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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning

Page 4

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “Can she go back to her dorm?” Maya asked, wiping her face.

  “Hmmmm,” the doctor said, flashing a light in Sanaya's eyes. “I would like to keep her overnight for observation...Open your mouth...”

  Sanaya did as instructed, silently praying for the doctor to hurry up so she could lie back down.

  “Well we gon' stay in here with her until she leaves,” King declared, receiving nods and murmurs of agreement from the younger Guardians.

  “Visiting hours end in an hour,” the doctor mumbled, listening to Sanaya's breathing. “But I suppose tonight, we can make an exception.” He listened to her heart rate once more, patted her wrist and said, “Be right back. You will be fine.” The doctor shuffled off, parting through the sea of concerned Guardians and disappeared out of the door.

  The door barely slammed shut when Sanaya was covered in hugs, kisses, and faces wet with tears, with Eve's hardly consolable.

  “I swear to you Sanaya,” she hiccupped, “I didn't-”

  “It's not your fault Eve,” Sanaya told her, holding her gaze. “I should have pulled out of it...but I couldn't...” Now it was her turn to sob. “I couldn't leave him like that...after all he's done for me? I couldn't leave him.”

  Not a dry eye remained in the room. King took Sanaya's hand in his, calming her, sending his love through his touch. Just then the door sprang open, and in stepped Archer, dressed in a grey sweatsuit, and being escorted by a handsome male nurse. Aside from looking a bit thinner, and his dependence on the cane for support, Archer looked great.

  “Hey kid,” he greeted as he faced the room. Archer took his time approaching her bed.

  “I think we should leave these two alone for a second,” Eve said, ushering Lisa and Charlie into the hallway.

  King planted a kiss on Sanaya's lips. “I will be right outside boo.”

  “Me too 'Naya,” Maya added, also placing a kiss on Sanaya's cheek. “And don't ever scare me like that again!”

  Archer waited for everyone to depart, but none of them could leave without offering Archer lengthy hugs of their own. And when King approached him, the senior Guardian and younger Guardian's eyes met, a silent message passed between them.

  Break her heart or ruin her in any way, I will personally break every bone in your body, Archer threatened.

  You ain't got to worry about that bro', King's eyes said. I would die for her...

  Archer smiled. Good.

  Once the door was closed, Archer slowly continued the stretch to where Sanaya waited in bed, eyes still watering. He stood just inches away from her, and the two glanced at each other, both fighting back the tsunami of emotion that threatened to drown them.

  Archer was the first to break the silence when he reached for Sanaya and buried his face into her shoulder.

  “Thank you,” he wept. “Thank you so much...but don't ever die for me. Do you hear me? Don't die for me!”

  “But you would do the same for me,” Sanaya whimpered through a sniffle.

  “Because that is what I have sworn to do. My job is to protect and guard you, until you can protect and guard yourself. You are never to sacrifice yourself for me. Understand? I don't care how bad off I am—you need to take care of you.”

  Words...what were they? Speech no longer held any meaning. Archer was more than her Guardian. He was her friend. Her big brother. Her protector. He was the father figure she never had. He taught her how to fight, when to draw her blade, how to feel, not see, but feel her way in the darkness. She held him tight, happy to see him whole and walking again. And when he held her back, she knew it would not be long before he was back to his old self. The Academy needed him. She needed him. And regardless of what he said, she would travel to hell and back if necessary just to make sure he lived one more day.

  “I'm so happy that you are ok,” she whispered.

  “Me too, kid,” he said. “Me, too.”

  Chapter Six

  A slow satisfied grin crept along Selene's face when she withdrew her fangs from the throat of one of the Guardians she’d captured along the way to her lair. The foolish Guardian had made the worse decision of his life, straying away from his team, and for what? To meet his demise, by going to a bar for a drink? Licking her lips, she allowed his body to slink to the floor, enjoying the satiating fill she could only find with the blood of Guardians. There was something in their chemistry that enhanced the flavor of their blood, giving a serious kick to it. It was almost like that first shot of heroin in the bloodstream: dizzying; euphoric; and terrifying at the same time. And she was addicted to it.

  The Guardian's body trembled with seizures the instant his body hit the hard wood flooring of her private lair, which was hidden on the top floor of the wealthiest apartment condos in the world, smack dab in the middle of New York. She took a seat on the edge of her bed, unsure if she should let the Guardian die a natural death or throw salt in the eyes of Guardians everywhere by turning him.

  “Yo-yo-you will not get a-a-a-wa-wa-way with this!” He seethed. His once beautiful rich dark skin turned ashen gray, as blood oozed from the multiple deep puncture wounds she’d inflicted on his neck and shoulder.

  “And how so?” She yawned, still deciding if she should let him die or not.

  “She's coming for you,” he wheezed, gasping for breath.

  “Who is?”

  “The Slayer...”

  “You're little teenage huntress, really?” Selene giggled. “From what I understand, she has yet to leave the walls of that wretched Academy. She is nowhere near ready to handle what I've got.”

  The Guardian began to cough and sputter blood, and Selene realized it was time to make a decision, and quick. And then an idea hit her.

  “You know what?” She said, approaching him. “I have an idea – a brilliant one too and only you can help me achieve it.”

  She chuckled as his eyes widened with fear and his skin whitened further.

  “I need an army and, not just any army. Guardians have been the bane of vampire existence since the dawn of time, and perhaps it is time that I give you all a taste of your own medicine. I am going to build an army – Guardians of Darkness and you my dear will be the first. Join me...”

  In a flash, the only sound that followed was the quick scream silenced by the tearing of his flesh. In just a few days, Selene would have her army, and with that army she will feed The Beast the souls of every living Guardian available and her debt would be paid.

  Sanaya had no clue when she fell asleep. But her soul rested well knowing that her primary Guardian was going to be alright and everything could go back to normal- or as normal as it could get at The Academy. She finally came to in the early morning hours, just before daybreak to find King lying next to her, squeezed in on the right, with Maya to her left. Danny was on the floor next to Maya and the rest of the room was filled with young and senior Guardians, just like old times. King shifted and stirred, opening one eye to see hers staring down at him.

  “Morning, boo,” he whispered.


  “How do you feel?” King struggled to sit up without waking Maya, but found some difficulty in doing so being that he was completely pressed against the metal railing that lined the bed.

  “Much better, but still a little tired though.”

  “Babe, you had us all scared shitless. I felt it the moment you slipped away...I thought I lost you forever.” King exhaled, fighting back the memory of how he’d felt when he had thought she was gone—the supreme emptiness, the loss and the overwhelming tidal wave of sadness that enveloped him, was nothing like he’d ever experienced before.

  Sanaya gently placed a loving hand on his face, absorbing some of his pain into her. This was a new gift she'd learned was in her possession, and she would use it every chance she could when it came to King.

  “Stop. You need your strength,” he told her, easing her palm away and kissing it. “Just knowing that you are still here with me is enough.”

�You're awake!” Maya chirped sitting up, looking every bit of a mess that she did every morning. Her long, thick curly hair stood at attention, parts of it covering her face. She quickly tried to smooth it back into a ponytail, but was unsuccessful.

  Wrapping her arms around her friend, Sanaya laughed. “I am.”

  Soon, everyone began to stir, greeting Sanaya with warm smiles and a few hugs. The dark energy in the room had lifted, and Sanaya could not wait to get out of the hospital room and into her own bed.

  “Alright you guys,” Lois announced, stretching. Her short pixie cut blonde hair, normally straightened to perfection was also mess. “For the younger Guardians: King, Maya, Bullet, Lisa, Charlie, Trent – you guys head back to your dorms. You still have class today.”

  The younger team groaned in protest.

  “Oh don't do me like that. We still have to maintain the same program. Sanaya will be discharged later, and depending on what the doctor says, she will back in class probably no later than tomorrow.”

  King started to complain, but Sanaya stopped him with a light peck on his lips. “Go to class babe. I will be in my room, more than likely sleeping all day.”

  “I will be right there as soon as class ends,” he promised.

  It took some maneuvering between the three of them for Maya and King to climb out of the bed, and another fifteen minutes before they all were ready to be escorted to their dorms.

  “See you later Sanaya!” Bullet hollered as he left.

  “Bye 'Naya,” Charlie added softly. “See you at the dorm?”

  “Yeah,” Sanaya replied, resting her head back onto the pillow.

  “Bye 'Naya,” Maya and Danny added simultaneously as they walked out the door with King in tow.

  “See you guys later...”

  “We'll take care of your boy!” Danny laughed, giving King a pound.

  Sanaya smiled. “Please do.”

  A few of the remaining senior Guardians followed the students out of the room, wishing Sanaya well in the process. The only Guardians left behind were Lois, Derrick and Congo.

  “Eve will be by later,” Congo said with a yawn. “She just wanted us to stay with you until she finished helping Archer get settled.”

  “Cool. Thanks you guys.” Sanaya bundled back underneath the comfort of the warm blankets, suddenly feeling exhausted.

  “No problem Sanaya,” Lois chirped, pushing a stray hair behind her ear. “Just focus on getting some rest. We are truly relieved and grateful that you are still here with us huntress...”

  “Yeah lil sis,” Congo added, his honey brown eyes locking with hers. “When we got the call – we all felt it. I can't even describe the feeling. Every Guardian shares a link with you to some degree. That's the only way we know when a Slayer has crossed over so we can prepare ourselves for the next one. And that's a big loss for any Guardian. We are still receiving phone calls from Guardians around the world to reassure them that you are still alive.”

  Derrick snorted. “Man, don't even get me started on that. We have a few flying in just to meet with you.”

  “So like Lois said, get as much rest as you can,” Congo continued. “You are going to need it.”

  The Guardians left the room, promising to return shortly. Sanaya welcomed the peace, and drifted off into the hidden crevices of her mind, even if just for a little while.

  Chapter Seven

  Daemon inhaled the rich earthy scent combined with the sweet aroma of humans off in the distance, as he casually strolled down the vacant dirt path which led him to the shoreline of the Linosa Island. It'd been ages since he traveled the Sicily Channel of the Mediterranean Sea, often preferring the usage of a small boat to coast along the calm soothing waters. This place reminded him of the times before Pompeii when members of his kind lived like gods, bathing in the decadence of human immorality. Dancing in the blood of the innocent and damned alike under a moonless black sky, drunk off the sheer power of death. Now that was living. While mentally sifting through the sands of time, he caught the rich, velvet scent of an entity hidden deep in the shadows closing in on him. He stiffened, remembering this would be no ordinary vampire he would be negotiating with.

  She moved with the quiet stealth of a tiger, her eyes glowing orbs of yellow in the darkness; a good sign, at least for him. He inhaled deeply, appreciating her natural lavender like scent, wondering what she would have been like in her days as a human huntress. He slowly turned around to confront the Fallen Slayer, raising his palms just above his head as a sign of submission. Never in his life as a blood drinker did he ever have to succumb to such a lowly position. However, his survival was at stake, along with something else on the agenda. He waited patiently for the ancient queen of the night to reveal herself underneath the low light of star covered sky.

  The nocturnal sounds of the night creatures scurrying about in the thicket of underbrush just a few feet away became their personal symphony. His breathing all but came to a standstill as she approached. He spent the last few days scouring every nook and cranny of the islands that embodied the Mediterranean, leaving no stone unturned. He even took the liberty of hunting for legends that might have pointed him in the right direction of The Seven, but soon realized only a specially appointed Guardian would hold the answers to his questions and there was no time to seek out a Guardian without causing some sort of chaos.

  She watched him with the playful curiosity of a cat toying with a mouse before going in for the kill. Her eyes normalized to a natural pale blue. Her skin was the color of the snow that rests at the peak of a mountaintop and her hair, the color of the feathers of a raven. Beautiful was hardly the most accurate description of this entity. She was the icy cold breath of death personified—terrifying yet enchanting to look upon. He held his breath. She was tall, almost equal to his six foot three stature with a long slender build. Dressed casually in baggy jeans, flip flops and a tank, she without a doubt mastered the art of blending in with the humans, even dimming down the supernatural aura that a gifted human would have sensed as “other worldly.”

  “What brings you here Ancient One?” she asked when she stood no more than five feet away from him.

  “How did you find me?”

  “I think the question is more of a statement: you found me,” Daemon replied.

  “And you know I possess the skill to kill you...”


  “Then perhaps you are as foolish as you are brave. What do you want?”

  “It is not a matter of what I want,” Daemon proposed, smoothing out the lapels of his suit. “It is a matter of what I can do for you.”

  “There is nothing you can do for me,” she snapped. Her eyes shifted from pale blue to crimson, yet her fangs remained retracted, which was evident of her ability to maintain calm.

  “Oh but there is,” Daemon responded smoothly.

  Her hard glare told him the clock was ticking and he'd better explain quickly before she put an end to his existence. He needed her, at least for now before he figured out a way to kill her and continue with his own quest for power.

  “Your life was stolen from you huntress,” he began. “You were seduced into the life of darkness before you had a chance to taste life in its full glory.”

  “And what of it?” She hissed. “I was destined to be the greatest huntress that ever lived! Until, that sinister bastard Cain robbed me with promises of power which resulted in my current state. And rather than my Guardian protectors accepting me they rejected me, chasing me off into the darkness in which I bled for centuries. So, what can you do for me other than waste my time?”

  “I can give you the opportunity for revenge,” Daemon smiled. “I offer you the opportunity to raise your blade against those that cursed you, starting with Cain's only living heir.” He allowed his last statement to sink in, melting its way into her psyche and taking root into the dark chambers of her heart.

  “Nunka lives?” She asked with disbelief.

  “No. Selene. Nunka was kil
led centuries ago by one of the Slayers.”

  “Selene...that treacherous bitch almost had me killed by my own kind...” she growled.

  “It looks like we have a mutual enemy my dear,” Daemon replied. “Not including the newest huntress destined to take your place in the Guardian archives -”

  “You lie! I am the true huntress and I will have my place in the Guardian Archives along with my seat as head of The Slayer Council!”

  Daemon chuckled. His plan worked and this was going to be easier than expected. “From what I've heard she carries the Millennium Blade -”

  “She carries Aklia's blade?!” The Fallen Slayer's rage blackened the sky, followed by a powerful gust of wind that would soon reach hurricane proportions if she did not settle down soon.

  “Quite the honor for a girl who just turned eighteen,” He added with the calmness of a gentle breeze as he turned around to begin walking away.

  “For twenty-one years I was groomed for greatness, awaiting the day for Aklia to bestow her blade unto me and a child is granted the privilege? Blaspheme!”

  Daemon stopped walking and turned around to face her once more. Blood red eyes stared back at him, her face contorted into a snarl, looking every bit as wild and feral as a predator should.

  “Then come with me and you can have your revenge. Together, we can make this right...”

  The winds calmed, and the darkness slowly dissipated to reveal the stars that decorated the night sky.

  “I will come with you,” she whispered. “But, only under one condition...”

  “And what is that?”

  “The new Slayer is mine to kill. She doesn't deserve to carry the blade that rightfully belongs to me.”

  “Fine. But not until we take care of Selene and a few other things,” Daemon assured her. “What is your name by the way?”

  “Annalia,” She replied quickly.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you Annalia,” Daemon said extending his hand she readily accepted.

  “Likewise. Now where is Selene?”

  “Come with me Annalia. We have much to discuss...”


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