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Page 5

by Deborah A. Price

  Elaine studied him: the conservative haircut, the rugged jawline, and the tanned face emphasizing the brilliant green eyes. His build was strong, and she knew that his muscles were well defined from where she had watched him play basketball. She sighed, causing him to look at her puzzled. “I think, Kyle, that Amy likes you. It’s just that she has a lot going on right now. Give her time.”

  “Tell me something, Elaine.” Kyle walked back towards her and glanced down the hall where Amy had disappeared. “Tell me why she’s mad at me when I haven’t been told anything from Nate. Why is she upset with Nate?”

  “I can’t tell you anything that was said between the three of us,” Elaine answered. “I hope that something can be worked out to where she’ll confide you, but that’s all I can do.”

  Kyle nodded, glanced towards the end bedroom, and then walked back towards the door. “You and me both,” he mumbled before walking out of the apartment and closing the door. He stared at Nate and shrugged. “I didn’t know that you were waiting on me.”

  “What did Amy say?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” Kyle mumbled. “I should go into the restaurant.”

  “Dude, you work too much.”

  “What else is there?” Kyle started walking towards where he had parked his car and frowned when Nate caught up to him. “What?”

  “I’m just saying that maybe you should get a life.”

  Kyle coughed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you had one. How do you get off telling me to get a life?”

  “Because I can see that Amy is under your skin. Do you dream about her?” Nate laughed while he studied his friend. “I’m sorry that I drug you into this mess, and I didn’t mean for her to think that I told you anything. I didn’t.”


  “Maybe you should tell her that I didn’t. I’m used to her telling me to butt out and can understand why she’s upset.”

  “She’s just not upset, Nate.” Kyle informed him with narrowed eyes. “She’s pissed. Even I can see that.” Opening the driver’s door of his car, he glanced towards Amy’s apartment. “I guess you want to give me more advice.”

  “Amy has been through a lot. We both have, but I was able to adapt better than she was. Yes, something has come up that happened in the past, but we’re dealing with that now.” Nate leaned on the car. “She buries everything, never deals. You need to make her deal with what you want.”

  “I’d rather that we both wanted,” Kyle sighed. “Look, Nate, I’m not going to push your sister. She doesn’t know me.”

  “That’s it?”

  “What do you want me to say? I’m going to leave now.” Kyle lowered himself in the seat and turned the ignition, gunning the engine to let Nate know that he was serious.

  Nate straightened and watched him leave before deciding to go back to his sister’s apartment. He stared at Elaine after she answered the door. “I didn’t tell him anything.”

  Elaine arched her eyes and shook her head at the same time. “I never said that you did.”

  “Elaine, I have to fix this. He really, and I mean really, likes her.” Nate walked over to the couch, sat down, and placed his hands over his head. “I can’t let Amy think that he knows anything about what she finally told us.”

  “Nate, your sister will come around.” Elaine sat next to him and winced when she felt a reaction that she fought when she was next to him. “I’ll talk to her.”

  “What about us?”

  “We get along better when we’re not an ‘us’, Nate.” Elaine stood and looked down at him. “Let’s not start this again.”

  “I had asked you to marry me.” Nate mumbled without looking at her.

  “Yes, you did, and I said no.” Elaine sighed after she noticed that Amy was standing at the edge of the room. “We weren’t ready for that step.”

  “I remember you telling me that, but I also know that you have commitment issues.” Nate stood and stared at her. “I love you, Elaine, and I’m really trying not to, but seeing you is making it really rough on me.”

  “I’m here for your sister.”

  “And not me,” Nate added without realizing that Amy was listening. “This thing with Kyle and Amy. . .”

  “There is no thing between Kyle and myself,” Amy interrupted so that Nate wouldn’t say anything else. “Get that through your head.”

  “No, there is something between the two of you.” Nate turned to his sister. “It’s the same thing that I used to have with Elaine. Don’t fool yourself.”

  “You really asked her to marry you?” Amy asked looking from her best friend to her brother.

  Elaine closed her eyes and nodded after watching Nate look at her angrily. “Maybe I do have a phobia towards commitment, but I don’t see as how you can blame me, Nate. You’re the one that. . .”

  “I apologized for her, Elaine. She came on to me but you chose not to believe me. You have always been the only woman that I’ve ever loved.” Nate glanced at Elaine and noticed the tears in her eyes. “Don’t ask me to stop.”

  Elaine stepped over to Nate and hugged him. “I’m sorry, but. . .”

  Amy smiled and left the room to give them some privacy, hoping that it would work out between Elaine and her brother.

  Chapter 7

  Amy watched Kenny walk into her office and sighed. “Whatever it is, I’m working on it.”

  Kenny laughed before he walked over to her desk. “You’re always working on it, Amy. Mr. McDonald asked me to meet him here. I take it that he wants to pair us on an account.”

  Amy looked puzzled, but then remembered what Sonny had said about the Eccard account. “I’m sure that’s what it is, but I don’t think that we should take that account anymore.”

  “The Eccard account? Why not?” Sonny walked into the office while Amy was talking and watched while she pulled a pair of shoes from beside her desk.

  “I don’t believe in the product.” Amy answered, pointing to the soles of the shoes. “I was going to talk to you about this later, but since you’re here, I guess now would be as good as time as any. I jogged two times in this pair.”

  Sonny walked over to her and took the shoes, examining them carefully before nodding. “The company wanted to have another meeting, so I’ll let you and Kenny let them down while having dinner.”

  “You wouldn’t rather tell them now and save the money?” Kenny asked puzzled. “Sonny, I don’t mean to sound ungracious about a paid meal, but you’ll be wasting your money and putting Amy in a position. . .”

  Amy arched her eyes before laughing. “It seems that you were told about how the first meeting went, Kenny.”

  “Yes, and I can’t say that I was too happy after hearing that recording.” Kenny stood. “I was all ready to go in and call Eccard out. I remember him a little too well from previous meetings I had with him. But just as you know how I feel- I happen to think that you earned your position honestly and by working hard. That’s how I feel.”

  Amy glanced at him with respect. “When I first started, you gave me a hard time.”

  “And I don’t regret it. You were bashful with your ideas.” Kenny informed her while Sonny nodded in agreement. “Your looks shouldn’t be a handicap or be remarked on by anybody.” He walked over to desk and stood beside Sonny. “Although, I agree with Kyle and always have.”

  “You agree with Kyle? He has nothing to do with this agency.”

  “I meant the part where he said that you’re a bombshell. Thought about introducing you to my boy, but then I got to thinking. You deserve better than some lazy scoundrel like him.”

  “And your son knows that you think of him like that?” Amy was laughing at the man who had trained her from the minute she walked into the doors of the agency.

  “Think less of him, but he’s my boy so I have to love him.” Kenny laughed. “Besides he’s a love ’em, leave’ em kind of man. I don’t approve, but his mother sticks up for him every time it’s mentioned. Kyle is a great guy.”

sp; “I have no interest in Kyle.” Amy stated before glancing at Sonny, who was listening to the conversation quietly. “He just happens to be my brother’s friend.”

  Sonny sat on the edge of Amy’s desk while still holding the shoes. “He’ll make a great friend, Amy. Remember that.”

  “And don’t you have to say that, Sonny?” Amy asked after scrutinizing her boss. “I mean since he is related to you.”

  “No, I don’t have to say that. He’s overcome a lot.” Sonny responded, glancing at the shoes before tossing them down to the floor. “Kyle’s father left when he was an infant, and his mother worked two jobs just to keep food on the table because his old man was a low life. Never paid support or alimony. I met the boy when he was starting high school and married his mother during his junior year. He’s always worked hard. Saved his money and bought that restaurant of his after he completed culinary school. Now he spoils his mother like crazy.”

  “That’s nice.” Amy looked up from the sketch that she was penciling after he finished. “I’ll agree with you that he’s nice, but that still doesn’t mean anything. He interferes when I don’t want help.”

  “Interferes?” Sonny straightened and stared at her after noticing that Kenny was studying the boards that Amy had laid out on her table. “Is there something to interfere with still?”

  “It’s personal.”

  “So it’s not job related?”

  “No, sir,” Amy sighed. “How do we want to handle Eccard?”

  “I say you show him those shoes and say thanks, but no thanks. Did he give you those?” Kenny asked while still studying the advertising campaign that Amy had finished. “It’s too bad, this is great stuff.”

  “I actually bought the shoes.” Amy stated, glancing in his direction. “It would have been time better spent on a guaranteed account.”

  “When is this meeting?” Kenny asked, watching Sonny step over to study the boards.

  “Tonight,” Sonny smirked, “at The Captain’s Palace. Don’t argue with me, Amy. Kyle will be there to make sure that this meeting goes without a hitch. I think that I remember enough about Darrell Eccard to know that he’s a sore loser. That, and he has no idea that I’m sending someone with you. You two,” Sonny pointed at his employees and nodded, “get your heads together and figure out a nice way to tell Eccard and company to take a hike.”

  Kenny stacked the boards after watching Sonny leave. “I tried to set Kyle up with my oldest daughter. That was a disaster.”

  “Can we not talk about Kyle?” Amy asked while watching him. “And I wasn’t that bashful with my ideas.”

  “In a way,” Kenny stepped over to her desk and leaned over it, “you were. It was like you didn’t have any confidence, and it was my job to bring that out. That was five years ago. Look where you are now. I pushed for you to get this promotion.”

  “You did?”

  “You worked harder than the others, Amy, and you have a very special talent. So when old man Donnelly retired, I placed your name in the hat. Do you find that hard to believe?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I see that I’m going to have to work on your confidence again. You have a need to believe in the product, the others- it’s just a job to them.” Kenny smiled after Amy narrowed her eyes. “You remind me of myself when I was starting out. Potential is something not to be harnessed, but to coax into blooming. You, Amy, are going to go far.”

  “That means a lot coming from you, Kenny.” Amy finally smiled while she stood.

  “There is one more thing that I want to say. I don’t believe in clients that act like Eccard did with you. I think that it’s sick and unprofessional. If I had been Kyle, I would’ve decked the creep.”

  “Are you sure that you want to come tonight?” Amy chuckled. “No offense, but I don’t think that I would step in between you if come to blows with Mr. Eccard.”

  “And you’d better not,” Kenny winked at her before leaving. “I’ll meet you at the restaurant. Don’t forget to bring those shoes.”

  Amy was still thinking about the conversation while she went on her afternoon jog with Elaine. “I have a meeting tonight.” Amy mumbled after they had stopped at the picnic table.

  “You, um, don’t sound too thrilled.” Elaine mumbled, looking towards the basketball court after hearing Nate laughing. She glanced back at Amy who had opened the cooler and took out a water bottle. “Amy?”

  “I have to tell a client that we can’t take his account.”

  “The shoes?”

  “Yes,” Amy answered, placing the bottle on the table. “So how about you and Nate? Are you an item again?”

  “Nope,” Elaine turned so that she wouldn’t be tempted to look at the court. “I hope that you weren’t thinking that we were going to be a couple again. We’ve hurt each other, and some of that can’t be ignored.”

  “But you heard him say that he loved you.”

  “And I’ll always love him, but the damage is done.” Elaine muttered. “Amy, I really wish that you would drop the subject. Actually, I wish that you would finish the conversation that you started. You had already said that you were probably going to have to drop that account.”

  “But I’ve never dumped one personally.” Amy responded. “The worst part of it is that it’s going to happen at Kyle’s restaurant.”

  “Oh, now we’re really getting to the part that bugs you.” Elaine laughed at her friend. “And why is that?”

  “I just, it’s just that. . .”

  “That he adores you? You know, sooner or later, some guy was going to challenge you.”

  “Challenge me? Okay, you’re still assuming that I’ve never gotten close to man before, and you’re still wrong. I was in a very healthy relationship before you came back.” Amy stated.

  “The sex was bad?”

  “That was great.” Amy fibbed before she placed her ear buds in her ears, smiled, and started towards the path.

  Elaine threw her hands up in the air and followed, knowing that the conversation was over until they reached the apartment. After Amy had unlocked the door, Elaine stared at her and waited for the ear buds and mp3 player to be tossed on the table beside the key. “So who was it?”

  “Who? Oh, the man. It was,” Amy pulled up a picture on her phone and grinned, “Randy.”

  “Dang, he isn’t that bad looking, but he doesn’t hold a candle to Kyle.” Elaine grabbed the phone from Amy’s hand and chuckled. “How long were you involved with him?”

  “Seven months.” Amy answered. “We started dating before you left. He was fun to be with, but I never introduced him to Nate.”

  “Then you weren’t serious about him, Amy.” Elaine placed the phone on the counter after Amy had started glancing through the mail that she had left before jogging. She noticed that Amy had frowned at another envelope before feeding it in the shredder. “I’m guessing that you should go and clean up if you have a meeting.”

  Amy nodded and walked towards the hall. “Make sure that you lock the door when you leave, Elaine.”


  Amy sighed after seeing that Kyle was standing beside Stephanie when she had been escorted to the hostess stand and only nodded after he had greeted her.

  Kyle narrowed his eyes and dismissed the host that had come to escort her to the table where Kenny was already waiting on her. “Your brother didn’t tell me anything, Amy.”

  Amy shrugged; she had no intentions of talking to him.

  “So I’m thinking that I don’t deserve the silent treatment,” he continued to talk to her, slowing down his walk to give them more time to talk. “Truce?”

  “Kyle, I have other things on my mind right now.” Amy snapped. “I’m here to work.”

  “And I understand that,” Kyle placed a hand on her arm and watched when she looked up at him puzzled. “All I’m asking is that you give me a chance.”

  “For what?”

  They had stopped in the middle of the restaurant and were focused on each oth
er without realizing that the patrons sitting at the tables were watching them and had become quiet.

  Amy shook her head when he remained silent. “I think that I should seat myself.”

  “No, wait a minute. We got off on the wrong foot and some things have gotten out of control. . .”

  “I’m completely in control,” Amy interrupted him. “My table?”

  Kyle sighed, and lowered his hand parallel to his leg. “Of course, your table.” He started walking again and frowned when he spotted two women wink at him. “Kenny is already there with Eccard. I’ll be watching.”

  “I can assure you that I won’t need your help.” Amy watched while Kyle pulled out her chair and almost laughed at the evil eye Darrell shot at him. “At all.”

  Kyle glanced at Kenny, who had rolled his eyes, and shrugged. “If there is anything that we can get for you, I’ll be around.”

  Amy coughed after he pushed her up to the table and caught Kenny’s eyes. “Don’t even think about it, Kenny.”

  “Oh, I am so thinking about it.” Kenny laughed before he became serious. “Mr. Eccard, I am glad that you could make it tonight since Amy would like to talk about your account.”

  “And why are you here if this account is hers?” Darrell asked, scrutinizing Kenny before smiling in Amy’s direction. “Amy, have you any ideas?”

  “I had plenty of ideas, but I think that,” Amy reached for the bag that she had brought and pulled out the pair of worn shoes, “we won’t be taking your account, Mr. Eccard. Your Way Agency must believe in a product before we market it. This product is not what you had led me to believe. Now we can refer you to another agency. . .”

  “Where did you get those?”

  “I bought them off the shelf just like a regular customer would. Now about the referral?”

  “I want your agency.” Darrell Eccard stared at the shoes angrily. “It’s not my fault that the owner of the shoes didn’t use them the way they were intended.”

  “I can assure you that I did. These were in a box labeled as a running shoe which just happens to be a favored hobby of mine. I wore those twice. The second time, I walked to my apartment in my socks. Now like I have said before, we’d be very happy to recommend another agency. . .”


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