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Page 21

by Deborah A. Price

  “We haven’t heard anything about their investigation, Amy. I’ve no need to keep that information to myself because you need to know for your own protection. I’m in no way trying to control you.”

  “Then why can’t I call my own brother?”

  “Nate and I have started using a prepaid phone that we can dispose of, and we want to keep as few numbers on them as possible since we’ve figured out that this guy does have the knowledge to perform a lot of technical damage to us. Nate also found the camera in the kitchen and one in the. . .” Kyle lowered his eyes and jammed his hands in his pockets.


  “Your bathroom. He was watching you take your shower this morning.”

  Sonny watched Amy cover her face with her hands and stared at his stepson. “Does Bob know where you live?”

  “No, Pop. He doesn’t. Nobody does. Why?”

  “It sounds to me that you need to make up with Amy and then talk Nate and her friend into staying with you a few days. The place is definitely big enough.”

  Amy lowered her hands and glowered at Kyle. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  “You’re being impossible.” Kyle started to walk towards her, frowning when his personal cell phone started to ring. He yanked it out of his pocket and recognized the number immediately. Glancing up, he noticed that Amy was watching him. “I’m not going to answer it. Not here.”

  “Now who’s being impossible?” Amy asked after squaring her shoulders. “You might as well answer it. He probably just wants to tell you that there are more cameras to find.”

  Sonny nodded before Kyle placed the phone to his ear. “Bob, it’s nice to hear from you. Haven’t seen you at the court lately.”

  “Who’s Bob?”

  “I’m sorry. Would you rather I call you Robert?”

  “I haven’t a clue. My name isn’t Robert. Did you think that it would be that easy? Put me on speaker.”

  Kyle removed the phone from his ear and did as he was told.

  “154 Ashford Court. Nice house, Kyle. I especially like your bedroom.”

  Kyle listened in shock before glancing back at Amy. “You’re in my house?”

  “If you want to call it a house. You have several toys in your garage. I think that I’ll help myself to one. How’s Amy? I assume that she’s with you.”

  “Amy is just fine, but you already know that.” Kyle placed a finger to his mouth after noticing that Amy had been about to say something. “How did you get into my house?”

  “Your housekeeper. Gotta admit that she’s hot. Into me, too, the little whore. Really, really hot. A little on the gullible side, but I’m not complaining. Let me right in when she saw the uniform and tool box.

  Tell me something, Kyle. What’s her life worth to you? I mean- is it worth you leaving Amy alone? I think that I might even have fun with Elaine before I get what I need from Amy.”

  Amy placed a hand over her mouth to muffle the scream she felt while she listened.

  “Well, Kyle? Tell me. Your housekeeper or Amy? Oh, who am I kidding?”

  “Why do I have to make a choice? They haven’t done anything to you.” Kyle snapped into the phone.

  “Amy turns me on. Maybe you should keep up with the news, friend. The numbers are rising and until I get what you have, they will continue to rise.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s public knowledge. Search it. How many women have been killed in the past five months? I’m surprised that you haven’t been reading the letters I’ve sent Amy. Maybe I should start including pictures.”

  “You’re sick.”

  “No, I’m just having fun. Amy is going to be my trophy. I guess that means that she’ll be around to mourn Elaine.”

  Kyle watched Amy turn and start for the door before pointing at Della. “Okay, I’m listening. What do you want me to do?”

  “There’s nothing that you can do besides call the cops to report a murder.”

  Kyle listened to his housekeeper scream before the gun went off. Silence.

  “She won’t be able to clean your house any more. Have a good day.” The call ended, and Kyle covered his eyes before walking over to his stepfather’s desk and picking up the phone.

  Amy had frozen in the middle of the office, closing her eyes tightly during the last part of the call. “He killed your housekeeper,” she mumbled before turning in his direction. “And what was he saying about. . .”

  Sonny walked over to where Amy was standing and guided her to the table where he motioned for her to sit while Kyle called the police. “Maybe it’s time you met Erin.”

  “Why? So she can join the fun? I don’t understand what is going on anymore.” Amy lowered her head down on the table and pushed Della away after feeling her hand on her shoulder.

  Kyle placed the receiver down and stared at Sonny. “Why would you want to involve my mother, Pop? I have enough on my plate worrying about how to protect Amy.”

  “Which you shouldn’t be worried about at all,” Amy raised her head and snapped at him. “It’s starting to sound like this jerk’s vendetta is against you.”

  “You keep thinking that, Amy.” Kyle marched towards the table and stared at her. “Get over being angry because you found out that I’m part of this firm and look at the bigger picture.”

  “I am looking at the bigger picture. Your housekeeper died because we, um, we. . .” Amy stared at him. “You know exactly what we did. So now he’s vendetta is focused on you.”

  “Why do you have a hard time saying what we did?”

  “Why did we?”

  Kyle noticed that Sonny and Della were listening to them and shook his head before placing a hand under Amy’s chin, tilting her head so that she was staring him in the eyes. “I’m going to say this again, and I hope that you understand what I’m telling you. I love you, Amy Brannan, and there’s nothing that you can do or say that is going to change that.”

  “He’s going to kill you, Kyle. That’s what I understand.” Amy pushed her chair back, and after swallowing her fear, stared at him. “Do you?”

  “He can try, Amy.” Kyle took a step closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. “You have to trust me on this. I need you to trust me.”

  “You haven’t called Nate.” Amy stepped out of his hug. “I guess that when you do, you should tell him Elaine was mentioned by name.” Rubbing her temples, she stared towards Sonny and Della. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here today.”

  “I’m thanking God that you did, Amy.” Sonny responded before walking over to the table. “That could’ve been you.”

  “No, Sonny. I don’t think he’s done making me miserable.” Amy frowned before watching Kyle take out another phone and call her brother. She barely registered what Kyle was telling Nate and walked towards the door, pausing when Della started to follow her.

  “I’m just going to the restroom, Della. I don’t think that I need a shadow.” Amy snapped before walking out of the office.

  Kyle ended the call after Amy left and glanced at his father. “Any suggestions?”

  “Yes, Kyle. I’ve already told you. Take her to your mother.”

  “What good is involving my mother going to do? Amy is being watched. I’m being watched. Do you want my mother to start being watched, too?

  “Your mother just happens to have a cabin where you can take Amy until they catch this creep. It’s not in her name so. . .”

  Amy walked into the office again and shook her head. “I’m not running away.”

  Kyle and Sonny both stared at her in shock.

  “I’m not. What I am going to do is check my mail which I haven’t done for a while and get those damn letters.” Amy turned and left them, this time with Della following her. Amy stared at her receptionist after sitting behind her desk. “I want you to leave me alone and make the call to that damn dating agency.”

  “What are you going to do?” Della asked while remaining in a standing position by the

  “Research, Della. It’s strange that we’ve heard nothing about the investigation that is supposed to be happening. I want to know why.” Amy stared at her computer monitor. “Oh, Della, I would love a cup of coffee.”

  “Coffee,” Della nodded and walked out, unaware that Amy picked up the phone after she left and called for a taxi.

  Amy glanced up from her computer when Della arrived with the coffee and nodded. “The phone call?”

  “Getting right to it, Amy.” Della stepped out of Amy’s office again and sat down at her desk.

  Watching Della from the behind the glass, Amy signed off the computer and watched the clock. She’d send Della for her ice cream a few minutes before the taxi would arrive. Stashing the money from her wallet into the inside pocket of her dress jacket, she pushed down on the intercom button. “Della.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “What did the dating agency want?”

  “They want the meadow design. They said that it had been a no brainer.” Della thought she heard a sigh of relief and smiled.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Della, there’s a carton of ice cream in Sonny’s private freezer. I could use that pick me up.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to get it for you.” Della stood while Amy continued to watch.

  “Stick to me like glue, huh?” Amy chuckled before stepping out of her office and walking towards the exit. She knew that Kyle was busy talking to Sonny, and after she had climbed into the back seat of the taxi, sighed before rolling her neck and giving her address to the driver.

  Chapter 20

  Kyle scowled while watching the monitors after Della had stormed into Sonny’s office still holding the ice cream Amy had requested. “I asked you to stay with her.”

  “Don’t you dare blame me for her slipping through your fingers,” Della snapped back at him. “I know enough that when Amy mentions that she wants something to eat to get it. Girl don’t eat enough.”

  Kyle nodded his head in agreement until he watched Amy slide into the back of a cab. “I guess she’s going to do what she said she was. It’s been fifteen minutes since she left.” He noted the time on the monitor. “Why did it take you so long to come to us?” He asked, turning to Della.

  “I thought that maybe she went to the bathroom.” Della remarked before noticing that the ice cream was starting to melt and drip in her hands.

  “You know where Amy is going. Go get her before somebody realizes that she’s by herself.” Sonny watched the anger form in his stepson’s eyes. “I’m stating the obvious. Kyle, I don’t think that you want anything to happen to her.”

  “You’re right, I don’t, but obviously she doesn’t want my help.” Kyle narrowed his eyes when his phone rang and was about to ignore it before Sonny grabbed the phone from his pocket and automatically pressed the speaker option.

  “Kyle, I’m really shocked to see Amy at her mailbox. It’s really my dream come true. I want her to read the letters so you’ve got time to join her. I want you to watch a pro.”

  “A pro what?”

  “Oh, she’ll scream. She’ll want me to give her more. I can guarantee that I’ll have her begging like a starved pup. Join her, Kyle. I’m personally inviting you.” The phone became silent while Kyle focused on it.

  Sonny walked around his desk and opened a drawer. Pulling out a small handgun and ammunition, he spoke while trying to get Kyle’s attention. “We’re going, Kyle. Nobody is going to get away with threatening that woman.”

  Kyle shook his head without seeing Sonny. “I told him that he’d have to kill me before getting to Amy.”

  Sonny raised his eyes, but he wasn’t surprised. “I'll try not to mention that to your mother.”

  Kyle blew out in exasperation before walking out of the office. He had his keys in his hands and Nate on speaker while he stepped towards the exit with Sonny on his heels. “Your sister has done something really stupid, Nate. Where the hell are you?”

  “Having a conversation with Bob.”

  “That’s not possible, I was talking to Bob. He saw Amy at the mailbox.”

  “I’m afraid that we got the wrong person then. Bob and I have been together all morning. I guess that he was telling me the truth.”

  “Amy is there by herself,” Kyle opened his car door and slid behind the wheel. “If it’s not Bob who’s watching her, ask him if he knows.” Kyle ended the call after his father slid in the car beside him and peeled out of the parking lot.

  Nate held the phone in his hand and glanced at Bob. “Okay, Bob. If you know who is after my sister, this would be a great time to say something.”

  “After your sister- how?” Bob picked up the basketball and tossed it towards the goal.

  Nate stared towards his sister apartment and frowned. “Somebody who drives a van with your company’s logo has been watching and stalking my sister.”

  “My van?”

  “Yes, your van.”

  Bob walked over to the bench and frowned. “My brother drives it every once in a while to run some errands and go on his dates. Other than that, I don’t know. The rest of my guys drive trucks or their personal cars.”

  “How’s he on computers?”

  “Better than I am, but I won’t hire him.”


  “When we first started up, he’d hit on everything that wore a skirt. I couldn’t afford to have him on my payroll.”

  “Was it you who hit on my sister at my apartment?” Nate started to walk away from the court, asking the question after seeing that Bob was beside him.

  “Man, I don’t have a death wish. Besides, my fiancé would have a fit if she even thought I was flirting with another woman.” Bob pointed to his van. “Ricky is back. He had borrowed my van this morning. Look, we’re twins so maybe it had been him that hit on your sister.”

  “Has he played ball with us?”

  “Not when I was there, but I’ve missed a couple of the games.” Bob answered. “Is that why you kept fouling me the last time we played?”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Ricky said that he had found another place to stay, and he started to move out last night. That’s why he borrowed my van.” Bob watched Kyle whip into the parking space in front of Amy’s apartment and looked alarmed when Kyle studied him with anger.

  “We don’t need that scum,” Kyle snapped while walking straight towards Amy’s door.

  “Actually, we do. It’s his brother, Kyle.”

  “You believe that?” Kyle asked before he started pounding on Amy’s door.

  Amy stepped to the door and opened it with the letters still in her hand. “I guess Della likes me better.” She narrowed her eyes when she spotted Bob standing next to her brother. “Do you have to have an audience? Why not just shoot me now so I don’t have to go through what these other women have?”

  “I have no intention of shooting anybody,” Bob answered, recognizing the letter head from his sister’s company. “May I see the letter?”

  “Hell, no.” Amy grabbed the baseball bat her brother had placed by the door and aimed it at him. “You raped all of those women.”

  “I didn’t rape anybody.”

  “And then you killed them, but you had to wait until they had an orgasm, until you were satisfied. I’ve called the police.” Amy held tight to the letter when Kyle tried to grab it and listened to the phone ring.

  “I’m going to get sick,” Bob groaned before the answering machine picked up, and he listened to muffled voice of his brother. He watched Amy stare at the answering machine puzzled.

  “Amy, I’m sure that you realize that you’re in for a treat. You can relax. I’m not quite ready for you yet. I can assume that Kyle has had enough time to join you by now. What about your brother? Is he there? Never mind, I need a few more days before I allow you the pleasure of my company. Kyle, have you done your research? Maybe, you should. By the way, I’m sorry about the mess in your bedroom. The housekeeper was feisty. I liked that. I t
hink that Amy will put up a great fight. Not sure about your sister or Elaine. Oh, Elaine, she’s a beautiful creature. But now I have a flower that is just waiting for me. I hate to do this to my own brother, but. . .”

  Kyle turned when he heard Bob cuss.

  “Rose is so dainty. He should’ve known better than to leave her alone in the apartment.” The phone grew silent while Nate tried to guide Bob over to the couch so that he could sit down.

  “I left Rose at the apartment this morning, but she was going to work. He’s lying.” Bob whispered in disbelief.

  Amy glanced at Bob. “He doesn’t lie. You should go back to your apartment and. . .Bob, you have time to save her. I apologize for threatening you with the bat.”

  “He knows that I’m here.” Bob frowned. “How?”

  Amy glanced at Kyle and then lowered her eyes after seeing the anger. “Bob, he doesn’t know anything right now. He wants me to know that he’s getting closer.”

  Bob stood and bit his lip when he felt the phone vibrating in his pocket. He answered the phone and smiled when he heard Rose scolding him. “I forgot that I was supposed to meet you, Rose. You’re at work still?” He breathed a sigh of relief while he looked towards Amy. “Do me a favor. No, listen. Something happened this morning. I don’t want you to come over to the apartment. No, I’m not breaking off the engagement. You’re being silly.” He rolled his eyes before sitting down. “I want you to go to your mother’s house and start going over the guest list. Yes, I’d love that. Rose, I want you to spend the night with her. I love you, too.”

  Bob slid his phone into his pocket and looked around the apartment. “You had mentioned cameras.”

  “Yes, but I think that we found them all.” Nate responded.

  “I think that I want to look around and make sure. He’s sneaky, but he’s never been too smart. Nate, I know what to look for.”

  Nate nodded and turned to his sister. “Why did you leave the office?”

  “Don’t start, Nate.” Amy fumed. “Has Kyle told you everything? I doubt it because I’m still finding out things that he has failed to mention.”

  “Get over it, Amy. What’s the worst that can happen to you if you date me?”


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