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Becoming the Gateway

Page 9

by Justin Roberts

  Alyssa objected once more, "You're going to be really sorry if you end up getting bit by a rattlesnake and end up dying right there in the dirt!"

  Bradley just frowned and ignored her. She never wanted to try anything cool, and he was more than used to her objections. He shoved the stick down into the hole until it stopped just about two thirds of the way in. Nothing happened.

  Bradley turned back to the girls and said, "I don't think anything's down there. I guess my eyes were just playing tricks..." Bradley was cut off mid-sentence by both the girls pointing behind him and screaming. He looked back and saw that the stick was moving. He jumped up and took a couple steps back while shouting, "What the hell?!”

  The stick was just kind of rotating there in that little hole. Bradley stepped back again, not sure why he should be so scared of what was probably a gopher or mole just trying to move the stupid thing out of their house. Then the stick just kind of shot out of the hole and landed right in front of the children’s feet, bringing another scream from the girls and a loud "WOAH!" from Bradley.

  In just a few seconds their fear had turned back into curiosity. "What was that?!" Bethie said, looking up at Alyssa.

  "I think he made a gopher angry." Alyssa said.

  "That was crazy!" Bradley yelled out, "Gophers on steroids!"

  "What are steroids?" Bethie asked him.

  "I don't really know," he replied, "But I saw something on TV about how it makes baseball players really strong and they get in trouble for it."

  "Let's just leave the poor thing alone," Alyssa said, "I thought we were going to play hide and seek."

  Just then a strange, bellowing sound seemed to come up from the ground, just loud enough to be heard softly, but not quite loud enough to make any of the children one hundred percent sure they heard something out of the normal. It was like some giant beast was groaning out from some long lost cavern far beneath the property. The ground seemed to shake a bit under the children’s feet, a few apples shook loose from their stems and fell to the ground. The three children just looked at each other with puzzled, scared looks on their young faces.

  "Whoa," Bradley said again, "I think we just had an earthquake!"

  "I heard a sound!" Bethie said.

  "Me too," Alyssa said, "Let's go inside, it's getting creepy out here."

  "That's fine," Bradley said as they tuned to go back into the ranch house, "More places to hide in that big house."

  As the kids walked back through the orchard on their way back into the house, something poked its way out of the hole. It was a long, gray tentacle like form. It wriggled in the air for a second before the tip of the tentacle opened up, revealing sort of reptilian looking eyeball that bulged out from the tip. It just hung there in the air as it watched the kids make their way back to the house.


  Charlie and Paula went straight past the game room, he was guiding Paula by hand ever since they passed into the hallway staircase, well out of Dennis' field of vision, and not that he was looking anyway. In spite of all his faults of character, Charlie actually felt pretty bad every time he screwed his brother's wife. While he had always considered Dennis to pretty much be a pussy at heart, he really did not think he deserved to be made such a fool of by his own wife. Pretty much everyone besides Dennis knew how scandalous Paula could be, and not to mention the fact that she was constantly complaining about being stuck with him behind his back with all their friends. It's just that Dennis always seemed so damn smitten with the woman and everyone felt he was just too fragile in his heart for them to take him aside and let him know about his wife's faults.

  Of course, none of them knew about Charlie and Paula, this was just between the two of them. Again, he didn’t feel right about it, but she was just so god damned seductive. Besides, if his brother wasn't man enough to keep his bitch in check then Charlie might as well hit it. At least that's what he told himself to make himself feel better every time they hooked up.

  "Where are you taking me?" Paula asked as she was dragged along the dark hallway as they reached the ground floor.

  "I know a place, nobody would ever think to check it out." He assured her.

  "Well let’s just try to make it quick," she said, "I don't want anyone..."

  "Don't you worry, Darling," he said, cutting her off, "I'm always quick."

  Paula chuckled, Charlie didn't get it.

  He found the spot. It was down in the basement, behind the stairwell. You wouldn't even be able to find this little nook unless you were actively searching for a place out of view.

  Charlie kicked a few boxes of old junk aside, too concerned with the current coital endeavors to mind the sounds of glass heirlooms breaking, to make his way to the small wooden door that guarded the entrance to the storage vault under the basement stairwell.

  "What the fuck is this?" Paula asked as she ducked into the small room, "Don't tell me this was your little Goonies hideout when you were a kid."

  "Trust me, Babe, this is the most secret spot in this old ass house." He assured her as he ducked in behind her, bumping his head on the slanted ceiling as he tried to stand up, causing him to let a sharp, "Ow! Fuck!"

  Paula, who had to lean her neck forward a bit just to stand began cracking up.

  "Great spot, Don Juan," she teased.

  They kissed in what Charlie thought was one of his better make out sessions considering the awkward logistics of the cramped space.

  Paula just rolled her eyes and pushed him back, "We don't have time for shit, let's get this fucking over with before he comes poking around."

  They both sort of half undressed, it was much too difficult to get completely naked so they both made do. Charlie’s just dropped his pants and Paula simply pulled up her skirt, turned around, and bent over. She placed her hands on the ground to brace herself, but her head was uncomfortably crammed up against the ceiling where it slanted downward with the stairwell.

  Charlie slapped her ass and said, "You love it doggy style, don't you.."

  "Shut the fuck up," she snapped at him, "How the hell else are we supposed to fuck in your secret fucking little hobbit hole here?"

  "Speaking of hobbit holes." Charlie said as he prodded her anus with his thumb.

  "Don't you fucking dare!" Paula said as firmly as possible without giving away their hiding spot, "Trust me, you don't want to be going in there right now."

  "Well let me grab a fucking rubber then," he said in a defeated tone.

  "What the fuck are you afraid of?" She said, sounding quite offended.

  "Whatever you say, Captain!" With that Charlie went to town. He found it kind of funny how much the guilt he often felt about banging his brother's wife just seemed to float away like smoke in a wind storm when he was inside of her.

  As his heaving thrusts began to quickly turn into a rapid jack hammering, Paula's head began banging into the slanted ceiling with every thrust.

  She bit her lip. But not so much out of passion, she definitely was not fucking Charlie with an expectation of physical pleasure, it was more to avoid vocalizing her protests of having her skull bounced off the drywall.

  Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud.

  The only thing that helped mask the noise was the constant, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" That Charlie was letting out simultaneously with each thud.

  Charlie flexed his bicep as he pounded away, giving it a kiss as he slapped Paula's ass and said, "That's right, bitch! Take it! Yeah, take it all! That’s right, tell me my dick's bigger than Dennis'."

  "Are you fucking retarded?" She said between head and wall collisions.

  Not the response he was really looking for but he was on to her game. She was obviously trying to test him. He was just going to fucking go for it! He knew she was down, just trying to tease him with all that "you don't want to be going in there” talk. He'd been down that road with this bitch before and he was about to grab the wheel and drive it home!

  He slowed his pace down to a slow thrust,
just in and out like everything's cool, just smooth as ice.

  Paula already knew, "Don't you fucking be slowing down just so you can accidently slip it up my ass, you motherfucker!"

  "Come on!" he pleaded, "You know how I like it, babe. I'll be gentle I promise."

  As he said this he inserted his thumb into Paula's asshole again, this time adding a little back and forth action to warm her up to the idea of him going all in.

  "Hey!" She protested.

  "Come on, I'll just do the tip...” he paused his sentenced when he noticed his thumb covered in a slick brown coat of feces. "Aaaahhh!" he said as the smell of shit filled his nostrils.

  "What did I fucking tell you?!" Paula said harshly, "Now are you going to finish, in the right hole, or what?!"

  "You know I am!" He said as he began his erratic jack hammering once more. He tried to figure out what the hell to wipe the shit on his thumb off on as continued to bounce Paula's head of the declining ceiling once more. He looked down at her panties, which were white and pulled to the side, it was going to leave a mark for sure. Fuck it. He thought as he wrapped his thumb in the twisted strand of white lace and freed his thumb of the majority of fecal matter, leaving a jagged, brown steak across Paul's panties. He had just a small amount of shit left on the tip of his thumb, then a stroke of genius hit him. He took his thumb and drew a little smiley face on her lower back, right above the crack of her ass. Fucking classic! He thought as he began to climax.

  He had the sense of mind to pull out of Paula before dispelling his seed across her shit stained ass. As soon as this idea occurred two things happened.

  First, Paula kicked backwards at him, striking his shin while she protested, "God fucking damn it, Charlie!"

  Second, immediately after Paula's lamenting of Charlie's crawlspace, brother's wife fucking etiquette, the small space erupted into a terrible, gut wrenching screaming.

  Paula just had to raise her ass in the air a little bit and looked out from below her spread legs to see the source of the screams. Charlie furiously twisted his whole body around, which in turn caused him to have his ankles twisted up in his pants legs due to the haste with which he had spun.

  His eleven year old daughter was standing right there in the doorway to the room where he'd been fucking her Aunt Paula, and she would not stop screaming!

  "OH FUCK!" Charlie yelled out, "Alyssa! Just look away, baby! We were just looking for something down here and..." before he could finish his sentence he realized the state the two adults were in. Both literally caught with their pants down. He did his best to cover them both, one with each hand. Paula just seemed frozen.

  "Hey, hey," Charlie said to his daughter, trying to figure out exactly how the hell he was going to sell this to an eleven year old, "Now just quiet down and we'll..."

  Alyssa turned and ran. Charlie, still having no idea how he was going to explain this to his daughter, hoping he could rely on her being a naive kid who would fall for whatever dumbass excuse he could come up with, tried to pull his pants up as he stepped toward the opening of the crawlspace in pursuit of Alyssa. Unfortunately, the combination of adrenaline shooting through his system and the fact that his pants had become so twisted when he spun around in reaction to Alyssa’s screams caused Charlie to simply lurch forward and fall. Even more unfortunately, Charlie's fully erect penis caught the lower wooden frame of the crawlspace door, and the full weight of his body falling caused his penis to bend completely in half.

  Charlie rolled over on his back and let out a sickening sob that was followed by horrible cry of pain.

  "Oh my god! My fucking dick! My fucking dick's broken! Oh God!" Tears rolled down his face in a steady stream as he howled. As he clenched his bent member blood flowed through his fingers and down his wrists. He just laid on his back, kicking his legs wildly in the air.

  Paula was not sure what to be most concerned over, the fact that her infidelities were discovered in action by her, now certainly traumatized for life, eleven year old niece; or the fact that said niece's father was now crumpled on the floor crying while hyperventilating.

  "Looks like your usefulness might have run its course," she said to Charlie as he writhed in pain.

  "Fuck you!" Charlie said between gasping breaths and sobs, "I can't look! Oh Jesus, please don't let my dick be ruined! Oh no, I'm fucked, I'm fucked! Oh GOD!"

  "Just look at, you're gonna have to. What the hell are we going to do about your daughter?"

  Charlie just shook his head and slowly took his hands away from his mangled manhood, terrified to see the extent of the damage. He was no longer fully erect, so he was spared the sight of it completely bent in half although he feared he would have a forty-five degree pointing dick for the rest of his life now whenever he did get it up. There was, however, a large wooden sliver protruding from a deep gash right on the soft, fleshy head of his penis. This was the source of the bleeding. It looked as though it had pierced the tip of his urethra and its small tip was sticking out the left side of the head of the shaft.

  Paula managed a slight chuckle and said, "Holy shit, Charlie. It looks like you gave yourself a wooden prince albert!"

  "Not funny!" he squealed back at her, "I have to go to a hospital!"

  "No you don't," she replied in her typical annoyed tone, "Just pull it out and put a fucking Band-Aid on it."

  Charlie groaned again as he tried to pull the sliver from the tip of his penis, he cried out in pain as it tore the wound even more, leaving it part way out and still bleeding profusely.

  When he cried out this time, Paula could swear she heard something, like a deeper, more menacing groan from deep beneath the house. Along with the sound came a soft rattling, like the foundation of the house shook a bit. "Did you hear that? Or feel that?" She asked.

  "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Charlie was too concerned with his injury to care about strange sounds in old houses, "No...I really think I need to go to a doctor." He was still blubbering like a baby.

  "Well then have fun hobbling your ass there cause I aint driving. Besides, how long until your kid runs and tells her grandma or my husband about catching us down here? I think this weekend is about to take a serious turn for the dramatic. I guess Dennis had to find out sooner or later, fuck it."

  Charlie needed to stop the bleeding; so he removed his button up shirt from over the wife beater tank top he wore under it, wrapping the shirt around his bleeding member, clenching it as much as the pain would allow in an attempt to slow the bleeding. "I'm going upstairs." He sobbed out as he made his way to the stairwell. Each step created havoc on his decimated groin, bringing out more squeals and cries with each progression.

  Paula followed him, laughing softly as he made his pathetic ascent. "Well at least before the shit hits the fan I get to watch you try to climb the stairs, first amusement you've given me all day!"

  "Seriously? Fuck you!" Charlie sobbed back at her.


  Alyssa kept running after she made her way out of the large sliding glass door in the basement and into the backyard. Bradley was close on her heels; he was it after all, and he figured he'd scared her from her hiding place and now had to tag her so he could have his turn to hide. He was gaining on her as they reached the edge of the orchard, right by where he swore he saw the snake, worm looking thing slink back into its hole, when he realized his big sister was crying. She slowed her pace at the edge of the hill, just before the start of the path to Uncle C.'s house. She just plopped right down on the ground and kept crying.

  "What’s the matter?" Bradley asked his weeping sister.

  "I don't want to talk about it!" She blurted back at him.

  "Did you get hurt in the basement?"

  "No, it was Daddy. I found him with Aunt Paula in my hiding place."

  Bradley was visibly puzzled by this, so after a brief pause he asked, "Were they playing too?"

  "No! They were having sex!" She cried out as she punched the soft dirt with a clenched fist.

sp; "Huh?" Bradley was not sure how to interpret this. He did know more or less what sex was. But it did not make sense to him that his dad and his aunt would be engaged in the act, "They couldn't have been, Aunt Paula can only do that with Uncle Dennis."

  "But our daddy is a dirt bag! Just like Mommy always said!"

  "What does dirt bag mean?" He was really trying to make sense of this until another thought sprang up that he felt was important, "Is Bethie still hiding?"

  "I don't care! I'm going down to find grandma!" Alyssa said and she stood up and shook the dirt from her purple jean shorts.

  Bradley was about to protest leaving their younger cousin in hiding when Bethie's voice called from behind them, "Guys?! Are we not playing now?" She ran up to the pair and stood there on the edge of the hill. They were too busy talking with each other to notice Clarence standing out in the meadow at the bottom of the hill.

  A strange grunt echoed up to the three children from down the hill, that's when the trio turned their attention toward Clarence, he looked strange although he was not close enough for a good look. Bradley noticed that he seemed to be very bloated and was just looking out at the ridge up on the far end of the valley, making those odd, animalistic grunts as if he was somehow communicating with the cliffs up there.

  "What is Uncle C. doing down there?" Bethie asked, causing the other two to look down and take notice of him just kind of swaying there, staring out at that ridge.

  "He looks sick or something," Bradley noted.

  "Where's grandma, then?" Alyssa asked, then she noticed what looked like blood dripping from his hands, "Oh my God! He's hurt! Look at his hands!"

  "Let’s go get Dad," Bradley suggested.

  "NO!" Alyssa yelled at him, "We are not going in to talk to Daddy. Let's go down and find grandma, she probably knows what's wrong with Uncle C."


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