Book Read Free

Even More Wifey Status

Page 7

by Racquel Williams

  “What? A rich friend? She didn’t say who it was?”

  “Gurl, no, I told you that bitch is strung out. I wouldn’t believe anything that came out of her mouth.”

  “I feel you. I was just curious.” Antennas immediately went up in my head. A “rich friend.” Charley was not aware that he just gave me the missing piece of the puzzle. I felt an instant pain in my chest.

  “Sierra, you a’ight? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

  “No, just a bad feeling and a little pain. I’m just a little tired.”

  “What you need me to do?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine. I just need to head on home. Sorry I can’t stay longer,” I said.

  “Don’t worry; go get your rest. I’m going to take you out after you have the baby.”

  “I would love that, especially after all that I’ve been through.”

  “Chile, I almost forgot. Did you see Jeanette?”

  “Yea, I seen her, but I don’t have anything to say to her. I’m good, trust me.”

  “Sierra, Sierra, forgive and move on. We all make mistakes; trust me, I know. I wish that I could get one more day with my mother. Just one more day. There’s so much I still want to say.”

  “I feel you, and that’s you. I don’t want one more second with the bitch. She left me for dead.”

  I immediately walked out of the shop. I was sick and tired of people coming at me like I was so wrong for not welcoming her with open arms. I know I’m not wrong. She made her bed, so she needs to lie in it.

  Alijah Jackson

  My trip up top worked out well. I just needed to tie up some loose ends in VA. Top of the list was finding Shayna. I had my niggas looking for her, but it seemed like she just vanished. I checked everywhere where she might be and still no sign of her.

  The only other thing that I could come up with was that she was in protective custody, and if she was, she might be tucked away somewhere in west bubble fuck. This was how the movies portrayed people who were snitches. The only difference is that this was real life, and I was going to get that bitch one way or another. I put that on my unborn seed.

  I was back in the city and was happy to be back home. Sierra and my seed provided that kind of comfort even in the midst of the storm. I knew she wasn’t expecting me until tomorrow night. So this was going to be a surprise. I saw her girl’s car in the driveway. This was kind of weird because I just spoke to Sierra earlier, and she never mentioned that she was having company.

  I didn’t like that bitch but kept my cool because of the friendship that she has with Sierra. I was even was more suspicious after Sierra got shot. In my eyes, everybody was a suspect until I could prove different.

  The downstairs lights were turned off, so I made my way upstairs. I see Sierra wasn’t on her game because the alarm wasn’t set, and she didn’t hear me enter the house. I entered the bedroom and in front of me was every man’s wildest dream. My woman was on her knees eating out her best friend. I stood there taking in the scenery. I was at a loss for words. I mean, I’m no stranger to this type of shit. I was only shocked that Sierra got down like that. Damn! All this time we could’ve been sharing bitches.

  I cleared my throat and let them know I was standing there. Sierra jumped to her feet and looked at me. I was not tight; instead, I was pleased to see two sexy, fat-ass females in front of me. I told Sierra my intentions, and she felt like I was dissing her. She behaved just like a woman. She got caught and now wanted to scream foul. I decided it was a waste of my time because they were not trying to let me smash. I told her girl to get the fuck out of my crib, and that triggered that bitch to come at me sideways. I had to stop myself from shooting her ass dead. Her mouth was lethal, and that was the reason why I didn’t fuck bitches from the projects. They believe they can talk to a nigga any old way, but where they fucked up at is not knowing I was a different type of nigga. I will drop a bitch quick. Sierra really caught me off guard when she mentioned that my picture was on the news—as if things could get any worse. I was really hoping that I had a clean getaway from that scene, but the face of that little nigga lingered in my mind.

  Sierra’s girl left, and she followed after her. I put my head in my palms. I was stressed the fuck out. The game had definitely changed, and I had to act fast. Playtime was over. I had to shut shop down. I made me a glass of Henney and waited on Sierra to come inside. I was ready to lay everything out on the table. It was either now or never!

  Shayna Jackson

  It’s been awhile since I spoke to my parents, so I called and had a long talk with Daddy. Times like these, I wished that I was back home with him. However, I was a big girl and could handle whatever situation that came my way. I bet he’d be proud of me if I told him how I stood my ground against Alijah. I didn’t want to alarm him, so I decided not to tell him about all the chaos that was taking place in my life.

  I got a phone call from Sanders early Friday morning.

  “Hello, Sanders, I hope you have some good news for me.”

  “Be in my office Monday at 9:00 a.m. sharp,” he said angrily and hung up before I could get one word in.

  “That’s rude,” I said to myself.

  He really needed to brighten up a little. I shook my head and thought the nerve of some men. That phone call meant something important. I did not know what it was, but I just know it moistened my pussy. I got up and took out Mr. Mandingo. That was the name of my twelve-inch pearl dildo. This had been my only source of company as of lately. I can honestly say that I really enjoyed fucking myself because I don’t have to worry about sucking it to get an erection, and we can go at it all night long. Hmm . . . Whoever made him was one brilliant sucker.

  I poured a glass of my California Zinfandel wine and took out my K-Y Jelly. My pussy stayed wet, but I still love to moisten up Mr. Mandingo a little. After sipping on the wine, I started to get a sensational tingling. I gently squeezed and stroked my partner, then slid him into my high-maintenance pussy hole. The gentle ripples on the dildo shaft provided me with additional stimulation. I grabbed the hollow balls and thrusted deeper in. My body trembled, and I was forced into multiple orgasms. I continued on into hours of pleasure until I finally ran out of come. I fell out in the bed which was soaked with pussy juice. I let the dildo remain inside me as I dozed off into the night.

  * * *

  It was ten minutes to nine when I pranced my black tail to the commissioner’s office. I was dressed in a red Anne Klein pantsuit with a pair of pumps. I had my hair pinned up in a bun and little makeup on. I’ve learned first appearance was always the most important one. I had to be on point since I was not sure what I was walking into.

  The office slut was present as usual, so I gave her my name as she looked at me with envy in her eyes. I knew deep down that simple bitch wished she looked as good as me. She told me the commissioner was waiting for me. I pushed the door to his office; I was ready to show my ass if this was some stupid meeting. That thought quickly diminished when I realized that there were three others in the room. I could see “feds” written all over them.

  “Hello, Mrs. Jackson, take a seat. These are Agents Duhaney, Swasburg, and the beautiful Agent Rozzario,” Sanders said.

  “Hello, nice to meet you all,” I said.

  “Well, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss our mutual person of interest: your husband, Alijah Jackson.”

  “Really, what is this meeting about?”

  I wondered if I should have brought my lawyer along with me.

  “Have a seat; we might be here for a while,” Agent Duhaney instructed.

  Agent Rozzario got up out of her seat and walked around to my side of the table.

  “Okay, we are all here, so I will start. This is the bottom line. We have been on to your husband’s trail since he first stepped foot in the Commonwealth. One of our undercover agents gave us his name. We do know about his crimes.”

  “So why he is not locked up then, and why are you telling me this?”
  “Sanders came to us last week with evidence that you gave his office, and after going through each piece with a fine-tooth comb, I think we can finally nail him for all the drugs and murders. We have also brought in Agent Swasburg from the New York Division of the FBI. I believe it’s time that we put your husband and his crew away for life.”

  “All right, you have all this. I ask you again, why am I here?”

  “You’re here because you are married to him. You know him better than any one of us.”

  “I get that, but I already did my part. I gave y’all everything, including him admitting to his crimes on tape. Richmond police fucked it up and let him walk. I am not doing this anymore; y’all have to do this on your own.”

  I got up out of my chair; I was ready to leave. This smart-ass bitch walked in front of me and blocked my path.

  “Shayna, sit down! This meeting is far from over. I’m going to take this case to the federal grand jury, and I want you to testify.”

  I did not sit down. This bitch had me twisted, talking to me like that.

  “I’m not testifying. I gave you all the evidence. Get the indictment from that. In case you were not aware, Rozzario, I’m a defense attorney, so I know the law. I am still legally married to Alijah, so I cannot be forced to testify against my spouse. I believe that is spousal privilege . . . Yes, that’s what it is.” I looked her dead in the eyes.

  Then I looked at Sanders, and his face was gleaming. I knew the bastard was enjoying every bit of this masquerade. I shot him a dirty look.

  “Well, Mrs. Jackson, since you are familiar with the law, you should be aware of what I am about to say. I am going to charge you with conspiracy to commit murder, drug trafficking, money laundering, and last, but not least, the attempted murder of Mr. Jackson’s live-in girlfriend and the mother of his unborn child.”

  I froze in the spot that I was standing. I wondered if I heard this Spanish bitch correctly. How did she know that I shot Sierra? Slowly I took a seat and tried to regroup quickly. I heard Sanders chuckling. I wanted to shut his faggot ass up, but I was in no position to do that. The truth was, I was just served with a severe case of reality.

  “Mrs. Jackson, let’s stop fucking around. Your hands are just as dirty as those of your husband; however, I have no interest in you. I am prepared to offer full immunity in exchange for your testimony—in front of the grand jury and at his trial. I am also offering the witness protection program with a new identity.”

  “You think you have it all figured out for my life? Y’all some dirty bastards. I came to you guys for help, and this is how I get treated? Really?”

  “Cut out the performance. There’s a cell with a cot waiting on you. The decision is yours to make. You have forty-eight hours to get back to us, and, oh yea, we know all about you fucking Sanders, and then trying to blackmail him. See, honey, while you was busy setting him up, he was one step ahead of you. We have everything on video. I have to admit, you are one slick woman,” Agent Rozzario said.

  I wanted to leap over the desk and put my tiny little fingers around his neck, cutting off his air, and then watch him die slowly. Instead, I got up out of the chair and opened the door and walked out without saying a word.

  I couldn’t say I was shocked. I was pissed because I tried to help these fuckers, and they turned around and fucked me as if I was a common whore. The secretary slut had a smile on her face as if she knew what just went down in the office. I still held my head high and hurriedly walked past her. I needed to get a strong drink and regroup. That federal bitch thought she was the shit, but she needed to know, there’s only one of me—and I was the head bitch!

  Chapter Nine

  Alijah Jackson

  I called a meeting ASAP after learning that I was a suspect in the murders. I wasn’t sure who saw it, so I could not risk getting picked up. I need to get out of VA like yesterday. At this point, I did not know who I could trust anymore except my crew.

  We decided to meet in the parking lot by Virginia Center Commons. I tried to be extra careful since I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t under surveillance. Chuck, Dre, and Damion were present. Damion was the newest addition to the crew. He was supposed to be helping me stretch my network out to the Carolinas, but from the look of things, that might not even pop off. We dapped each other up and wasted no time with small talk. I knew my time was limited, and my back was against the wall.

  “I called this meeting ’cause a situation presented itself, and I popped off a few days ago. I was made aware that there’s an eyewitness, so with that said, it’s time to leave this place.”

  “What type of situation and where?” Damion asked.

  “Brethren, this not something that I’m about to discuss. It was personal, I handled it, and that’s that!” I snapped.

  “A’ight, boss man, how soon you talkin’ ’bout?” Chuck questioned.

  “Well, that’s why I wanted to rap wit’ y’all. How fast can y’all get rid of the work we have?”

  “Shit, I say, ’bout two weeks, at the earliest.”

  “A’ight, make it happen. We cleaning house. Shut e’erything down in two weeks, then we out.”

  “So, what you plan on doing ’bout your situation?”

  “I ain’t goin’ do shit. I’m ’bout to bounce up outta here, move the fuck on to bigger and better things. You feel me?”

  “Gotcha, boss man!”

  This new pussy hole was definitely getting on my nerves. He was questioning me like I was a bitch or something.

  “Son, you already know it’s whatever. You roll, and we roll,” Dre chimed in.

  “No question. Let’s get it done.”

  I was about to jump in the truck when I remembered something.

  “One more thing, this was a private meeting.”

  They all nodded yes, and I jumped in the truck and sped off. I didn’t get too far down the block when I noticed a black SUV following closely behind me. It caught my attention because it pulled out right after I exited the mall parking lot. I knew that I was semiparanoid, but I couldn’t take any chances. I took some different turns, then pulled over at the Texaco on Laburnum Avenue. I watched as it sped past. I tried to get a glimpse of who was driving, but the windows were tinted jet black.

  I took a detour, and instead of heading home, I headed to Fairfield. I called Saleem so he’d know I was on my way to see him. I needed to rap with him real quick; plus, it’d been a minute since we kicked it. I drove around the back side of the building. I knocked a few times, and he opened the back door.

  “Whaddup, son?”

  “Peace my brother.”

  “Pour me a strong drink.”


  He poured two drinks, and we sat down. The store was closed for the day, so we were by ourselves.

  “How did your trip up top turn out?”

  “E’erything cultured. You know me. If it ain’t no dollars involved, I’m not fucking with it,” I bragged.


  “Bro, I want to holla at you ’bout some real shit. I think them pigs are after me about a double murder that happened the other day.”

  “What the fuck? How?”

  “Man, I fucked up. I was trying to fuck the Puerto Rican bitch and went to see her in a motel on Midlothian Turnpike, and when I got there, a dude stuck me up. I ain’t had no choice but to kill both of them.”

  “How the fuck they traced it back to you?”

  “On my way up, I passed a woman with a li’l homie, and he looked me dead in my eyes as I walked by. That’s the only way possible.”

  “Damn, brother! How you know the pigs looking for you?”

  “Sierra saw the news the other night, and they had a sketch of my face. They also offering a reward.”

  “Yea, that doesn’t sound good at all. You need to bounce ASAP.”

  “I know that. The timing is off, though.”

  “I know this ain’t the right time to put this on you, but I have no choice. I f
ound out who was responsible for shooting Sierra. See, I had my connect put out a bounty on the person head, and sure enough, the streets start talking.”

  “Bro, cut all the unnecessary info. Who did it?”

  “Word is, it’s your wife.”

  “Wha the bumboclaat yuh a sey?”

  “My connect is legit; haven’t failed me as yet.”

  “Yo, bro, this bitch is out to get me. How the fuck? I was so fucking blind. This bitch was out to get me all along.”

  “Brother Man, we had the conversation a few months back, and I told you to handle the situation that you had with her. She’s a scorned woman that will do anything to get your attention.”

  “I’m hearing you, son, but we talkin’ ’bout the bitch that I married. I gave the world to her.”

  “True, you gave her everything, except you. A woman like Shayna is not to be taken for granted. I warned you about this.”

  “You did, and I didn’t listen. This bitch played me, and now she violated me. This leaves me no choice but to hunt her down and put her out of her misery.”

  “Shit, if she’s working for the law, only Allah knows where she’s at right now. Be very careful; you might just walk into a trap.”

  “I feel you on that. Another thing, I’m closing up shop, getting out of here. Shit ain’t right. At times, I feel like I’m being followed, and I don’t know how much Shayna know. I can’t linger around.”

  “Wise choice, my brother.”

  He grabbed my arm, and then he spoke. “Listen to your inner gut. Trust no one, and I mean, no one. You are a man destined for greatness, but too many Jinns is in the way. Leave, start over. I will always be here if you need to reach me.”

  “I know, bro. You always have my back, and I love you for that. You know I will lay a nigga or an entire family down for you. We ain’t blood, but loyalty has bound us together.”


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