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0597092001436358459 eveline vine

Page 37

by Unknown

  Oh, I thought with relief, He hadn’t purchased the tickets.

  I smiled at his thoughtfulness and made a note to thank Billy for giving up his tickets. My stomach rumbled again and Stone raised an eyebrow. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me towards the door.

  “Oh,” I protested softly, “But I want to look some more!”

  Stone shook his head briefly, his stride not altering, as if my thoughts on the matter hadn’t even given him a moment’s pause. I glanced back over my shoulder at the exhibit, but my stomach growled more forcefully and I ceded defeat.


  Stone didn’t ask where I’d like to go for dinner. He just drove to an expensive restaurant and slipped the Maitre D some cash in order to get us the best seats. Our alcove was private and looked out over an artificial pond. The lighting was low and intimate and the air-conditioning was set to just the right temperature. Stone ordered a large plate of garlic bread as our starter, but at least let me choose my main meal. I smirked as I read the menu, intending the most expensive dish to get back at him for being so bossy.

  Except there were no prices on my menu.

  I sighed. A big, fat, juicy steak would have to do. I ordered the largest one available and Stone ordered the same.

  We didn’t talk as we sat there in silence. I fidgeted a little and tried to think up a conversation topic, but our starter arrived and we switched our attention to eating. Unfortunately, the bread didn’t last long enough to see us to our main course. I thumbed the top of my champagne glass and considered asking Stone some more about his family. Maybe I could get him to inquire about mine?

  I frowned. What about Stone’s father? No one had ever mentioned him and I wondered if I should ask.

  I studied Stone’s expressionless face and shivered. What if Stone didn’t like talking about his father? I didn’t like to talk about why mine wasn’t around. If his father was in jail or dead or a real asshole, he might close completely up and refuse to talk at all…and if he talked about his father…I might have to talk about mine.

  I shook my head. The father question was obviously a no-go. But what about Danny? I could ask when his mother met his step-father right?

  Decided, I opened my mouth to attempt the conversation, but Stone pushed a box across the table to me.

  I looked up at him in question, but he didn’t comment.

  I stared at the box, noticing with trepidation that it was from a designer in Sydney.

  I looked back up at Stone and he raised an eyebrow. Well, his eyes demanded, Aren’t you going to open it?

  Ever so slowly, I drew the box closer and eased the ribbon free. Drawing a fortifying breath, I closed my eyes and flipped open the lid. I opened one eye and peeked down.

  The breath whooshed out of me and I gasped softly. The tickle of breath leaving my body made my lips tingle. I reached a fingertip out to trace the tiny links of the silver chain, carefully following it down to the charm. The letters E and V were silvered cursive, entwined and encrusted with amber jewels. I didn’t know enough about jewellery to know what they were, but I loved them all the same.

  Stone drummed the table with his fingers and I looked up to find his face carefully guarded, his posture a mix of impatience and caution. I smiled when I realised he was nervous about the gift.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, “But what’s the occasion?”

  He shook his head and got up from his chair. He stopped behind me and carefully eased the chain from the padding. “No occasion,” he said softly as he opened the clasp and eased it around my neck. His big fingers fumbled a little at my nape as he refastened the tiny clasp. He pressed a kiss there and I shivered with pleasure as he moved to my ear, “Do I need a reason to spoil you?”

  I giggled warily, but couldn’t help but tease him, “You spoil a girl with diamonds.” I winked at him playfully, but he frowned.

  “These matched your eyes,” he said quietly, his gaze moving from the charm to my irises. My body warmed and I melted back in my chair.

  “Really?” I whispered, looking down at the pretty colour of the jewels.

  I felt Stone nod once, “But I can change the stones if you wish.” His hands slid back to the clasp and I clutched at it in alarm.

  “No!” I protested, looking up at him with all the sincerity in my body, “I love them. I was teasing you. Please don’t change a thing.”

  He studied me for a moment, before a small smile lit in his eyes. He kissed my cheek and sat back in his chair, just in time for the main course. For the rest of our meal, I didn’t worry about the lack of conversation as I ravenously tucked into my steak.


  Stone shook his head at the waiter as he approached our table with the dessert menu.

  My good mood slipped a little. “I’m still hungry,” I said softly, “I’d like dessert please.”

  Stone shook his head and stood as the waiter handed him the bill. He reached for his wallet and started to pull out a few notes.

  “Grant,” I said more forcefully, “I want dessert.”

  “I have other plans,” he told me, gently pulling me to my feet.

  “What plans?” I demanded, my earlier irritation returning as he started to lead me towards the exit. He didn’t answer, so I stalked quickly towards the car, beating him to my door. He didn’t seem to notice my mood as he drove back to the university. Once we were home, I leant back against the car and crossed my arms.

  “Grant,” I murmured as he moved toward me, “I really want dessert. Please?”

  He nodded and reached for my hand, “I have dessert.”

  “Where?” I asked, struggling to keep up in my heels as he dragged me along behind him. He was walking fast, a little too fast in my opinion.

  He didn’t answer, but increased his pace as he reached the stairs. I winced as my feet protested in my dainty heels. “Ow,” I muttered under my breath, trying to keep up and ignore the pain.

  Stone seemed to hear though, because he stopped and glanced down at my feet. I think he glared at them for a moment, but he swept me off my feet so fast, that I didn’t get a good look. He kept climbing the stairs, not getting off at the first floor, but continuing up the stairs to the second, now taking the steps two at a time…as if I weighed nothing.

  He strode quickly down the hall and I realised we were going to his room. I sat a little straighter in his arms, a little excited and anxious to be seeing his room at last. He opened a door and set me down in the middle of a bed, leaving me there as he crossed to his fridge.

  I gaped at the double mattress beneath me and growled, wondering why the hell we’d been sleeping in my room these past few months, when he had a room to himself and a double mattress!

  “Where’s my dessert?!” I snapped, starting to move off the bed.

  “Stay,” he said abruptly, still rummaging in his fridge as he removed two bottles of water.

  I bristled. Stay? I wasn’t a dog. Stay was taking bossiness way too far! I glared at the bedspread. Was sex supposed to be the dessert? My gaze switched to his broad back. Not bloody likely!

  I was about to climb off the bed and make my exit, when Stone spoke again, “Strip.”

  “What?!” I asked incredulously. He turned and shot me a commanding look, before returning his attention to his refrigerator. Meekly, I got up and shed my pretty dress and heels, stubbornly leaving my underwear on. I lay back on the bed and silently fumed.

  “Underwear,” Stone said as he stood and shut the fridge. I grudgingly shucked the lacy scraps and crossed my arms beneath my chest. I felt like a petulant child, but I was too annoyed and frustrated to care. Stone finally turned and approached the bed, a tray in his hands. My jaw dropped as I took in the contents.

  Stone’s Stash! The mother load of all that was sweet and yummy!

  My gaze flew back to his face and I softened a little. He was sharing his goodies with me?

  My mouth watered and I sat forward eagerly.

  He shook his head.
“Lie down,” he said, setting the tray down on his bedside table.

  I slowly eased my back down onto the bed and watched him curiously, wondering what his next move would be.

  He grasped my hands gently and placed them above my head, moving onto the bed to straddle me, his shirt falling to the floor. Anticipation trembled through me and I licked my lips. “Is this your revenge?” I whispered, knowing the answer already. He grinned and nodded, grabbing two Killer Pythons from his tray and tying my hands together with the stretchy, sweet snakes. He tied my joined hands to a headboard slat.

  “I can easily break free,” I whispered, carefully tugging on the soft, candy ropes.

  He smiled at me. “That’s the whole point,” he said cryptically, then explained, “But you’re not allowed to escape.”

  I groaned in my head. Great, I could break free easily…but I’d have to summon up the will power to stay as I was. I already knew it would be difficult.

  Stone dumped a tray of chocolates onto the bed and selected one, dropping it into his mouth and then leaning down over me to press his mouth to mine. I opened greedily, letting his chocolate and peppermint flavoured tongue glide against mine. I lapped up the taste of it, wriggling a little beneath him as he reached for a new flavour.

  At first, I savoured the experience…but I soon became frustrated with his kisses, wanting – no, needing – more. I moaned raggedly and arched my body against his in a request for more. He acquiesced, pulling away to ditch the chocolates and grab a packet or sherbet. He ripped it open and started on my stomach, carefully drawing a line with the white powder and eyeing it like a coke addict. He cleaned my skin with one long lick and I realised that, for him, this was his cocaine.

  Sweets were his drug. Sherbet his cocaine, gum his chewing tobacco, lollipops his weed, snakes his shrooms, Skittles his acid, and Smarties…his ecstasy.

  I giggled at my joke, but they turned into gasps as he coated one nipple in the powder and sucked hard.

  The sweet supply seemed never ending as he tortured and teased me. He slipped a lollipop into my mouth and I sucked at it desperately, trying to muffle the noise I was making as he coated my body in melted chocolate. He’d barely finished licking it off when he eased the mangled lollipop from my mouth and unwrapped another.

  He sucked at the pink confection, moistening the sticky globe as his eyes twinkled with lust and mischief. Then, he was moving down my body and my eyes rolled back into my head at the first touch of it against my lips…the lower ones. The slippery ball massaged my clit and tormented my opening until I was begging him to fill me. I squeezed my fists together, trying not to break the fragile bonds tying my wrists.

  When I’d had about all I could stand, Stone replaced the lolly with his fingers, touching me gently as he licked my juices from the pop. His eyes gleamed fierily in the low-lighting…as if the combined tastes were the greatest aphrodisiac of all. He ditched the stick and greedily lowered his mouth to clean my sticky mound.

  “Grant!” I pleaded desperately, hoping he’d let me go over that edge this time. I bucked beneath him, communicating with my eyes just how close I was.

  The bastard moved away!!!

  I groaned with despair and glared up at him, but he flipped me onto my stomach and pulled me by the hips to my knees.


  I pushed back eagerly, meeting him halfway as he slammed forward into me.

  “Fuck!” he growled, freezing deep inside. He pulled out quickly and left the bed.

  I whimpered at the loss, but a quick glance behind me told me he was ditching his dress pants and fishing out a condom. Glad one of us was thinking straight, I bent my head forward to nibble my wrists free, enjoying the taste of the thick snakes as they hit my over-stimulated tastebuds. I flipped to my back as Stone knelt on the bed again. He moved toward me, but I stayed him with one hand.

  I wanted to play.

  He stopped obediently, his eyes telling me that he wouldn’t be able to wait long. I frowned with disappointment at his already covered cock, but grabbed the melted chocolate and eagerly began finger painting his chest. I licked and sucked as I went, too impatient to wait until my art work was finished.

  I coated one of his nipples and nibbled at it eagerly, enjoying the way his entire body stiffened and shuddered against me. With a growl, he pushed me back and followed me down, kissing me passionately as he thrust quickly inside - seeming not to care that he still had chocolate all over his chest and was smushing it on mine. I didn’t care either.

  It was no slow, loving. It was a messy, desperate coupling and I could barely breathe through the excitement.

  “Thank you for dessert,” I managed to gasp, and felt him grin against my neck.


  When I woke the next morning, I was able to stretch out comfortably – an experience I savoured. I looked up to find Stone already awake, sitting up against the headboard wearing unbuttoned denim shorts. A small tub of ice-cream was in his hands and he was eating slowly, his attention fixed on the TV across the room. I propped myself on my elbows to see what was on, but the music clued me in first. He was watching a Slipknot concert. My eyes drifted down to the stack beneath the TV and saw quite an impressive stack of Music DVDs. I wasn’t sure which concert he was watching, but it wasn’t one I remembered seeing. I snuggled against his legs, propping my head in his lap as I watched the show.

  I jumped as fingers threaded through my hair and stroked, a small spoon of ice-cream hovered in front of my lips and I accepted gladly. We lay like that for a while – Stone running his hands through my hair and occasionally offering me some ice-cream. I marvelled at how Stone had managed to squeeze his big TV into the small room – even if it meant he had no room for anything else. I rolled my eyes. Guys!

  On the bedside table beside me, there were three photos in fancy silver frames – frames I suspected Briar had bought for him. In fact, I was pretty sure it was Briar who chose the pictures and demanded their place next to the bed.

  The first picture was a shot of his family at Christmas. It looked to be fairly recent. His petite mother stood between him and Danny, her arms around them and a radiant smile on her face. Stone held Wendy in his arms, a small smile on his face as he looked down at his mum. All of them but Stone were wearing Christmas hats.

  The second picture was one of Wendy, dressed in a ballet tutu, but standing in a boxer pose – a fierce expression on her face, but her eyes dancing with happiness. I chuckled softly and switched my gaze to the third picture. It was a close up of Briar and Stone, the band members blurred in the background. They were all in their school uniforms – Stone looking particularly sexy in his private school tan slacks, white shirt, red blazer and loose tie. The photo was a professional one, so I presumed Billy had taken it.

  The crowd noise on the TV spiked and I glanced back at it to see what was happening. My jaw dropped as the drummer and kit began to rise in the air during his solo. I looked up at Stone and his lips twitched. He tilted his head toward the TV and bade me to watch with his eyes.

  Holy Shit!

  I sat up and leant forward in disbelief as the kit turned upside down and the drummer continued to play – hanging in mid air with his hair whipping about his masked face. I turned back to Stone again, my mouth hanging open, and he grinned.

  “Joey rocks,” was all he said, reaching out to pull me against him and spoon-feeding me some more ice-cream. I presumed Joey was the drummer and snuggled in, watching the rest of the show as Stone handed me his silk shirt from last night and I slipped it on, only bothering to fasten two buttons.

  “What’s the time?” I asked with a yawn, hoping I wouldn’t have to get up for my first class anytime soon. Before he could answer, Donny and Jamie barged through the door without knocking, laughing and joking loudly, before coming to a dead-stop when they glanced at the bed. They froze and gaped at us, not even jumping when Stone growled a little.

  What? His eyes demanded.

  I hurriedly buttoned a f
ew more buttons and slid a little further under the covers.

  “There’s a chick in your room,” Jamie said stupidly, still staring at me.

  Stone raised an eyebrow and Donny tried to muffle a laugh.

  “Hi guys,” I mumbled. Donny grinned at me and sat down on the bed. Stone put down his ice-cream and glared at him.

  “Move,” he growled aloud when Donny just grinned back.

  “Did you forget the workshop we have this morning?” Donny asked, leaning forward in an attempt to snag the ice-cream. Stone snatched it away though and handed it to me for safe keeping. Yeah, I know – I should feel honoured.

  Jamie nudged Donny with a grin and wiggled his eyebrows, “I think he had other things on his mind.” He winked at me and I blushed bright red. Stone stood and grabbed both of them by the scruff of their shirts, dragging them to the door and roughly pushing them out.


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