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Even More Wifey Status

Page 9

by Racquel Williams

  It was showtime, and it was my turn to get on the stand. The special prosecutor was a young blonde that seemed like she was hungry to get this case going. I don’t know her, but I know she had the same intention as I did. I was sworn under oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I was drilled on the stand for an hour and a half: drug deals, murders, money laundering, friends, and associates. Every inch of Alijah’s life from the time I met him was under the microscope. It was my pleasure to inform them of everything I witnessed, heard from Markus, or just made up. I even dropped a few tears to make sure his fate was sealed and delivered the right way!

  I was excused, and I felt relieved. I was tired of hiding and needed to know that he would be locked up far away. I spoke with my lawyer who assured me that everything on my end was good. I shook his hand and quickly left the courthouse. I needed to get the fuck away from there fast. There was just something about the feds that made my skin crawl.

  * * *

  I’ve had a nagging feeling about the crackhead that something wasn’t right. I wondered how the feds knew that I shot Alijah’s ho. I wanted to ask them that but decided to leave it alone. I still had the crackhead’s number somewhere, so I searched for it. I wanna know if that bitch was running her mouth, or was it Sierra that gave them my name. I should’ve killed her, though I thought I did. I didn’t have enough time to check and make sure she was dead at the time.

  I made the call and left to meet up with the crackhead. My skin crawled every time that I got close to her. The scent alone was killing me. I don’t know how in God’s name she can’t smell that stinky, rotten pussy begging for soap and water. Just the mere thought of that scent turned my stomach. I decide to change the spot we usually meet up at. I couldn’t trust her ass and didn’t want to chance being seen with her. I couldn’t put my trust in another bitch, let alone a crackhead.

  I got there ahead of time so I could make a quick surveillance of my surroundings. I watched as she drove up in that same old car that seemed like the engine was about to drop out any second. She saw me and pulled up beside me. I placed a large plastic bag on the seat that I had just for this occasion. This was the kind of smell that might never go away.

  She opened my car and peeked her head in.

  “Get in and sit down,” I motioned.

  “What for? I thought the last time you told me that you never wanted to see my face again.”

  “Sit down and shut up. You’re letting my heat out of the car.”

  This bitch was working my nerves. I just wanted to bust her in the head.

  “All right, all right, you the boss,” she said before placing her stanking ass on the plastic.

  “Good! Let me ask you, did the police ever question you about knowing me or about anything else?” I stared dead in that ho’s eyes to see if I could catch any hint of deception.

  “Nah, I ain’t talk to no cops. I-I don’t want to get mix up with no police.”

  “If you keep your mouth shut, then you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “Hmm . . . I think you have a problem. There was this one guy that came around the way offering a million dollars for information about who shot Sierra. See, I know it was you. That’s why you didn’t want me to tell anyone that I gave you that address,” she said, giggling.

  “Listen to me, you little crackhead bitch. You better keep your mouth shut. You hear me?—before they find you at the bottom of the James River!” I snapped.

  “Look at you. You are scared I’ma say something. Don’t worry; your little secret is safe with me . . . that’s, of course, if you give me a hundred grand.”

  “Huh? Bitch, you done lost your mind. Why in this fucking life do you think that I would give your raggedy ass a hundred grand? Bitch, I would kill your ass before I did that.”

  “Ha-ha. You couldn’t even kill the person that took your husband from you, so, please, lady, don’t bring that shit to me. Don’t be fooled by my looks. I was born and raised in Creighton Court Projects, and I know how to fuck up a bitch. Believe that!”

  “Just pathetic. I’m giving you one last chance to get your bitch ass out of my car. You hear me—before I blow your fucking brains out.”

  I was contemplating on getting my gun out of my bag, but I was a second too late because that bitch whipped out a razor from her mouth and held it to my neck.

  “Hold up. What are you doing?”

  “Shut up, bitch! It’s my turn to talk. I want one hundred grand to keep your little secret. You have two weeks to get it to me, or I’ll be going to the police. No, better yet, I’ll go to that nice man that was offering the reward. I think it’s about time that someone teach your stuck-up behind a lesson.”

  The pressure that she was applying to my neck was getting to be unbearable. If only I could get to my gun, I would shoot this bitch right between the eyes. But I didn’t move a muscle. I was terrified that if I did, I would startle her; plus, I wasn’t sure what kind of drugs she was on at the time.

  “Calm down. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Just move that thing away from my throat.”

  “Bitch, you can’t trick me. This is not the movies. This is the real deal, and you will give me that money, or I will spill everything that I know.”

  “All right, I got it, okay? I’ll call you with the money. You have my word.”

  “Your word? Save that for the niggas that are hunting you down, because, lady, I’m the least of your problems.”

  I wish that she would shut up and get the fucking blade off my neck. She must’ve read my mind because she removed the blade and immediately open the door and ran. I took a minute to catch my breath after all that pressure she placed on me. I watched as she jumped in her car and sped off. I wanted to chase her down and shoot her, but what good would that be? We were out in the open. People could say what they want, but Daddy ain’t raised no fool. I know when to act and when to chill. I would get that bitch and kill her when the time was right!

  Chapter Eleven

  Alijah Jackson

  Niggas always claimed they go hard, and oftentimes, I just sat back and observed the foolery. I lived and breathed this life. I knew I was living wrong, but that was all I knew. I really ain’t got no education; the street was my college. I recall when Mom-dukes told me to get a job. I thought she was tripping ’cause from when I was a little yute, I was hustling; only back then, it was chump change. I was at a point now where I could contemplate walking away from the game. I planned on putting some of this illegal paper into buying a few Laundromats and maybe a few fast-food chains. Whatever I decide, it better be able to turn a profit.

  Sierra decided that she didn’t want to bounce with me; instead, she would come after she had the baby. Personally, I felt like it was bullshit. Out of the blue, she had this brand-new attitude. I wasn’t the type of nigga to trip over a bitch, but I do love shorty, so whatever she chose to do, well, I guess I’ll just have to roll with it. I’ll still make sure she and my seed were well taken care of. I needed her to know that I was going to be in my seed’s life one way or another. If she ever tried to stop me from being a father, I won’t have any choice but to body her.

  I never met my pops and Mom-dukes never mentioned him. By the time I got older, I didn’t give a fuck or care to know who the fucking sperm donor was. I don’t want my seed to experience that, so I planned to make it my duty to be there, no matter what.

  Things were wrapping up, and I was lying low. I barely drove, and if I had to go somewhere, Chuck or Dre did the driving. Richmond police were known for doing random spot checks, and I didn’t want to fall victim to it.

  I was ready to take this emergency trip up top. It was not on my agenda of things to do, but it was essential if I planned on moving forward. My two homies rolled with me, as always. Shayna kept playing hide-and-go-seek, so since I was tired of searching for that bitch, I decided to pay her parents a visit.

  I knew that wicked bitch was somewhere cooking up some more drama. I was still i
n disbelief that she set me up and shot Sierra. I knew she was a lying, conniving bitch, but never thought she had the balls to go after me. I was ready to settle this once and for all.

  * * *

  The ride from VA to New York was spent rapping about business. We discussed our next move and how we were going to handle it. I respected the hell out of my partnas. They been down for me no matter what situation I happened to get myself in. There’s never been a time that I could recall that I’ve ever had to question their loyalty. I knew without a doubt that they would ride until the breath left their bodies. I would do the same for them without question. After I lost Darryl, they really stepped it up and held me down.

  I finally hit New York with one destination in mind, and that was Hempstead, Long Island. We finally arrived, and I drove a used car that I bought just for the sake of the trip into the gated community. I remembered the code that Shayna gave me years ago. I parked and got out of the car, walked up the driveway, and rang the bell. My niggas walked toward the back door. Mrs. Carter opened the door instantly, and as soon as she saw my face, I saw a look of displeasure plastered all over her chubby face.

  “Honey, who’s at the door?”

  “It’s Alijah, Shayna’s husband,” she yelled back before I had the chance to shut her up.

  “It’s your son-in-law. I need to talk to you.” I moved past her and pushed the door shut.

  “You can’t just come in here. I’ll call the police,” Mr. Carter said upon entering the hall.

  He took his cell phone off the clip from his waist and tried to dial a number. I was on point, though. I knocked it out of his hand. Then I pulled my gun from my waist and pointed it at his dome. His wife started to scream, so I had to move fast.

  “Move over there, and you go ahead with him.” I held the gun on both of them while I walked backward toward the back door and opened it up for my partners. I saw old dude’s eyes pop open like he just realized shit was real.

  Chuck gave me the rope, and I began to tie him to the chair. His wife continued to yell harder when Dre put his gun to her head. I tied the old man up and went over to her.

  “Listen, Ms. Carter, you need to stop all this bloodclaat screaming right now.” I looked her dead in the eyes, and if she was any good at reading people, she would sense that I meant business.

  “What the hell you call yourself doing, coming up in here like this? Do you know who I am? I am well connected.”

  I used my gun and bust the old fart in the face. Blood squirted all over the place.

  “OK, now you know who I am! Listen up, folks. I’m here for one thing, and one thing only. I want your daughter, but I see she’s been ducking me. I know you good folks know where her ass has been hiding.” I looked at both of them.

  “Alijah, what in God’s name is going on?”

  “What’s going on is I need you to call your daughter. Get the address of where she’s staying at.”

  “Fuck you, you bastard! I warned Shayna about you years ago. I knew you weren’t any good. I sat on that bench for over thirty years. I seen your kind on a daily basis.”

  I see this old nigga did not know when to shut his mouth.

  “Oh, I hear you. I ain’t no good. I’m a piece of shit, but your daughter didn’t think that when I had my wood in her mouth. We could sit here and go back and forth, but I’m not here for all that.” I handed him his phone. “Here you go. Call your daughter and get her address. You better not say a fucking word outside of what I tell you, and if you do, my partner is prepared to blow Delores’s brains all over this kitchen.”

  “No, don’t do this! I treated you like family. Please, Alijah,” she pleaded. I saw the sincerity in her eyes, and it would have been a great script for Dr. Phil’s show. However, I was not in the business of sincerity and emotions. I know that bitch was performing and was banking on the fact that she was a woman and that I would fall for the shit.

  I raised my hand and slapped her across the face.

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up! Tell him to do as I say, or I’ma blow your head off.”

  “Aubrey, please listen to him. I-I don’t want to die,” she wept.

  “Delores, shut your friggin’ mouth. I will not give in to this slimeball. She’s my fucking daughter, and I will die before I utter a word.”

  I knew I had to go to the extreme to get this man’s attention. I walked over to the door and got the bag that Chuck brought in. I took out my machete and walked over to the bitch.

  “Let’s try this one more time. Call your daughter.”

  “Please, Alijah, I don’t have it. She changed her number. Please don’t hurt us. We have money we can give you.”

  I placed my gun on my waist, took a step back, raised my machete, and chopped her head clean off her body. Blood splashed everywhere as the head fell to the ground, and her body, along with the chair, fell to the side.

  The husband sat there frozen as he looked on as his wife’s head bounced on the kitchen floor.

  “No! No! No! No! You bastard! You killed her. You going to pay. I promise you will pay.”

  “Relax, old man. You’re not on the judge’s bench now. I’m in control. So, pussy hole, gi mi yuh daughter’s number and her address.”

  He looked at me, hocked a wad, and spit. That shit landed in my face. I used my other hand and wiped it off. Dre rushed over, but I stopped him.

  “Nah, bro! I got this. This bloodclaat ole man nuh know who him a deal with. Him ’bout fi find out, though.”

  I snatched the cell phone and scrolled through the contacts. There were no listings of that bitch’s name. I cut it off and put it in my pocket. I took the rest of the tools out of the bag. It was his time to feel my wrath. I grabbed the saw and walked in front of him. I then placed it on his right knee and started sawing through it, pretending like it was fresh oxtail’s bones.

  I tuned out the screaming by the old fool. His bones were old, so it took a little longer to saw the leg off.

  “Nooooooooooo! Nooooo! Stop, oh, Jehovah God, please stop.”

  “Too late, pussy hole, now give me the fucking info and maybe I’ll spare your other leg,” I lied.

  “Go to hell. I’m ready to die. Just kill me, you punk. Go ahead, kill me.”

  While he was busy talking that bullshit, I started on the left knee. The yelling got louder. I sped up the process and cut off the other leg. It was a bloody situation. His face wore the expression of extreme pain. The fool still wouldn’t give up any info; instead, he kept mumbling and praying to God. I came to the realization that he’d die for his daughter, so it was waste of my time. I took my Glock out and fired two shots in his face, dividing his brain meat into tiny particles.

  After that, I put on a pair of gloves and searched the house thoroughly. There was no information anywhere about Shayna or her whereabouts. We cleaned up and made sure there was no evidence of us ever being there. It was already dark outside, so we slipped through the back door and drove off into the night.

  Each killing that I did was becoming easier than the last. The thrill I got from seeing my victims’ faces when they knew they were about to meet their Maker was priceless.

  I knew I didn’t get what I came for, but by the time people find the bodies, Shayna will be out of hiding, and believe me, I will get that ass. Dre stayed behind at a nearby hotel, and Chuck and I drove back to the South. She will walk right into the trap that I set for her.

  Shayna Jackson

  The last couple of days have been stressful. I was shocked that the crackhead really tried me like that. She wanted a hundred grand. I thought about not giving that bitch a penny, but I couldn’t really gamble with it. I was not scared of the feds knowing, because they already were on to me. My concern was her telling the dude she claimed was asking questions. I’m pretty sure he was one of Alijah’s people. I was concerned that if I paid her, she would smoke it up, and then come back for more.

  So many decisions to make, so little time. I had to figure out how to shut th
is bitch up for good. After a lot of soul searching and brain torturing, I decided not to give that bitch a dime. I was going to play along like I was ready to pay her, and when she shows up for her money, I’d pay her in full—with a bullet in her head.

  I wished the grand jury would hurry up and come back with the indictment. That way, they can pick up Alijah, because unless he was picked up, my life was in danger. After his trial, I planned to leave the state. I didn’t like this old country-ass, racist state anyway. Money was my only motivation for coming here, and nothing played out the way that I envisioned it. Here I was in a whole bunch of mess, all because of that no-good-ass nigga. Things would’ve been different if he had just been a perfect husband; but, no, he couldn’t control his cock, and now he shall pay with his freedom.

  I recalled when he used to accuse me of trying to control his life. Little did he know that when he does get to prison, his life will be literally controlled by the Federal Bureau of Prison guards. Oh well, we’ll see how the big bad Alijah Jackson adjusts to life in the real big house.

  * * *

  I’ve been calling my parents for the last few days, and the calls have been going directly to voice mail. That was so unlike Daddy. We spoke on Saturday, and I was supposed to call him on Wednesday, and it was Saturday again. A whole week had gone by. He knew my current situation and would not have gone out of town without telling me first. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was strange that both my parents’ phones were turned off at the same time. I was willing to give it until tomorrow, or I will be calling the Hempstead police so they could do a welfare check on them.

  I tried to sleep. I twisted and turned all night. I felt an anxiety attack creeping up on me. I haven’t had one of those since my college days. I remembered the feeling; my palms got sweaty, and my chest started to tighten up. I can’t breathe. “Oh, God, help me. I-I can’t take this,” I whispered. I remembered what the nurse at my college told me to do. I crawled in the corner of the room, counted to ten slowly, and then I counted backward. I breathed slowly. I tried to control it. I started to breathe slower, and I finally had it under control. I stayed there until I dozed off.


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