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Rescuing Rayne (Delta Force Heroes Book 1)

Page 10

by Susan Stoker

  As it sometimes did, an image of Rayne popped into Ghost’s head as he stood in the shadow of a nearby building, staring at the old mosque. She’d gazed around Westminster Abbey as if she’d never seen anything more beautiful in her life. Ghost ran a hand over his chest, rubbing over his heart, without knowing he was doing it.

  He missed her. Rayne had a light outlook to life that Ghost had rarely seen. Jeez, he’d only known her for a day, but she was fun and upbeat and he’d genuinely enjoyed spending time with her. He knew she was probably a great flight attendant. During their time together, she’d put him at ease and made him feel as though he was the only thing she was concentrating on. He could totally see her chatting with passengers and easing the fears of the skittish fliers, and generally being friendly and open and making the not-so-great experience of flying a better one for the passengers.

  That thought led to the next…if she could put him at ease, she could do it to any other guy on her flights. The thought of her smiling at, or laughing with, or even dodging the advances of the horny businessmen who were bound to be on her flights made his hands clench info fists at his side.

  Ghost took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself. It didn’t do a lot of good.

  He had no right to be jealous of any other guy. He’d been the one to leave her. It’d been for both their sakes, but it still rankled. A vision of Rayne lying under him, her head thrown back in the midst of an orgasm, popped into his brain and he literally stopped breathing for a moment. He’d relived every single second of their time together in his brain again and again since he’d left her side six months ago, but that one picture…of him making her explode the last time he’d taken her, played in his mind as if on rewind.

  She’d been absolutely perfect. She’d trusted him to do whatever he wanted—no, needed—to do to her. She’d lain in his arms afterwards as trustingly as if they were longtime lovers instead of just having met that day. Ghost could remember the way she tasted, the way she laughed, her fingers brushing rhythmically over his chest hair as they rested between bouts of sex, the twinkle in her eyes as she teasingly called him a super-spy.

  Every single thing about her was ingrained on his brain, and the images seemed to be getting more vivid as time went by, instead of less. It was the weirdest thing he’d ever experienced, and the flashbacks to their time together would come at the most inopportune moments…such as this one.

  Ghost flinched as a truck eased up to the entrance of the large building. Fuck, he had to pay attention to what he was doing. The last thing he needed was his memories getting him, or his team, killed.

  More humans than should logically fit inside streamed out of the vehicle and into the mosque. It was like one of those clown cars in the circus…he counted at least twenty people exiting the truck and making their way silently into the building. He didn’t miss the rifles and other weapons the men carried either.

  After about thirty minutes of more and more people arriving, Ghost eased away from the side of the building he’d been leaning against and down a dark alley. He crossed over another few streets until he got to the pre-arranged rally point. The other guys were already there. Without a word, they got into the truck they’d left there and headed back to their meeting location. Their job this time was not to interrupt the meeting or to detain any of the militants. Their job was to watch and report.

  It looked as if this wasn’t a small-time operation. There were way more than a hundred men involved. It was obvious the Muslim Brotherhood had gained a lot of support and the people of Egypt were going to have a battle on their hands…probably sooner rather than later.

  As Beatle drove them silently back to their rendezvous point, Ghost’s thoughts turned once again to Rayne. How was she? Was she safe? Where was she now? Was she on a job? Was she dating anyone?

  He shook his head. He didn’t have the right to even wonder that. But as he licked his lips, Ghost could almost taste her on them. She’d been so wet and slick under his mouth. He remembered waking her up the second time by going down on her. He’d been enjoying himself for quite a while before she’d stirred in his arms.

  He’d taken his time, nuzzling and learning her preferences. Even while asleep, her body had reacted to his. He’d kept his touch light, so she wouldn’t wake up until he was ready, but he couldn’t help taking her bundle of nerves into his mouth. As soon as he’d sucked, she’d stirred under him and cream had blossomed between her folds as if readying just for him. He’d taken one finger and eased it—

  “Ghost, we’re here.”

  Ghost’s thoughts were abruptly broken off by Fletch’s announcement. He nodded, once again the leader of their team. “Debrief in ten. We’ll report back to headquarters and get the hell out of dodge.”

  “Sounds good. See you in ten,” Fletch answered for the group.

  Ghost watched his men head into the small building and took a deep breath. He had to get Rayne out of his head. He’d considered finding a nice horny single or divorced ex-pat and losing himself in her for a night, but the thought hadn’t even made his dick twitch. Dammit. Something had to be done, but Ghost had no idea what.

  It was as if Rayne had crawled inside his heart and wouldn’t leave…even though he’d told her he was a one-night-only kind of man. It was as though even his brain was conspiring against him. It wouldn’t stop replaying their time together. As if that would somehow make a relationship between them possible.

  Ghost almost snorted as he gathered his gear and headed toward the building. A relationship between them would never work. First, he’d lied to her…about almost everything, from the second he’d met her to the moment he left that hotel room. Second, he was Delta Force, a member of the most secretive group the US Military had. He couldn’t tell Rayne anything about what he was doing, where he was going, or even when he’d be back. There was no way that could work in a relationship.

  And third, he was always in danger. Always. From the second he left, and even when he returned home, someone was looking to kill him. Kill him for what he’d done in the past, and what they were afraid he’d do in the future. Delta Force soldiers were on the top of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and every other terrorist organization’s hit list. They’d do anything to get their hands on one of them…if only to make them an example for every other soldier.

  Ghost shook his head as he dumped his gear and got ready for the meeting with the team. It couldn’t work. One way or another he had to get the beautiful Rayne out of his head. Once and for all.

  “Wherever you are, Rayne Jackson, I hope you’re safe and happy. I’ll never forget you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “When are you coming down to visit?” Chase asked his sister impatiently.

  Rayne sighed. “I wish I had time, but I leave in the morning for an international run.”

  “Where are you off to this time?”

  “France, then Italy, then Egypt, then back up to France, then home.”

  “How long?”

  “I think this one is about two weeks.”

  “I haven’t seen you in forever, sis,” Chase whined.

  Rayne smiled, hearing the little boy he used to be in his voice. “I know, but I’ll be back at the end of the month and we can get together.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” Chase scolded. His voice turned serious. “I don’t like that you’ll be in Egypt. Promise you won’t do anything crazy, like get a wild hair to explore by yourself or anything.”

  “Of course not. Egypt is perfectly safe, Chase. Cairo isn’t exactly terrorist central these days,” she said evenly.

  “But you’ve seen the news. Bad stuff still happens over there. I heard just the other day that most of the cruise ships have taken the Egyptian ports off their itineraries. And trust me when I tell you, it’s not safe.” Chase’s words held more than the usual amount of worry a brother had for a sister.

  “It’s not safe?”


  When he didn’t elaborate, Rayne tri
ed to reassure him. “Chase, seriously, I’ll be fine. It’s just like most other trips I take there. I have the Athens-to-Cairo route. We fly in one day and out the next. I’ll end up doing that three times, then we have an extra day off in Cairo, then it’s back to Paris and back home. I’ve done it before. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Well, again, don’t walk around by yourself. Actually, it’d be safer if you hung out in the hotel on your day off, but I don’t suppose you will.”

  Rayne smiled and secured her cell phone against her shoulder as she got a cup down from her cabinet and set about pouring a glass of orange juice. “You know me. I enjoy exploring different cities. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance again. I promise I won’t go by myself. If I can’t convince anyone to go with me, I’ll stay in the hotel, bored out of my mind and sad that I’ll be in Egypt and won’t see one camel, but safe. Happy?” She didn’t tell Chase that touring by herself held no appeal after spending time with Ghost in London.

  “No, but it’ll have to do. Call me the second you land at DFW. You get a week off after this run, right?”


  “Good, you can come down and visit me here at Fort Hood.”

  It wasn’t so much a question as an order, but since it was what Rayne wanted to do anyway, she didn’t complain. “Sounds like a plan. You heard much from Sam?”

  “You know our sister…hanging out with the rich and famous out there in Los Angeles.”

  Rayne laughed. She did know her sister. “Who is she dating now?”

  “I have no clue, but she did tell me she got a bit part in the newest Jurassic Park movie that’s being filmed now.”

  Rayne groaned. “Don’t tell me…she gets eaten by a giant made-up dinosaur?”

  Chase laughed. “Probably. You saw the last one, there were a ton of extras running around getting snatched up by those flying meat-eaters. But you didn’t hear it from me. I’m sure she wants to call and tell you herself.”

  “My lips are sealed. I’m so proud of her, and you too.”

  Chase’s voice got soft. “I know. But seriously, sis. Stay safe. Trouble’s brewing over there in Egypt and I hate that you’ll be in the middle of it.”

  “I’m not going to be in the middle of anything…well, except the city. Relax, Chase. I’m almost twenty-nine. Old enough to take care of myself.”

  “You might be older than me by two years, but I’ll always worry about you.”

  She swore sometimes Chase was an old soul. There was no way he acted twenty-six. She had no doubt he’d rise in the ranks of the Officer Corp at a record speed. But not wanting to get maudlin, Rayne changed the subject as she sat on the couch and idly flipped the channels. “How’re things going for you?”

  “Good. I’m up for promotion next month.”

  She knew it. “You’re so going to make captain. It’s more than about time.”

  “I hope so. I’m ready.”

  “You’ll be great. Do you have any idea what your first assignment might be?”

  “No clue. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll love whatever it is.”

  “Will you have a PCS?” It had taken Rayne a while to learn all the Army acronyms, but she’d done it. PCS stood for Permanent Change of Station…meaning when the Army moved a person from one base to another.

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “That sucks.”

  Chase laughed. “You’ve just been spoiled with me here in Texas.”


  “I’ll let you know as soon as I know.”

  “You better.”

  They both laughed, enjoying the banter. Finally, Rayne said regretfully, “I gotta get going.”

  “Hot date?”

  “Ha. No. I have to finish packing and make sure Mary’s all set with watching my condo and getting my mail and whatnot.”

  “A hot date sounds more interesting. Didn’t you and Mary go out the other night?”


  “You didn’t hook up with anyone?”

  “Good Lord, Chase. First, as if I’d tell you, second, I don’t do one-night stands.” That was a little lie that he’d never know about.

  “Gross, Rayne, I wasn’t talking about taking a guy home for the night. I was talking about whether you met anyone you might think you’d want to date. You know…dinners, movies, walks on the beach.”

  Rayne laughed. “We don’t have any beaches up here in Fort Worth, and no, it was a country and western bar. I wasn’t going to meet the future Mr. Rayne Jackson at a bar. Seriously!”

  “Hey, don’t knock it, Mr. Right could be anywhere. Have you tried any of those online dating sites?”

  “Okay, we are officially done with this conversation,” Rayne stated firmly. “My little brother is not giving me dating advice. And I don’t see you out there in the dating pool, Mr. You-Should-Get-Out-There Jackson.”

  Her brother laughed. “Okay, okay, truce. You’re right. I’ll butt out of your dating life if you stay out of mine.”

  “Deal. Now, I really have to go. Stay safe, and I’ll call when I land in a couple of weeks and we’ll work out when it’s best for me to come down and visit for a few days.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Love you. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Chase. Love you too.”


  Rayne clicked off the phone and rested back against the cushions of her couch, trying to work up the energy to get up and finish her packing like she told her brother she had to do. It seemed as though it was getting harder and harder to work up the enthusiasm that she used to have for her job. She didn’t mind the flying part, but every time she had a layover in a foreign city, it reminded her of Ghost…and that part hurt.

  She had no problem telling Chase that she would not wander around Cairo by herself. She had no desire to explore any of the cities she had layovers in anymore…not without Ghost. He’d made it fun, and she’d never felt safer than when she was with him. A hand on her back, putting himself between her and people walking too close to them…it didn’t matter, it was those little things that she always missed when she was out and about on her own now.

  It was the thought of Ghost laughing with her as they discussed…whatever it was they’d talked about in Westminster Abbey, that made her push up off the couch and head to her room. He’d been so patient with her, even if he wasn’t outwardly a romantic. She only remembered him smiling at her, laughing; even when he disagreed with what she was saying, he’d been patient and not condescending. It was literally as if she made a list of the things she wanted in a man and he’d met every single one. And he’d come into and out of her life so quickly she didn’t even have a chance to realize what she had before it was gone.

  Rayne flipped open the top of her suitcase and set about filling it with only the clothes necessary for her trip. She didn’t have time to be sad over what would never be. There was no doubt the man had faults, she just hadn’t been around him long enough to figure out what they were. She was going to move on…slowly but surely. Maybe this would be the trip she could put Ghost behind her once and for all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rayne smiled at the group chitchatting behind her in the bus. They’d landed in Cairo and the flight crew was sharing a bus from the airport to one of the nicer touristy hotels nearby. She enjoyed flying with the same group of flight attendants for several shifts. It made the work easier, and time went by faster.

  There were four couples on the bus with them, discussing their plans for the next day. Apparently, they were going to spend a few days in the capital city before heading off to see the “famous” Egyptian pyramids.

  “Hey, any of you guys want to come with us?”

  The question was asked by a heavyset Hispanic woman. She was with her husband and they’d held hands for what seemed like the entire flight, and even after they’d deplaned, Rayne noticed that the large man seemed extra protective of his wife and kept her hand in his as much as possible. It remind
ed her of how Ghost had been with her, although she tried to push the memory aside.

  Rayne turned around in her seat and asked, “Pardon?”

  “I asked if you wanted to come with us tomorrow. We set up a private tour thingie and the max number of people is ten, but we only have eight. The price is really reasonable and we’ll get to see a lot of great stuff…Giza pyramids, Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, and we’ll end up in Tahrir Square and will get a tour of The Mogamma government building.”

  “What’s the deal with the square? Isn’t it just a big downtown area?” Rayne asked.

  The woman, obviously excited about the topic, exclaimed, “Oh no! There’s so much more than a traffic circle and random buildings. It’s where the country gathered to protest Hosni Mubarak’s rule. There were probably a quarter of a million people in the square demanding his resignation. And it worked! Then a few years after that, it’s where there was a revolt about the new president, once again demanding his resignation. It’s all just fascinating and it’ll be so cool to be standing where history was made!”

  The pilot, copilot, and three of the other flight attendants all declined politely, but Rayne thought this might be just the thing she needed to get out of the doldrums. Going with a group to see the city was perfect. Safety in numbers and all that.

  She turned to Sarah, one of the newer flight attendants who she’d flown with over the last week and a half or so. “Wanna go? We have tomorrow off.”

  Sarah shrugged and agreed. “Sure, why not?”

  “Very cool!” the Hispanic woman cried excitedly. “My name is Diana. This is my husband Eduardo. We’re from Houston. Sitting in the back is Paula and her boyfriend, Leon, then there’s Becky and Michael, and finally Tracy and Steve. We all know each other from Houston, we go to the same church. We’ve always wanted to see the Great Pyramids, and finally we just bit the bullet and decided to go for it.”

  Rayne smiled politely at each of the couples and turned back to Diana. “So what are the details?”


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