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Starlight Stables: Saving Starlight

Page 8

by Soraya Nicholas

  ‘Katie Richards takes out sixth place!’

  ‘Yes!’ Poppy hissed under her breath at the same time as Milly cried out the word.

  ‘It’s official, we’ve all made it,’ Poppy said. She couldn’t believe it. ‘We’ve actually done it.’

  ‘Not yet,’ Milly said. ‘I want that pretty rug. And I’m going to get it.’

  Poppy exchanged glances with Katie. She’d never seen Milly this serious or determined about anything other than trouble-making before, and it showed Poppy what strong competition she was. Joe was a quick pony, too, which made him perfect for this type of timed trial. But Crystal was consistent and clever and her knees tucked in so high when they jumped, making her a true superstar, so she wasn’t going to let it rattle her confidence. Poppy knew she was still in with a shot for the big jump-off. She plastered a smile on her face as her aunt and uncle congratulated them.

  ‘Could the top six riders please prepare to re-enter the ring. Sixth place goes first!’

  Poppy gathered up her reins, knowing she would need to give Crystal a light warm-up again. ‘Good luck, Katie.’

  Katie gave Cody a quick pat. ‘I’m kinda nervous.’

  ‘Me too!’ Poppy admitted.

  Milly didn’t seem to be suffering from the same bout of nerves. She was off at a trot and doing her thing. Poppy wished some of it would rub off on her, although maybe it already had. Maybe that was why she was so determined all of a sudden.

  As she trotted, then cantered, letting Crystal stretch out and warm up her muscles, Poppy noticed Aunt Sophie talking to a man she hadn’t seen before. He was gesturing widely and smiling, and her aunt looked happy, but Mark had his arms folded, his expression way more serious than usual. Poppy felt a now-familiar churning in her tummy, but she forced the feeling down. Surely it wouldn’t be bad news, not here, and the man didn’t look all mean and cold like the ones from the bank.

  ‘Watch out!’

  Poppy turned her attention back to what she was doing just in time to see the rider on the perfect black pony come flying towards her.

  ‘Eeek!’ Poppy managed to turn Crystal hard out of the girl’s way.

  ‘Sorry! I couldn’t stop him!’

  Poppy waved out as the other rider cantered in a circle around her. ‘No problem.’ Maybe the pony wasn’t as perfect as he looked. From the way he was throwing around his head and chomping on the bit, she was guessing he turned on the charm in the ring and could be difficult otherwise.

  ‘Good luck!’ the girl called.

  Poppy smiled back. Milly was right, this rider was impossible to hate even if they were all jealous of her. ‘Yeah, you too.’

  And then she saw Katie in the ring and she slowed Crystal to a walk and headed back. It was almost show-time again.

  ‘Go!’ Poppy whispered to Crystal as they shot through the flags and hoofed it towards the first jump. She had her legs firmly to her pony’s side, body upright but tipped forward slightly in jumping position as they flew over. Poppy wasn’t going to slow Crystal down and she wasn’t going to interfere with her, just point her in the right direction and trust that she’d get them safely over each fence.

  She knew they were going faster than Katie had gone, and Poppy didn’t just want to get around, she wanted to win. They soared over the next jump and the next, and Poppy tuned everything out, focused on every jump. She listened to the sound of Crystal’s hooves as they landed, gripped the leather reins and kept her eyes up.

  ‘We can do this, come on, girl!’ she said to Crystal, not caring who could hear her. ‘We’re almost there!’

  Crystal seemed to sense her excitement and grunted as she took off over the first of the double, easily zipping between the jumps and flying over the next. Then they were over the second to last, then the last, and Poppy thrust her reins forward as they raced the rest of the way to the finish line.

  ‘Yes! We did it!’ she whispered, patting her on the neck, her smile hurting her cheeks it was so wide. ‘Clear again!’

  Milly was up next and they passed each other. Joe was hyper and dancing sideways, but Milly looked like she either had him under control or didn’t care.

  ‘Good luck!’ Poppy called out.

  ‘Ha! As if I’m gonna beat that!’ Milly cried back.

  Poppy halted as soon as she left the ring to watch her friend. She gasped as Joe looked like he was going to stop at the first, then did a massive jump to clear it like it was double the size it actually was. Then he zoomed around the rest of them.

  ‘No!’ Poppy groaned as Milly took a rail, then another, as they headed too fast into the double. They were so fast, but Joe got a little too excited sometimes, just like his rider.

  When Milly finally exited, Poppy flashed her a big smile. It had still been a great round.

  ‘He looked strong out there,’ Poppy said as a breathless Milly pulled up beside her.

  ‘He just about yanked my arms off!’ Milly moaned.

  Poppy laughed and positioned Crystal beside Joe. They stayed mounted to watch the final rider, the one on the pretty black gelding. Poppy fought the urge to cover her eyes, knowing that if they stuffed up at all, Poppy might have a shot at winning. As if that’s gonna happen.

  ‘What’s the bet she’ll ace it?’ Milly sighed.

  Poppy didn’t say anything until the round was over and the girl and her gelding went all clear. ‘She’s amazing.’ She was starting to have her doubts that she’d be able to beat this rider in the jump-off, but she was trying hard not to think about it.

  Milly had turned already and started to head back to the others, and Poppy did the same, following her at a walk. She was so proud of Crystal, and she knew her aunt would be, too.

  ‘I timed all the rides, girls,’ Aunt Sophie said.

  Poppy halted. ‘And?’

  Aunt Sophie’s grin was huge. ‘I think it’s going to be close for first place. I timed the last rider as being a second or two faster than you, but the official time might be different.’

  Poppy had to stop her mouth from hanging open. ‘Seriously?’

  ‘Yep, seriously,’ Aunt Sophie said.

  Poppy looked at Katie, then at Milly, dumbstruck.

  ‘That means you’ll be second if you don’t win,’ Katie said, as if Poppy hadn’t figured out what her aunt meant.

  ‘She’s not dumb!’ Milly laughed.

  Poppy dismounted and her aunt threw her arms around her. ‘You’re so close, Poppy. I really, truly believe that you’re amazing.’ Aunt Sophie looked around at the girls. ‘You all are. You’ve made me so proud.’

  Poppy glanced at her watch. Only an hour to go until the big jump-off.

  ‘Come on, Mark’s gone to get lunch ready. Who’s hungry?’

  ‘Me!’ Poppy answered in unison with her friends.

  The other two dismounted beside her and they all led their ponies after Aunt Sophie and headed for the truck.

  Poppy was munching on a hot dog that Mark had bought for them when she remembered the man Aunt Sophie had been talking to earlier. She finished her mouthful.

  ‘Hey, Aunt Sophie, I saw you talking to someone before. Was he a parent?’ Poppy didn’t want to sound too nosey without having a reason to ask. ‘I thought he might have been watching the black gelding.’

  Aunt Sophie looked up and smiled. She didn’t look worried; in fact, she looked more relaxed than she had in days.

  ‘He’s actually the director of FrostBreaker Horse Rugs. He was here to personally give the winner from your class the rug,’ Sophie said. ‘He recognised me, that’s all.’

  Uncle Mark laughed and Poppy spun around to eyeball him.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ she asked. She looked at Milly and Katie but they were chatting with their heads bent together, so it wasn’t like anyone else was in on the joke. ‘Why are you laughing?’

  ‘Nothing,’ Mark said, but Poppy could tell he was lying. ‘It’s just that coming here with you girls today was a stroke of good luck.’

; Poppy was puzzled. ‘I don’t understand.’

  Aunt Sophie shook her head and glared at Mark, which only made Poppy more curious. She hated secrets!

  ‘Poppy, that man is interested in sponsoring me. He thinks I’m a good fit for the company, and he said that if I place top three at the dressage champs I could consider it a done deal.’

  ‘No way!’ Poppy jumped up, so excited. ‘That’s amazing!’

  ‘What’s amazing?’ Milly asked.

  Poppy saw that they’d stopped talking and were staring at her like she was loony.

  ‘I’m going to get ready for the jump-off,’ she blurted, desperate to make the day even better.

  ‘Poppy, don’t get too excited for me,’ Aunt Sophie cautioned, her hand closing over Poppy’s wrist. ‘We haven’t discussed the finer details, but it’s a step in the right direction. A big step.’

  Poppy threw her arms around her aunt and gave her a quick hug. ‘He’d be crazy not to sponsor you.’

  ‘Well, I’m glad you think so.’

  Aunt Sophie kissed her head and then Poppy ran off to get Crystal ready. It was now or never.

  It was time. Poppy had already watched a few other riders, and there weren’t as many in this class as her last one. It seemed not everyone was giving it a go, but the lack of numbers wasn’t helping Poppy’s nerves at all. Maybe I should just canter off in the other direction … No, you can do this!

  She shortened her reins and prepared to go. Crystal snorted as she held her back, and when it was their turn they settled into a steady canter and easily cleared the jump. They repeated that three more times, with only one rider being knocked out of the class. The next round they lost three more riders, the jump seeming a lot higher than when they’d first started, and Poppy’s heart started to pound when she was one of only ten riders left.

  ‘It’s not that big,’ she muttered to Crystal as the jump went up another notch. Who am I kidding – it’s huge.

  When it was their turn again she pushed Crystal into a canter, keeping her reins short enough to have contact but without holding her pony back. They cantered fast and Crystal took off perfectly, clearing it with ease. Poppy gave her a quick pat, and just as they halted she heard the crash of a rail and realised the rider after them hadn’t gone so well. It must have been Milly. At least Katie’s still in.

  A groan echoed through the crowd when another rider took a rail.

  Poppy glanced to her left, then right, saw that they were down to seven after that round. The next rider dropped a rail too. Six. Including her.

  ‘Go girls!’ Uncle Mark was cheering from the sideline and Poppy gave him a quick wave. He was always so goofy and fun, and the way he was jumping up and down made her forget how nervous she was for a moment.

  ‘And here we go again!’ The scratchy voice came through the loudspeaker without any warning and made Crystal startle.

  ‘Whoa, you’re okay,’ Poppy told her as she settled her mare, one hand to her neck, the other firmly holding the reins. ‘It’s almost our turn again.’

  She grimaced when she looked up just in time to see the first horse refuse, putting on his brakes and almost sending his rider flying over the rail without him. Then it was Katie’s turn and Poppy watched as she cleared it. Another rider knocked a rail, the black gelding aced it, and then it was Poppy’s turn. She didn’t do anything different this time around, just let Crystal work her magic. Her pony tucked her legs up high, the movement of her body flying through the air feeling bigger than usual, just like it had when they’d been training at Starlight over the larger fence. They landed without touching a pole. Yes!

  The final rider took a rail, which meant there were only three of them left now. She gulped. How had they done this well against such amazing riders?

  ‘Good luck,’ the rider of the black pony said out of the blue.

  Poppy smiled. ‘You too.’

  Katie wasn’t looking at her, seemed completely focused, and this time around Poppy wasn’t so sure they were going to clear the jump. The three horizontal red-and-white striped poles looked like pretty candy canes. But this time they were so high.

  It was Katie first, and as she cantered towards it and Cody took off, Poppy was certain she was going to clear it. But Cody’s back hoof just clipped it. The rail rolled from side to side before eventually tumbling to the ground.

  ‘And third place goes to Katie Richards!’ the announcer said, the screech and crackle of the loudspeaker making Crystal lurch sideways. Poppy wished they’d stop using the stupid thing!

  ‘You did great, Katie,’ Poppy called out as her friend left the ring. And then it was time for the black pony, who cleared it so easily he made it look like jumping a Cavaletti.

  Poppy swallowed hard, taking her time, not wanting to spook Crystal with her own nerves.

  ‘Here goes nothing,’ she whispered as they set off towards the jump.

  Poppy stared at the centre of it, almost hypnotised by the size of it; the bright poles drawing her gaze. But then she remembered her lessons. She quickly raised her eyes and let Crystal speed up. Three strides, two, one . . . lift off!

  They flew through the air and Poppy glanced behind her when they landed, amazed that the top rail was still up. She burst out laughing. How was she still in the competition, against one of the best riders she’d ever competed against? It was crazy!

  The jump went up again and she gulped. It was scary high now. Luckily the black pony had to go first.

  Poppy shoved her fist into her mouth, biting down on it as the pony lifted off the ground, only just clearing the big upright. Then it was her turn. She sucked in a big breath and then they were heading towards the jump. I can do it. Crystal is amazing. We are going to make it.

  ‘Eeek!’ She couldn’t help squeaking as they took off. Crystal had never jumped so big! Poppy thrust her reins forward, releasing them all the way so Crystal could stretch her neck out and get them over. She glanced down, saw that they were clearing it, then they landed and the impact was bigger than she’d ever felt before. Poppy straightened in the saddle, unable to wipe the smile off her face. We did it!

  Then it dawned on her that the jump was about to go higher. What if they both cleared this one and then it had to go even . . . Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Just jump.

  Poppy stayed quiet and still as she watched the jump go up again. It was like her body had completely frozen to the saddle.

  The black gelding quickened his pace before he approached, stretching up high, looking like he was going to just clear it. Then his hoof clipped the rail. It rattled and Poppy gasped. Ohmygod. No way. She shut her eyes tight. There was no thump.

  Poppy opened her eyes and saw the rail was still moving. Then it fell slowly to the ground.

  It had been so close, but if she jumped clear this last time then the prize was hers!

  Poppy looked down at her hands, watching them shake. She held the reins tighter, clasped her gloves around the leather. Crystal reared, only going halfway up, but Poppy knew it was because she could feel her nerves. Crystal’s heartbeat was probably matching hers, which was super-fast right now!

  ‘We’ve got this,’ Poppy told Crystal in a voice that sounded way more confident than she felt. There was so much on the line. So much riding on this one jump. If she won, she could pay for Crystal, make sure her pony wasn’t sold if things didn’t work out for Aunt Sophie and Uncle Mark.

  Poppy stared at the jump, clamping her jaw shut tight and deciding that there was no way they were taking a rail. ‘Let’s go!’ she told Crystal at the same time as they started to canter. She made her pony go faster, kept her eyes focused over the jump and refused to think about anything other than clearing it like they were riding for gold at the Olympics.

  They sailed through the air. Crystal had her ears flat back instead of pricked, the jump by far the biggest they’d ever attempted. And they’d done it! They’d gone straight over without taking a rail!

  ‘Woo hoo!’ screamed Poppy. />
  ‘Congratulations goes to Poppy Brown riding Crystal!’ This time when the loudspeaker squeaked and crackled, Crystal didn’t seem to care. They cantered around the arena and Poppy thrust one fist into the air. She’d won! She’d actually won! She couldn’t even listen to what else was being said, everything was a blur as she kept cantering.

  When she finally slowed and pulled up beside the rider on the black pony, she couldn’t help but grin at her even though she didn’t want to make her feel bad for losing.

  ‘Great ride. Congrats,’ the other girl said.

  ‘Thanks!’ Poppy beamed, finding it impossible to wipe the smile from her face. ‘I wanted it so bad. It means I won’t lose my horse, that I can pay for her.’

  The other girl’s smile got even bigger. ‘Are you serious? You were actually riding for your life out there?’

  Poppy nodded. ‘Yeah, I guess I was.’

  ‘Then I’m glad you won. I’m Addison by the way. And that was my sister Scarlett who was knocked out before your friend.’

  ‘Poppy,’ she replied. ‘Your pony is gorgeous. And you’re so lucky that you can ride with your sister.’

  They stood together as someone official-looking ran over and then someone else with a massive cheque like the ones Poppy had seen on TV game shows. Aunt Sophie came rushing over then, as well as another woman that Poppy guessed was Addison’s mum.

  ‘Poppy!’ Aunt Sophie called out. ‘I can’t believe it!’

  Poppy laughed. Neither could she.

  ‘Could our winner please come forward to collect the first place prize of five hundred dollars, as well as a year’s worth of feed from HorseNuts!’

  Poppy wasn’t sure whether she was supposed to be on her pony or dismounted, but she decided to stay on. Suddenly there were people all around her, fussing and talking and she didn’t know what to do, but she was pleased she was still in the saddle. A big sash was tied around Crystal’s neck and then Aunt Sophie took over, fussing and standing at Crystal’s shoulder as someone else took their photo with a man holding the cheque beside them.


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