Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)

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Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1) Page 13

by Freya Barker

  Joe had needed surgery but would be okay, and was apparently just down the hall. It was a shock to Emma when she found out this all happened the day before... She had been out of it for almost twenty-four hours. Apparently Arlene had gone home to sleep after spending the night.

  Emma turned to Kara. "So how did you end up here, love?"

  "I got a call from Mr. Flemming, and I... "

  "Name's Gus, darlin'. Told you that." A small smile played at the corner of his mouth.

  "Fine. Gus. And mine is Kara, not darlin'." Kara snapped, rolling her eyes at him.

  "Kara! What in hell's gotten in to you?" Emma wanted to know "You're being rude."

  "Whatever, mom. Anyway, after talking to Arlene as well, 'cause of course I didn't know Gus from Adam." Kara said with great emphasis, making sure her mother understood she was put out. Oh yes, Emma got the message.

  "So I heard a bit of what went on here and hopped on a flight, thinking you might need some help." Shrugging her shoulders, Kara looked a little like when she was fifteen and had felt left out.

  Emma reached for her hand. "I'm so happy you're here, honey. I just didn't want to worry you, or God forbid, have you come out here when there was still danger. I was in good hands."

  Kara snorted hard at that. "Yeah, I can tell. What did that doctor say? Second time in a few days you end up in the hospital?"

  "Kara, stop. You're being unreasonable. You have no idea of the stuff that has gone on this past week. But now you're here, the danger is past, and I'd be more than happy to fill you in." Emma tried to appease her daughter. Knowing once her girl got her hackles up about something it would take a lot of work to smooth them down again.

  Smiling at Gus who sat beside her, she nodded. "I gather you two have met?"

  "I had Neil pick her up in Durango this morning." Gus smiled back, still holding on to her hand.

  "That's good of you, thanks." Squeezing his fingers briefly. Turning to Kara, she noticed the keen way with which they were being observed.

  Kara looked at her with a question in her eyes. "Are you guys an item or something?"

  Not quite sure how to respond appropriately, Emma took a few moments to collect her thoughts, but before she had a chance to answer, Gus jumped in.

  "I like your mother. A lot. We met under unusual circumstances, so we really haven't had a chance to 'date' or get to know each other in a normal way. That doesn't mean we didn't get to know each other. Or that we are not involved; 'cause we are. It simply didn't take a traditional route."

  "Bit fast, all of this. Don't you think?" Was Kara's retort.

  "Yes, it is. One of the benefits when you've been around the block a time or two is that you're clear on what you like. You don't tend to waste time playing stupid games." Slapping his hands on his knees, Gus moved to get up. "I'm going to have a visit with Joe and leave you girls for a bit. Can I bring anything back from the coffee shop?"

  Kara shook her head no and Emma wasn't sure what she was allowed to have. Before he left, she pulled him down for a chaste kiss, and whispered her thanks against his lips. She decided to ignore her daughter's presence.

  With Gus gone from the room, Kara turned her attention to Emma. "Mom, how do you know he isn't taking advantage of you?"

  "Seriously Kara? I think you have our roles reversed, and for your information, my lack of mobility has not affected my ability to take care of myself. I stopped controlling your life a while ago. I love you. But don't start messing with mine now." She looked sternly at her daughter who had her lips pressed together in a straight stubborn line. "Now, that's as much of an answer as you're going to get, seeing as this is all new to you. I understand your concern, but I've got it from here. Now get your skinny ass over here and give me a hug for Christ' sake. We haven't even had a proper hello."

  Tilting her head, she tried to coax a smile out of Kara who finally gave in, sat down on the bed and wrapped herself around her mom.

  "Sorry Mom, I was so scared the whole flight over here. So worried about head injury and what it might mean for you, or if it would have long term effects. I didn't intend to be a bitch, really."

  Stroking her daughter's hair, Emma reassured her. "I know, love. I know that, and I'm sorry too. Sorry I didn't tell you and that you had to find out this way and especially that you were scared." Pulling back and cupping Kara's face in her hands she held her eyes. "Please give Gus a chance, he is unbelievably good to me. I promise you."

  With a typical Kara eye-roll, she muttered her assent. "Fine. I'll try."

  "That's all I can ask for, honey." Emma said, grabbing her back in a hug.

  Chapter 17

  Three days later Gus was helping Emma get ready to go home. Kara had been staying with Emma most of the time. During the days he was working hard with the Sheriff's office to try and tie up any loose ends of the investigation here. He also had frequent contact with other members of the task force trying to bring down Bruno Silva. It was slow going with Joe still laid up in the hospital. Too many questions were still unanswered, even with Corbin out of the way permanently. And without everything tied off neatly, Gus didn't think they would be able to ease up completely.

  He hadn't spent as much time with Emma as he would've liked, but with her daughter in town, it would've been stupid not to make use of the opportunity.

  He and Kara had been like ships that pass in the night, quite literally at times. They would take shifts staying with Emma at the hospital during the nights, so they would both have a chance to catch up on some sleep. Things between them weren't quite on friendly terms yet, but cordial enough. He was sure she would figure out eventually that he wasn't going to hurt her mother. If he had to be completely honest, he hadn't spent a lot of time thinking about the future yet either, but what he did know was that he wanted a chance at one.

  Arlene would pop in early mornings and after the lunch rush. Emma had bullied her into keeping the diner running, when she got wind that Arlene planned to close early to sit with her. They compromised on the two shorter visits during the day. Still a lot, since Arlene had to drive out from Cedar Tree each time. He got a call from her this morning, letting him know she wasn't coming in but would instead get Emma's house ready for her.


  Dressed and waiting for their final walking papers, Gus ran the plans by Emma. "Kara wanted to go to the house and wait for you there and Joe was wondering if you'd come say bye before you go. He has to stay for another day, maybe two, but wants to see with his own eyes that you're okay."

  "I'd like to see him too." Emma agreed. "Honestly, I won't be sad if I never see this hospital again. So sick of white coats and scrubs."

  Just then, Dr. Waters popped her head in.

  "Can't blame ya." She snickered, "I hope I don't see you here anymore either. At least not under these kinds of circumstances. I just came to give you these." She handed Emma her discharge papers. "You'll find an appointment sheet for a week from today. I will just want to have a quick look at those stitches and follow up with you. Other than that you should be good to go. Anything changes, I'm sure you know where to find us now. Next time let's try to meet somewhere a bit more fun." She smiled as she walked out the door.

  With a quick visit to Joe, Gus had Emma settled in his truck and on her way in short order. Grabbing her hand off her lap, he pressed his lips in her palm. "So glad I'm taking you home. I was starting to get pretty sick of that hospital and I'm sure you even more so." He smiled at her.

  "Amen." Emma leaned her head back against the headrest, closing her eyes. "I still can't get over all that has happened in the last week. My boring and simple little life turned into this big drama. And its not just me; I hate that Katie and Joe got hurt so bad." Letting out a big sigh, she turned back to him, drawing his eyes. "Do you think this is it then? It's all over now?"

  This was the part Gus had not been looking forward to and had hoped to push off a little longer, but he wasn't about to lie to her. "We've been busy tracing Corbin's
movements back as much as we can, trying to tie up all loose ends. Darlin'. The one thing we haven't been able to tie off is that black truck. The truck I saw speeding off the night of the break in at your place and what we think was the same one that had been following you into Cortez those weeks." It killed him to have Emma looking at him with a look of worried shock on her face.

  "But ... how is that possible? Who else would have an interest in me? I don't get it. Are you sure he didn't have someone else working for him? Someone like Ralph?"

  "Pretty sure. A black rental truck that was was reported missing was just found yesterday at the bottom of a gulley. VIN confirmed it was the missing truck and although most of it was wiped clean, the lab found a single print and a few partials in a few obscure places. The owner of those prints is known to the police, Emma." He looks over at her, gauging her reaction. "He's a know criminal who has close ties with Bruno Silva."

  Frowning at him, Emma seemed confused. "The crime boss guy? What would he want with me?"

  "Think about it, darlin'. Corbin skimmed money off him and used you to keep track of it, even if you had no clue you were doing it."

  "Fine, but that still doesn't explain how that guy Silva would know? Not like he and Corbin were speaking, were they?"

  "True, but I'm getting the impression that Silva was onto Corbin turning state's evidence right from the start. He must've had someone keeping an eye on Mr. Corbin's every move. Probably didn't want to stick his neck out with law enforcement around all the time and really, with tabs on Corbin, he wouldn't have to. Could just let him lead the way to his money."

  "Right." Emma turned her head away, leaning her forehead against the side window. "And now he wants me to show him."

  Sounding so tired and flat, as if her usual zest had left her, cut Gus. So he pulled the Yukon to the side of the road, and turned off the engine.

  "What are you doing?" Emma wanted to know.

  Unclipping his seatbelt, he moved his seat back, unclipped her seatbelt, and gingerly lifted her onto his lap; where he anchored her with one arm wrapped tightly around her waist and the other at the back of her neck. "Babe, hear this. I know I fucked up. I shouldn't have left you - should've taken you with me into Cortez, I know that..."

  "You couldn't have known that... that's ridiculous." Emma exclaimed.

  "Hush, and let me finish. It was my responsibility to keep you safe. I didn't do that. But I swear to you, I won't let anything happen to you. They will have to kill me first." He firmly held her head in place when she tried to avoid his eyes. "You're important. You hear me? When I heard you were gone, saw your blood." He squeezed his eyes shut at the memory and fought to keep his emotions in check. Swallowing hard he continued. "Having no fucking clue where to start, made me crazy. Then finally being able to do something and finding you at the mercy of that cocksucker, bleeding, your air being cut off; I have never in my life felt such fear."

  She could feel the shudders run through his body as he relived those moments, and the emotion was stark on his face. Leaning into him, she simply rested her head on his shoulder and held him the best that she could.

  "Thank you. For saving me. I knew you'd come, that's all that was in my mind. I was terrified, but I knew you would find me."

  Gus pushed her back a little and fastened his lips to hers like a starved man, kissing her voraciously. His tongue made strong, dominating sweeps through her mouth, curled around her tongue as it penetrated deep. With his hands crushing her to him, he made sure she could feel every hard inch of him claiming her. She could taste his hunger, fear, desperation, but also something else, something richer, deeper. A heady flavor that had her spinning and her body aching for his rough hands. Unlatching himself from her, Gus took in a deep breath. "Fuck me. I would take you right here, but darlin', I gotta bring you home or I have two already pissy females after my ass. And there is only one female I like on my ass." He said as his voice dropped another octave, or so it seemed.

  "But my sweet Peach, it has to be said. You taste like hot sin."

  With a soft swipe of his lips over hers, she was lifted back in her seat and buckled in. Gus started the truck and took them home, a satisfied smile on his face. All Emma could do was think about how easy it had been for him to completely distract her from her predicament. Letting fatigue take her, she simply closed her eyes.

  Feeling herself being lifted out of the Yukon, Emma blinked her eyes open to find herself at home, Arlene and Kara waiting on the porch.

  "Take the long road, hot stuff?" This from Arlene, who couldn't let an opportunity go by to try and needle Gus. He was virtually unflappable and lifted one corner of his mouth.

  "Decided to stop and blind Emma with my mad fishing skills, if you must know, Arlene. Diner food is getting old."

  "Oh puleeze," Arlene scoffed, "The only fish that impresses Emma is one that is cleaned, cooked and on her plate, ready to eat! She hates the fishing. Struck out on that one, lover boy." Cackling, Arlene shoved his shoulder.

  "Leave the man alone, Arlene." Emma admonished her, with a big smile on her face. "You are such a pest."

  "Yeah, but isn't that why you love me?" The normally slightly gruff and abrupt Arlene threw her arms around Emma as soon as Gus deposited her on the porch to get the rest of the stuff from the truck. "This better be the last time you scare me like that, woman." Arlene sniffled in her ear. "I had no one to fucking bicker with for days!" Making Emma laugh through the tears that wanted to flow.

  Turning to her daughter, Emma could see worry and irritation in conflict on her face.

  "Come on sweetie, lead me inside. I could use a cup of tea."

  Chapter 18

  A week had passed since Emma had been discharged from the hospital. Joe had been sent home to recuperate in the meantime and Katie was still in the hospital. She was hanging in there, tough as nails; Dana having taken up residence in Durango to be closer on hand. With Neil back in the motel here in Cedar Tree monitoring things, Caleb was able to make regular tracks to see Katie. He was still adamant about not leaving his post here. Gus had considered calling in some additional manpower, but after last week's events, the Sheriff's office had finally decided to assign a few more man-hours. It meant they had better local coverage than before. But being already short by one deputy, they had some reinforcements on loan from a neighboring county until the vacancy could be resolved.

  Nothing much had happened in the past few days. Other than running down the occasional potential lead, there hadn't been much movement at all. Silva appeared to have gone silent, but Gus knew very well that looks could be very deceiving. Not trusting for one minute that the danger might be past.


  Today Kara was scheduled to fly back to Boston. She had missed a full week and a half of work, but with her mom back up and about again, she really couldn't miss more work. Emma assured her that she would be fine, and would call every day, keeping her up to date. In the meantime, Gus had made himself scarce, trying to give mother and daughter some time to visit. So he had spent most of his time either working outside, fixing the rickety steps on Emma's porch and making a start on a ramp, or driving them to and from the diner to hang with Arlene. Every day, Caleb would come and take over so he could drive into Cortez and work from the Sheriff's office. Then at night, Kara would head over to Arlene's to sleep, since Arlene had offered her spare room and Emma didn't have one, and Gus would bunk down on Emma's couch. This out of respect for her daughter, but also because he didn't trust himself in bed with her while she was still recovering.

  It was getting old though, the couch wasn't that comfortable and he missed having her soft body to wrap around. Not to mention every time he touched or kissed Emma, he received a glare from Kara if she was around. Even having only the best of intentions, she managed to make him feel like crap. He had to give it to the kid though, she was fiercely protective of her mom. Little did she know that her mom could hold her own and didn't need her protection.

  "Morning." Em
ma said, shuffling into the kitchen, her hair a wild mess as usual and sleepy creases covering her face, looking absolutely kissable. Moving right up to her, he palmed her face and did just that.

  "Mmmmm, what was that for?" She wanted to know, a soft smile on her face. Leaning her cane against the counter, she slid her hands up his chest.

  "I love the rumpled, early morning look on you. Makes me want to crawl back into bed with you and 'rumple' you up some more." Taking her hands, he pulled them up and around his neck, sliding his own hands down her arms and sides, grabbed her hips and pulled her close. Angling his head down, the took her lips for another taste, stroking his tongue along the seam of her mouth forcing her open and sinking himself in the warm, sweet taste of her. When he felt her fingers tugging on his hair and her breasts rubbing up against his chest, he groaned. Lifting her up, he sat her on the counter, moved between her legs and forced his full hard length against her hot core. Hearing the small moans come from the back of her throat, when she sucked his tongue drove him wild. His hand slipped under her shirt and over her soft breast, and pinched her small peaked nipple. Dropping his head, he pushed her shirt out of the way and latched on, lips wide, sucking hard on a mouthful of her luscious tit. So fucking delicious, he could come in his jeans right there.

  "Oh God!"

  Feeling her hands tighten in his hair, he renewed his efforts, until he noticed she was pulling on his hair. Hard.

  "Oh my fucking God, you've got to be kidding me!" Kara said from the doorway. "I did not just see that."

  Closing his eyes momentarily, Gus, as calmly as he could, pulled down Emma's shirt and straightened up. When he cupped her face and looked her in the eye, he saw panic reflected there. Leaning in, he kissed her sweetly before he lifted her down from the counter and handed her the cane. Turning to the cupboard to pull down mugs, he said, "Coffee everyone?"

  "Please." Emma said, still a little shell-shocked.


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