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Burned Page 10

by J. Nichole Parkins

  Alejandro recovered first, wrenching his lips from mine. Almost stumbling away, trying to distance himself physically. He licked the blood from his lips and stared into my eyes. A look of wonder replaced his earlier surprise.

  “A rare creature indeed,” he said softly. “I’ve not tasted the like in over six hundred years.” His smile, smug and full of hunger, made my stomach plummet.

  What was I?

  I was in the one position I feared most at this point - alone with Alejandro. He had rushed to dismiss Daniel and Arabella after his stunning announcement. Hesitantly Daniel left, but not without ensuring my desire to accommodate Alejandro’s wishes. I didn’t want to be alone with the vampire, but I didn’t want Daniel - or anyone for that matter - to hear the bomb Alejandro was about to drop.

  “You are the descendant of a god,” he explained almost casually.

  I snorted in disbelief. Yeah right.

  But his gaze was unwavering. He was serious. My jaw almost hit the floor.

  “Your kind was worshiped in South-Central Mexico for thousands of years by many cultures, Olmec, Maya, Aztec.” His eyes dissected my every expression, scrutinizing my reactions. “Have you heard of the Nahual?”

  At my negative response he continued, “Nahual is the general name for your breed – a shape shifting jaguar. The humans that worshiped them provided your ancestors with human sacrifices, blood, and prayed that they wouldn’t end the world. Again. They were considered one of the gods of the underworld, but easily able to move between the planes, unlike many of the other gods. It was believed that your kind held the power of the sun, of fire.”

  I was speechless. This explained all of my powers. A lifetime of mystery solved in just a few sentences.

  I was known.

  If this was true - and I didn’t get the feeling he was lying - I was possibly very powerful. And unfortunately, Alejandro held the knowledge of just how powerful I could be. He was ruthless. He would use me, there was no question of that. The thought filled me with both worry and excitement.

  I was totally in, but at what cost?

  “You may feel a bit strange after our little blood exchange,” he casually added. Not that he hadn’t already rocked my entire world with his announcement of what I was. “Nothing major.” He paused, clearing his throat. “I will admit to losing a bit of control.” His eyes skittered around the room, not meeting mine. A light tinge of pink stained his cheeks.

  Was the six-century-old vampire blushing?

  I’d have laughed if I weren’t screaming inside. The desire to flee left my limbs shaking. Or was that one of the side effects he was warning me about?

  “You are a powerful being, my dear. It was unexpected. I haven’t tasted a Nahual in centuries. I had thought your kind extinct.” His gazed landed hard on mine. “I am so pleased to find otherwise.”

  “What are these side effects? And why would I experience them?” Diving for the meat of the matter, I always was tactless when afraid, or pissed for that matter. This time I felt a little of both.

  “Ah, nothing serious.” He brushed imaginary lint from his suit. “A little power transfer at our exchange. Not only did I gain energy from your exotic blood, but I inadvertently provided you with some of my own. I usually bestow that honor only onto someone who has gained entry into the House. This was a little premature, mind you, but I did have every intention of asking you to join my House. It is a great honor not only to be asked, but also to receive the gift of my blood. My blood is what ties the House together as one. The deeper you are bound the more I can feel you. Your presence. And you can feel mine. It serves many purposes, but ultimately to strengthen both the individual and the House.”

  Eyes swung to mine again, piercing in their intensity. “I would like your answer by the next sunset.”

  “I’m flattered.” I already knew my answer, but added formally, “I will consider such a gracious offer.”

  This was what I had come here for after-all, my purpose. But buzzing about like gnats, the nagging questions started. In the forefront, what ramifications would come from entering the vampire’s den?

  I doubt any of us could truly foresee the costs.

  “Your power may be a bit unstable over the next few days as it works to reach a new equilibrium. It should come more easily than before, so exercise caution. You could have a strong desire to shift to your other self, especially when faced with strong emotion. It should balance out relatively quickly. The effect of my blood is not permanent.”

  I wanted to jump up and celebrate its temporariness, but that might be rude.

  His brow furrowed his voice thick with caution. “However you are a young Nahual, your power will be increasing all on its own. You are maturing and with it comes increased powers. It is too bad there isn’t another Nahual to guide you. I may not be of your kind, but centuries ago I knew a few. I will assist the best I can, if you wish it.”

  “How generous of you, sir.”

  “Of course, that is only if you join the House. I cannot spend so much effort and attention on an outsider. A commitment is necessary. I’d have the needy beating down my door if I started offering favors to every outsider that crossed my path.” I knew the offer wasn’t as simple as it sounded, with Alejandro everything came with a price. There was no such thing as a free lunch.

  “Of course,” I added dryly.

  “You will report back to me tomorrow with your decision.” Picking up the curved handset of the slender black phone on his desk, he had obviously moved on to other issues.

  “Yes, sir.” I resisted the impulse to salute at the order, but just barely.

  The elevator doors swung closed and I stared blankly at my reflection. Wide shell-shocked eyes blinked back at me.

  After twenty-five years, I finally knew what I was.

  Tossing and turning in bed later that evening, the incredible hum of the power that his blood had unleashed in me kept me unsettled. I finally gave up, not only knowing sleep would be futile, but also concerned that I would inadvertently start a fire in my condo. Instead I turned to my tried and true fire-starting preventative - exercise.

  Utilizing my converted dining-room gym, I didn’t have far to go before I was punching and kicking the hell out of my bags. Even after an additional routine of squats, planks, and pull-ups, my muscles showed no sign of fatiguing. The energy continued to gather around me.

  I decided to go for a run. Despite the late hour I knew I didn’t need to fear anything lurking in the night. I was probably the most dangerous thing out there. So I ran. And ran. And ran. The energy seemed endless, beating around my insides like wings wanting to get out, but not knowing how. It wasn’t dissipating fast enough.

  I needed help.

  “Kyra? What are you doing up so early?” Spencer’s voice was heavy with sleep. It was probably close to five in the morning.

  “I need you to come over to my place,” I demanded before I changed my mind. “Now.”

  Stabbing the disconnect button, I didn’t wait for him to respond.

  I paced.

  Back and forth through my small condo, the walls seemed to shrink with each passing. I grabbed my cigarettes from my purse.

  Lighting one proved no more difficult than a thought, the candles throughout the living room were equally as effortless. The power was seductive, it sang through my veins telling me that I could do anything.

  I was a god.

  Who could stop me?

  The banging on my door interrupted the chaos spinning through my mind.


  I hoped his grounding capabilities were strong enough to handle what I was packing. I flew to the door at more than twice my normal speed and almost broke the doorknob wrenching it open.


  “Ground me.” I grabbed him and pulled him inside. The instant our hands touched all the restless energy flowing through me, around me finally had somewhere to go. It poured through him, shock evident on his face.

losing the door quickly he grabbed my other hand, his eyes slamming shut. Brow furrowed his breathing slowed. A cooling tingle moved from our joined hands up my arm. It felt like the energy was being gently prodded and pulled from my body, through his, sinking through the floor. A few minutes of this and I was able to take a deep breath and my muscles finally began to relax.

  “Well, that was interesting.” He popped his neck and stretched his arms above his head, the muscles on his abdomen rippling as his shirt pulled up with the movement.

  “I hope you don’t have any plans today.” At his raised eyebrow I added, “I’m going to need more.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I told you I was going to meet with Alejandro.”

  “And all this.” He gestured around him, skepticism edging his voice. “Is due to meeting him?”

  “Well, not exactly just from meeting him.” Arms crossed, he waited for my explanation. “More from sharing blood with him.”

  “What?” his bellow echoed through my condo. The vein in his forehead bulged as his face reddened. I hesitated, waiting to see if his head was going to explode or if he was going to keel over from an aneurysm. When neither happened, I continued.

  “I couldn’t exactly refuse. He might have killed Daniel. Or me,” I mumbled the last part quickly.

  “I knew this was a bad idea.” Now it was his turn to pace. “How did you end up drinking his blood?”

  “That was an accident. He sort of nicked his lip when he kissed me.”

  “He kissed you?” He threw his hands up in frustration. “What the hell am I going to do with you, Kyra?”

  “Well, a ‘Thank you’ might be nice. I’m just doing my job. Exceptionally well I might add.”

  “Too well.” His glare could have melted steel.

  “Alejandro knew some stuff about me that no one else knows. He was able to tell me about my history. Where I came from.” I told him enough to be truthful but the details would get me killed for sure if the FBI got wind of it.

  “That’s interesting. Our records only have intel on you from your sudden appearance on the grid in Wyoming when you were fourteen. He knew about you before then?”

  “No.” Obviously I wasn’t going to fill any details for the Feds. “He knew where my ancestors were from, about my powers, all of it.”

  “Are you sure he isn’t just getting really good intel?” His eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms, the muscles in his arm flexing with the movement.

  “No Spencer, he knew because he’s been around for hundreds of years. He’s much older than we suspected – at least 600 maybe 700 years old.”

  Spencer whistled. “That’s old. Probably one of the oldest vamps in the US. No wonder he’s so powerful.” Tilting my neck he ran his finger over the partially healed bite.

  “Did it hurt?”

  “Not really,” I admitted. “It was probably the next best thing to really good sex. I see why coffin bait keeps going back.”

  “I don’t have to worry about you do I, Kyra?” I laughed, casually moving away from him.

  “Of course not.” I lied, changing the subject quickly. “He invited me to join the House.” That silenced him.

  He looked at me, a speculative gleam in his eye. “What did you say?”

  “I don’t have to answer until tomorrow…well, tonight now. Sundown.” I paced, the energy building again. Spencer grabbed my hand as I passed him. The energy dissipated with the contact. “This is my way fully in.”

  “But once you are in, how do you get out?”

  “That’s the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question.”

  “This case isn’t going to last forever. It’s just a job. But this is your life we are talking about. We aren’t paying you enough to mess that up. No job is worth that.”

  I considered Alejandro’s offer to teach me about myself, teach me to control it.

  That might be worth it.

  Chapter Ten

  My palms were sticky and damp, but I refused to wipe them on my gorgeous dress. The silky black fabric stuck to me like a second skin. I felt on display, but that was a large part of the ceremony itself. To see and be seen. Daniel’s hand tightened on my arm, drawing my attention from the press of the crowd.

  “You look fabulous.” His breath ticked my ear, causing me to shiver. “I can’t wait to take that dress off you later. But leave on the shoes. They are so hot.”

  My laughter danced through the room pulling the attention of those nearby. My black peekaboos were pretty fabulous, especially covered in spikes. The red inlay was the only color, matching my nails and lipstick. It fit my reckless mood. It was a little vampy, but I was joining a vampire House after all. I couldn’t resist mocking the whole situation a little.

  He guided me to where our host prowled through the throng of creatures.

  “Kyra, welcome,” Alejandro greeted me, bowing slightly at the waist, and kissed my offered hand. His breath feathered across my wrist as he lingered, causing my heart to trip, his thumb brushing across my pulse. Dropping my hand casually he turned his attention to the man beside me. “Thank you for bringing our guest of honor Daniel.”

  “Welcome,” Arabella greeted me tersely. Her frosty gaze traveled over my dress, stopping at my footwear. “Love the shoes.”

  My eyebrow shot up and Daniel laughed as he leaned in and hugged his friend. Was her ability reading minds, or could she hear better than me in a crowded room?

  Alejandro, bored with the mundane turn in the conversation, excused himself while Arabella and I continued discussing shoes. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had a passion for fabulous footwear.

  I was glad Daniel continued to stay close. Despite my normal claustrophobic reaction to constantly being touched, I was comforted by his physical contact. Especially in this crowd. There were way too many vampires for my comfort. I could feel their cold energy seeping heavily throughout the room. There were close to fifty nearby, but not all of them were in this room. Several were behind the scenes lingering as guards or with the caterers. The twenty or so shifters in attendance were surprising, their energy was electric, practically vibrating and bouncing around the room. The two contrasts were stirring, causing my already heightened energy level to buzz, my fingers tingled.

  Finally Alejandro signaled it was time to start the Joining Ceremony. He stood at the head of the huge room tapping the champagne glass in his hand with the mic.

  I focused on keeping myself centered and calm as I reviewed the simple steps I was instructed to perform.

  “We gather here today,” he began, “to welcome a new member into our House.” I loved the sound of his voice. It gathered me in, making me want to comply. Lulling me into agreeing with whatever he was saying. He went on for a few minutes about the history of the House before finally signaling for me to join him.

  “I’d like to introduce you all to Kyra Richards,” he announced as I walked across the room stopping by his side. “My dear Daniel brought her to my attention a few short weeks ago. He is to be commended for encouraging such a bright beautiful woman to join our ranks.” Laughter danced through the room. “Kyra Richards,” he began, looking deep into my eyes, “do you swear fidelity to me and the House from this day forward?”

  I spoke the lines as coached, sealing my fate. I put every ounce of myself in the honest intention of the oath. “I swear to honor you and the House.”

  “Your life is the forfeit for disloyalty and dishonor.” Dread tightened my throat, but I steeled myself and didn’t react to his proclamation. He pulled my body close to his, my back pressed tightly into his chest. His metallic breath fanned my neck causing my heart to race. Pulling my neck taught he struck, his teeth sinking into my skin. Even expecting it, I tensed at his invasion and the pull of my blood being drawn into his body. Anticipating the gathering energy, I was surprised when he pulled away almost immediately. Before it could register, he was offering his bloodied wrist to me. I drank deep, the tangy blood heightening my senses, ca
using my energy to spike as it swirled around us both. Not wanting to clue the others in on our tenuous control, he pulled his wrist away and turned back to the audience, a mask of indifference in place.

  “Welcome to the House Kyra Richards.” I looked out to the crowed surprised to see the same dazed unfocused expression I was trying desperately to hide on the faces of each vampire. “Welcome our newest member. Honor her as you honor me.” The applause snapped the vampires out of their trance-like state as they joined the others in welcoming me.

  Alejandro introduced me around as was customary, but after a while my smile was stiff and my feet were sore. I was ready for the night to end. My head blurred with names and faces that I was desperate to keep straight, but I knew it was an impossible task. Sensing my exhaustion Alejandro stopped a passing server whose tray was heavily ladened with food. I loaded my plate with a few sliders towering with meat and - to Alejandro’s amusement - sprinkled a few pieces of fruit on the side. After practically inhaling the three sliders I snatched another three for good measure. I restrained myself from licking my fingers. Barely.

  Revitalized, he continued with introductions, pausing at a gorgeous WASP-y couple whose eyes were a startling white-blue that I’d never seen.

  “Kyra, I’d like to introduce you to Wilhelm and Verena.”

  “Kyra, it’s nice to meet you,” he spoke in heavily accented German. His warm bony hand enveloped mine. “Alejandro forgets. You may call us Liam and Vera. We don’t sit with too much formality.” His beautiful partner nodded in agreement. Her sharp features held an aristocratic beauty, but her gaze, hard and piercing, seemed to miss nothing. Their energy screamed shifter, but I had no clue as to what type. I figured it would be rude to ask so I held my curiosity at bay.

  Fumbling for something to say I left it simple. “Thank you.”

  “It’s nice to see you back, Liam, Vera. I hope your travels were pleasant,” Alejandro curtly added.


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