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From Duty to Daddy

Page 3

by Sue MacKay

  Female laughter reached him, snuck under his skin, thawing the cold places deep inside. Charlie’s laughter. He’d know it anywhere. It had warmed him, tickled and delighted him. Haunted him. Hungry for his first glimpse of the woman he’d flown halfway round the world to see, he scanned the veranda running across the front of the house. Movement from the side caught his eye.

  A toddler, dressed all in pink, running and stumbling, shrieking with joy while waving a plastic bucket, heading straight for—for Charlie. Beautiful Charlie. There at last, right in his line of sight, was Charlie. In the flesh.

  The air trickled from his lungs as he sank further down onto the front of the car without shifting his gaze. An exploding landmine couldn’t have made him look away now. Memories of holding her close bombarded him, pummelling him with the sheer joy of her. Warmth crept into his body. Had he done the right thing coming here after all?


  She seemed to still in her movements. Hell, had he called her name out loud? Then she said something to the little girl and jerked backwards as she was rewarded with another ear-shattering shriek of delight.

  Marshall began breathing again.

  And continued watching Charlie, recalling how she’d race back to him after a long day in the ED and leap into his arms, kissing him senseless, before dragging him into bed. Not that he’d been reluctant, far from it. But he had enjoyed being seduced. It had been novel and exciting. She’d teased him blatantly with her body, but had always given what she’d promised. Then there had been the times she’d gone all coy on him and he’d had to woo her into bed.

  He ran his hands down his face and re-crossed his arms. Was Charlie thinner now? Nah, probably not. His memory wouldn’t be that accurate. But her hair was very different. What had she done to those stunning long, honey-coloured tresses that he’d spent hours running his fingers through? Gone, replaced with a shorter, curly cut that framed her beautiful face. Different and yet equally attractive.

  His heart slowed as he watched the woman of his nights reach down and lift the hyperactive bundle into her arms. Even from here he could see the love for the child all over Charlie’s features.

  Her daughter?

  Pain slashed at Marshall. He was too late. Too damned late. Charlie was a mother. Which meant there’d be a man somewhere in the picture. She was taken. She hadn’t changed the rules. Instead, she’d got on with life, made a family. That hollowed him out. Made him realise how much he’d been hoping she was free and available. Great. Now he knew, what did he do?

  ‘You could just say hi.’

  Sure. Now that he had admitted he’d been fooling himself all along, it hurt big time. His heart rolled over, cranked up enough energy to pump some much-needed oxygen around his body. Disappointment flared, mixed with the pain and despair, underlining the whole stupidity of coming here on a whim.

  Getting reacquainted with Charlie again was not an option.

  The reality struck, blinding him. He’d wanted to get to know her properly this time, to learn what made her tick. The doctor side of her, the serious Charlie, the loving, caring woman who enjoyed having a good time. All the Charlies that made up the woman who’d caught his attention when he hadn’t been looking.

  Another movement snagged his attention. Someone was walking towards the back of the house from under a big, bushy tree. Tall, thin, and, even from the back view, definitely male. Marshall’s stomach dived. His arms tightened in on each other, holding himself together.

  Damn it. He’d thought about worst-case scenarios and taken a punt anyway. But Charlie was now a mother and there was a man in her life. Marshall could no longer deny the obvious.

  ‘You, Marshall Hunter, have to walk away. Now. Before she sees you and the trouble starts.’ It would be so unfair to knock on her door and say, ‘Hi, remember me?’

  No way did he want to hurt her. And he surely would if he stayed now. Truthfully, he’d hoped for another fling, something he could walk away from. So now he’d have to suck it up and walk away sooner than he’d expected. Get on with life and put Charlie out of his head permanently.

  But his boots remained stuck to the tarmac, going nowhere. He’d come too far just to walk away without a word.

  ‘Oh, buddy, did you really think Charlie was sitting around, waiting for the day you might step back into her life?’

  An image of her standing outside the hospital, blinking back tears and saying the sun was in her eyes as she’d waved him goodbye, slapped across his brain.

  A little bit, he had. Okay, make that a big bit.

  He needed to get over it. He’d had an absolutely sensational fling with her. One that he’d willingly walked away from with few qualms. And then she’d emailed. A month after Rod had been killed. Two days after he’d visited Rod’s wife and kids and seen the anguish caused by Rod’s passing. He’d deleted Charlie’s message without reading it, knowing he never wanted to be responsible for causing her the same pain Karen suffered.

  As Marshall watched Charlie and the little girl chasing around the lawn he thought of the hurt she’d been saved from by finding another man to share her life with. No doubt that man wouldn’t miss birthdays and Christmas, would be around to fix the car when it broke down or to dig the garden, take her out to dinner. Things no woman would ever get from him. The army regularly sent him off to some hellhole in a bleak part of the world where he had to be strong for his men, not worrying about how he might be letting down the woman in his life.

  ‘Time to go, buddy. You made a mistake coming here.’ He blinked. Took one last, long look at the woman who’d unconsciously drawn him to Taupo, saw the things his memories hadn’t been particularly clear on. The way she held her compact body as though ready to leap into his arms at any moment, except now it was her child she seemed ready to leap after. The gentle tilt of her head to the right as she concentrated on whatever the little girl was saying.

  ‘Get the hell out of here,’ he croaked around the blockage in his throat. Dropping back inside the car, he reached trembling fingers to the ignition. Blinked rapidly as the heat inside the car steamed up his eyes. Damn it to hell. He was too darned late.


  CHARLIE HEARD A car moving slowly past the gate and glanced up. Not recognising the vehicle, she made to turn away but hesitated. Something about the driver’s profile caught at a memory. What was it about that face that stirred her? Absolutely nothing. She bit down on the temptation to go out onto the street for a better look.

  Losing her grip on reality now? Wishing Marshall Hunter back into her life wasn’t actually going to bring him to her doorstep. No matter what Dad said.

  Thump. Crack. The sound of metal crunching metal screeched through the air.

  ‘What was that?’ Charlie placed Aimee in the sandpit and raced for the gate.

  ‘Sounds like someone wasn’t looking where he was going.’ Her father spoke from right behind her.

  The car Charlie had noticed moments earlier was now parked with its nose deep into the side of their neighbour’s SUV, the bonnet folded back on itself. ‘John’s not going to be too pleased about that. At least it doesn’t look like anyone’s been hurt.’

  ‘Unless the driver had a medical event,’ Dad pointed out as he strode past her. ‘I’ll go and check.’

  Charlie glanced back at Aimee but she’d become engrossed in pushing a toy truck around the pit. Locking the gate latch, Charlie spun around to join her father. And froze.

  The driver had climbed out of the car, cursing quietly as he surveyed the damage he’d caused. His American accent sliced into her.

  ‘Marshall?’ The name squeaked off her tongue as her heart slowed. ‘Marshall?’ Louder this time but just as scratchy.

  He turned in her direction and took away any lingering doubt as his intense green gaze locked with hers. In that instant she saw the man she’d shared a bed with for so many wonderful hours. Her body remembered all the heat and passion, the sensual touches and her deep, bottomle
ss hunger for him. Marshall Hunter. The man she’d spent untold hours trying to find for their daughter had turned up outside her gate. Just like that? No way.

  Put it out there. Yeah, right, Dad.

  The ability to stand upright deserted her. Her hand flailed through the summer air as she reached for the fence to hold onto, and her heart stopped. It must have because suddenly she couldn’t breathe any more.

  ‘Charlie.’ Then he was there, directly in front of her, reaching for her, gripping her arms to hold her upright. ‘How’re you doing, babe?’

  How am I doing? That’s it? No I came to see you. No Crikey what a long way from good old US of A to find you. No I’m just cruising through and thought I’d drop by. Just how am I doing? Swallowing was impossible with the lump blocking off her airway. Her eyes widened as she stared at this smiling apparition with eyes that were deep green pools sucking her into an exciting world. An unrealistic world, she knew, but one she couldn’t deny while so close to him. Her arms were heating where those strong hands gripped her. Her breasts seemed to be straining to be up close to that chest she’d once fallen asleep against in the wee hours of the morning.

  ‘Charlie? I’ve surprised you.’ Did he have to sound so pleased with himself?

  ‘I’m fine,’ she managed to croak out at last. Couldn’t be better, in fact. Who did she think she was fooling? Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she continued to stand there, stunned.

  Then those wonderful arms she’d spent many hours longing for wrapped around her and tucked her against that expansive chest threatening to pop the seams of the black T-shirt he wore. That’s when she knew this really was Marshall.

  Something wet oozed down her cheek. Tears? She didn’t do tears. Not once throughout her pregnancy when she wished Marshall by her side. Hardly ever during the harrowing days of waiting for the diagnosis of cancer. Hadn’t cried while going through radiation and chemo. Must be the realisation that she didn’t have to keep searching the phone records of every state in America to find numbers for every Hunter listed that was causing this leakage. ‘You came,’ she whispered.

  ‘Were you expecting me?’ As he leaned back at the waist to peer down at her, his mouth cracked a smile. A genuine, warm, toe-curling, Marshall smile.

  And her heart went from slow to rapid in one beat. Heat rushed up her cheeks, dried her mouth so that when she spoke it sounded as though she’d sucked on helium. ‘Don’t be daft.’

  ‘I’m daft now?’ His smile widened, his eyes twinkled.

  ‘I tried to find you. Except it seemed like you’d vanished into thin air. Even the army wouldn’t help.’ But what were the odds of Marshall turning up on her patch? Should she be buying a lottery ticket?

  Marshall’s arms fell away and he stepped back so fast she staggered. His tone was clipped. ‘Of course not. They won’t give out information on my whereabouts unless you’re on my list of contacts.’

  The temperature had suddenly dropped a few degrees. Of course she wouldn’t be on that list. Hadn’t expected to be, but Marshall voicing it reminded her how far apart they were, how little they’d had in common, or even knew about each other, except great sex.

  And the sweetest little girl. Whoa. Red-flag warning. Her shoulders pulled back and her spine clicked straighter. She’d spent so much time trying to find Marshall that she’d never stopped to consider how she’d tell him about Aimee. Who knew what his reaction would be? What she wanted from him and what she might get could be poles apart.

  Rubbing her arms, Charlie studied him. He looked exactly the same as the last time she’d seen him, the day she’d kissed him goodbye. Except then he’d worn army fatigues, not butt-hugging, thigh-accentuating jeans and a tee shirt that framed his size and muscles. His face was bronzed, his buzz-cut hair darker than midnight, that mouth that had done sensational things to her skin was still full and enticing. Marshall was still heart-stoppingly attractive.

  Behind her someone cleared his throat. Dad. She’d forgotten all about him. Forgotten even where she was. And Aimee. Was she still in the sandpit? A quick look over the fence and Charlie relaxed a notch.

  Aimee. Marshall’s daughter. The tension rewound tighter than ever. And anger pounced. ‘Why are you here? Turning up with no warning, as though you expected me to be happy to see you.’ Her hands clenched and her breaths were short and sharp. After all this time of searching for him and here he was, looking wonderful, not to mention cocky. So darned sure of his welcome. ‘Well, I don’t want to see you.’

  Her petulance rang in her ears. So much for being mature and sophisticated. Too bad. Right now Marshall bloody Hunter deserved worse.

  Marshall was staring at her as though she’d grown horns. She probably had. ‘Charlie, I’m sorry. I never thought to phone ahead.’

  She gaped at him, her jaw dropping hard. A fish out of water probably looked more attractive. ‘You have no idea what you’ve done.’ She spun round on the balls of her feet and nearly slammed into her father, who looked puzzled as he glanced from her to the man and back.

  ‘Charlie, didn’t I tell you to let it go and see what happened?’ That Dad grin he gave her calmed her temper the tiniest bit. ‘Happened a lot quicker than we expected, didn’t it?’

  He was taking the credit for Marshall’s sudden appearance? No, Dad was being Dad, gentling her when her temper ran away on her. Thank goodness for fathers. On an uneven breath she said, ‘You’re right. I don’t know what came over me.’ Now, there was a fib. Marshall was no longer MIA but standing a metre away, watching her from those intense eyes that missed nothing.

  Both men seemed to be waiting for her next move. She didn’t have one. Her heart was thumping so loudly in her chest she couldn’t hear herself think. Her stomach was doing loop the loop while her hands shook so hard she had to clench them into tight fists again.

  Finally Dad made the first move. He strode towards Marshall, holding his hand out in greeting. ‘I’m Brendon Lang, Charlie’s father.’

  Marshall’s eyes widened with something Charlie could’ve sworn was relief. Glad of the diversion? With startling alacrity he took Dad’s hand and shook it. ‘Marshall Hunter. Pleased to meet you, sir.’

  Dad returned the handshake, said, ‘Marshall, what happened? One moment you were parked on one side of the road, the next you’ve slammed into John’s SUV on the opposite side.’

  Embarrassment flushed through Marshall’s eyes. ‘I got distracted.’ His gaze fell on Charlie. ‘Forgot which side of the road to drive on. Do you know the owner of that vehicle? I’ll need to sort out repairs with him.’

  ‘John’s our neighbour. I’m surprised he’s not out here already.’ Dad glanced up the drive.

  ‘He went out on his motorbike hours ago.’ She’d growled when John had roared down the road moments after Aimee had finally fallen asleep.

  Dad crossed to the merged vehicles. ‘Let’s see what the damage is.’

  Marshall looked embarrassed as he called after him, ‘I’ll shift the rental and then leave the guy my contact details. He’s not going to be too pleased when he sees that dent.’ He didn’t move to join Dad, instead remaining beside her, playing havoc with her senses. He was an eyeful, for sure.

  Tightening her stomach muscles in an attempt to gain some control over her wacky emotions, she looked up at him, and instantly wished she hadn’t as her eyes clashed with his. A girl could get lost in those eyes. Heavens, she once had. And look where that had got her. Focus on the bent cars. Nothing else.

  ‘I think you’ll survive. It’s John’s work vehicle, supplied by his company. If you’d hit his Harley you’d be swinging from that tree in his front yard already.’ The words spilled out in a rush.

  Marshall grinned that mesmerising grin she’d never forgotten. ‘Really? A Harley? Awesome.’

  Great. Another motorbike freak. And something she hadn’t known about him. Along with just about everything, she realised. A doctor in the US army didn’t cover much about this man at all. Hang on, don’t f
orget his energy, athleticism and how gorgeous he looked first thing in the morning with stubble darkening his strong jaw.

  A shiver rocked through her. Stop it. None of that had anything to do with Marshall suddenly turning up unannounced. Why now? She shrugged. Plenty of time to find out. Or was there? He could be passing through. Of course, Waiouru. The military base was only a few hours down the road. This would be a fleeting visit. She’d have to make the most of it and grab the opportunity to tell him about Aimee. But why was he here? Then reality hit—hard. ‘You were driving away. You weren’t stopping by to see me at all.’ What had he been planning on? A reunion? Changed his mind when he’d seen how suburban she actually was?

  ‘Caught.’ His smile faded as his lips pressed into a line. His gaze drifted to Dad, back to her. ‘Sorry, Charlie. I decided I’d made a mistake.’

  ‘Marshall.’ She grabbed his forearm, shook him to get his undivided attention. When those eyes that reminded her of hazy summer days met hers this time she all but yelled at him, ‘Don’t think you’re disappearing out of my life that quickly. Not when I’ve spent months trying to trace you.’

  There was no way she’d let him walk away now. Her gut rolled, which had absolutely nothing to do with Aimee and everything to do with the wickedly hot memories of Honolulu that touching his arm brought to mind.

  ‘You have?’ Shock dropped his jaw. ‘Why?’

  Gulp. Not out here on the street. The man deserved some lead in before she dropped her bombshell. She shrugged, trying for nonchalance and failing miserably. ‘If we sort out the vehicles first, will you promise to give me a few minutes of your time?’ A few minutes? She’d better come up with a succinct explanation for why she’d been searching for him if that was all the time available.

  ‘Yeah, sure.’ Marshall’s tone lightened as though he thought he’d been granted a reprieve.

  As if. How could he know that? He was very astute, remember? Said it was part of his military training to always be looking for a hidden agenda. What he hadn’t worked out yet was that it would be a very short reprieve. But first the cars. ‘Think you’ll be able to back your car away from the SUV without causing more damage?’


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