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0597092001436358459 eveline vine

Page 14

by Unknown

  “Since, semester started,” Candy supplied sleepily, “Didn’t you know?”

  “No. I didn’t,” Briar pouted. She turned and glared at me. “I can’t believe neither of you told me you were sleeping together!” she accused.

  I choked on my drink, my eyes going wide as I shook my head rapidly, making myself dizzy. “No,” I said, “No no no no. No sex. No kisses. Sleep.”

  Everyone stared at me hard for a moment, before they all started laughing. Candy and Briar were the last to stop…or rather, they kept giggling uncontrollably, gasping for breath.

  “It’s not funny!” I protested, getting up and storming away, stumbling in my high heels as I made my way toward the bar. Stone intercepted me though, grabbing my arms firmly to steady me. I craned my head backward to look up at him.

  “You’re so tall!” I whispered in awe, then collapsed against his chest in giggles. His hands tightened briefly, cutting into my skin with a pinch of pain, before he took a deep breath and loosened his grip. He wrapped an arm around my waist and guided me back to the table at a fast pace. He whacked Liam across the head when we reached it and gently pulled Briar from her seat to stand on his other side.

  “GG!” she cried happily, wrapping her arms around him while Liam rubbed his sore head, “I’m having so much fun.”

  “I can see,” he growled and I shivered at the erotic, rough sound. He abruptly turned us, and without saying goodbye to the others, led us out to his car (he’d dropped it off at the bar earlier that afternoon). He helped us into the back seat and slammed the door after us.

  “I think he’s angry at us,” Briar whispered loudly to me and we collapsed in another fit of giggles as Stone opened the driver door and got in. He shot us a glare in the rear view mirror, which only made us giggle harder.

  Surprisingly, Alec was waiting for us when Stone pulled into his usual parking space at the University. He smiled wryly at me when he opened the back door and pulled Briar out. Good luck, he mouthed. I frowned at him in confusion, until I realised that he was carrying Briar away and I was being left alone with a very annoyed Stone. Suddenly his anger didn’t seem so funny. I gulped nervously and ducked down in the back of the car, hoping that he’d forget I was there. My body tensed as I waited for him to open the door and get out.

  The door didn’t open, so I cautiously poked my head up to see what was happening. Stone had a firm grip on the steering wheel and was glaring at the dash board. He took a deep breath and then turned abruptly to face me. I squeaked in alarm and grabbed desperately for the door handle. I shoved the door open, but my body jarred sharply as I tried to jump out of the car. I tried again, only to realise my seat belt was still on. I blushed at my stupidity as Stone watched me quietly. I frantically jabbed at the button, trying to release the belt. I had little success. In fact, the seatbelt only got more restrictive as I battled against it.

  I heard Stone get out of the car and froze. He opened my door slowly and leaned over me to release the belt. I watched, transfixed, as he carefully let the belt slide back up. My heart stopped its slow, worried thumps and kicked up to an erratic pace. My body warmed in response to his proximity and my nostrils flared at his familiar scent. I loved the way he smelt; warm and masculine, but almost sweet at the same time. Like the inside of a candy shop. He often smelt like cigarettes too, but tonight there was no trace of it. Instead, his freshly shaved face smelled faintly of shaving cream and after-shave.

  He pulled away and held out his hand to help me from the car. I took it hesitantly and stumbled from the vehicle. I giggled at my clumsiness, but Stone looked unamused. My head spun and I let go of him to clutch at my head, willing the dizziness to ease. My stomach lurched and I hastily pushed past him to vomit in the garden bed.

  I heard Stone swear and slam my car door, but when he knelt beside me, he simply laid a hand on my lower back and waited for me to finish. I groaned, wanting to just fall to one side and sleep where I was for the night. I didn’t want to trek up the stairs to my room, especially if Stone was joining me. I could still feel the anger in him and I flinched, remembering that he’d already been upset with me for unknown reasons all week.

  He pulled me to my feet though and swung me up into his arms. He carried me into the building and up the stairs to my floor, his tread heavy with suppressed annoyance. He leant me against the wall beside my door as he searched my bag for the key. Once the door was opened, he picked me back up and kicked the door closed behind him, stalking into my shared bathroom and putting me on my feet in the shower. I’d taken my heels off in the car and my bare feet slid on the wet floor of the stall. Stone caught me though, propping me against the wall as he backed his body out. I looked down at my pretty dress and examined it for vomit. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found no traces. I relaxed against the wall and my eyes drifted closed.

  A wall of cold water hit me and my eyes flew open. I shrieked in shock and nearly bashed my head against the wall. Stone left the bathroom and came back with a singlet and a pair of sleep shorts. He placed them on the bathroom counter and moved a fresh towel to the rack beside the shower. He didn’t look at me once as I stood shock still, the cold water running down my face. He closed the door behind him on his way out and I slowly slid down the wall. I let the water cool me down and wash away the alcohol’s effect. I sobered up, worrying all the while if he’d still be in my room when I got out. I didn’t know what worried me more…the thought that he was still in there, ready to yell at me or snub me…or the thought that he’d left.


  We’d left the bar fairly early, but I’d spent at least half an hour in the shower. Once dried and dressed, I cautiously tiptoed over to my bed, glancing at the alarm clock to read the time.

  0100 hours.

  Stone lay in my bed, his back to me and his breaths low and even.

  Was he asleep?

  I didn’t know why he’d been so angry at me, but he’d looked after me anyway, and I felt bad about making the first hour of his birthday a bad one. I didn’t know what to apologise for, but felt that I should at least attempt to say something. I crawled into bed behind him, lying on my side, facing his back. I tentatively reached out to place a hand on his covered shoulder (he’d not changed out of his jeans and band t-shirt).

  “Grant,” I whispered, not comfortable with directly calling him ‘Stone’. It seemed too impersonal and weird. Beneath my hand, his body stiffened and I bit my lip worriedly. A few heartbeats passed in silence, before he carefully rolled over to face me. My breaths shortened and came more quickly as he stared at me, waiting.

  “Happy Birthday,” I murmured, unable to tear my gaze from his. He raised an eyebrow and looked past me to read the clock. His lip twitched in one corner in a way I was becoming familiar with. His eyes met mine again and something flashed in them. My breath ceased altogether and I felt the air in the room change. It was as if time stood still, waiting for Stone to make whatever decision he was mulling over.

  Something changed between us, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. Suddenly, the Earth was spinning again and my breath returned, rushing in and out of my lungs with soft pants. My chest heaved up and down in frantic, but quiet movements and my blood thrilled through my veins, as electric thrills travelled up and down my spine.

  Stone’s arms came around me, gathering me close in a slow, careful move that was in direct contrast to the explosive energy charging the room. Instinctively, I titled my head back to look at him, parting my lips on an expectant sigh. His silver eyes darkened to a thick, liquid mercury, but his thick, dark-blond eyelashes lowered, shielding them from view. I felt his eyes narrow on my lips as his face bent down, torturously slow as I waited with mixed feelings to feel them claim my own. A part of me filled with dread, fearful of furthering a relationship with him, of what other liberties he might be expecting this night. A bigger part of me was lost in the moment and damned terrified that he’d pull away.

  My stomach clenched as his lips met mine with a
chaste brush. My body instinctively melted into him and his body seemed to relax in response. One big hand made its way into my wet hair as his lips parted and drew mine into the most powerful kiss I’d ever felt. His kiss wasn’t hard. It wasn’t soft. It was slow and thorough, and filled with a throbbing intensity that left me shaking. His tongue slid along mine languidly and I squeezed my thighs together as I clutched at him for support.

  The kiss seemed to last forever, but was still over much too soon. Stone pulled away slowly, his eyes opening in time with mine, his breath shallow. I opened my mouth to say something, but could think of nothing. He tucked my head against his chest and closed his eyes, holding me close as my own eyes grew heavy and the alcohol left in my blood dragged me to sleep.


  Come morning, I was still held tightly in his embrace. I snuggled into for a moment, before realising what had happened last night. A stampede of thoughts crowded my brain and my hangover headache pulsed with anger. I didn’t want to think about last night’s implications. I didn’t want to worry. Stone shifted against me, slowly coming awake. His arms tightened briefly, then loosened as he stared at me for a few moments. He didn’t smile. He didn’t frown. He didn’t say anything. He simply yawned adorably and kissed my forehead, letting me go and rolling out of the bed. I blushed at the impressive morning wood fighting against the fly of his jeans, still not used to waking up to that every day. He left my room without another word or look and shut the door behind him. I knew that he’d gone to his room to shower and change before breakfast, but I still felt dismissed.

  With a groan, I forced myself from the bed to shower and change. I dressed for comfort, pulling on a pair of camouflage pants that used to be baggy on me. Now they fit perfectly. I struggled into a black singlet top that had a built in bra and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I shoved some money into one of my many pockets and slipped a pair of thongs on my feet. I trudged into the dining area and waited in the now short breakfast line. I grabbed a big bottle of water, some fruit and some plain toast to put on my tray, but paused when I came to the treat fridge. There was a plate of iced cupcakes in there and a sudden idea made me grab one with a giggle. Stone didn’t celebrate his birthday and I doubted he’d accept a gift…but the big man had a weakness for sweets. I saw trays of chocolates in the next fridge and searched eagerly for a box of Smarties.

  I grinned as I pressed the multi-coloured sweets into the icing of the cake in the shape of a smiley face. I didn’t care when the checkout lady glared at me. I just handed over the opened box of Smarties for her to scan and practically skipped to the band’s table. I sat down in my usual seat beside Stone and casually placed the cake on his full tray. He stared down at the smiling face, his face expressionless.

  Donny pouted. “Hey!” he protested, “Where’s mine?”

  I blushed and started eating my toast, hoping that everyone would stop staring soon. I saw Stone fight to control his quivering lower lip and knew that he was fighting a big grin. He didn’t say anything though. He just reached beneath my seat and tugged my chair right up against his. He picked up his knife and fork and continued to eat his breakfast. I breathed a sigh of relief. Whatever he’d been angry about…it was obviously resolved. I allowed myself a small smile of satisfaction, before returning hungrily to my breakfast.


  Chapter 12.

  Stone came to my room before dinner the next day and sat down on the bed beside me. I hastily tried to hide the erotic photographs I’d been studying, but he carefully took them from me. I blushed and played with the hem of my shirt as he flicked through the stack of prints, his eyebrows rising and his eyes glowing with amusement.

  “They’re…They’re for my assignment,” I whispered, moving closer and tentatively taking them back. Stone looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

  “They’re part of a catalogue,” I explained, “It’s called Voyeur. It’s one of Billy’s.”

  He gave a brief nod, his eyes moving beyond my head to look at the picture above my bed. I raised my hands to my heated cheeks and bit my lip.

  “Billy gave that one to me,” I said softly, “It’s the original print.”

  His gaze moved back to meet mine. I swallowed.

  “It…It’s my favourite one,” I admitted, my voice barely audible.

  He looked back at the picture, standing up so that he could move closer for a better look. He said nothing for several long minutes, before looking at his watch and bending to feather a light kiss against my lips.

  “Dinner,” he said, his growly voice sounding even deeper than usual.

  “I…” My voice cracked. I took a deep breath and tampered the sudden rush of arousal I felt.

  “I’ll meet you down there,” I murmured, “I have to pack up.”

  He nodded quickly and left the room. I carefully placed the prints away and shoved my notes in a folder. I picked up the prints I’d developed from my camera earlier today and placed them on the desk by the door. I paused as I went to open the door, my eyes caught on the top photo. It was one of Stone, taken at the Hedley-on-Todd race, through the crowds. It was a good photo, clear and well positioned; the expression of pride and satisfaction on his face captured perfectly. I’d taken the shot from Logan’s shoulders, but the heads of the crowd were still visible and Stone was surrounded by large and small boats, making it appear as though I’d been stalking him from the safety of the sidelines. I flicked through the other photos I’d developed, trying to find the few others I’d shot of Stone.

  There was the one I’d taken through the crack of my bedroom door while he was sleeping and one I’d taken at the Finke Desert Race through a haze of red dust and cheering people. There he’d stood, with his arms crossed. He looked tall and powerful, his expression noticeably watchful despite the aviators hiding his eyes. He’d given them to me after the shot, when I’d copped a face full of dust.

  An idea started to form as I looked back and forth between the three black and white prints. The photography assignment I was writing on Billy was nearly finished and I’d need to start preparing for the next assignment, which was to recreate a famous catalogue or photo story. We’d been told we could use the same one we’d analysed for the first assignment, but I’d rejected that idea, certain that there was no way I’d try to recreate Billy’s Voyeur. I mean…just who was I going to get to pose for such raunchy pictures? No one would be willing to do that for free…well okay, maybe Donny or Fredi would…just not together.

  I let the pictures fall back to the desk as a small smile spread across my face. I would take a different approach to Voyeur… and Stone would be my subject.

  I frowned as I made my way down to dinner.

  Would Stone be alright with that?

  Somehow, I didn’t think so…but then, the whole point of my idea was to take them unnoticed…


  Stone didn’t hold me close or kiss me during dinner. In fact, he didn’t show any signs of being more affectionate than normal. It was almost as if that amazing kiss last night hadn’t happened…and from the way the rest of our friends were reacting, none of them knew about it, nor sensed anything different between us.

  Were things different between us? I didn’t know. He hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend and he didn’t look to be publicly claiming me either. Perhaps we were just friends that kissed?

  …and shared a bed.

  I shrugged off those confusing thoughts and tuned back into the conversation at the table.

  Donny and Fredi were being surprisingly civil…in fact, they looked to be getting along quite well as they enthusiastically bragged that they were going to win the pool tournament being held on the weekend.

  Alec grinned and tossed Stone a bottle of Coke as he rejoined the table. “Are we going to give Fredi and Don a run for their money?” he asked Stone, taking a seat beside Briar.

  Stone shook his head and Alec frowned. Stone opened his Coke and took a long sip before draping an arm over my s
houlder. Alec looked back and forth between us with a growing smile.

  “Are you going to partner Stone this year Evie?” he asked happily.

  “What?” I asked, startled. I looked up at Stone in question. He stared back at me with no expression on his face, waiting for me to either confirm or deny Alec’s question. What did he want from me? What game was he playing? I stared back at him, trying to find some emotional crack in his expression, something that would explain his actions, his feelings, his wants.

  “Evie?” Briar prompted and I realised the entire table had gone quiet, watching us stare at each other while they waited for my answer.

  “Yes,” I murmured, blushing and shrugging off Stone’s arm.

  “Yes, I’m going to be Stone’s partner,” I agreed.

  “For pool,” I added quickly.

  Alec grinned and wrapped an arm around Briar. “Looks like it’s you and me,” he told her.

  Briar frowned in confusion. “Why would you want to partner me?” she asked, looking up at him as if he was stupid, “I suck.”


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