first customer. Regardless of how it pains him to sit up for a long time, he came and visited me each day. I wouldn’t have ever learned God’s lesson for me if you hadn’t locked me up.”

  “What lesson was that?”

  “That I’m not just a burden—a mouth to be fed or a pallet to be tripped over. Most people will see me as Wren, but there are a handful to whom I’m Katie.” Suddenly feeling raw and vulnerable, she shot to her feet. “I really must go get those Trenton crackers for Carmen.”

  He rose. “I’ll go along.”

  And that says it all. He’ll never trust me. I have to leave as soon as Mercy doesn’t need me. This is his home. By staying here, I’m pushing him away from his own family.

  Chapter 13

  I—“ Wren stared down at her clenched hands. Their town didn’t have a courtroom, and it didn’t seem right to use a church as a site for a trial. The only other large building was the saloon. The Gregor men spent time this morning draping blankets over pictures that decent folk shouldn’t see. Even so, Kathryn didn’t want to look around. She swallowed and testified, “I didn’t see his face.”

  The attorney scowled. “Your honor, I’d like permission to treat Miss Regent as a hostile witness. She’s the accused’s sister.”

  “Miss Regent is not hostile, and she’s his stepsister,” Chris proclaimed. “The accused abandoned her when she was only fifteen, and she’d not seen him again until the day in question.”

  While the judge admonished Chris that he’d
accept no further outbursts, Kathryn marveled that Chris defended her. Having already testified, he was permitted to sit on the front bench and stay as an observer. He sat straight as could be and stared at her. He even flashed an encouraging smile and nodded.

  The attorney peppered her with multiple questions. She bore witness to what she’d originally heard and how she’d seen the star on Whelan’s boot. As she started walking away from the witness chair, Whelan sneered at her. “Don’t bother comin’ by the jailhouse anymore to churchify me.”

  Chris rose and interposed himself between her and her stepbrother.

  Whelan kept talking. “I only pretended I was interested so you’d show family loyalty today.”

  Chris squeezed her arm. “I’ll take you home.”

  “You need to stay here.”

  The gavel came down again. “It’s noon. We’ll recess for lunch and start back up at one o’clock sharp.”

  “Chris,” Mr. Stuky said, “I’ll take the prisoner to the jailhouse.”

  “No, I will.” Jorge from the livery came over. “Chris, you take that pretty little filly on home. She’s had a hard day.”

  “Katie is not a horse.” Mr. Rundsdorf shouldered his way between the men. “But she needs to go rest. Chris, I’ll watch the prisoner.”

  Otto Kunstler curled his hand around Whelan’s upper arm and pulled him to his feet. “Gregor, you take care of who’s important. I’ll mind this one.”

  No less than four more men volunteered. Chris gave the jailhouse keys to Otto. “Much obliged, men.”

  Chris threaded her hand through the crook of his arm. “Come, Kathryn.” As he escorted her down the street, Chris grinned. “You’ve many a champion here. Did you see how all those men fought to have the honor of keeping Whelan locked away from you?”

  “Even dear Mr. Rundsdorf.” She managed a fleeting smile. “Never in a million years would I have imagined he could look so fierce.”

  “The old gent was quite a sight,” Chris agreed. He stopped and trailed his rough fingertips down her cheek.

  She fought the nearly overwhelming need to lean into his touch. Confusion made her mind whirl. The day he’d rescued her from Hepplewhite’s Emporium, he’d told her she could trust him. Somehow, he’d overcome her defenses and actually earned her respect—only to obliterate it all when he towed her off to jail and believed the worst of her. But he confessed he was wrong and championed me. Do I trust him again? Dare I risk that?

  “You’re a rare woman, Kathryn Regent. Aye, that you are.” Chris gave her a steady look. “A man would gladly put on the armor of God and battle a legion of demons just to protect you.”

  Her pupils dilated wildly. Chris could see he’d taken her by surprise. “I canna help thinking your brother’s biggest regret must be having left you behind. He went off seeking riches and never saw the treasure he already had.”

  Tears filled her remarkable eyes. “I’m no treasure, and I’ll not delude myself. His greatest regret is having been captured and knowing the evidence against him is irrefutable. Robbery and murder—he’s done several of both. When the jury finds him guilty, he’ll be sentenced—”

  “Aye,” Chris cut in, trying to spare her from having to speak the truth. In the days ahead, she’d come to accept the inevitable, but in the meantime, he decided to distract her. “He’ll be sentenced. But for now, I’ll get you home. Duncan and Rob both hold the opinion that their wives are overdoing. If you’d talk sense into them, I’m sure my brothers would be grateful.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Good. Good.” He started walking again.

  “Chris, you’re trying to be kind by diverting me from thinking about what lies ahead. It won’t work. Something truly dreadful lies ahead.”

  “Aye.” He looked down at her. “Many a town would have held a kangaroo court and lynched him. We’ve bent over backward to give him a fair trial. Justice will prevail. With several murders and robberies against him, he’ll receive the harshest sentence.” He paused a moment. “You’d best prepare yourself for the worst.”

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  His brow furrowed. “Do you hold feelings for him?”

  Slowly, she nodded.

  Surprise and a flash of jealousy shot through him.

  “He’s done wicked things, evil deeds—yet he’ll always be my brother. I prayed that he’d be like the one thief on the cross and repent.”

  “So you’ve been praying for him.”

  “Yes.” She shrugged—a tiny, tense movement. “You can be proud of Duncan and Rob. They’re fine men, and they return your love in full measure.” Pain flickered across her features. “Whelan’s awful, but he’s still my brother.”

  “Kathryn Regent, ’twas an understatement when I said you’re a rare woman.”

  “Crackers,” she rasped. “Carmen needs more of them.”

  “Did the ones we got that other time help settle her stomach?”

  Kathryn nodded. “She’s run out.”

  Though Carmen had his sympathy, Kathryn deserved his support. She’d been through so much already. If accomplishing this task gave her even a moment’s respite, he’d gladly accompany her on a whole string of errands. “Then let’s get them.”

  Once they reached the mercantile, he opened the door for her and walked beside her to the cracker barrel. Leonard hastened over. “Katie, Chris, I’m surprised to see you here—after this morning.” He caught the look Chris gave him. “Thought you’d be eating lunch like the rest of us. What can I do to help you today?”

  Gently wiggling the scoop so she wouldn’t break the crackers, Wren said, “We just dropped in to buy a few crackers.”

  Chris gave the meager supply she gathered a dubious look. “That’s only a quarter scoop.”

  She added just a few more of the tiny oyster-shaped crackers. “How’s that?”

  Chris curled his fingers around hers. “You dinna ration your comfort or your friendship, Kathryn. God doesna hoard His love, either. He gives abundantly above all we can e’er ask or think.” Chris guided her hand, dipped the scoop, and lifted out a heaping mountain of crackers. Several fluttered down into the barrel again. “Are you watching, lass?”

  She stared at the scoop. “That’s so many, you’re dropping some!”

  “Leonard, go fetch us something to carry these in.” Chris waited until the storekeeper was out of earshot. “Kathryn, canna ye see, lass? You’re looking at the wee little crackers that fall. Leonard sees the ones in the scoop. God? Well, I’m thinkin’ God sees not only those and the ones filling the whole barrel, but also all the ones that will e’er be made. You’ve lived on the fallen scraps far too long. Dinna tally your worth by who your stepbrother is. Your heavenly Father counts you as priceless.”

  Leonard arrived with a pasteboard box. “This ought to do.”

  Kathryn bit her lip and nodded. She didn’t say another word the whole way home.

  “To be hanged by the neck until dead.” The sentence rang in Chris’s head. The trial had progressed swiftly, and the evidence made for a compelling case—so compelling, the jury took only fifteen minutes to deliberate.

  Whelan snorted. “Didn’t expect nothin’ different.”

  Chris rose. “Your honor, folks here love Miss Regent, and we don’t want to see her suffer any more than she already has. If it’s all the same to you, I’d request Whelan’s sentence be commuted to life in prison.”

  “I’d druther be hanged!” Whelan shouted.

  The judge pounded the gavel. “Order. Order. Whelan, you’ll get what you want. Hanging’s what the law dictates, and that’s what you deserve.”

  The sheriff from the town whose banker had been murdered announced, “Plenty of folks in my town already picked out a hangin’ tree. We’d be happy to oblige the court.”

  Chris left and went back to the empty jailhouse. He felt no satisfaction in having apprehended his friend’s killer. He’d seen the job through to the end—as a Texas Ranger, he’d gott
en his man. In doing so, he’d probably spared several more people from theft and murder. Slowly, he wound the clock, reset the hands according to his prized pocket watch, and started the pendulum with a faint tap.

  Time is a gift. Don’t waste it.

  At that moment, he knew what he had to do.

  “Kathryn, I’m needing to talk to you.” Duncan stood by the front door and half shouted the words.

  “I’m a little busy just now.”

  “This willna wait.”

  She swung around and gave Duncan an incredulous look. “Do you think Mercy’s baby will wait?”

  Chris stood beside Duncan. Both seemed to have lost their deep tans and gone an odd shade of green. Chris rasped, “We only want a minute.”

  “Go on. Hurry up.” Carmen gave Katie a push.

  Mercy sat on the steps and glared at her brothers-in-law. “Don’t you dare try to convince my friend to drag me over to that clinic.”

  “They willna as long as you don’t make any cookies or mashed potatoes today,” Rob said as he rubbed her back.

  Kathryn scurried out to the veranda. Duncan yanked the door shut, and Chris tilted her face upward. “Tell Duncan you dinna mind me having as much gingerbread as I want.”

  “You’re hungry?”

  Duncan patted her shoulder. “The wooden frills, lass.”

  Flummoxed, Kathryn shook her head. “I don’t know why you’re asking me.”

  “Dinna you recall me sayin’ I’d share it all wi’ you, lass?” Duncan nodded. “I gave my word, and I’ll not go back on it.”

  “Chris is your brother. You Gregors all bought the gingerbread. I couldn’t care less what happens to it—all I care about right now are Mercy and the baby!”

  “I told you so.” Chris slapped Duncan on the back and strode off.

  Mercy moaned from inside the house.

  A stricken look swept over Duncan’s face. “Chris! You’ll be needin’ my help!”

  Kathryn headed back into the house. Soon she was busy bathing Rob and Mercy’s newborn baby. As dawn broke, footsteps sounded on the veranda. The door barely opened, and Chris stuck his head into the house. “How’s she doing?”


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