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Unexpected Angel

Page 3

by Patrick McGhee

  It was into this room that Wally walked on the morning of the kiss. He had a smile on his face that not a shower, nor a shave, nor rush-hour traffic, nor wind, nor city dust, could remove. In addition to smiling, he had been humming as he walked down the hall and into the office. He silenced it as soon as he was aware of other people, but not quick enough that Mileah didn’t notice.

  “Hey, sugar babe. You’ve taken to making music in the office. Not like you at all. Whoa, there. You’ve got a grin on your face that can’t be hid. What have you gone and got yourself into?”

  “He probably went to a singles bar and got laid,” quipped Norman, his ears tuning into what could be a thing of great interest.

  “Norman, honey. You’re talking from your own experience. Wally is cut from a finer mold. He doesn’t have to prowl around looking for fun and games. They find him. Isn’t that right, Wally? Don’t good times just have a way of dropping in unannounced?”

  “They did this morning,” said Wally, “at five o’clock to be exact.”

  Norman couldn’t keep quiet. His curiosity was strained. “How did you have energy to get into stuff like that at five in the morning? And who was she?”

  Mileah piped in. “You’re forgetting something, Norman. It wasn’t a she. It would have to be a he. Remember? Wally and you are different.”

  “Thanks for taking care of that, Mileah,” responded Wally. “It was a he, an incredible he, a motorcycle-riding, gorgeous hunk of a he. Even people who know him can’t figure him out. He can be as macho as any pickup-driving redneck in Kentucky. He can wear leather and ride with a Harley gang. He can out drink anyone at a bar. But, this morning, he held me in his arms and kissed me. That has never happened before in my life.”

  “And, I bet he just happened to need some money,” remarked Dorinda as she walked into the office. “How much, Wally?”

  “Fifty dollars, but I only had forty.”

  As Dorinda put her purse away, she turned and said, “Wally, honey, I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but you are dealing with a user. Can’t you see? Don’t be acting like an ostrich with your head in the sand. Listen to the people who care about you. You are being used!”

  Norman interrupted. “I don’t know about all that. I want to hear some more about the kiss. What was it like? I mean, was it tongue and all that stuff?”

  “Yes, Norman,” said Wally, “it was tongue and all that stuff. It was incredible. It blew my mind into next week. I won’t ever be the same. If he doesn’t kiss me again, then some other man will have to. This is defining my life. I need it.”

  Norman spoke with a reserved tone, “There was a time when this would have grossed me out, but I find it very interesting. It’s like another world is at work here, and it doesn’t seem to threaten.”

  Mileah burst out, “And I suppose you’re gonna say that you might kiss a guy one day?”

  “Who knows?” snapped Norman. “I can’t say I would, but I can’t rule it out. You see a lot of this in the movies now. It’s something I ponder.”

  “Ponder?” giggled Mileah. “You mean you actually sit around wondering what it would be like to kiss a guy? Why don’t you just go out and find one and ravish him with those lusty lips of yours? Then, when you have gotten over the trauma of having your face rearranged, you might just decide to drop out of the clouds and be a regular guy once more.”

  “Go ahead and make light of it, Mileah. It is something that obsesses me. I am not gay, but I envy the attention Wally got this morning from that guy. It’s like I could never set out to kiss a guy, but there might come a situation where I would be open to it. I’m straight, but I’m also kind of mixed up at the moment.”

  “Do the thoughts obsess or possess you?” chimed Dorinda. “You must weigh the consequences, dear one.”

  Jarvis Muncey walked into the office. Nothing was unusual about his appearance. His face was red. His palms were sweating. His voice crackled. “Don’t you folks think it’s about time to begin your workday? There’s a lot to do. This chitchat needs to stop.” He turned and moved abruptly out of the room.

  Mileah mocked him under her breath, adjusted her boobs, and sat down to work. The others went to their desks, also.


  About ten o’clock, Norman rolled the chair away from his desk. Holding a piece of paper in his hand, he walked over to Wally’s desk. He stood on Wally’s left and reached over his right shoulder to place the paper in front of him. Instead of pulling his hand away, he let it rest on Wally’s shoulder. Speaking softly, he called his attention to the paper, “Wally, I am puzzled about these figures you worked up.”

  A sudden sense of wonderment overtook Wally. Oh, I wish that hand were glued there permanently, he thought . . . or at least this moment in time frozen until the work day is over.

  Norman lightly squeezed Wally’s shoulder. Wally sighed.

  Norman was a little amused by Wally’s reaction, so he squeezed it again.

  Oh, God, thought Wally. Why don’t you just go ahead and massage it? I love it.

  Though Norman’s hand remained in place, still squeezing, Wally had to force himself back to reality. He inquired politely. “I am not sure I understand which figures you are talking about.” He leaned back in his chair. He was almost touching Norman’s trousers.

  Norman did not step back. “The figures up at the top. Here, I’ll point them out for you.” Norman’s voice was soft. He was breathing deeper and slower. He removed his hand from Wally’s shoulder. He leaned forward and put his finger on the paper to trace out the figures.

  Norman’s trousers were pressed firmly against Wally’s upper back. Wally didn’t try to move. He didn’t want to move. He sensed that something was different about the feel of those slacks? Wally smiled. Oh! Wow! I think the Norman is getting aroused. Wally answered Norman without turning his head or his body. “I’ll have to look at these after while and figure what I did. OK? I’ve got sort of a mental block right now.”

  “Sure,” responded Norman as he leaned in some more. His breath skipped over the top of Wally’s ear and around to Wally’s face. Norman had been chewing watermelon gum.

  Wally felt a chill come over his body as the aroma of sweet watermelon hovered above his nose. His thoughts flashed back to the events of that morning.

  Suddenly, Norman moved away from Wally’s back. He changed the subject. “Hey, Wally, old boy. I’ve got the key to the big storage room on the third floor. Muncey wants me to go get some paper for the printers and copiers. I was thinking it might be good to have some help. Can you go with me, buddy?”

  Mileah latched onto those words like paper clips on a magnet. “My heavens, Norman Gómez, are you asking him on a date already? You must have been right serious about your kissing curiosity?” Mileah had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

  Norman snapped, “Ah, crap, Mileah. Muncey wants me to get some paper out of the big room upstairs. I asked Wally to help me do it?”

  Mileah snickered, “You mean you all are going to do it already? There’s a proper time. Have you no shame?”

  Dorinda had been trying to stay out of this, but her playful nature would no longer allow that. “You best get on your knees and pray for the temptation to end. Sounds like you and Wally are planning a sinful escapade behind locked doors?”

  “Naw,” said Norman, “we’re just going to get the paper and we’ll be back. You’ll see.”

  Norman could see that Wally was watching him. He stretched his arms and yawned. A playful expression came over his face. “Come to think of it, a little bit of hanky-panky with another guy just might spruce up my day. I have never tried that before.” Norman smiled at Wally and winked. “How about it, Wally, would you like to get naughty up there? Maybe a teeny, tiny sample of another lifestyle?”

  “Teeny, tiny? Would you be talking about a body part?” giggled Mileah.

  Norman gave Mileah a look that could have vaporized a concrete wall. Then he motioned to Wally. “Come on,
buddy. You know I was just joking around. Mileah’s got a sex-starved mind. That’s all she thinks about. It doesn’t matter what we do, she’s gonna think we got down and dirty. Let’s go up there and get that paper.”

  Just as Wally was getting out of his chair, Gina Martin, from another office in the suite, appeared at the doorway. Gina was tall and graceful. She had worked several years for a modeling agency before coming to the State Employment Bureau. She was sweet on Norman and made no secret of it. Ladies in the office often whispered about Gina and Norman always being together on break and at lunch.

  Gina approached Norman and spoke softly, “Mae and I are going on break in a few minutes to get a cup of coffee at the bookstore across the street. We want you to come with us. Please.” Gina fluffed her hair, batted her eyes and shaped her lips into a playful pucker. “We can’t have our morning coffee without the stud. Somebody’s got to make sure we don’t get ravished.”

  Norman quipped, “Yeah, I’m not the ravishing type. Women trust me.” Then, turning to Wally, he remarked, “The paper will have to wait. I’m gonna take my ladies on break.” He unwrapped a piece of watermelon gum and popped it in his mouth. He looked at Wally and smiled. Then, he motioned for Gina to go before him.

  Chapter 5

  During the six weeks after the first collect call from the jail, Tony phoned almost every evening, except weekends. There were often so many inmates trying to place calls, then, that Tony would have to stand in line. He would get discouraged and not call. Wally lost count of the number of times Tony said, “I love you.” These were not automatic love-you’s that flip off the end of the tongue as a substitute for saying good-bye. From a heart fearful of what the time in jail would mean for his life, came a deliberate, “I love you.” Bonds were being forged to strengthen and refine the connection already existing between the two men. Tony’s motorcycle buddies were not the ones who accepted his collect calls. The guys and gals he went to school with were not pressing the buttons to connect. They didn’t agonize about hanging up before Tony got to speak. They just did it. Tony would get over it someday. If he didn’t, who really cared? When people go to jail, they’re bad, aren’t they?

  Tony’s mother hired a lawyer, called the magistrate, and wrote to public officials. Nothing changed. As the magistrate put it, Tony had violated a conditional bond. He was supposed to stay away from Sarah. They could hold him in jail until the domestic order expired, and they probably would. Sarah knew she had overreacted. It wasn’t her business to go to the magistrate and confess that she had used the daughter as a way to lure Tony for a visit. She wasn’t woman enough to admit that. Tony had broken the law, hadn’t he?

  Wally called the jail to make an appointment to see Tony. It was for Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. He would have to leave work early. The jail had no evening or weekend visiting hours. Wally was apprehensive as he drove out to the regional jail, fifteen minutes east of town. He wanted to see Tony, didn’t he? Would Tony break down and cry? Would he lash out in anger? Would the jail personnel mistake Wally for someone on a most-wanted list and detain him? If he went in, would he ever come out? Oh, crap! thought Wally. I have to do this. I need to see Tony. I promised him. If I am afraid, then I will just have to do it afraid.

  When Wally reached the jail, he parked his car in the visitor section and took the walk, which led across a well-kept lawn, to the main entrance. The rambling complex of buildings, surrounded by high fences with razor wire, looked something like a high school with security features.

  On the inside, the jail was a sterile-looking place with bare walls, waxed tile floors, and uncomfortable plastic chairs in the waiting area. Visitors had to leave their purses, wallets, watches, keys, jewelry, and loose change in lockers. Each visitor had to walk through an airport-style metal detector. Wally’s belt buckle set off the alarm. The correctional officer instructed Wally to remove his belt and pick it up on the way out. The officer used his detector wand to scan down the seams of Wally’s trousers, both outside and between the legs. Wally had to stifle a little squeal of delight as goose bumps went up his back. The officer was a hunk. Wally thought, He can wave that thing anywhere he pleases, and I hope he does.

  Wally came out of his momentary daydream as another correctional officer called his name and motioned for him to follow down a narrow hall to room number 44. The visitation room was barely wide enough for two chairs. Tony was sitting on the other side of thick glass. He looked good–goatee trimmed, hair cut short. The orange jail uniform brought out the best in his complexion. Tony smiled at Wally. After the doors on each side were shut, Tony sighed, “I wish I could grab you and hug you and give you a kiss. Oh, how I miss that.”

  Wally nodded in reply. He was about to cry.

  “Don’t get teary-eyed on me, Wally. You’re supposed to be the strong one. I need you.” Then, with a playful chuckle, the way Tony always warmed up to people, he said, “If you think this orange uniform is ugly, you should see the underwear they make us wear. It’s green–green like the hulk on TV–green like the jolly giant on cans of vegetables. Ugly green! Wait, let me see if they are looking. I’ll show you.” Tony turned to see if any of the jail staff were staring through the glass in the door behind him. They were not. He stood. Tony pulled up on the hem of his orange shirt, and pulled down on the elastic waist of his slacks, to let Wally see a few inches of the green underwear. “Ain’t it ugly? On top of that, it’s briefs. You know I like boxers. I like to let things hang free as I walk.” Tony stopped the peep show and sat down.

  Wally grinned at Tony. “I wish you could show me everything that’s green and even what’s inside the green.

  “Aw, Wally. Don’t do that to me now. But, don’t give up on me, either. It will happen again. I’ll give you a show you won’t soon forget, once I get out of here. First I’m gonna kiss you till you’re gasping for air. You’ll think you’re with a wild man–one that loves you so much he can’t even find the words to tell you. Oh my Lord, Wally. I wish I could burst right through this glass and make out with you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Tony.” Wally almost choked on those words, but he managed to stay calm. “Next time you get in a situation where you could be breaking the law, you need to remember the folks who love you– your mother, your daughter, me. We don’t want to see you get messed up.”

  “Yeah, I know I need to be more careful. I’m going to straighten up. I’ve already got a job offer at a motorcycle place in Brockton. I think they will still hire me.” Tony paused a moment. Then he went on, “Would you let me stay with you for a couple of weeks when I get out? You know, until I get a paycheck. I’ll try not to be too much of a burden.”

  “I think that would be great. I was going to suggest it, but I was afraid you might say no. I’ve got that extra room with the daybed. I can empty up some drawers and thin out the stuff in the closet. It will be your room. I would love to have you around.”

  Tony took a deep breath, then smiled. “If I stay with you, I want to sleep in the same bed with you. Do you understand?”

  Wally closed his eyes. When he opened them, he spoke with a whisper, “I would love it, absolutely love it. Do you reckon either of us will get much sleep?”

  Tony chuckled. “Sleep! Are you crazy? I just want to be alone with you! We’ll sleep when we finally wear each other out. Man! It will be so special. Just us two.” He continued, “I told my mom I would likely be staying in Poplar Hill. But, she doesn’t know I’m going to be staying with you. Not yet.”

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “Probably not. She thinks you are corrupting me. You know, making me turn gay. She doesn’t know that I’m in love with you.”

  For a while, Wally and Tony sat staring at each other. Then, Tony placed his right hand, palm flat, fingers stretched out, on his side of the glass. Wally mirrored it with his own hand. A few tears trickled down Tony’s cheek. His chin trembled a bit. This was the only connection they could make for a while. Tony wasn’
t eligible for contact visits, yet. When he was, the visit would go to his mother.

  “Don’t cry on me, Tony. It’s going to be all right. We’re going to be living together.”

  Tony managed a smile. He caught a tear with a finger of his left hand and gently placed it on the glass. Wally put his finger on the glass pretending to catch the tear. Then, he moved it to touch his lips. He placed his finger back on the glass. Tony did the same thing. Not a word was spoken. Two minds were harmonizing in hushed refrains of longing, more eloquent than all the syllables either could have sung alone.

  Tony was the first to break the silence, “When I get out of here, I’m going to your place and wash this jail off of my body. I’m going to take a long, hot bath. I’m going to use some of that great-smelling soap and shampoo of yours.” Tony stopped to ponder something. “Will you bathe me, Wally? Will you take a washcloth and wash me, all over my body, even my precious parts?”

  “Precious parts?” quizzed Wally.

  “Yeah, to most people they’re private parts. But to you, the man I love, they are precious parts.”


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