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Love by Dawn

Page 4

by Therese A. Kramer

  Blake sat up and untied the rope saying, “Every time you speak in an uppity way, Casey, I’ll kiss those sweet lips. If you keep it up the way you have been I will be kissing that delicious mouth, to my delight, many times.”

  He chuckled the way it made her nerves raw and she scrambled quickly to her feet. She should remind him that she was not Casey to him, but she liked the way her nickname rolled of his tongue. His sweet tongue.

  Angered that she had succumbed to his kiss, she turned her ire onto him and snorted and spat a few curse words. Then she remembered his promise and stepped back a few feet wondering if she could survive another one of his mind-boggling kisses.

  Blake rose and grabbed her arm. “Look,” he snapped, as sparks flew from his eyes. “As you can see, I’m in the best of moods and I’m sorry about your brother but...”

  She wrenched her arm free then marched away. She wanted to wash the filth from her face and the warmth of his hand from her arms. Could the cold water take away the tingle she experienced when he touched her, or the kiss she succumbed to? Casey fumed mad at him and at herself for letting him get to her like that. What was wrong with her anyway? He was her enemy. So confused, she stomped into the stream forgetting to remove her boots.

  Drat! It’s all that beastly ogre’s fault, she told herself and sat heavily on the bank removing her boots that were already starting to dry rot from the many times she got them wet before.

  Damn, that kiss!

  With no knowledge of how much time she had, she quickly removed her shirt and pants looking nervously over her shoulder not wishing to be caught partly undressed. Standing in her camisole and her long johns she sponged herself and then took care of other matters. As it was, she was given plenty of time. She sat by the stream taking this solitary moment to think about her mixed feelings and how she was going to help her brother. And she was determined to help him.

  Damn, that kiss!

  Certain that Blake would be on guard even more now, she believed that her next chance would have to be at the fort. It wouldn’t be easy, but she had a good feeling in her gut. Last night she dreamt that she and Hunter were together in a strange place. They were in a wild and unfamiliar land, surrounded by people wearing little clothing. Her sixth sense wasn’t always a curse.

  Damn, that kiss!

  When he first woke, Blake studied her dreamy face, dirty and all she was worth looking at. Last night he found, as the restless minutes went by, that sleep was not easy with the bundle of charms lying beside him. He knew when she finally fell asleep, for it was then her stiff body relaxed against him. If only he could have done the same. She was the most exasperating and desirable female he had ever met and spooned with his body against hers was a painful distraction. Honestly, it was sheer agony, but he still grinned.

  She had no idea what turmoil she was giving to his resistance.

  He had tried to control his manhood from giving him away, but he failed miserably. Now, he watched the little minx flee from him and believed she was just as attracted to him as he was to her. Sweetest kiss he had ever tasted.

  Dammit, what a hell of a time to fall for someone. He assumed she was trying to hate him for taking her brother to prison and fighting something inside of her that he was sure she never experienced before. Somehow, he would make it right for her. She was one hell of a woman-child and when this was over, he’d taste her sweet charms if it was the last thing he did. But first, he had this mess to clear up.

  Sweetest kiss.

  Blake rolled his bed and went to untie Hunter. The angry prisoner fumed and cursed at him as he was freed. “Touch my sister again and I’ll kill you,” as he spat on his boots. She’ll be safe with me,” Hunter mimicked his words with a sneer and he didn’t miss the venom in the kid’s irises, turning his pecan brown eyes as dark as hot cocoa.

  “Shut up! Is everyone in your family a hot head?” He pushed the boy ahead of him. He knew he was a heel taking advantage of the situation, but he couldn’t help it. “It won’t happen again,” he muttered under his breath, but wasn’t sure he could keep his promise any better than he had before. Shit! He knew he wouldn’t!

  Sweetest kiss.

  Always proud of the fact that he kept his word, it bothered him more than he liked to admit that he had failed. He didn’t like knowing he had a weak side and now he wondered if this was good idea. He needed time alone with her and at the fort would be the only place. He’d certainly make sure Hunter was locked up, if only for a night; this was one time he’d gladly eat his words. Those two had to have cut their teeth on petrified wood, they were hard as nails.

  “Now I know where Casey got her sassy mouth from,” he grumbled and poked the stiff back before him. “Be quiet, I’m in no mood to listen to your chatter and weak threats.” He spoke with more anger than he had intended, but the kid went still and remained silent. “And anyway, she’s too skinny for me,” Blake lied. Oh, how he lied and he was doing too much of that lately, especially to himself.

  Sweetest kiss.

  They approach the girl and she asked, “Would you allow me to see to Hunter’s injury?”

  Blake studied the beauty standing before him; she was something else. Though only reaching to the middle of his chest and very tiny in stature, she had the right curves in the right places. His chest still tingled where her small but firm breasts rubbed against him earlier. He recalled the small span of her waist and the firm curve of her hips; there was no denying she was all women beneath the baggy clothes. And now that she had washed her small face, her beauty caused his senses to spin. He already knew she had big, soft gold eyes, for no amount of dirt could hide them. But now he could see they were fanned by dark, full lashes; a man could get lost forever in her eyes. He didn’t forget the twin dimples that appeared one time he caught her in a smile. He wished she would smile for him again. Her creamy white skin looked as smooth as it felt. A few freckles bridged her upturned nose that was rising proudly high in the air. Her heart shaped lips, which looked as if they were made to pout, formed words.

  His crotch tightened again and his desire was coupled with frustration knowing he would never be able to keep his promise. He never wanted anyone as much as he wanted that woman-child before him. Annoyed at himself, he just wanted to jump into the cold stream to cool his lust before he made a fool of himself again, brother or no brother. And fool that he was, how he wanted to taste those sweet lips again.

  “I’ll take care of him,” he snapped, pushing Hunter past her.

  He heard Casey hiss to herself, then turned to go back to camp to brew a pot of coffee. She yelled over her shoulder, “Besides, being hungry and tired of beans, berries and beef jerky, I’m totally disgusted with you mister and this situation! I’m looking forward to a good meal I hope to get at the fort and a little friendly company!”

  After Blake took Hunter to refresh themselves beside the stream, he tied Hunter to a tree again. He then proceeded to whittle a stick into a sharp point and waded back into the water to spear a few fish. He noticed Hunter’s look of astonishment at his swiftness. “Something I learned from an Indian friend,” he announced proudly as he flung another fish onto the land. Although the Apache tribe he stayed with for a short time didn’t eat fish, he learned the speediness of using a spear and used it to his benefit.

  Back at the camp, Blake handed Casey the tiny fish and she accepted with her mouth slacked opened. “I assume you can clean fish,” he stated sarcastically, then waited for her retort, but was surprised when she said nothing. She nodded mutely, his mouth watered in anticipation because he was also tired of beans and beef jerky.

  After the meal, Blake watched the pretty girl lick her fingers clean, delighting in every last bite. Poor thing, he didn’t realize how hungry she was. She didn’t eat ladylike, but he found her very amusing, not like the women he had known in his life. That thought conjured up Dawn Ann Summers. She was the woman he was attracted to before going off to fight in that Goddamn war. She came from a prominent w
ealthy family. Spoiled, but so beautiful. She had cast a spell over him at an early age and she helped him lose his virginity behind her father’s stables.

  Of course he told her he loved her and she dimpled prettily believing him. But what had he really known about true love? He was a youth with itchy pants and Dawn Ann was a willing partner. He realized as long as he claimed his love for her was true, she would let him between her soft, white thighs. Then he became addicted to her charms and soon he believed that he did love her.

  When he returned from living with the Apaches, believing he had become much wiser, he returned home and once again fell into Dawn Ann’s waiting arms. But when she brought him home to her family announcing that they were to be wed, the next day he joined the army. He realized too late that he only lusted after the girl and he definitely was a coward when it came to affairs of the heart. He now believed that the war matured him, well at least he though so until he had the misfortune to meet Casey.

  He would have her, but he wouldn’t lie. Right now, he didn’t like himself very much and one cannot love another if one can’t respect their own hide. Still, he thought how this woman-child certainly would make a stir if he brought her home; refined she was not. The swear words that came out of her mouth could put any man to shame but she was refreshing, she was honest, and spunky for a female. Brave and stubborn and not afraid to put up a good fight, he had to admire her and damn…if she wasn’t down right pretty.

  Disgusted with the situation and still annoyed at her for coming into his life and turning it upside down, not to mention the loss of sleep. He spilled the remaining coffee into the fire and barked orders that they get starred. The fort was another two days journey.

  Love wasn’t in his future!

  Blake helped the prisoner on to his feet and side-glanced the exchange between the two. Hunter gave his sister a loving smile telling her to be brave, her answer to him was a nod. He didn’t miss the smile he was waiting for but it wasn’t for him and he experienced a twinge of jealousy at the attention his prisoner was receiving. Blake also caught the warning looks from Hunter; their eyes met challengingly and he got the message.

  When he helped Hunter on to the horse, Blake growled, “Keep you snide looks to yourself, you’re in no position to threaten me. I said I’ll not touch your sister and I’ll keep my word. She’s just a snot-noses kid.” He told the lie with perfect aplomb and walked away with the impression Hunter was consigning him to the devil and knowledge he’d not get a moments sleep tonight.

  Kid? Who was he kidding?

  “Oh, for cripes’ sake,” he grumbled beneath his breath. He’d gone too long without a woman!

  Mid-afternoon, they stopped by a small pond to rest and fill their canteens. He allowed Casey to tend to her brother but kept a watchful eye on them,

  “Hold still,” Casey ordered lightly. She un-knotted her bandanna and put it into the water. Dabbing at the wound, she said reassuringly, “Sorry honey, it’s only a graze, thank God.” Blake saw her shudder. “I can’t lose you too,” she proclaimed tenderly. “Lets leave it uncovered, it will heal faster.” After placing a chaste kiss on his prisoner’s cheek, she walked towards Blake.

  “Thank you.” Her lips thinned in what could almost be deemed a smile and he nodded. She had the making of beautiful dimples if only she could lose her animosity towards him and manage a smile, just one for him. His knew his wish was in vein.

  Before sunset, Casey was glad that they made camp. They ate in silence, but she let a weak smile tug at the corner of her mouth when she saw her brother. The smile she had given him of her own was to let him see she was all right, he had enough to worry about and she didn’t want to put another burden on his shoulders. She had been thankful that the cowboy had attended to her brother and she should thank Blake for putting his bandanna on Hunter’s wound at that time, but she let it go. Her heart ached for him wishing she could have seen to his head injury sooner, but cleaned it and changed the wrapping. Now, her emotions were in a quandary thinking about the sleeping arrangement. Fear and excitement filled her. How could she despise that cowboy one minute and long for a kiss the next?

  It’s just your nerves, she told herself.

  Sure it is egged her conscience.

  She snorted at her own thought. Tears formed behind her lids but she held them back.

  Later, Casey lay beside Blake fighting the urge to turn in his arms. What was it about this man that jumbled her feminine sensibilities? Why did she feel complete isolation in his embrace, more so then when she stayed in her cabin by herself? She let silent tears fall as she was pulled onto her back with the man’s swift motion when he turned from her. With the warmth of his body gone, so was the security. She told herself that this was for the best, now, if she could only convince her heart.


  The next day, before dusk, they arrived in a small town near Georgia’s border. Blake’s first stop was the jailhouse. The saloon would be after he stabled the horses and rented a room, but not soon enough.

  “Stay put,” he ordered Casey, pulling Hunter from the horse. Her mouth was tight with indignation and he didn’t miss the scowl. The building was built of wood, small with one cell and the sheriff snoozed at his desk. Blake cleared his throat as the lawman opened his eyes and yawned.

  “I’m Blake January.” Going straight to the matter, he stated, “I have a prisoner,” he nodded toward Hunter, “and I want him locked up for the night. I’ll be bringing him to Fort Tate, tomorrow.” The lawman nodded.

  “Jeremy Slogan, here.” The man wearing the tin star extended his hand, “Friends call me Slogan.”

  Blake shook his hand firmly. He was portly, giving him the impression that this was a quiet town, leaving the sheriff with plenty of time for relaxation and napping.

  Slogan grabbed the key ring and opened the cell door. “What’s he in for?”

  He hated to add another falsehood to his list, but if he wanted co-operation he’d better. “Robbed a bank out west, got a bounty on his head.”

  Slogan grunted. “Kinda young, isn’t he?” He rubbed his stubbed chin in thought and murmured, “Can’t remember seeing a wanted poster on him though.”

  Blake chose not to answer and tossed a double eagle gold piece onto the desk. “See to it that he gets a good meal, clean clothes and take him to the barbers for a bath and shave.” The lawman’s brows rose, but he didn’t question his strange request. To Hunter, Blake said; more to the point growled, “Don’t try anything. Remember, your sister’s with me.” He didn’t hide his confidence even though Hunter’s eyes were shades of flint. “I’ll see you in the morning, sheriff.”

  Blake touched the brim of his hat as a parting gesture. Slogan nodded, bit on the coin and smiled, anticipating his profit.

  He stabled the horses and informed Casey that he was renting a room. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep that nasty mouth shut! And stop looking at me like that!” She was breathing hard making her bosom rise and fall, straining against her shirt. Shit, how in hell was he going to pass her of as a boy? “Tuck your hair up into that hat and slouch. You do recall how to act like a boy?” he intoned with sarcasm.

  Casey snarled, but kept her choice words in her head. And it didn’t go unnoticed that Blake’s arrogance was more than sufficient to choke a horse, but she knew enough to remain quiet. Seething, she did as she was told and walked docilely beside the intimidating cowboy, wishing she could clobber him one minute and wanting to kiss him the next.

  Oh, this was so exasperating!

  At the hotel, a small man with a pleasant smile handed Blake the register. The clerk pushed up his glasses to sit properly on his thin nose and glanced at the signature, “Blake and Casey January?” It was a statement that sounded more like a suspicion to Casey, but the cowboy nodded.

  “Yes, my brother and I are staying for the night. I’d like a bath and meal send up for my bro....Oaf!” he rubbed his smarting ribs and she didn’t miss the perplexed look on the
clerk’s face. That damn cowboy chuckled. “My brother has itchy britches; promised him a prostitute for his sixteenth birthday,” he side-glanced her with a warning and slapped her on the back and again he chuckled, “Seems the boy can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  His laugh was buoyant but she detected a sharp edge. Screwing up her nose and biting her tongue she smoldered inwardly when he caught her eye and winked. Casey resented his humor but she didn’t remark on it. If she had learned anything about Blake, he’d see to it that she would regret her outbursts, but this incident would not go forgotten, not by a long shot!

  The clerk coughed. “Well, err, yes,” he reddened, causing her more humiliation.

  Drat that arrogant man! As it was, she almost bit her tongue when Blake slapped her, but right now, she was too mortified to utter a word. She left murmuring and followed that arrogant cowboy up the stairs. That was a mistake. Her eyes would not leave his firm backside and long legs. Her groan shocker her, it sounded almost like pleasure.

  Stay focused. Stay angry. You must stay angry! He’s the enemy. He’s taking you brother away from you, she chided herself.

  Her ire was like cold water on her face and once in the room she turned on him, like a she-wolf. “You insufferable brute! Sonofabitch! You low life! Polecat! You… you...” She swallowed her remaining thoughts when Blake took a few swift steps, quickly closing the gap between them. Amusement touched his mouth but it did not reach his eyes, they turned a shade darker, flashing a warning. She remembered that look and backed up losing her bravery. Her heart gave a little leap recalling his promise. When her knees hit the bed, she froze.


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