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Page 12

by J. Nichole Parkins

  “You did well tonight, Kyra. I have a feeling this will be a very beneficial partnership. You will grow by leaps and bounds under my tutelage.”

  I tried to keep in mind why I was really here. It wasn’t about me. It wasn’t about my heritage or my learning how to be a Nahual. It was about solving the grisly murders that were plaguing the Tampa Bay area. About catching a cruel and demented killer. But in this moment I just wanted to revel in my accomplishment.

  I was in control of the fire. It no longer controlled me. My blood sang through my veins. After so many years of struggling with my other half - the cat - and finally finding some sort of peace, only to have a new challenge to deal with as my latent abilities reared their ugly head.

  Being at the mercy of my body, my emotions. Forced to separate myself from everyone for their own safety. And mine.

  I might have a chance again. An inkling of something I hadn’t felt in years planted in my heart like a seed.


  I tried not to nourish it however, as this was only the first real test. The first success. I’d take it though, and celebrate the hell out of it. It was a step.

  “Don’t feel discouraged if your control grows and wanes like the tide. Your powers are in flux and you are coming into your own. You will grow stronger and with that comes a period of adjustment, as you learn to adapt to the changes. Don’t take any step back as a loss - and there will be steps back. You are an untrained Nahual, one of the last of an entire species. We will do what we can to ensure you don’t falter. But I have high hopes for you, my dear. High hopes.” The calculating glint in his eye didn’t frighten me, although it should have.

  When we got back to Alejandro’s luxurious condo, Liam and Vera were sprawled on the chaise lounge getting a little too comfortable. I was as liberal as they come with sexual inhibitions, but I generally didn’t get it on in my boss’s office while he was gone. That was pushing it even for me. As they straightened their clothing and pulled themselves together unapologetically, I glanced at Alejandro who showed no reaction at all. Not even a slight annoyance.

  Their macabre eyes landed on me and a chill danced down my spine. I didn’t know what it was about them that skeeved me out, but I didn’t like them. I was used to the almost feral gleam in other predator’s eyes, but theirs were creepy on a whole new level. Similar to that of a vulture waiting for a man to succumb to death in the desert. Patient. Devious. I never wanted to be left in a room alone with either of them - definitely not both.

  Alejandro gestured for a waiting grunt to bring drinks as he sat on a plush chair opposite from the couple. Drawn to the wall of glass windows and the view of the bay outside, I searched the horizon for any hint of the fire we had just left. Disappointed at finding none. I could however see the cruise ships docked in the bay. What did it feel like to be so blessedly normal? To be excited at the prospect of a simple journey by ship to a tropical paradise, instead of filled with dread that one way or another you’d kill everyone aboard.

  As I watched the endless bustle of minuscule people as they prepared the ship for the next day’s launch with another motley crew of vacationers, I was lulled by the murmurs of the creatures in the room. Until I caught one whispered word that narrowed all of my attention on their conversation. Bodies.

  “Now is not the time. I am disappointed in you both.” Alejandro scolded. “You come to my district and leave me a mess to clean up. Disrespectful! We will talk about this later, but if I hear about one more incident you’ll be sorry you ever asked me for sanctuary.” He rose gracefully and stabbed his finger toward the door. “You know your way out.”

  Turning his back on the couple he walked over to where I stood, still watching the city below but seeing nothing. The wheels in my head turning. Wondering who Liam and Vera really were.

  “Like ants.” His hand trailed down my arm, long fingers circling my wrist, pulling my arm behind me. Gently but with an undercurrent of anger. I waited, knowing what he wanted. What was going to happen. I braced myself for it.

  “You have done well tonight.” His body was cool behind mine as he pulled me closer. I tilted my head, exposing my neck, knowing my tribute was expected. Demanded.

  A seed of concern tried to grow, but I snuffed it. Trusting in both my power and his years of control to keep things safe.

  He growled, the rumble reverberating through his chest. His soft lips brushed my neck, awareness fighting with my revulsion. Before I could brace myself he struck, fangs piercing the artery, pulling the life force from my body. I concentrated on the scene below, ignoring our combined reflection in the glass, not wanting to see his expression, nor mine. Detached. Numb.

  In mere moments he was done, closing the twin wounds with a swipe of his tongue. He walked to his waiting drink, his servant had brought it in unnoticed. The ice in his glass clinked against each other as I stood, planted in the same spot, still staring at the people scurrying below. I struggled to find my equilibrium as the energy swirled around me, my blood humming.

  To him the act was almost commonplace, nothing more spectacular than drinking a hundred year old brandy versus a two year old. Enjoyable and tasty, but nothing earth-shattering.

  I took the glass of white wine he offered, despite not caring for it. I needed something to occupy my shaking hands.

  “Daniel will be up in a few minutes to take you home, my dear. You may want to spend the next day relaxing.” He chuckled knowing that if Daniel and I were together we wouldn’t be relaxing. “Or at least as much as you can.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Daniel and Arabella entered. I bristled at her presence, but tried not to show it. I liked her, I really did, but she still got my back up. Her eyes were always searching, like she knew something about me and was peering into my soul to find it. I shivered and turned to the gorgeous man whose attention was focused only on me. Our eyes collided, pulling me in. I wanted to lose myself in him forever. Warming at my uncharacteristic thoughts, a slight blush tinted my cheeks. The quirk of his lips the only indication that he noticed. I could feel his energy as he strode closer. The connection between us was eerie. Unusual. Concerning. He was just human after all. An incredibly sexy human, but human none-the-less.

  Just close enough to touch he stopped, never breaking eye contact. Clear blue eyes scrutinized mine, assessing. Reading all of my secrets without me saying a word. My body cried out for his touch, but I held myself back out of sheer stubbornness. Rebelling against any emotional connection out of habit. And fear. He was only human, I repeated to myself.

  As if I had spoken aloud his eyes narrowed, frowning.

  “I missed you,” his whisper might as well have been a shout. There was no secret about that. I couldn’t help the smile that inched its way onto my face. The answering twinkle in his mesmerizing eyes spoke volumes. Making promises about the uninterrupted twenty-four hours ahead of us. My skin sizzled at the images which flashed in my mind. Oh, the fun we would have. I felt giddy, like I hadn’t in years. Like I was for a short time when I was a teen back in Wyoming. With-

  I cut the thought off before it could take root. Pushing the past back to where it belonged. Behind me.

  Sensing my struggle he reached out, fingers sliding between mine. Every centimeter of skin fanned the flames inside. Pulled my focus back to the now. The here. I smiled gratefully, gripping his hand in mine.

  During our mostly silent discussion Arabella and Alejandro had settled with their drinks. Heads bent close, oblivious. Their relationship was complex, baffling. It was clear they had a personal relationship as well as being associates, but she had no bite marks I could smell. Not even old ones. It was obvious he wasn’t snacking on her. They were a puzzle to piece together. Patting her hand and allowing it to linger, his comforting gesture bewildered me.

  I bit my lip as I pondered their interaction, perplexed.

  “You kill me when you do that.” Daniel tugged on my hand drawing my attention away from the couple.


  “Bite your lip like that.” His husky voice dropped. My heart slammed against my chest, his words sparking my desire. “Let’s go. My place or yours?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh as he intended. I debated for a minute before answering.

  “Mine.” The simple word meant so much more than on the surface. Understanding the significance, his cerulean eyes widened.

  I felt a little reckless after my progress today. Reckless and ready. I knew in my heart I could trust him. Warmth filled my chest at the thought. I really could. At least enough not to murder me in my sleep. I needed to let go a little. I didn’t always need to keep everyone at arm’s length.

  Hurriedly we made excuses to Arabella and Alejandro and took off for the elevator. Neither of us cared to give a show to security monitoring the elevator cameras, so we impatiently waited as it descended the fifteen floors to the parking garage hidden below the building. Only touching through our clasped hands we rushed off the elevator, laughing until we reached my Suzuki.

  I straddled the bike and jumped the engine, feeling her purr between my thighs. My suggestive smile had Daniel rushing to climb behind me, slipping on the offered helmet. His grip on my waist tightened as I shot off, unconcerned about speed limits as we sped through the maze of the underground lot. Flying through the almost abandoned streets, his hands slipped under my shirt and rested on my stomach. My anticipation built as I felt his hands trembling with restraint, his hot breath on my neck stoked the flames. I steeled myself as his teeth nipped at my ear, focusing desperately to keep the bike safely on the road.

  Finally I parked the Suzuki in its spot under my building - a tall industrial walk-up, similar to Daniels but with a stellar view of Tampa Bay. By the heat in his gaze, I doubt we’d be noticing that particular feature tonight. If we happened to make it through the door at all.

  We giggled like kids, groping in the hallway as I tried to unlock the door. Nibbling on my neck he made me drop the keys twice. The second time I pushed him away, laughing so I could finally get the door unlocked. Once inside, I tossed them on the table, toeing off my shoes. My hands grasped the hem of my shirt and I started to pull it over my head when he stopped me.

  “I really want this right now.” He pulled me closer, breathing in my scent under my ear just like a fellow shifter. The feeling shot straight to my toes, causing me to gasp. “But.” His breath was warm on my ear, each word causing tingles to skitter across my body. “I’d like to see your place. Since it’s my first time.”

  I grabbed his face in my hands and looked deep into his eyes.

  “I’ll give you the tour later,” I murmured before slamming my lips onto his impatiently. I needed to feel him. I couldn’t wait a minute longer. Finally he relented. I replaced my hands on the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, breaking contact only as long as absolutely necessary. His fingers fumbled at the button on my jeans as I deftly removed his. The cool air hit him and he sprang forth since he never wore anything beneath. He groaned against my lips renewing his efforts, successfully sliding the button free.

  We made it to the bed in the loft, but just barely as we explored each other. Luxuriating in the moment. Bringing each other to ecstasy again and again before we finally succumbed to exhaustion.

  Chapter Twelve

  I woke to the feeling of being watched. Strangely enough it wasn’t unsettling since I knew it was Daniel’s eyes that I felt.

  I peeked one eye open confirming it. We were tangled in the sheets from my bed and had fallen asleep exhausted. We both knew the significance.

  I didn’t sleep with anyone.

  He watched me, propping his head in his hand. A small smile on his face.

  “Morning.” He leaned down and kissed my nose. I couldn’t help but smile back, even though I hadn’t had a cup of coffee yet.

  “Morning,” I mumbled back, trying not to share my morning breath with him.

  Rolling his eyes at my obvious effort he held my head still and kissed me. Parting my lips as he slid his tongue against mine, kissing me until I was breathless.

  “You don’t ever need to hide yourself from me. Even your worst parts.” His lips brushed against mine, his words burrowing into my heart. Stabbing me deep, tears threatened to slip free. I had finally found someone who might actually take me as I was, but I was lying to him. Using him to further a case of all things. Guilt threatened to smother me, stealing my breath. Unable to hold his gaze, I looked away blinking back the tears.

  Cupping my face his gentle hands coaxed it back, my eyes returned to his. Eyes that were shining with understanding. Acceptance. And something else - something I was terrified to define. Something that choked me and set my heart soaring at the same time.

  “Even the worst parts.” Soft lips met mine in a kiss so tender, so full of that something I refused to name, that a sob broke free. Pulling me tight he rained kisses all over my face, my eyes, my cheeks, my nose. Until finally our lips met again.

  Our breaths mingled, his essence became mine. Mine joined his as he pulled my breath deep into his lungs. Staring deep into his eyes, I lost myself. Only to be found. Tears slipped free as my heart expanded, as he filled places I hadn’t realized were empty. Had been empty for far too long.

  This time we made love slowly, each touch deliberate. Measured. We savored every cry, every shudder. I had never experienced anything like it. There was no rush.

  We had all the time in the world.

  I inhaled the aroma of the coffee beans as my pot brewed, getting a boost from the scent alone. Since I was barely a passable cook - my kitchen used more for heating up takeout than any actual cooking - Daniel took over, making a mouthwatering frittata stuffed with leftover veggies and meats he discovered in the fridge. As I inhaled my third piece, moaning over the savory layers of sausage and spinach, I asked him where he had learned to cook.

  “Well, as you know, I didn’t have a great upbringing.” After eating a few more bites he continued. “When I was finally in a place with a kitchen I used the power of the internet to learn how to cook real food instead of just cheap boxed crap. I have lots of skills you’ve yet to discover.” Always keeping me laughing he wiggled his eyebrows as we both cleaned up and moved into the living room.

  “I never did get that tour.” I showed him around, but my place was so small I didn’t have to move much, just point.

  “I converted the dining room into a quasi-gym since I have the bar in the kitchen.” Gesturing to the open room off the living room, he hit the bag a few times and poked at my weights his eyes shooting to mine when he noticed the weight. “I’m stronger than I look.”

  “I’d say so.” He attempted to pick up one of the mid-sized weights and had to use both hands. Shaking his head he put it back and walked over to the wall to wall windows. They were two stories tall and overlooked Tampa Bay. The sun glistened off the clear blue water making it appear almost magical. Ethereal. My place wasn’t anything fancy with its mismatched used furniture, but the view was stunning and he said so.

  “I love it. Makes the rent high but it’s worth every penny.”

  Wrapping his arms around me he pulled me close, resting his chin on my shoulder as we took in the beauty before us.

  “You know what I’d like to do?” His voice was low and suggestive, reawakening my desire. Desire that seemed endless. I should have been completely satiated considering how many times we’d made love in the past several hours.


  He kissed the side of my head and whispered in my ear.

  “Get some popcorn.” His lips brushed against the shell of my ear, causing me to shudder. “Cuddle on the couch.” Another kiss, a brush of lips on my neck. “And watch a movie.” He blew a big wet raspberry on my cheek. Laughing, I wiped the moisture away and tossed him the remote.

  “You pick. I’ll get the popcorn.”

  We spent the next few hours watching movies, throwing popcorn at each other and then making love on the
couch. Then again on the floor. It was hands-down the best day I’d ever had.

  “Where have you been the last couple of days?” Spencer stared expectantly, when I opened the door at his knock. I knew I should have checked my cell phone at some point.

  What did I do in response?

  I blushed.

  His deep chuckle resounded through the house. If Daniel wasn’t already awake he would be now. I put my finger to my lips, telling my partner to shush.

  “Oh, he’s still here? You are too funny.” Not waiting for an invitation, Spencer sauntered in and collapsed on my couch. The real world was intruding on my fantasy. I sighed heavily and climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Daniel sleepily rubbed his eyes, snuggled in the blankets. I groaned. I’d give just about anything to crawl back into bed with him. We’d slept together for two nights. Pretty amazing considering my track record of running before the sheets cooled.

  “Spencer?” he mumbled, looking sweet and adorable. His hair, blue this time, stuck out all over the place. “I’m getting in the shower,” he mumbled again after I nodded, stumbling from the bed.

  He peeked his head out of the bathroom wearing a sly smile.

  “Join me?”

  I threw the pillow at him, hitting him squarely in the face. His laughter could still be heard after he turned on the spray. Finding a pair of shorts, I yanked them on, sniffing the tee shirt I had found on the floor in my rush to get the door. Passable.

  Moments later Daniel appeared downstairs his hair damp from the shower, looking a lot more alert, to find Spencer and I glaring at each other over coffee.

  “Spencer,” Daniel greeted my partner, who broke off his glaring at me to grin at Daniel. Glancing from Spencer to me, Daniel shrugged, pouring himself a cup. “Do I even want to ask?”

  “I’m not happy about her and Alejandro,” Spencer ground out.

  “It’s none of your business,” I retorted.


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