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Surrendered To The Alpha Dragons (BBW Dragon Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance)

Page 4

by Krista Bella

  It had felt good to pull on her hair and tell her how she felt.

  But now how am I going to pay my rent?

  Luckily for Jayna, she had a nest egg of money that she had been saving for her new Honda. The bad part of having to use that to survive until she found another job was now that meant she got no car.

  And now she had another problem; making it home when her feet were absolutely killing her. Having pulled out several of Sarah's hairs, she could not stick around for a ride home.

  Sucking up her pain, Jayna made her way across the street and into a back alley. She quickly made her way through the alley and onto a deserted road stretch that would take her to her hovel.

  As she was walking, she glanced up in the sky, noting the full moon. She was thankful for it because on this road, there was poor lighting.

  She had walked several steps when she heard an odd sound. Scared now, she spun around. There was nothing there. She continued to scan the area, looking for something, anything.

  I must be imagining things.

  When she was satisfied no one was following her, she continued on. She made it several steps when she heard the sound again, this time louder.

  She spun around again, thinking she'd see some crazy guy running at her. There was nothing.


  There was the sound again. But it didn't sound like it was coming from around her...rather...above her.

  Suddenly, a shadow blotted out the moon.

  Spooked, Jayna let out a small cry and started running towards her house, her big bouncing within her uniform.

  With the whoosh sound filling her ears, she ran and ran as fast as her big thighs would allow. Just when she saw her home come into view, she felt something sharp dig into her shoulders.

  Jayna let out an ear-piercing scream.

  And suddenly, she was flying.

  Chapter 6

  "What the hell was that?" Jayna yelled at Ethan, her body in shock and trembling from the impromptu, terrifying flight. "And what the hell are you!?"

  She was standing before a strange city that lay nestled in the mountains with the young man, or whatever the hell he was, from the bar. It was only after she had recovered from her shock of being suddenly lifted into the air, that Jayna had realized she was being carried by a large, flying snake.

  And she was only more shocked when they had landed and that giant lizard turned into Ethan.

  She pinched herself as she waited for Ethan's answer. She had to be dreaming. This could not be real. Except that her pinch felt very damn real.

  "I'm a dragon," Ethan replied simply.

  "A dragon?" Jayna breathed in disbelief. There was no such thing! Yet she had seen him change into the handsome man standing before her.

  And no wonder why his eyes reminded me of Elroy's, she thought. Because he's a snake himself.

  Ethan nodded. "We are an ancient race of beings that has been around since the dawn of time." Slowly, he circled Jayna. "Where do you think the myths surrounding dragons come from? It came from us. It is only in recent times, say the past few thousand years, have we kept our existence relatively low profile."

  Jayna's mind spun. "How?"

  Ethan grinned at her and gestured at the city before him. "Places like this."

  Jayna marveled that a race of ancient beings was hiding out in a city in the mountains. It just seemed too fantastical. Surely, it could not be real.

  "And then there are others who have integrated into the human society."

  Not knowing why, Jayna asked, "Is Cody one...too?"

  Ethan paused, a shadow passing over his face. "He is. And he thought he could take you from me."

  Jayna took a step back. Ethan was talking about her like she a possession.

  The shadow passed from Ethan's handsome face and he smiled, his icy blue eyes causing a chill to settle on Jayna's limbs. "But I won. And he can't trouble me here."

  "Is that why you kidnapped me?" Jayna asked weakly. "Was this some sort of dragon challenge?"

  Ethan surprised her when he replied, "In way, it was, yes."

  Jayna stood there shocked. So both men had been interested in her after all, but it was all some sort of dragon game. It was all so hard to compute.

  "But there is much more to it than you know." Ethan offered her his arm. "Come let me show you the city and introduce you to my people, before I tell you the reason for your abduction."

  Jayna stared at his muscular arm. Every instinct in her body told her to flee. He was a freaking dragon for crying out loud. But looking around, she asked herself; where could she run to? She was in the mountains, God knows where, with someone who could fly. There was no way she'd make it several feet.

  Knowing she had no choice, Jayna accepted Ethan's arm and let him lead her into the city.

  As he showed her around, she marveled at the exquisite workmanship done on the stone and wood buildings that filled the place. Here and there, people, or dragons that appeared to be people peered out at them.

  "Here is our church," said Ethan, flourishing his hand up at a big chapel that was made out of marble.

  "Dragons go to church?" asked Jayna.

  Ethan chuckled. "Some of us do. But we believe in a different deity than the humans do."

  From the church they continued on, and Ethan showed her all sorts of wondrous things. After showing her the keep that sat in the middle of the city, a place where Ethan told her the head dragon named Kalak, resided, he took her to a place on the outskirts of the city where a group of muscular, nearly-naked men and one woman, also skimpily dressed, waited.

  "My," said the woman, a skinny toothpick with silver hair and a beautiful face, murmured when she set her eyes on Jayna. "This one's a lot plumper than the last one you got."

  Jayna had no clue what the woman was talking about, but she was not going to take the insult lying down. "And I'm a lot meaner to," Jayna growled. "So I would suggest you watch who you're calling plump if you don't want to get steamrolled."

  One of the men behind the silver-haired woman, laughed uproariously, and her face flushed red.

  Beside Jayna, Ethan was grinning. "Jayna these are my warrior brothers and Ashvi, one of the few dragon women left among our kind."

  I just insulted a dragon, Jayna thought with panic. After seeing Ethan in his true form, she had no doubt that that Ashvi could eat her alive if she so chose.

  "Everyone, this is Jayna...and hopefully the one."

  Jayna's eyes roved over the men, all who had gorgeous muscular bodies, but for some reason, Jayna was not as attracted to them as she was to Ethan.

  Then what Ethan had said hit her. He had said hopefully she was the one. What did that mean?

  She turned to him. "What do you mean the one-"

  Jayna words were interrupted by a loud roar and a whoosh.

  Something large fell out of the sky and hit Ethan from behind knocking him to the ground. The dark from and Ethan wrestled with each other. Jayna thought she saw blonde hair somewhere as the two rolled on the ground.

  When the two forms finally untangled and they both jumped to their feet, Jayna gasped. It was Cody from Dixie's.

  His chest heaving, his blonde hair was in disarray and his expensive suit had rips and tears in them.

  "I told you I'd challenge you," Cody growled.

  "And I told you'd I beat you," Ethan growled back, preparing to lunge forward.

  At the same time, it looked like the dragon warriors were preparing to join in and help Ethan.

  Jayna's heart began to pound in fear. Cody was dead meat if they ganged up on him.

  But before a brawl could ensue, Ashvi stepped forward between the dragon men and raised a restraining hand. "What is the meaning of this? Why are two dragons at each other throats?"

  Ethan glanced with contempt at Cody before addressing Ashvi. "This whelping challenged me when I lay claim to Jayna."

  "Wait a minute," Jayna burst in. "Lay claim to me? I'm not anyone's property!"

  And I'm crazy for opening my mouth to a bunch of dragons, thought Jayna.

  But she couldn't help herself, even if Ethan was hot-as-all-hell, he still had no right to kidnap her, thrust her into a world of strange, and then say she was his.

  "You're right," Ethan agreed, "you're not mine. But I was going to give you the choice to be mine."

  Jayna frowned with confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

  "The reason why I sought you out was because I could smell you."


  "You're ovulating."

  Jayna thought back to the black blood the day before when she got out of the shower.

  "What does that have to do anything?"

  Ethan grinned at her. "It's the perfect time for mating."

  Jayna's breath caught in her throat. Ethan had kidnapped her to mate with her?

  "I'm sorry, you are sexy as all hell, but there is no way I could have sex with you."

  "Even if it would save countless of women's lives?" asked Ashvi.

  Jayna stared at the silver-haired woman. "What?"

  Taking a deep breath, Ashvi explained Ethan's predicament, telling her that a dragon needed a mate every time he last one got too old or died, or they would go on rampages that would leave a lot of women dead.

  "So you're telling me, if I don't mate with Ethan, that his inner dragon will go crazy?"

  Ashvi nodded. "That's the gist of it."

  Jayna shook her head. "I can't do it."

  "She's right," Cody said suddenly. "She can't do it because she's going to mate with me."

  Cody began making his way over to Jayna but paused when Ethan growled, "Touch her and take your last breath whelp."

  Cody appeared unperturbed, motioning with two hands. "Bring it fire crotch."

  In response, Ethan sprung forward slamming into Cody's chest, knocking him several yards away. Roaring, Cody sprung back across the distance between them, slamming his fist into Ethan's face. Jayna thought she heard a crack as the two went down to the ground, pummeling at each other.

  Cod would gain the upper hand, straddle Ethan's midsection, while delivering solid punches, and then Ethan would do the same to him. The fight seemed as if it would go on forever until a voice cut through the violence.


  Ashvi stood above the two wrestling men, her hands on her hips. "Stop this nonsense now or be kicked out of this city."

  Growling at each other, the two separated and climbed to their feet. Blood seeped from Ethan's nose and a bruise marred Cody's cheek. Even still, they were both handsome specimens.

  Ashvi looked back and forth between the two. "You both face a dilemma that your inner dragon will not let wait. For two dragons to be going through this at the same time, does not bode well for our kind."

  Ethan wiped the blood from his nose and glared at Cody. "So what do you propose we do?"

  Ashvi turned and settled her blue eyes onto Jayna. "I say take her. Take her at the same time."

  Chapter 7

  On the outskirts of Hearthstone, Jayna stood on an altar that had roaring flames in the background with Cody and Ethan, both who were nearly naked, their muscular flesh glistening against the flames. She hadn't been given much choice to decide whether she wanted to partake in what was about to take place.

  From what she understood, if she did not sleep with either of them and choose one as her mate, they would go into some sort of sexual dragon rage that could put other human females at danger.

  Not wanting that to happen, Jayna had agreed to sleep with them. And to be honest, she was secretly thrilled with having sex with two, handsome as hell guys.

  What girl wouldn't be?

  The fact that they wanted her, her curves including, made her only want to do it more.

  It also made her want Sarah and Harvey here, two people who thought she was unattractive because of her weight, to witness the spectacle.

  But there were witnesses, however, Ethan's dragon brothers and Ashvi stood on the outskirts of the altar, waiting and watching.

  From what Ethan had explained to her, other dragons watching a mating ceremony was perfectly natural. This was because, Ethan had explained, that dragon shifters had no sexual inhibitions.

  "Are you ready?"Ethan asked her softly. The dragon shifter had stripped down to his jeans and nothing else and his muscular chest and six-pack abs glistened against the flames on the altar.

  Cody, who was standing beside him, had taken off his dress shirt and his chest and stomach looked equally as impressive as Ethan's.

  A quiver ran down Jayna's breasts and into her thighs. She could hardly believe what she was about to do with these dragon demi-gods. "As ready as I'll ever be."

  They came for her then, their eyes on her every curve.

  Jayna's heart began to pound fast with anticipation.

  This was it.

  All or nothing.

  Jayna could not run.

  She could not hide.

  The only thing left...was too be taken by these powerful dragons.

  Ethan reached her first and he straddled the right side of her body, his lips quickly finding her neck. A second later, Cody was at her left side, his lips pressing against the other side of her neck.

  Taken by the sensation, Jayna threw her head back and groaned. Jolts of electricity split her skin. Cody's and Ethan's hands fought for dominance on her body as their hands explored her lush curves. Cody's hands rubbed the small of her back while Ethan squeezed her ass.

  A second later, their hungry hands were tearing open her blouse and tossing it into the flames, exposing her large breasts and erect nipples to the world. Then those same hands were squeezing and kneading her breasts, twisting and squeezing her nipples.

  Overcome by their forceful groping, Jayna nearly swooned. While they both fondled her breasts and stiff nipples, she could feel them harden in their pants.

  From the size of the bulges pressing against her thighs, Jayna knew that they both were enormous.

  She was proved right a moment later when they both stopped kissing her to remove their pants and their big, juicy, rock-hard cocks flopped out.

  Jayna could only gape in awe at the size of their cocks. These men, these dragon shifters, were gods. And they deserved to be worshipped.

  Letting out a hungry cry, Jayna dropped to her knees on the altar, grabbed Ethan's dragon cock, and then stuffed it in her mouth. Ethan threw back his head and groaned. Jayna began hungrily sucking on and slurping on his head. With her left hand, she grabbed Cody's cock, which was flopping up and down nearby, and began stroking it while simultaneously sucking of Ethan.

  Ethan's big cock was so thick and large, that Jayna's mouth was forced open as wide as it would go. Saliva quickly built in her mouth as she sucked and slurped, and it began hanging down in streams from Ethan's thick shaft.

  Jayna pulled back to get a breather while she stroked Cody's stiff dragon meat with her other hand, and licked her tongue along Ethan's big throbbing head, watching his powerful thighs quiver with pleasure.

  She glided her tongue along Ethan's bulging shaft, up and down, slowly, teasing.

  "Keep doing that," Ethan moaned, "my dragon loves that."

  Jayna smiled, egged on by his encouragement, and licked her way back up Ethan's shaft, swirling her tongue around his mushroom head before taking it back into her warm mouth.

  The sound of Jayna's slurping filled her ears and mixed in with the roar of flames from the alter while she sucked Ethan's cock like a blow pop. He tasted so good in her mouth—sweet, meaty and tangy. Below, Jayna could feel her button throbbing and moistness flowing down her thighs.

  Turned on by the sounds of her own slurping, the feel of the giant dicks in her mouth and hand, the pop and crackle of the flames, and the sight of their incredible muscular bodies, Jayna was overcome by lust.

  Ethan let out another groan as Jayna struggled to take more of his enormous cock down her throat. The more she sucked, the more saliva built up in he
r mouth, covering Ethan's entire shaft and hanging down in long, watery streams that dripped down onto the altar.

  Jayna was amazed at her hunger for their dragon meat. She had never in her life given head to two men and she found that it came naturally.

  "My dragon needs you to do that to me now," Cody growled enviously, jealous at the pleasure Jayna was giving to Ethan.

  Before Jayna could tell him to wait his turn, another dick was being shoved into her mouth and Cody's immense cock was covered with her saliva within a few seconds.

  Cody groaned as he thrust himself inside Jayna's warm, wet mouth. "My dragon is pleased," he groaned as he guided Jayna's head in tandem with his thrusting.

  While Cody thrust eagerly into her mouth, Jayna felt movement on her right side. Suddenly, she felt her waitress skirt being pulled up. Her mouth filled with cock, she was unable to look down, but she knew Ethan had slid directly underneath her. She was practically sitting on his chest.

  Her gasp came out as a gargle on Cody's dick when Ethan's lips found her clit and began sucking on it. Immediately, Jayna felt like she had been transported to heaven. Ethan's hungry lips on her dripping mound felt so good, that she could hardly concentrate on sucking off Cody.

  It didn't matter though, because Cody was force feeding her his dragon meat, making her take more and more with every thrust.

  Below her, Ethan alternated between licking and sucking on her clit with surprising force and suction. Jayna moaned and cried with pleasure but her cries came out muffled because of Cody's dragon meat in her mouth.

  Jayna could not believe the pleasurable feelings she felt as Ethan's teeth teased her clit and his dragon tongue lapped repeatedly at her dripping juices.

  When Ethan began banging her with his two, large, snake-like fingers, Jayna thighs began to convulse around his face like jelly. Ethan probed her hole with his two fingers, slowly at first, but then began working up speed while sucking on her clit.

  Jayna's eyes were began rolling around like she was possessed while Cody pumped himself into her mouth, groaning with gratification.

  Staring up at her with his chilling blue eyes, Ethan continued to bang Jayna's pussy, sucking on her entire mound with all the force his powerful jaws were capable of, draining Jayna of her sticky sweet juices.


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