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Alpha Champion (Wolf Fighters Book 1)

Page 2

by Bolryder, Terry

  But that was probably just wishful thinking, she thought as she finished scanning the ballroom with no sight of whoever had been watching her.

  “Am I interrupting you?” a deep voice asked, yanking her from her thoughts.

  She looked up to see Bruce had followed her back here. She looked around to see they were alone. Not good. Not that she had any reason not to trust him, but she didn’t like the way he’d looked at her. “Oh, yes, actually…”

  He ignored her and pulled her close, smelling her hair. “You’re perfect. When I win you—”

  She tried to push away. “Excuse me. When you win me? It’s not—”

  He wrapped his hands around her waist, preventing her exit. “Trust me. I’m winning.” He pulled a curl free and twirled it gently. She hated the heated look in his eyes. “And maybe I just want to make sure it’s worth it. Maybe you should give me a taste—”

  She pushed hard against him, not wanting to make a scene, but not willing to let him make a fool of her here in a hallway. If her father saw, would he even rescue her, or would he simply be glad the wolf with the best connections was going to claim her?

  But somehow, she felt being claimed by this wolf was the last thing she would want. He was tall and muscled, though not in the lean, disciplined way Lucas had been. But she didn’t like the feeling she got from him. Like something was wrong. His blandly handsome face seemed to hold a certain cruelty in it, and it turned her off.

  “Let me go before I…” She didn’t really have a threat she could make, so she was relieved when she heard a deep voice cut in from behind them.

  “I suggest you unhand the lady, before I kick your ass,” a low, sardonic voice intoned.

  Lily stretched on her toes to see around her attacker, but couldn’t. Then Bruce gave her an angry look that said they would continue this later and stepped aside, leaving her face to face with the most beautiful pair of green eyes she’d ever seen.

  It wasn’t possible.


  The man before her was taller than the one she’d known, broader through the shoulders with handsome features that had sharpened into a rugged male beauty, square-jawed and lean. His hair still fell in broad, rakish waves and was raven black. But his eyes, though they were the same color as before, were totally different. Hard and cold and angry. But at her or her attacker?

  “Who are you?” Bruce asked harshly as the man across from him continued to ignore him and stared at Lily as if he were trying to devour her with his eyes or maybe memorize every part of her.

  If it really was Lucas, they hadn’t seen one another in what, seven years? She swallowed. The man who might be Lucas turned to the other with folded arms.

  “I’m Asher Vale,” he said.

  She blinked. Was that possible? She didn’t remember Lucas’s brother looking this much like him. No, the more she looked at him, the more she was sure. This was Lucas. But for some reason, he was parading as his half-brother to come here to see her. She wouldn’t allow her heart to think of possible reasons why.

  “Interesting, the martial arts family,” Bruce said, his mouth curling in an unpleasant smile as he made a slow circle around Lucas. Lily wanted to shove him, wanted him out of the way so she could ask Lucas what the hell he was doing there.

  “Right,” Lucas said. “I was about to ask Lily if she wanted to dance.”

  She blinked and looked up at him. Of course. A waltz was starting in the ballroom, and it was the perfect way to escape Bruce. She nodded and reached a hand out, still feeling in a daze at seeing him again.

  And from the moment his hand touched hers, she was at home. Her whole body warmed as he whisked her away from Bruce and onto the dance floor. His strength supported her, which was good because she still felt like she could faint at any moment just from seeing him again.

  The past and the future seemed to blend together in an overwhelming symphony as he held her casually in his arms. His handsome face was impassive, keeping her from knowing his feelings. But it was enough to just see him. To have a few more moments with him before all hell broke loose.

  When the waltz finished, she looked up at him, unsure what to say, but he quickly guided her off the dance floor and onto an empty side balcony that led out into the gardens. She looked back at the ball and bit her lip. She didn’t know what sort of trouble she was going to get into for leaving the party and heading into the dark with someone who wasn’t even eligible for the tournament, but she couldn’t help it.

  She was with Lucas again. It was like something out of a dream.

  He pulled her into the garden until they were shaded by shadows and then shoved her gently onto a bench so he could pace in front of her.

  Damn, he was handsome. So tall, with that long hair and that straight nose and full lips, that perfectly square jaw. Those muscles he’d always had were trying to burst out of his expensive tailored suit. Her Lucas had cleaned up well since she’d seen him. Not that it mattered. He’d always been the handsomest wolf in the world to her.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said.

  “Like what?” she snapped, looking up to meet his angry green eyes.

  “Like you want me, when we both know it isn’t true.”

  She gulped. She deserved that. She’d run away with her family and left him. She’d had no choice, but he didn’t know that. And she’d never gotten a chance to explain. It didn’t look like she’d get one now. “You’re angry.”

  His eyes flashed. “Of course I’m angry. Damn it, Lily, when you didn’t show up…” He ran a hand through his hair, making her ache to do it herself. How she’d loved his hair. “I searched for years. You have no idea. And I show up now to see how you are, and you’re standing there looking so beautiful it’s like nothing even happened. Like you just moved on without worry. Like you’re fine.” He eyed her and let out a low growl. “And letting another alpha male touch you, nonetheless.”

  “Lucas,” she said in a warning tone. “I wasn’t—”

  He raised a hand. “No need to explain, though. After all, that’s what you’re here for, right? To let one of them claim you? The strongest?”

  She nodded. She didn’t know what else to say. She was here for that reason, but mainly because she had no choice. But Lucas didn’t look like he was in the mood to hear excuses. And what would be the point? They couldn’t be together anyway. Not without putting her sister in danger.

  His face tightened. “I misunderstood you. I thought you cared. I thought you were my mate,” he said hoarsely.

  The words pierced her heart like knives. Of course she’d felt the same, though she’d tried to forget in the years that had since passed. What was the point of thinking of something so painful? She stayed silent, letting him vent.

  “Don’t you have anything to say?” he asked, whirling on her, stalking close. And then she caught his scent and felt her whole body relax and grow warm. Exotic and overwhelming, like expensive spices carried on an ocean breeze through a coastal forest. She inhaled deeply and let it sink in that he was actually here, with her. He was angry and there was still no chance for them, but he was safe. And she could see him one last time.

  His expression changed as he looked her over and leaned down to put a finger under her chin and tilt her face up to his. His eyes softened and his lips parted slightly. “Damn, I can’t stay angry at you. Not when it’s the last time we’re seeing each other.”

  She nodded, her heart pounding painfully. “I know.”

  “But I want to at least talk to you, one last time,” he said, looking up at the ballroom. “If you stay out much longer, they’ll know you’re gone. Can you meet me later?”

  She swallowed, her heart thudding painfully. Perhaps it was a bad idea to see him once more alone. Perhaps it would just hurt both of them. But looking into his eyes, knowing how much she’d already hurt him, she couldn’t say no to giving him a chance to ask her any questions he might still have. And she wanted to hear how his life had been. Just one
more time together and then they could say good-bye.

  “I’ll be here after the ball. After the others have left, meet me right here exactly.”

  Lucas nodded, and she noticed a heat in his gaze that hadn’t been there before. She didn’t want to turn and walk back to the ball, because she felt magnetically rooted to the spot, so close to him.

  But then he broke the tension and stepped back. “I’ll see you after, then,” he said. He turned on his heel and disappeared into the gardens, presumably to go back in through another entrance so they weren’t seen together.

  Lily took a deep breath and tried to gather her strength to go back inside. Somehow it was both harder and easier now that she knew she was seeing Lucas afterward.

  * * *

  The ball felt like it went on endlessly. Another dance, another new name and face she wouldn’t bother to remember.

  After several hours had passed and the crowds began to dissipate and became only a few lingering guests, Lily slipped away from the party, knowing no one would notice. Her father was much more insistent on being the center of attention. Really, this whole thing was more about him than her anyway.

  Lily walked swiftly down a set of side stairs and out into the dark night, her eyes searching for the part of the garden they’d been in before.

  When she turned the corner to find the same bench, she let out her breath in a disappointed sigh. He wasn’t there.

  “Looking for me?” a deep voice asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  She whirled around to see him striding out of the darkness.

  Once again, it was like a dream, and she reached down to pinch her skin as if trying to wake herself. He moved forward quickly, catching her hand like he couldn’t bear to see her hurting herself, and then set her gently on the bench.

  “I still can’t believe it’s you,” she said.

  “I know,” he said. “I guess you never thought I’d find you.” His mouth was set in a grim line. “I guess you never wanted me to.”

  “Don’t be silly. I—”

  “Silly?” He raised an eyebrow mockingly, but his tone was harsh. “Lily, you broke my heart.”

  She sighed and slumped slightly. Was there anything she could say? “Well, it’s our last night together. What do you want to talk about?”

  He paced and then sat beside her. The feel of him next to her was nearly unbearable. The warmth of his body, the hard muscle she’d find there beneath his clothes. And the fact that it was him, the man she’d been in love with. The one that haunted her dreams and still caressed her in her fantasies. And always would.

  He turned toward her and brushed an errant curl back behind her ear. The small touch lit her up, scalding her with its tenderness. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking for me, you’re always going to be the only one,” she said softly, looking into his eyes.

  “It doesn’t make sense,” he said, looking away. “If you wanted me to find you, you only had to—”

  “I know,” she said hoarsely.

  “I looked and looked. When I traveled for MMA, I searched everywhere. Finally, I came to the conclusion that you didn’t want to be found. Why, Lily?”

  She didn’t know what to say. If she told him about her sister, would he insist on getting involved? There was nothing he could do for them. He’d just try to fight everything and maybe hurt himself in the process. “I don’t know, Lucas. It’s just not meant to be.”

  He took her hand in his and squeezed gently. She didn’t get the feeling that he was any less angry, but it was like he couldn’t resist touching her now that they were so close. “If there’s something stopping you, you can tell me. I would help you, Lily. If you don’t want to go through with this, you don’t have to.”

  She flinched. He was too close to the truth, but she couldn’t let him get any closer. It didn’t matter if she didn’t want to do it. There was no way he could protect her from her family. No way her rich father couldn’t track them down and make them pay, even if they did get away with her sister.

  Lucas was kind and strong, but he didn’t have the type of power that could take on her father.

  “There’s nothing you can do,” she said. “I’m just glad I got to see you one last time.”

  He glared at her, a muscle tensing at his temple. “I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you could want this. The Lily I knew would never want a bunch of elitist jerks beating each other to death for her.”

  “They won’t beat each other to death,” she said.

  “How do you know? They’re wolf shifters fighting for a mate,” he said. “You can’t want this. The Lily I knew was gentle. She was—”

  She stood, back stiff. “The Lily you knew was a girl. She grew up. Now she does what she has to. She doesn’t have a choice,” she said, giving him a glare over her shoulder as she turned to leave.

  He caught her by the hand, stopping her. She gasped at the feel of his fingers on hers. She could feel his callouses from years of fighting. Damn, he was hot. If only she could turn around and make love to him and run away with him. But she couldn’t…

  “Lily, do you want me to enter?”

  She blinked. How could he? She supposed he could continue to masquerade as his brother for a while, since Asher was full alpha, but it would never work out in the end.

  He pulled her closer and she didn’t resist. He looked into her eyes. “If you want me to rescue you, you have to tell me,” he said.

  She pressed her lips together and tried to stay strong against the impulse to run into his arms and beg him for sanctuary. But there was no sanctuary to be found, and he needed to move on. “Just go home, Lucas. Go home and move on.”

  He let go of her hand, and she started to walk away, but then he caught her around the waist and spun her in against him, crushing his lips over hers in a fierce kiss.

  She struggled for a second and then quickly gave in, melting against his soft, familiar lips as his tongue dipped inside to explore. She held on to his strong shoulders for balance as her legs went weak from his kisses. He pulled back and then kissed her cheek, her ear, along her neck and shoulder, along the flesh bared by her low-cut dress, all the while his hands were exploring her waist, testing the curves of her body as if to see if she were still the same.

  He groaned in pleasure as he pressed her tightly against him and hugged her one last time. The moment seemed to go on and on, and then he finally pulled back to look down into her face. She could tell it was his way of saying good-bye.

  “Lucas…” She trailed off, wanting to think of something clever or memorable to say to him before he left. But he simply nodded, kissed her forehead, and then started to walk away.

  She watched him walk out of sight and then sank to her knees in the dirt, not caring if it ruined her blue silk dress.

  It didn’t really matter anymore anyway.

  She slowly got to her feet and trudged back to the house.

  * * *

  Lucas balled his hands into tight fists as he walked away from Lily. He could see it in her eyes—how much she wanted him, how trapped she felt—but he couldn’t make her say it. Couldn’t make her admit she needed him. Couldn’t get her to ask him to stay there.

  And without answers, what excuse did he have to stay? Clearly, she wanted the tournament to go on. Clearly, she didn’t want him to enter.

  He paced in the dark garden, wanting to stay close to where she was even if he couldn’t see her. Once he went home, he felt like it would totally be over.

  It was a cruel twist of irony that the family would come back to the home they’d abandoned to hold this awful event. This place brought back so many memories. Him being yelled at and told to never come back by Lily’s father. Lily crying and promising to meet him. He ran a hand through his hair. So many things he didn’t want to remember.

  Yet seeing her beautiful face had made the past just wash away, and he could no sooner leave her than stop breathing. He’d seen it in her face when s
he’d been cornered by the blond douche from earlier. She hated this, feared it. She didn’t want to be here. She still wanted him. He felt it when he’d kissed her.

  And damn, what a kiss that had been. Her curves were even more womanly now, rounded and soft in his hands, and he’d longed to free them from the tight silk so he could pay them more attention. Her beautiful face had sharpened slightly with age, but she still had those beautiful, deep brown eyes, that amazing smile with those cupid bow lips, that little pointed chin he loved to tilt with one finger. She was still short enough that he had to lean down to kiss her.

  He loved everything about her, and if he’d thought coming to see her would make it easier to walk away, he’d been wrong.

  He should have kept his promise to himself and stayed away. He should have been content to watch her across the ballroom, but when he’d seen her in trouble, seen her eyes widen as she tried to pull away from the blond douche, he hadn’t been able to help himself.

  He’d never been able to resist rescuing Lily. He never would.

  He longed to go find her. Sneak up into the room that used to be hers and see if she was still there. Have a late-night rendezvous like they had before, when he would break her out and they’d run in their wolf forms through the gardens. Would her father be stupid enough to put her back in the same room?

  Likely, he thought Lucas had grown up and moved on, having realized the cruel ways of a world where alpha females deserved only full-blooded alpha males. Like Asher.

  But Lucas couldn’t move on. Seeing her again, glowing in that gorgeous blue gown he just wanted to rip off her, he was able to clearly articulate what he hadn’t been able to as a teenager. She was his mate.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and cursed as he paced. There was no point to this. No point thinking of her as his. She’d told him to go. He had no excuse to follow her. No excuse to go after her. He should leave while he was ahead.


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