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Burned Page 11

by J. Nichole Parkins

  “The Californian deserts were so peaceful and barren. We had a marvelous time.” He was tall and lanky but his defined muscles were evident. Hair so blond it was white hung almost into his eyes, which only emphasized their piercing blueness. If Liam and Vera were any paler, they’d be albino. They were beautiful, if unsettling.

  “Enjoy yourselves. My dear.” Alejandro pushed gently on the small of my back, indicating it was time to continue.

  Another hour later we had covered almost everyone in attendance.

  “The House is larger than I thought,” I mentioned to Arabella as I joined her and Daniel on the settee, groaning as Daniel removed one of my pumps and began to massage the arch of my foot. I would have melted into a puddle on the spot if it weren’t for Arabella’s laughter keeping me planted in reality. I could melt later.

  “Only about two thirds of the members are in attendance tonight. For some it is difficult to get away. Some are overseas, and others avoid these types of functions unless mandatory. I have a feeling I won’t see you at many of these things.”

  “Hell no.” I wasn’t aware that my eyes had closed but they shot open at my slip. “I mean-”

  “No need, Kyra. I’m not big on these things either, but unfortunately my position necessitates I attend almost all of them.”

  “How do you stand it?”

  “Its not too bad, you get used to it. I’m a lawyer. False niceties come with the territory.” For a brief moment I caught a glimpse under her shell. She was trying desperately to hide her unhappiness, but it seeped through. Totally out of my nature I touched her arm gently, soothingly. Startled, her eyes met mine.

  “Seems like we might have more in common than just Daniel and great taste in shoes.”

  “Maybe.” She held up her glass and downed the contents.

  The copious amounts of alcohol being served and the already flexible morals of the partygoers clearly pointed to where the evening was headed. Blood was being shared in alcoves, partners were swapping. As the night progressed the debauchery would only get worse. I’d stayed long enough to make a good impression. I had some debauchery of my own to participate in, only I wanted a little more privacy. I glanced at Daniel who must have recognized the question in my eyes because he rose quickly and made his excuses to Alejandro.

  “I guess we are out of here, finally.” I turned to Arabella. “I’m sure I’ll see you later.”

  “Count on it. I want to know all about you, Kyra.” Her gaze traveled over my skin, searching. “Daniel is very precious to me.” The man in question returned, wrapping his arm around me possessively. He smirked at Arabella.

  “Well, Kyra is very precious to me.” He leaned over me and kissed his friend on the cheek. “And you are too, sweetie. Try to have some fun. You know I will.” He winked over his shoulder as we walked away.

  The room was filled with candles, hundreds of the wax pillars rested on every conceivable surface. The scent of stale sulfur floated on the air. Alejandro swept his arms in front of him, gesturing to the display.

  “Lesson one.”

  “This is a big lesson.” I looked worriedly around the room. I’d lit single objects on fire before but my greatest accomplishment to date was lighting two cigarettes simultaneously. The two hundred candles in front of me made dread coil in my belly. There was no way I could do this.

  “This is nothing but child’s play for what you are capable of doing. You just need to focus the energy on the candles, but without focusing it too narrowly. Do whatever it is that you do to ignite a single object and see it spread in your mind to the others.”

  My doubt was a palpable thing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, centering myself.

  When I opened them Alejandro was in front of me, his sharp eyes bored into mine. He placed his hands on either side of my face, cupping my jaw.

  “You can do this Kyra. Your powers are extraordinary. Limitless. You just need to learn to harness them, and let them go. It’s like breathing.”

  He stepped behind me, allowing me to focus.

  Inhaling deep I considered his words. Like breathing. I pulled the ever-present energy into me like a breath and focused, exhaling the energy into the candles around me. One instantly sparked to life and held, mocking me. I clenched my jaw, my frustration building.

  I repeated the processes only to have three candles ignite. I tried to celebrate the little victory; three was more than I’d accomplished before.

  I tried again imagining the energy flowing out of me on the exhale, and gave it a push, visualizing the candles igniting in a wave around the room. One by one, each candle caught the flame spreading around the room in fits until the whole room was ablaze with the flickering light. The cloying scents of sulfur and burning wax permeated the air.

  Heart soaring, I couldn’t hold back my grin.

  Alejandro stepped up behind me, hand resting on my shoulder. The heavy weight both comforting and repugnant.

  “See. Practice and it will become effortless. Now pull the energy to you as if you were inhaling the same breath back into your lungs.”

  It took several tries, but he was patient with me as this was more of a challenge. Finally each candle went out until the room was plunged into darkness, our eyes unadjusted.

  “I will step out now. Take as much time as you’d like. If you need more candles Petre is outside the room. Let him know what you need and he will provide it.”

  “Thank you.” I turned, meeting his eyes, the satisfaction clear in their brown depths. As much as I disliked Alejandro, I appreciated the fact that I could learn so much from him, and that he was taking the time to teach me.

  “You’re welcome child.” He turned in his usual dramatic manner and closed the thick door behind him.

  Concentrating, I repeated the exercises until I could do both with a mere thought. Once I let go and relaxed, allowing the energy to flow through me freely it went willingly where I wanted it. The candles lit in an effortless wave and extinguished almost as easily. When there was nothing left of the candles but puddles of wax, I stuck my head into the hallway barely able to keep from bouncing up and down like an excited puppy. Hovering outside the door was a gargantuan, rippling with muscles on top of muscles. I had to crane my neck to meet his eyes, which were buried in his Kindle.

  This was Petre? I couldn’t believe they made vampires this large. At my wide-eyed stare the giant guffawed, pocketing the e-reader.

  “More candles?” His deep baritone rumbled through his chest like thunder. I could only nod.

  As he replaced the spent candles, he chatted about anything and everything, gradually putting me at ease. I had never met such a loose-lipped vampire before. He was as talkative as a preteen girl. Normally such a trait would grate on my nerves, but Petre’s deep voice was intoxicating. Plus he was full of surprises - a walking contradiction. When I asked what he was reading, the huge vampire sheepishly passed me his e-reader. I cleared my throat and passed it back to him after reading a few passage, fanning myself in jest. Pertre was a romance fan; his Kindle was full of them.

  Once I was over my shock I rubbed my hands together, anticipation making my breaths shallow.

  “Back to business.”

  I repeated the exercise until I had gone through three entire sets of candles. I was elated.

  I totally had this.

  After hours of using my powers I expected to be exhausted, but instead I felt energized, joyous even. Before I even realized what I was doing, I found myself dialing Daniel’s number.

  “Moshi moshi.” I could hear the laughter in his voice through the phone.

  “What?” He could always make me laugh.

  “It’s hello in Japanese, but only on the phone apparently.”

  “Are you learning Japanese or something?”

  “Pretty much. Alejandro has a couple of visitors from Japan so I’m trying to make them feel more welcome.”

  I blinked slowly a few times, mulling over his answer.

“You never cease to surprise me Daniel.”

  “I’m full of hidden talents.” He lowered his voice, the seductive timbre causing my words to tumble from my lips.

  “Can I come over?”

  “You don’t even need to ask.”

  My knuckles barely rapped on his door before he flung it open, tugging me inside. His lips devoured mine, fingers diving into my short hair as he walked me backwards into the door. The loud slam as it closed echoed through the room and shook the thin wall.

  A thrill raced through me. He gripped my hip and pulled me tight against him, his fingers almost bruising where they bit into my flesh.

  “I was hoping you’d call,” he whispered against my lips, tugging the bottom one between his teeth.

  Any coherent thought fled, my eyes closing as his lips continued to move down my neck, his breath feathering against my skin. I was lost in the sensations. The desire.

  His fingers ran along the band of my shorts, brushing the bare skin above. Arching into his touch, I needed to be closer. My legs wrapped around his waist. Fire trailed as his hand slowly, slowly made its way under the fabric pulling me closer. Trapping me between the door behind me and him.

  I wanted this man more than my next breath. His body definitely agreed.

  We struggled against our clothing, the desire thick in my blood causing my fingers to fumble until I finally tore the fabric. My heart raced, frantic against my chest. His an echo of the same frenzied pace.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” his vehement words were almost growled into my ear, causing me to shiver. Our heated pace never slowing, we were desperate to possess each other.

  Afterward as we lay in a tangled heap, partially undressed on the hardwood floor, Daniel chuckled. His eyes shining with mirth, as his laughter jostled me. My heart was still racing, breath just beginning to slow. I waited, eyebrow cocked, for him to explain.

  “Just thinking about the entertainment we probably just provided my neighbors.”

  I groaned, burrowing my head in his neck.

  “You could have waited to attack me after we made it into your bedroom.” I mumbled into his soft skin.

  “Like we’ve ever made it into the bedroom on the first round.” The smirk evident in his tone, didn’t diminish the truth of his words.

  “What can I say? I can’t resist your animal magnetism.”

  “More like yours.”

  I stiffened. Eyes darting to his. Did he know?

  The clarity in his eyes made me relax back against him, listening to the thumping of his slowing heart.

  “Stay with me?” The vulnerability stabbed at my heart.

  “I’m sorry,” I choked on the words, forcing them from between my lips. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

  “It’s okay.” Soft fingers gently ran through my hair, soothing the ache denying him had caused.

  My world had shifted so much in such a short time. If I stopped to think about it, the panic started clawing its way up my throat. Would I ever be ready to give him more?

  Chapter Eleven

  Being in the House wasn’t like I’d thought it would be. I spent a few days a week practicing my powers. Repeating exercises under Alejandro’s guidance until they were flawless. He was a difficult taskmaster. Some days I hated the vampire as he made me stand in front of him, performing on repeat like a circus monkey. Other days I almost respected him. Almost. He had a challenging position, one I didn’t appreciate until I was faced with it day-in and day-out. Leading a group of preternaturals, each with their own powers, needs, and attitudes in a world where they needed to stay hidden, wasn’t easy. He was approached to resolve issues between factions in his own House, as well as being diplomatic and above reproach when dealing with other Houses.

  Vampire politics were not fun.

  I watched from the sidelines, hidden out in the open, for any clues, any hint of a creature that might be responsible for the murders. I spent less time with Spencer, as was expected. I made sure to check in periodically, to keep up-to-date on the case. There had been two more bodies discovered, since I’d joined the House. One was an older kill that was almost completely scavenged, the other a fresher scene. Only days old. He didn’t call me to either scene, having his forensic team locate the secondary site at both. Each time I saw him, the frown lines on his forehead were deeper, his eyes more pinched. This case was aging him.

  I, on the other hand, was flourishing in the House. When I stopped to think about it, typically after meeting with Spencer, the guilt almost smothered me. After a while I answered his calls less and less. Preferring to text him. Keeping the contact superficial and unemotional.

  My powers were growing. The fluctuations were sometimes erratic, mostly after paying tribute to Alejandro - his fancy phrase for gnawing on his subject’s necks. On days I was made to take some of his, the variations were worse. Much worse.

  Arabella was a constant presence, always by Alejandro’s side. Her watchful eyes made me feel naked, stripped bare. I was waiting for her to point her elegant finger and identify me as the impostor I was. Despite that, I found myself enjoying her company, our mutual appreciation for shoes and our relationship with Daniel cemented an awkward friendship of sorts.

  I had spent so long separating myself from others like me, hiding, that it was refreshing. In my drive to hide from others, to pretend to be human, I had hidden from myself. I didn’t know who I was, but I was slowly discovering more about myself as each day passed.

  My trust in myself and my abilities grew with my control. Alejandro threw a lot of lavish parties, many filled with politicians and other humans in positions of power. During those events we all had to be on our best behavior, required to keep the illusion that we were all human. Most events were for House members only, usually a mingling of humans and others. Evenings filled with debauchery and overindulgence, I’d witnessed things that caused me to turn away in embarrassment. Thankfully Daniel attended most of the events with me. Arabella was a constant presence, her position forcing her to play the consummate hostess as she reigned elegantly at Alejandro’s side.

  I pulled away more and more from the few non-House friends I had. Calling Allison after avoiding her calls for a week, I let her know I wouldn’t be taking any of her cases for a while. Her disappointment when I evaded her questions was palpable. The hurt was clear as if she was shouting as I began only responding to her in brief texts, increasing the sickening guilt that sat heavy in my gut.

  I immersed myself in the House, slowly becoming an integral part of the machine. I often accompanied Alejandro on errands, my head spinning as information was tossed my way at a dizzying rate. I learned not only about the intricacies of the House and vampire politics, but about the creatures it contained. The others. Vampires, shifters of varying types, fey, creatures of myth I had only read about. My watchful eyes took it all in, categorizing everything for future use. Listening. Waiting.

  Lighting cigarettes and candles were one thing, setting a building on fire was another thing entirely. I’d made more progress than I ever thought possible. I hoped with the combination of all the recent practice and the increases in power, that I would be able to do this. Alejandro insisted. And one did not deny Alejandro.

  I considered how I use the energy to light a cigarette and focused that energy. Smoke curled along the edge of the building, the acrid smell stinging my nose. I concentrated on building the energy and focused it hard on the cardboard box just visible on the side of the wall. When a flame appeared, my heart leapt elated with my accomplishment. I heard Alejandro’s murmur of encouragement beside me, but I stayed focused on the box. Just the box. The flame grew in height, doubling then tripling in size. I continued to focus, feeding it energy until the flames jumped to the wall of the building beside it. Elated I caught Alejandro’s proud expression from the corner of my vision.

  But my job wasn’t finished so bringing my attention back to the flames I continued to focus, to feed the flames. I pulled the energ
y from the air and ground around me, directing it. The trail of energy tingled along my skin, the sensation similar to the pins and needles when a limb goes to sleep. The biting, pleasure-pain ebbed and flowed along with the growing flames. My heart sped up, blood singing in my veins. I was doing it. I was in control. The fire was my puppet, and I its master.

  The flames continued to increase, engulfing the entire room. The snapping and popping breaking the silence of the night. As fast as it was growing we only had minutes before we were caught. Focusing I gave the energy one final push and the entire ground floor was engulfed in flames.

  “Excellent Kyra.” Alejandro settled his heavy hand on my shoulder, squeezing. His voice proud and calculating. “I knew you would be a fast learner. Next time will be easier. Soon it will come to you effortlessly, like breathing. Like shifting.”

  “I just…” I paused to gather my thoughts as they fluttered around my head like butterflies. “I’m surprised how easy it was once I focused and lost my fear. It’s-” I searched for the right word, “natural.”

  His laughter, an almost tangible thing, wrapped around me. Infiltrating my insides and took residence in my head, echoing. “It is natural my child. You are a Nahual. It is what you do,” he stated simply.

  “It is time to leave. Your fire will draw the authorities as it is continuing to grow.”

  Glancing back at the building, it was almost completely consumed by flames. Two of the three stories were on fire. I could feel the heat; it reminded me of the warmth of the sun when I lay on the beach. The smoke permeated the air, clung to our clothing. Its bitter scent would be the only evidence we were involved. The noise was almost deafening as the fire cackled and popped its way throughout the building.

  I followed Alejandro into the back of his black Mercedes S-Class Sedan - the vampire’s attempt at being nondescript.

  “Back to the office, Petre.” The hulking vampire nodded, winking at me in the rearview mirror.


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