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The Enforcers (The Blood Bar Chronicles)

Page 3

by St. James, Caledonia

  Chapter Four

  Logan could not stop. He devoured her mouth like the hungry wolf that he was. She tasted of sugar and spice, a heady combination. As she relaxed into his kiss she opened her mouth, and Logan accepted her invitation, letting his tongue explore. Her hands come around his waist, so he angled his body to meet hers. Heat oozed from both of their bodies, and a hunger like no other clawed at him. He slid his hands to the curve of her waist, then traveled to her fulsome breasts, her sigh causing his dick to ache. He tore his lips from hers to kiss the line of her jaw, and her soft neck. Kyla groaned as he sucked and nipped. Damn, he had to control the urge to bite and claim her.

  Logan grabbed her ass and ground his groin against her; she seemed to come up on her toes to accommodate him further. With a deep rumble, Logan lifted her up, opening her thighs wider so he could position himself against her core. Pushing into her, he felt Kyla wind her legs around his waist. At this, he lifted his head from her neck and looked deep into her green eyes, searching for any sign of fear that would make him stop. He saw no fear, just hunger; pure hunger. At this he guided her into his bedroom and, with a firm kick, closed the door.

  “Logan, I...I’m not very good at this.” Her voice was almost a whisper.

  “Oh, but I am, my sweet. Don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” His gentle reassurance seemed to relax her. Logan placed her softly onto the brown fur blanket draped at the foot of the bed.

  He knelt down between her legs and began to remove her boots, not taking his eyes off of her. She bit her lower lip, and he quickly pounced up to kiss her deeply. Next came her leggings; she shifted to help him take these off. Logan stroked her calves, slowly bringing his hands up to her thighs. He massaged the soft skin of her inner thighs, moving his thumbs to flick the edge of her panties, then further up. She was damp and he smiled wide, knowing her body was preparing to receive him. She pulled the purple dress over her head and let it fall to the floor. The sight underneath was pure heaven. Curved hips, a nipped in waist and breasts a man could devour! His shaft twitched in agreement. Logan stepped back to take his woman all in. She would be perfect as soon as he divested her of her bra and panties.

  “Let me help you with these.” He began to kneel onto the bed. His movement caused Kyla to scoot to the top of the bed and she maneuvered herself under the covers, bringing the duvet up to her chest.

  Logan smiled at her. “We’ll take our time, my sweet.”

  She nodded in agreement, the slight panic in her eyes drifting away.

  With hurried movements he shed his clothes, and noticed she looked away when he dropped his boxers. Such innocence melted his heart further. He moved to the side of the bed and got in. Kyla sat leaning against the top of the bed, Logan by her side, looking at her in profile. He reached out to stroke her long dark hair, loving the silky feel of it gliding through his fingers.

  “I love the way the sun catches your hair,” he said lifting the strands to inhale her scent. “It’s kind of red and copper. So beautiful.”

  He stroked her forehead, down the bridge of her nose, then to her pink lips. He longed for a taste, and kissed her gently, then brushed his lips over hers and nipped a little until he felt her lean in to his kiss. His tongue entered her mouth and played with hers. Oh, how he longed for his cock to enter her, but he knew she was nervous, so he had to take it slow. He stroked her shoulders and arms in smooth movements, easing any nervousness away. Kyla relaxed again and he moved her further down the bed, so he was over her completely. Logan ended the kiss and moved his head away to drink in her face. Her eyes closed as she moved against his hands that stroked her, much like a cat enjoying her master’s attention. Yes, indeed he did intend to master her.

  “That’s it, my sweet, relax. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m gonna make your body sing with pleasure.” Logan scattered a trail of kisses from her lips to her breasts, slowly slipping the straps of her bra off and moving his hands under her to unhook it. He threw the lacy thing onto the floor. “Mmm hmm, so much to enjoy.” He licked her right nipple until it formed a peak, then he did the same to the left and sucked hard. She gasped and arched her back, letting him squeeze her breast so he could bite and suck more of it into his mouth. His other hand played with her nipple, hardening it and only then did he move across to give it the same treatment.

  Kyla writhed under him, her hands moving to his ass, bringing him down to her. She parted her thighs so he was cradled in their softness, his erection, huge and desperate, pushing against her damp panties. Logan continued his trail of kisses down her stomach, licking and nipping with his fangs until he reached her panties. He could smell her arousal and had to fight for control. He was determined he would not rush, but enjoy this perfect feast before him. Burying his face against her core, he breathed in her smell, enjoying her dampness. Her clit was hardening, her legs furrowing in the sheets. Logan took hold of the lace of her panties and freed her of them. Sitting up slightly, he looked down at her, perfect and so warm to his touch. He knew then and there he would never let her go. She was his!

  He stroked up her legs to her damp curls, and looked at her moist folds. Her scent was calling to his wolf. He moved in and began to lick from her opening to her clit, over and over again. She tasted divine and he savored her until she was sobbing with pleasure.

  “Oh, please, Logan. I need you now. Oh, please,” she begged.

  Logan leaned across the bed to open the draw of the nightstand. After a moment of searching, he found the foil packet he was looking for. He quickly tore it open with his teeth and sheathed himself.

  He finally moved back to her, resting himself on his elbows to not crush her. He positioned himself, his hardness nudging her opening, slowly sliding in and out, until he felt her join in the rhythm. Damn, she was so wet and tight. He slid out and with a final thrust he pushed right into her. Paradise was the only way to describe it. He kept the intensity going, bringing them both onto the edge of release. He knew he would not be able to stop himself; she belonged to him, now and forever. The start of her orgasm was too much for him to bear, he felt her muscles contract around his erection and he thrust deeper into her. Bringing his head up, and with a fierce growl, he parted his lips and bit down hard with his fangs into her neck, claiming her forever.

  Chapter Five

  Kyla cried out as she orgasmed, a searing pain scorching her to her bones. She screamed as jolts of electricity coursed through her, her body shuddered, and her brain seemed to catch on fire. All thought left her, she screamed Logan’s name as heat enveloped her, building intensity inside her. Something was happening! Then darkness overtook her.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed or what exactly had happened. Kyla had the feeling of being held close. Very close to an incredibly warm and definitely naked body. She was cradled in two strong arms, chest to chest, her head resting on his shoulders. She stretched, enjoying this feeling of deep joy in her bones, and gradually opened her eyes. Looking up she saw Logan staring at her intensely, his blue eyes sparkling.

  “You’re awake then?” A slow smile touched his lips.

  “How long have I been asleep?” Kyla asked.

  “Hmm, about three hours,” he replied.

  “What? Three hours?” She raised herself.

  “Well, it was your first time.” Logan placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “No it wasn’t, I have had sex before, I’m just not very good at it... Was I okay?” Kyla asked, a little nervous at his answer.

  Logan laughed. “Oh, my sweet, you were perfect. So perfect for me!” He stroked her back, moving his hands to her hips.

  “Really? It’s just that...well he said I wasn’t good. That it was like bouncing on a mattress.” She swallowed and bit her lips to stop herself from crying. When her ex had dumped her, she’d done enough of that.

  “Damn him!” Logan growled, tightening his grip on her and bringing her into him more. “Look at me, Kyla.” Logan lifted her chin. “You were amazing, there’s
no one like you. You’re all mine. I love your curves, the way your breasts overfill my hand. Your waist, here, dipping in then curving to your hips.” His hand stroked her breast, waist, and then rested on her hips. “He just didn’t know how to open you up; you were meant for me, my sweet.”

  Tears spilled from Kyla’s eyes. No one had ever loved her like that, and even her mother had kept her at arm’s length. Logan moved over, and kissed her tears away, then kissed her lips so softly.

  “You know it wasn’t my first time, but something happened that I don’t remember.”

  “I know, but look at me when I say this...” He hesitated before continuing. “You changed, shifted.”

  “What? That can’t be! No! I’m human, not...” Kyla sat up, clutching the duvet to her.

  “Honey, you shifted, believe me. I was there, and you were beautiful!” Logan grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, “I knew as soon as I saw you; my wolf recognized yours as mate. It’s the most powerful attraction, ever. You’re special, so special.” He kissed her forehead, and scattered kisses all over her face.

  Kyla felt as though her brain was about to explode, thoughts running into each other, tumbling and falling. It made no sense!

  “I know it sounds crazy to you, but it’s true. Something about you and me, together, making love, and me biting you, kicked off your latent wolf. It has to be in your blood.” Logan moved a strand of her dark hair out of her eyes, and stroked her hair. Kyla relished his touch, enjoying the closeness it brought.

  “What am I like? You know, when I changed?” Kyla asked feeling calmer with his every touch.

  “Amazing. Your coat is the color of your hair, dark with red and copper all the way through, and you have yellow-gold eyes. Beautiful!” he said with a deep breath.

  “I still don’t understand how it’s possible, Logan?” Kyla was searching her brain for anything that would help. “I know my mother was a single parent, she said my father was a one-night stand. All through my life I thought she hated me, what happened to her because of me. Maybe I reminded her of him?”

  “What happened to her, Kyla?” Logan sat back against the pillows, and pulled her into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I know she travelled to the US with friends, and she returned pregnant, with me. Her family—being Indian—threw her out when they found out. She never mentioned my real father, but there was something about the way she looked at me at times. I just thought she hated me. It was only when she married my step-father that my last name was changed to his— Tremayne—that I finally felt accepted. Even through school I always felt odd, different. I thought it had to do with being mixed race, belonging nowhere really. But as I got older I had these headaches, and the nightmares began.” She shuddered, thinking about the debilitating effects they had.

  “When did they begin?” Logan’s gentle voice coaxed her on.

  “Hmm, I think when I was about eighteen. Seven years ago,” she replied.

  “That would be about the time you would transition into your wolf form, so that makes sense. Maybe your wolf blood was attempting to do that for the last seven years.” Logan tried to reason it through.

  “So what brought it all out now?” Kyla asked.

  Logan held her tight against him, stroking her back in circles and holding her hand that rested on his chest. “Mating is powerful magic; it joins two people in the most binding way. Heart, soul, and spirit. Being inside you, spilling into you, and biting may have triggered it all.”

  “You mean we’re like married in the shifter world?” Kyla lifted her head to look at him, wishing the answer to be yes.

  His blue eyes twinkled at her and his mouth spread in a grin. “If you’ll have me, then yes.”

  Kyla just stared at him for a long time, not fully comprehending that this man wanted her. He actually wanted her.

  “You see, you saved me,” he continued.

  “What? Me? How?” Kyla furrowed her brow and stared at him. “Surely it’s the other way around. I mean, I work in a crummy office, live in a studio flat, with no real life to speak of.”

  “No, you have saved me from a life lived alone.” He lifted her chin to capture her lips. The feel of his warm lips against her sent shivers through her body. He raised his head, smiling down at her.

  “You see, I chose to be Xander’s beta. I belong to another pack that is in England. I was born in England, the first son of an alpha, so I was in line to be the next alpha of the pack. But a feud happened between packs and my father was killed. I was supposed to be the alpha. Top wolf you could say, but I was young. Soon after that my mom and sister were killed. That was when both my brother and I ran away to distant relatives. I made it across to the US and have been there since. Morgan stayed in Europe. I have not seen or heard from him, so I don’t know if he is dead or alive. I was introduced to Xander. He’s a good guy and a good alpha to his pack. He let me stay.” He kissed the top of her head and gave Kyla another squeeze and continued. “I was beginning to think I would never find a place to really belong. That finding my mate would never happen, not until last night, when you walked into the bar.”

  “But if all this is true, that I’m a wolf, I don’t know anything about myself. How do I control something I know nothing about? How can you mate with a nobody? I mean, don’t you have to have good blood or something?” Questions zoomed through her mind.

  “Your blood is perfect for me, my sweet, absolutely perfect. And we can find out all about your wolf family when we go to the States. As for the rest, I can guide you through it all, if you’ll let me?” His words meant to calm her, but instead they raised more questions.

  “What, you want me to go with you? You’re kidding, right? I mean, you really think we can do this? Be together when we don’t know anything about each other?” Surely he could not mean that, her mind questioned.

  “How about I take you on a date?” Logan replied. “You know, dinner, a walk, candle lights, wine, and maybe...” He stroked her waist then her breast. Kyla gasped as he pinched her nipple, sending sparks around her body. “Hell, let’s just forget the date...” Logan growled, bringing her up so she had to straddle him.

  Kyla came into direct contact with his erect cock. He swallowed her groan in a kiss, as he pressed her ass into him. Kyla’s senses lit up, as his tongue pushed into her mouth. She loved the feel of his muscular arms under her hands. She stroked up to his shoulders and into his hair so she could hold him closer to her.

  Hands cupped her breasts and he squeezed, the pads of his thumb flicked over her nipples, the sensation causing her to quiver against him. Their lips parted and Logan held her head in his hands, their breath so close that it intermingled, both beginning to pant.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Kyla, you drive me crazy,” he moaned.

  Kyla smiled and pushed against him more, loving the feeling of his arousal against her, making her wet. She moved down his neck and chest, planting kisses until she reached his nipples. She stopped, licked and then sucked each one. Logan tensed each time and his shaft jumped. Kyla loved knowing she was turning him on, loved the feel of his hard cock—loved him.

  Suddenly she stopped. When did this happen? When did she fall in love with him? Then she knew when it began. It was in The Blood Bar, when she had turned around and he wasn’t standing at the bar any more. She thought he had gone, and part of her was disappointed. Her feelings turned to elation when she felt his arms around her, helping her to the bathroom. Was it that easy? Only time would tell.

  She continued to kiss him across the hard ridges of his stomach, her breasts swaying over his arousal. She moved her breasts over him, scraping the tips of her nipples over his thick cock, his groan making Kyla look up into his piercing blue eyes, hunger evident. Shifting herself lower, Kyla spread his legs wide, and took in the sight of his magnificent shaft. She gently kissed from the bottom to the top. Reaching the tip, she flicked her tongue over it.

  “Am I doing it right?” she

  “It’s all good, as long as you keep that sweet mouth there.” His erection jolted, and Logan sighed as she took his encouragement and licked up and down slowly, flicking the head each time. His hips began to thrust under her, so she parted her lips and sucked the head, gliding it in and out of her mouth. Logan growled deep in his throat, sending shivers down her spine. Somewhere deep within her she responded with a gentle growl of her own.

  Suddenly, Logan grabbed her shoulders and flipped her over. In a quick move she found herself on her stomach. Logan stroked his shaft up and down her ass, increasing the pressure with each stroke.

  “Hmm, I love your round ass, my sweet. So inviting.” Logan’s voice sounded deeper.

  Kyla gasped as he began to kiss her ass, his fangs nipping as they went, his hands massaging each cheek. He parted her cheeks and licked her opening, sending fire bolts through her body.

  “Oh, so sweet, these cheeks. I intend to spend time buried between them.” Logan continued to lick and then, when she was very wet there, he gently pushed his thumbs inside. Kyla gasped and arched her back up. It was so strange, yet so wonderful at the same time. She felt him withdraw his thumb.

  “But not yet; only when you are ready.” His voice was gentle. He shifted a little, then he parted her thighs wider and his expert fingers found her wet clitoris. “Hmmm, so wet. All this honey for me?” He moaned, as his fingers delved deeper into her, causing her to groan.

  Kyla automatically moved onto her knees, giving him better access, she cared not that she was wanton in her desire for him to go deeper into her. “Logan, that feels so good.” She breathed, her eyes closed, and enjoying every stroke of his hand. She buried her head into the pillow.

  She felt his tongue lick her wet folds, again, and again opening her up to him, fingers and tongue working in unison. Kyla could not help but cry out as her orgasm began to build.


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