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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning

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by Delizhia Jenkins

  The Vampire Hunters Academy

  The Reckoning

  The Vampire Hunters Academy Series

  “Delizhia Jenkins story was a first time read for me. Excellent job. Her characters were well written and I loved the dialog. The story had just enough drama that I couldn't put it down. Ms. Jenkins did paranormal romance just right!” – Amazon Reviewer, The Darkness

  “This Writer is getting better and better at her craft. Her character development is seemingly effortless... Sanaya is live, believable and engaging. And the development of the supporting characters comes on line smoothly and with little effort. This book one offers some really intriguing tidbits that make the reader go hmmm too...

  I don't like to write about too many details because I dislike spoilers. But I have to say I'm really tempted. If you like vampire YA with a marbling of urban twist to add spice... this one is well worth a read... In fact... give ANY of this Writer's books a read and you'll become a huge fan. This reader is eagerly awaiting the next book by this author.” – LucMee, Reader, The Darkness

  “Guardians, magical beings, slayers & unknown dark entities; Vampires, werewolves and angels, oh my!! ... “The Shadows” is the 2nd fan-freaking-tastic PNR thriller in the world of ‘The Vampire Hunters Academy’ that kept me riveted & on the edge of my seat with suspense & romance! ... I am so blown away by this talented young author, whose unique writing style has a flavor all her own, yet holds up to other seasoned bestselling authors I have read! ... This is a must read, dark & gripping tale of Good vs Evil will take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride like never before! ... Another spell-binding yet different storyline, has a fresh voice, with a strong kick-ass female protagonist & awesome secondary characters that are complex, but recognizable! ... Amazing attention-to-detail with plenty of surprise twists & turns will keep readers guessing, turning pages, and craving more! ... I highly recommend this & any book by Ms. Delizhia Jenkins to Adult Fans of Fiction, and look forward to the day when her name has ‘bestselling author’ next to it!”- Deb, The Shadows

  “I was gifted this book by a friend and wow was it a read! Not only is this series kick ass, but book 2 is even better than book 1!!! The action is absolutely non stop and we do get to meet a few other new characters that I just fell in love with the moment I read about them. The action is even more action packed (once again, if that is even possible) and the story is even more memorable. Spoiler: Having Cain as the original Vampire, and helping Sanaya is a breath of fresh air. I absolutely love seeing the biblical reference and how it is personally handled. Truly, this book is a powerful gem and I can't wait to read book 3 of the saga.”- Sandra, The Shadows

  Check out these books by Delizhia Jenkins!

  Nubia Rising: The Awakening

  Sin, Daughter of the Grim Reaper

  Blind Salvation


  In the Light of Darkness

  Additional Book Series

  Into the Shadows

  Out of the Shadows

  Books in the VHA Saga

  The Darkness

  The Shadows

  The Reckoning

  Coming Soon

  The Cursed

  Copyright © 2017 by Delizhia Jenkins


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination and experiences or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Perhaps this is the first block of stone

  We could use to build our kingdom in the sky


  Words could never truly express my gratitude for all of the love and support from you readers. Many a night I cried myself to sleep wondering if I should give this dream of mine up but the words of encouragement from you kept coming and I wish I could do more other than say thank you. Kevin, Simone, Robin, Sandra, Tracey, and Deb you guys are the absolute best. From now on, I write for you. You have breathed so much life into me when it comes to remaining focused in this industry, that even on my worst days, I push myself to keep going.

  Kevin, you really need to write that book of yours.

  Tracey, we are coming for everything that the universe has in store for us. And soon we will be posted up on an island somewhere off in the Atlantic, sipping strawberry lemonade, underneath the warm rays of the sun, celebrating the fact that we made it.

  And once again, for the readers…

  Thank you.

  The Reckoning

  Chapter One

  Sanaya ran through the streets, desperately trying to dodge the swipe of the massive clawed hand that sprung from the ground, uprooting everything in its wake. She heard the terrified cries of her team mates, but there was nothing she could do. She had to keep running. Gun shots echoed in the background and the blood curdling screams of innocent bystanders chilled her to the bone. But she had to keep going. She had to. She was not sure why, but moving forward was her sole purpose. Dirt and debris rained down from the blackened skies. A streak of lightening flashed ahead of her, targeting a lone, small tree with hardly any growth to begin with. Sinister laughter surrounded her, drowning out her senses. She focused her thoughts of summoning the Millennium Blade into her grip. Her palms crackled with light, but nothing manifested. She tried again, quickly exhausting herself from the mental strain. Her powers were coming in like the fits and starts of a car. Nothing happened. The terrified screams of her best friend Maya, shattered her soul.

  “Maayaaaa!” She screamed into the darkness. “Hold on! I'm coming!” She made a U-turn, heading back in the direction towards the infinite levels of darkness that threatened her team. She sped down the desolate street, icy wind chilling her bones, weakening her. She could hardly see what was ahead of her, but based on the scent and sounds, she was close. Blood tainted the air. Fresh blood. She pushed herself forward, coming to a halt in front of an abandoned convenience store. A few feet in front of her, lay the unconscious bodies of Guardians, including Maya, Bullet, Charlie, Archer, and Congo... all spread out in varying, contorted positions, blood oozing from the gaping puncture wounds...Maya struggling to breathe.

  Overcome with emotion, Sanaya rushed to her side, kneeling before her. She gently raised Maya's head, tears streaming down her face. “Maya! Oh no! Oh my God! I can heal you – I can-”

  “'Naya...” Maya moaned weakly. “King...”

  “What?” Sanaya slowly turned her head to find a pair of shadows off in the distance—a pair of crimson eyes glowing in her direction. The dark side began to give way for light to pour in, slowly revealing the identities of the culprits responsible. The larger entity smiled, exposing a large set of fangs. She recognized him immediately. Cain! She gently laid Maya back down, promising to come back to her. Springing to her feet, she launched herself at the original vampire, the Millennium Blade finally filling her palm. Fury fueled her rage; her eyes shifting from normal brown white-hot silver. She took a flying leap into the air, blade raised high, when the second entity revealed itself: A pair of sad, red eyes with a gold tinge stared back at her, familiar dreadlocks blowing in the gentle breeze.



  Sanaya's eyes snapped open as she shot out of the bed, drenched in sweat. Thank God, it was only a dream. Or was it? She exhaled slowly, allowing the beat of her heart to calm. Maya was still knocked out across from her in her usual position—a leg sprawled out on one side, her arm slapped across her head, mouth open, and hair strewn all over her pillow. Sanaya chuckled. If only Danny could see her. Sanaya shook her head, and
decided to head to the kitchen and grab something to drink. Eve had recently restocked their fridge with all of the sugary carb essentials, but of course with the healthy stuff, too.

  With her nerves still on edge, she moved quickly, her feet slapping against the hardwood flooring. Lisa and Charlie were both sleeping soundly in the next room. Sanaya glanced at the clock on the microwave.

  3:43 a.m. Great.

  She reached into the stainless-steel double-door fridge, and pulled out the pint of apple juice. Images of King looking back at her with red glowing eyes filled her with suffocating sadness. Forcing the images from her mind, she reached for a cup in the cabinet when her phone went off in the other room. Not wanting to disturb Maya, she rushed back into the bedroom, unplugged her phone from its charger, and held it up to her ear.

  “Hey boo,” King's smooth voice filtered in through the receiver. “You're up?”

  She smiled sheepishly, the fears of her nightmare dissipating. King was alive and human. That was all that mattered. “Yeah...couldn't sleep.”

  “I know. I felt it. What happened? Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, his concern wrapping itself around her like a blanket, soothing her frayed nerves.

  “It was just too real and too recent for me to talk about it...” She said closing her eyes and taking a sip of her juice.

  “I get it...I did catch an image of it though,” he continued. “That's why I called you.”

  She set the cup of juice down, a feeling of dread creeping up on her. “What did you see?”

  “You were running...and your powers had conked out. Baby, I was so afraid to see you out there, alone and defenseless... “

  Sanaya forgot that with the Mate Bond, King was linked to her in every way. She would have to use a great deal more of mental strength, to block him from finding out anything about her deal with Cain, at least for now. Cain had promised her his protection which extended to every member of her team – including King. She would deal with the consequences of such a decision later.

  “It was terrifying...everything felt...real.” She set the cup back down and leaned against the counter.

  “Want to come over?” He blurted out. “I mean – we don't have to do nothing – and...”

  “Yeah, I'm on my way,” she said without thinking. She needed to be in his arms right now. She needed to feel the truth that he was alive, and warm and full of life.


  “I said, yeah silly,” she said with a grin.

  “Cool,” he replied. She could feel the warmth of his euphoria filling her from the inside out. His light chased away the darkness that forever threatened to steal her joy. “Where do you want me to meet you?”

  “In the quad,” she said casually. She rinsed her cup and put it back in the cabinet. “I will get dressed...might as well since I still have class to get to in a few hours.”

  “Fo'sho boo. Call me when you are leaving.”

  They disconnected the call and she tip toed back into her room to find something to wear, when she found Maya sitting up, smiling from ear to ear with her phone pressed to the side of her face. Sanaya smiled, knowing who the only one in the universe was that would have Maya awake and happy at almost four in the morning.

  Sanaya felt M aya's eyes on her as she dug into her dresser and pulled out a long sleeved, plaid shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

  “Where are you going?” She asked after muting her phone.

  “Can't sleep. Going to hang with King for a few hours before class,” Sanaya said stripping out of her pajama bottoms.

  Maya's eyes widened. “Are you guys gonna do it'?”

  “What? No! That's not what this is about...” Sanaya responded quickly, as she sped up the process of changing clothes, and then rushed into the bathroom leaving the door open, as Maya started giggling.

  “Then what is it about? I mean damn, you are eighteen 'Naya. It's obvious that you and King will be getting it on soon, so what's the hold up?”

  “Because Maya, there are bigger problems in the world, more important than sex to worry about,” Sanaya told her. She slipped on a pair of thick white socks before pulling her braids back into a high bun. “Besides, aren't you supposed to be on the phone with Danny?”

  “I am, but he has me on hold for whatever reason,” Maya complained. “I just thought -”

  “Look, King and I aren't there yet.” Sanaya grabbed her toothbrush.


  “ will just make things...complicated,” Sanaya squeezed out a huge glob of toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

  “How? You love him, right? You guys are bonded, right? Sooooo...”

  Sanaya sighed. There was no way Maya would let up off of the topic. The girl was worse than a pit bull when she wanted answers. She just would not let go. “He's been with other girls before...and I haven't been with anyone...”

  “And? That just means he was getting his practice on for you so he wouldn't leave you hanging,” Maya quipped.

  Sanaya groaned. “Seriously, Maya...”

  “Ok, ok. My bad. I didn't realize that the topic was a sensitive issue for you.”

  “I just want it to be pressure. Just him and me in the moment...”

  “Ok, I get it,” Maya said apologetically. “I don't want to make you feel like you have to -”

  “King loves me for it. And when the time is right, it will happen. But with everything going on -”

  Sanaya's phone went off, and she quickly brushed past Maya to answer it. She grabbed her backpack, slipped her boots on and put her thick purple jacket on because the winter months in Italy were nothing nice.

  “I'm on my way,” she told King, and continued walking right of the room. She loved Maya from the bottom of her soul, but there were some things, that even a best friend simply could not understand.

  Chapter Two

  Petronius, Alex and Daemon watched with envy as Selene strutted into the boardroom dressed in an all-black pantsuit, a tiny pair of diamond earrings glimmering in the low light. Her locks pulled behind her head in a tight bun, giving her the appearance of a Chief Executive Officer of a multi-million-dollar company. Behind her, came The Beast in one of his many human forms. This time, he was an older Middle Eastern Man, dressed in a beige suit. His dark mane was donning a thick patch of gray that gave him a more distinguished appearance.

  Daemon maintained a cool appearance, even going as far as to offer Selene a seductive smile, to which she responded with the blow of a kiss in his direction. Petronius and Alex stared ahead, tensely waiting for whatever news Selene was about to deliver.

  “Guess what boys,” Selene began with a grin. “I have a very important announcement to make.”

  “Yes, you do, don't you?” The Beast added, relaxing his stance, and stuffing his large palms into his pockets.

  “You are now looking at the newest Chairwoman of The Darkness Organization,” she chirped. “And it is about time we start rebuilding. The nation of vampires is dying, if not by the blade of the Slayers and Guardian teams around the world, then through the lack of successful turns...and I must admit that is shameful- an embarrassment really. We need to expand, from phantoms and dark Lycans, to master vampires terrorizing the streets. I need them in high ranking positions, seducing the rulers of government to bend to our wills. I need familiars. We will break the backs of the Guardians and terrorize the psyche of the new Slayer until her spirit withers and dies. I will have that bitch Aklia and her harem on their knees begging for mercy.”

  “You see why she is Chairwoman? She made me an offer I could not refuse and she is already putting together a plan of action towards empire building,” The Beast, leaned forward and pressed his lips behind Selene's ear. A low rumble of a growl settled in the room, drawing all eyes in the direction of Daemon.

  The Beast laughed. “Are you fucking serious Daemon? I know that wasn't a challenge!”

  The muscles in Daemon's tightly clenched jaw twitched as he fought back th
e urge to bare his fangs in a fight to the death match that he would surely lose to the original Fallen One. He licked his lips and willed his fangs to retract despite the humiliation of having to bow out gracefully from a stronger opponent. Alex and Petronius watched the silent standoff with amusement.

  “As the humans say, 'your bitch chose me,'” The Beast boasted, patting Selene on the behind. “Besides, you don't have the juice to give her what she really wants...”

  Alex and Petronius glanced at one another—both uncertain if asking the obvious question would be an immediate death sentence.

  “What? My two eldest are pussies too?” The Beast taunted. “I should exterminate the three of you for your cowardice. I can't have three master level vampires-older than time itself-afraid to ask a simple question.”

  “What. Does. She. Want.” Daemon gritted through his teeth.

  The Beast's smile widened. “I knew you had balls Daemon. I might make a man out of you yet.”

  Daemon looked away as The Beast continued. “She wants an heir. I told her if she rebuilds The Darkness to its former glory, I will give her anything she wants.”

  Daemon glared at Selene, eyes burning a bright crimson. Alex placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, silently pleading with him to remain calm.

  “Daemon baby, you will always have a special place in my heart for all you've done for me,” Selene promised. “But unfortunately, this is bigger than you baby -”

  “In more ways than one,” The Beast added.

  “Meeting is adjourned. You three are free to roam the earth as you wish until the next summoning, which will be thirty days from now. During that time, I’ll expect you three to make the most of your time.”

  “Until we convene again,” The Beast said deconstructing into mist. “I must be off. As they say, 'the devil is always busy...and they ain't never lied.”


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