Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)

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Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1) Page 14

by Freya Barker

  "Are you serious?" Kara sneered. Throwing attitude.

  "Serious about what, Kara?" He said, turning to face her. "About your mother? Yes. Very serious. I'm sorry you had to walk in on that. I'm sure finding your mother making out with me was less than comfortable for ya. But if you're waiting for me to apologize for it, you'll be waiting a long time. I'm not sorry for kissing her, I plan to be doing that and then some, a whole lot more. So you might as well get used to it."

  "Mom!" She turned to her mother next.

  "Stop. I mean it, Kara. I love you, but you have to stop this. I honestly don't know what's gotten into you. Gus is right, you weren't meant to walk in on that, obviously, but you are acting like a child - not the adult I know you are. What's going on?"

  With that, Kara burst into tears.

  Figuring now might be a good time to make himself scarce, Gus kissed the top of Emma's head - who now had a sobbing Kara folded in her arms - squeezed Kara's shoulder, grabbed his mug and went out to sit on the front porch to make some calls.

  He checked in with Neil, who finally had some good news; after 'cracking' the code on Corbin's ledger entries, he was finally starting to pull some information together. He had found out about half the entries were traceable to overseas accounts, where large amounts of cash had been deposited in the last few months. Not only that, but each entry had also left an imprint of the source. All of those were pointing squarely in the direction of Bruno Silva. Those flapping loose ends were coming closer to being tied up. It was a double edged sword, the need to keep their findings so tightly under wraps but absolutely necessary for the investigation. If anything leaked out, Silva would disappear and all the work the task force had put in would be lost. But until they had every T crossed and I dotted, it meant there was ongoing danger for Emma, and that didn't sit particularly well with him.

  The sound of gravel had him lift his head to see Arlene's beat up truck pull in. She got out with a mischievous grin on her face.

  "What'd you do? You get kicked out?" She chuckled at her own joke.

  "Ha. No, more like I escaped." He shot back. "Kara caught us in a... Let's just say, compromising position this morning and it didn't go over too well. She had a little melt down and I thought I'd let the girls work it out." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  "Coward. Little girl got ya running?" Arlene tried to needle him.

  "Hardly. If you can't scare me off, Arlene, then how do you figure a waif like that could?"

  "Good point, my man, good point. Alright, even though I suck at tears, I'm going in. I have to get that girl to the airport. Wish me luck."

  Grinning at Arlene's antics, Gus gave her the thumbs up.

  He briefly considered following her into the house, but opted instead to use his time. So while waiting for the tension to clear a little, he continued the work he started on the ramp leading off Emma's porch. He had overheard Arlene say something about Emma needing one. He had seen her struggle with the steps on some of her bad days, especially on those when she was dependent on her walker. Agreeing it would vastly improve her comfort and independence if she could simply walk down a ramp, instead of struggle with the walker down her steps, he had gone to work.

  In the past week he had spent a lot of his 'idle' time working out here, needing to keep his hands busy, when they were really aching to be all over Emma. He hadn't wanted to add to the slightly tense atmosphere, and had limited any public displays of affection to the odd stolen kiss and hug whenever Kara was not around. Except for this morning, they had been able to avoid any confrontations. But now it seemed there might be more going on with Kara than simple dislike of him or concern with her mother. The outburst in the kitchen reeked of some deeper issue he wasn't privy to. Damned if he could figure it out. The girls would probably be better at digging that up.

  Lost in thought, Gus hadn't heard anyone approach until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he was surprised to find Kara standing behind him with a fresh mug of coffee.

  "Hey. Thanks, I needed another one." Accepting the mug from her, he smiled, taking in her swollen downcast eyes and hunched shoulders.

  "You're welcome. And... I'm uh... sorry. About earlier. Actually... " Shaking her head lightly, Kara sighed deeply and raised her eyes to meet his. "I'm sorry I've been a shit this whole time. I'm really not like that. It's just..." Turning to look out at the mountains in the distance, Kara seems to gather her courage, while Gus patiently waited her out. "Like I just told mom, I am still adjusting to her being all the way over here. Even though I wanted her to do this - to move - I feel like I need to be on high alert all the time. I made taking care of her my responsibility, but I guess it isn't."

  Seeing a few tears escape from her eyes, Gus used his knuckle to wipe them away, then tilted her face so he could look her in the eye. "I get it, Kara. Trust me. I do. Since meeting your mother, I've wanted nothing more than to wrap her up and put her on a shelf to keep her safe. But I figured out fairly quickly that she'd have me out that door so fast, I wouldn't know what hit me."

  Kara couldn't hold back a giggle. "Probably."

  "So it's gotta be worse for you, given that you've seen her go from healthy and able bodied, to physically challenged as she is now. But you have to realize that she likely hasn't changed a lick. In fact, she probably has gotten a whole lot stronger and smarter since. Don't you figure? Smart enough to know when something is too much for her, or when she needs help."

  "I guess," Kara sniffled, and throwing caution to the wind, Gus wrapped his arms around her, feeling her stiffen up momentarily, before slowly snuggling into his chest.

  "Trust her, Kara. If you can show her you won't go overboard with the protective instincts, and remember it is she who is the parent and not the other way around, I would bet she'll confide in you and call on you for help."

  Kara's arms squeezed around his middle and for a while, they simply stood there on the porch. Warm in the morning sun, his cheek resting on her hair and her head snuggled against him. Looking out at the view he felt a sense of contentment settle over him, a warmth that settled deep in the darkest corners.

  When Kara finally stepped back and smiled up at him through tear-streaked cheeks, he felt her settle herself in his heart, right along with her mother.

  "I'd better get ready or I'll miss my flight. Thanks, Gus." Lifting up on her toes, she kissed his cheek.

  "Any time, Pumpkin'. Any time."

  Chapter 19

  With her baby on the way home to Boston, Emma felt a little conflicted. She was sad to see Kara go, it had been wonderful to spend some time with her. But with the potential for danger still around, she preferred Kara to be safely in Boston and not underfoot where something could happen to her. Of course, she also had missed Gus. After the hot and heavy start they had, things had slowed down to a crawl and it was making her a little antsy.

  She had almost interrupted Gus and Kara on the porch this morning. Getting a glimpse at their moment settled her right down. She had no idea how that man could know her so well, yet he did. The way he then handled her baby with such care; it had made her cry. After the week of tension they had just been through, it was a thing of beauty to see Kara snuggled up against Gus' large frame. Not to mention the look of pure contentment that had settled on the big man's face.

  And now she wanted to jump his bones.

  "Penny for your thoughts"

  She had been washing up the last breakfast dishes at the sink, gazing out the window deep in thought. She hadn't heard him come up behind her, when she felt his lips move against the shell of her ear. His strong arms stole around her waist and pulled her tight against his front. A slight shiver ran through her body.

  "You cold?" A note of concern sounded in his voice.

  "No. I just missed you." She smiled at the view, settling back against his chest.

  "Hmmmm... missed you too, Emma." He buried his nose in her hair. "So much," he added.

  A little taken aback at his serious
tone, she turned around in his arms and tilted her head to the side, looking him in the eye.

  "So much, huh? To tell you the truth, I was just thinking the same thing. I mean, it's not like you haven't been around, but... Well you know, with Kara here we haven't really spent a lot of time together. Alone, I mean."

  "Exactly. There is so much more about you, Ms. Young, that I would love to learn." Gus slid one had down to her ass, pressing her body into his rather prominent erection. A mischievous smile lifted one side of his mouth.

  "Is that so, Mr. Flemming." She countered, running her hands hands down his back to where she reached the hem of his shirt and found skin, just to slide them back up again along his spine without any barriers between them.

  "Hmmm-mmm... There is a whole life's history to catch up on; Favorite colors and foods, do's and don'ts, family and friends, books and music - Lists and lists of need to know." He teased, punctuating each item with open-mouthed kisses and nibbles along her neck and her shoulders, sensitizing her nipples and flooding her lower stomach with a warm surge.

  "Shall I make us a pot of tea, then? So we can sit down and compare notes?" She teased back as she tried to turn away and pull out of his arms. Growling, he yanked her back against him with some force, weaving his hand in her curls and tilting her head. His fierce eyes burned into hers and he shook his head no as he bent down and took her mouth.

  And take he did. Without apology. Hungry, impatiently and thoroughly. His mouth eating at her lips and her chin, his tongue probing and prodding deep. She clenched up on her thighs, trying to ease the ache between her legs that wanted to be satisfied. As if he could sense her need, he slid one of his knees between hers and with his large hand cupping her from behind, pulled her over his thigh. Tucking her close to his body; her clit and pussy riding his strong thigh muscle. The feeling was enough to steal her breath. "More... please, give me more." She panted out, her heart racing, she was grinding herself as best she could against his leg.

  "Arms around my neck, Peach. Hold on to me. I've got you, love." He grabbed her hips firmly in both hands, lifted his leg on the rung of a kitchen stool. Silencing her moans with his mouth, he moved her back and fort along his thigh. Her panties were slick with her arousal and the friction on her clit was almost too much to bear. Clutching to Gus' shoulders and hair, she tried finding purchase as she reached for completion. Teetering on the very brink of orgasm, she grunted when he suddenly lifted her off. He set her on her feet and in one move stripped off her yoga-pants and underwear and planted her on the kitchen counter, buck naked from the waist down.

  "Gus..." She pleaded.

  "Let me give it to you, Peach." He said, spreading her legs, going down on one knee and latching onto the little bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, sucking hard as he plunged two fingers in her pussy. A long keening sound came from her as she tried to hold herself up with one hand, while pulling his head tighter into her. His fingers pumping, she could feel them curving up at the same time his teeth bit down on her clit, catapulting her into euphoria.


  Fucking nothing like it. Her face, as she gave herself over to him, as she came. The taste of her. Fucking beautiful. He never took his eyes of her as he tongue and finger fucked Emma to orgasm. His balls about to burst, he stood, slid an arm around her shoulders and under her knees and carried a limp but sated Emma into the bedroom.

  "Where are you taking me?" She wanted to know.

  "Not done with you yet."

  That made her giggle softly. "Dunno how much help I'm gonna be. I'm like Jello."

  "You can have a little time to recover while I play with you some more." He wasn't going to let the opportunity pass him by, now that they finally had the house to themselves. Not in any hurry, he divested her of the remainder of her clothes and got himself naked as well, with Emma observing him from her position in bed. Watching her eyes taking him in, her eyelids getting heavier with lust, made his own libido rage out of control. His woman. Resilient, smart, warm-hearted and so fucking beautiful it made his chest ache. He climbed on the bed and slowly lowered himself on top of her, mindful to keep some of his weight on his arms. The sensation and contrast of his hard and coarse body being pillowed by her softness and pliancy felt like a safe haven. Sanctuary.

  "Gus... " She whispered in his ear, hands skimming over his back and through his hair. "You feel incredible. I missed you."

  Lifting up he held the top of her head while looking down into her eyes. "Missed you too, baby. Your smell, your sounds, the feel of you, your hands on my skin. I missed it all." Lowering his mouth to hers, their kiss started soft and gentle, but it didn't take long for the pent up hunger and frustration of the past week to catch up and spark it into something more carnal. His hand restlessly skated along her side, shifting himself partially off her to gain access to her luscious body. With each skim of his hand, he got a little distracted when passing her breast, plucking at her nipple, just to hear the catch in her breathing. His own breathing became erratic when those little hands of her started doing their own exploring. He'd better put a stop to that before things were over before they started.

  "Easy, tiger." He tried to soothe Emma, who was growing more restless underneath him. "Got lots of time and nowhere to be. Besides, I almost forgot ... I have a surprise for you."


  He had to chuckle, in some things women were so easy. "Yeah, it's in the back of your closet, let me grab it quick."

  "Now?" She lifted herself up on an elbow and shot him a look of incredulity.

  "Trust me. You're gonna want it now." Grinning, he got up off the bed to grab the box that had just arrived a few days ago at the post office. He had hid it on top of the shelf in the back of her walk-in closet. He hoped she would like it, although he had to admit, after seeing it on the website and thing about all the possible scenarios, he probably bought it as much for himself as for her.

  Emma was waiting in the middle of the bed, eager to see what the surprise was, all but forgotten she was completely naked. With the remnants of her orgasm still flush on her face and the excitement over her surprise in her smile, he felt something settle in him. He put that flush there. He made her smile. He made her happy.

  Sitting down beside her on the bed, he handed her the unmarked box to open.

  "What are these?" Emma wanted to know when she pulled out the different sized foam wedges.

  "Just what they look like. Wedge pillows, with multiple purposes." Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, he urged her to lie down and moved the smaller wedge under her shoulders so her head was elevated enough to be able to look down her body. The bigger one he slid under her hips so that her butt was lifted off the bed.

  "Oh boy! I see what you mean." Emma chuckled. "This is actually really comfy. Where did you get these?"

  A little embarrassed, Gus shrugged. "Was trying to figure out ways to be adventurous but still safe and comfortable for you. Found them online, some website I found for people with disabilities. Stuff to help them maintain an active life."

  "Come here," Emma pulled on his arm, trying to get him closer. "Come here, you. I'm trussed up like a holiday turkey here, I can barely move, you'll have to come to me." Her voice was husky with emotion.

  Rolling over on his side, his head rested on one arm, he stroked Emma's hair back from her face. "You like?"

  "I love them, you big oaf." She smiled at him, sliding a hand around his neck and pulling him close. "But what means most to me? Is the thought behind it. The care, the encouragement, the support, the acceptance and, Gus? The depth of the feelings."

  The last took him by surprise. He must have mentioned he cared for her, but surely he would remember if he had told her, well ... he loved her. He did.

  "Love you, Peach. I do. Never expected it, but you make it so fucking easy. I never stood a chance." With a little trepidation in his heart, he lifted his eyes to look at her and saw nothing but the big smile on her lips and in her eyes. "You're just go
nna smile at me? Leaving me hanging?" By now two big tears were making tracks down her cheeks, but given the crazy big grin on her face, he figured those were happy tears, and he wiped them away with his thumbs as he claimed her mouth for a kiss.

  "Ditto." Was the choked up response he got, forcing a laugh from him.

  "What the fuck? Ditto? Oh hell no, you're not getting away with that, missy!" He grinned, settling himself over her, grabbing her hands and raising them above her head.

  "Feel those handholds at the top of the pillow? I want you to hold on to those and don't let go." Settling in between her legs on his knees, he pushed the wedge further back under her so that her ass almost hung off the edge. Then he spread her legs, exposing her completely to his view. She was wet with her arousal already.

  "Liking this, are you?"

  "Hmmm ..." Was the only response he got, as she impatiently rocked her hips, looking for some friction. Bending down he swiped his tongue through her folds from her ass all the way to her clit, taking the distended bud between his lips and sucking hard. He could hear her mewling and looked up to see her watching from her slightly elevated position.

  "More, please." She pleaded, lifting her hips off the wedge.

  "Keep those hands where they are, but turn on your stomach."

  Helping her to flip over, the wedge now supporting her hips, her ass was high up in the air without putting any pressure on her legs or knees.

  "Beautiful." He traced her back with both of his big hands, from her shoulders all the way down to the globes of her ass, kneading her flesh.

  "I can't fucking keep my hands of you, darlin'. Are you ready for me?"

  "Fuck me already. Gus, please ..."

  Her skin felt over-sensitized. With every pass of his hands she was struggling harder and harder to keep her own from moving. Restlessly shifting her hips, she wanted to spread herself as wide as possible for him, wanting to feel him fill her. Fuck her hard. This little control game they were playing had her turned on so much, she was going to come from skin contact alone.


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