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Wings of Steele: Revenge and Retribution

Page 30

by Jeffrey Burger

  “Sorry they left you out there so long.”

  “No sweat, I was fine... After I stopped screaming.”

  Ensign Dado almost spit his soup across the table, “I thought I was the only one screaming...” he said, choking it down, heat rising to his face. “Y'know, I heard they were going to play the launch recordings in our next class.”

  Lisa's eyes went wide, “Please tell me you're kidding...”

  Dado shrugged, “It's what I heard. Something about reviewing how different people handle and deal with stress. It could just be a rumor.”

  “Oh God, I hope so...” She cut her meat and waved the knife casually in his direction while addressing Nina, “I don't know why he'd be screaming, he's probably the best pilot in the class. Flies like a bat outta hell... no fear, this one here.”

  Torn Dado's golden eyes shifted to Lisa, “Another reference I don't understand; bat outta hell. I suppose I'm going to need to look that one up too..?”

  “Were you scared?” Nina asked, picking through her salad.

  Dado tilted his head, thinking about it for a moment, “Yes. And no, I suppose. It's a surprise, not knowing what to expect. The acceleration is wicked and the vulnerability... I think the vulnerability is what hits you most. You have no protection at all, just this seat and nothing around you but space. It's humbling actually. For the training you can't hear the rescue birds until they want you to, you feel very alone. It's hard not to panic, I felt almost naked...”

  “I like being naked,” commented Nina, pushing a hot pepper to the edge of her plate with her fork.

  For the second time, Ensign Dado choked on his soup, having to pinch his nose and cover his mouth with his napkin, coughing. “Holy hellion..! Have you two conspired to drown me in my soup?”

  ■ ■ ■

  Admiral Steele looked up from the reports on his computer terminal when the door to his ready-room chimed, Fritz's ears perking up from his seat on the sofa. “Enter,” called Jack.

  The door slid open and Captain Paul Smiley entered, exchanging a casual salute. “Did you get a chance to review the reports?” Paul moved over to the mini fridge and pulled a bottle of water from the door, Fritz sliding up to his side to greet him and get a pat on the head.

  Jack indicated the holo-screen hovering above his desk, “Yeah, checking it over now. Looks like a good class...”

  Paul swallowed a sip from his bottle, his free hand rubbing the top of the Shepherd's head. “Mike's having some real success with this group...”

  “Do I detect a but coming?”

  “Nope, not a one. In fact I think after they've logged some flight time and live patrols, there are several I want to run through our advanced combat courses. Right now some are just short on seat time, like your sister. They need time to absorb what they've already learned and get truly comfortable in the cockpit.”

  “You think Lisa's good enough to go through ASTRA?” Advanced Strike Training Academy.

  Paul pointed at the semi-transparent screen on Jack's desk, “Did you see her scores?”


  “Mike wasn't doing her any favors, Jack. For the most junior pilot on the ship with the least amount of stick time, she's passed half of her classmates... She really wants this. And we haven't had to break any bad habits with her, she never got the chance to develop any. Sometimes getting through their egos is half the battle, but she doesn't have one.”

  Jack leaned back in his chair pinching his lower lip in thought, impressed and proud of Lisa's dedication. “Wow...” was all he could think of to say.

  Paul dropped into the sofa, crossing his legs, “Y'know,” he said, his southern accent showing, “she snuck back into rotation and went through the ejection training a second time? For the fun of it?”

  Jack's eyes widened, amazement in his voice, “No shit...” He shook his head, “Saying I was not fond of that part, would be an understatement.”

  Paul had an odd smirk, “I watched the video of her first launch, she was screaming like a scalded cat... most people do,” he waved dismissively.

  “I know I did,” blurted Jack.

  “Yeah, but on the second launch,” continued Paul, “she was laughing her ass off...”

  ■ ■ ■

  Nina was sitting on the couch in Lisa's quarters scratching Gus' tummy as he lay on his back, one leg bicycling vigorously in the air, making her giggle. “Aren't you done yet?”

  “I haven't been out of uniform much lately,” called Lisa from the bathroom. “I'd like to be a little girly for once... I figured the graduation party would be good timing.”

  “You like Dar enough to care, that's cute...”

  “I'm not going for cute, I'm going for hot... We haven't spent any time together since I started training.”

  “Ooh, so you're going for the score..? Going to get some of that tonight?” teased Nina.

  “I might,” said Lisa striking a pose, framed by the bedroom archway in a pale yellow cocktail dress.

  “Whoa,” mumbled Nina, wide-eyed. “Meeeow, that's hot..! The little yellow fuck-me heels are a nice touch.”

  Lisa's mouth tweaked sideways in a smirk. “You're so classy, Nina,” she sassed. “But thanks.” She ducked back into her bedroom.

  “I calls em as I sees em,” chuckled Nina. “So, did you see they moved me and Ruby to a new room?”

  “Quarters,” corrected Lisa. “Where?”

  “On this floor...”


  “Whatever,” sighed Nina. “I'm at the other end of the ship towards the back...”



  “Stern,” repeated Lisa. “The stern is the back of the ship. Which side?”

  “Left side...”

  “Port side,” called Lisa.

  “Oh God, who cares?” moaned Nina.

  “You live on a ship, Nina, you should at least know the basics... So who are you going to the party with? That girl from the bridge staff you and Ruby hang with... what's her name?”

  Nina stood and smoothed her skintight slacks, “No, we're just cuddle buddies, nothing serious. Ruby's going to go with her, I'm going with Torn Dado...”

  In a flash, Lisa reappeared in the archway, “You're going with Tornado? Wait a minute,” she waved, “I thought you played for the all-girl team...”

  Nina adjusted her blouse, purposefully popping an additional button open. “I like to keep my options open...”

  “Since when?”

  “Since I realized it doubles my chances of having a date. Besides, have you seen him? He's almost beautiful.”

  “I guess so.”

  Nina cocked her head sideways, “Guess so? You mean you hadn't noticed he was attractive? He's almost prettier than me, for God's sake.”

  “Uh-huh,” grunted Lisa noncommittally. She strolled past, picked her clutch purse off the cocktail table and rubbed Gus' head, “Be a good boy for mommy, I'll bring you back something yummy.” With a final pat, she headed for the door, waving at Nina, “Let's go, Miss Trampy McTramperson.”

  “You're just jealous,” teased Nina as they passed into the corridor, “Torn is prettier than Dar...”

  Unable to contain it, Lisa snorted a laugh of derision, “Oh please, there's no competition; Dar is a gorgeous man, Torn is a pretty boy.”

  “For now, he's my pretty boy. And from what I hear, he's a really good pilot...”

  “He is a good pilot. Top of our class. I'd like to see him stay a good pilot...”

  Nina shot Lisa a sharp glance, “What are you saying? Somehow I'll be bad for him?”

  Lisa moved to one side as a group of uniformed crewmen passed, going in the opposite direction. “I'm saying,” she hissed, controlling her volume, “he can't afford major distractions or someone fucking with his head. His life could depend on it. So if you're playing a game, don't.”

  “I'm not playing a game...”

  Lisa stopped and faced Nina, her voice low, “Look, you went
through some bad stuff... really bad. I can't imagine how hard it must've been to endure, but it's changed you. You have to know that. All I'm saying is don't let those inner demons cause you to do something that could risk someone's career or his life.”

  Nina was staring at the floor and when she looked back up her eyes were welled with tears. “I'm so confused...”

  Lisa's heart ached for the pain she could only imagine was running around in Nina's head. “Then take your time to figure out how you feel. Go slow.”

  “I love Ruby, but...” Nina's voice trailed off. “I wonder if there's more. Something I'm missing...”

  “Like what?”

  “I don't know... Stability? A man? True love? Everything seems so uncertain, so tentative... life is... ”

  Lisa put a hand on her shoulder, “That's all over. You're safe now.”

  “Am I? Am I really?”

  “Yes, of course you are. Have you talked to Ruby about this? How does she feel?”

  Nina shook her head. “No, not really.”

  “That might be a good place to start. I can also help you set up an appointment to see the ship's psychiatrist if you want. He can counsel you, alone or together with Ruby. I'm sure he can help.” She took Nina by the hand and led her toward the elevators, “I don't want you to be that girl... the one everyone whispers about when you walk past.”

  “I think they do that already... about all of us from the Reef.”

  Lisa shook her head, “No, they don't. In fact most everyone knows what the circumstances and the conditions were like. Trust me when I say; nobody's judging.” She tapped the elevator's call button. “You watch, someday we'll be going back there and Jack will lay waste to that place. Turn it to dust.”

  Nina shivered, “Don't say that word...”

  Lisa raised an eyebrow, her head tilting to one side in curiosity, “What word?”

  “Dust. I haven't had any Glacier Dust since the Reef. God help me, I miss it. Sometimes it was the only thing that could get you through the night.”

  “What is it, what does it do?” They stepped onto the open elevator and Lisa flicked the button for the deck with the Officer's Club.

  “The worst thing I ever did at home was a little weed. This... Glacier Dust, I got it from one of the girls my second night on the Reef, I was scared to death... It took that all away. It took the fear away when you were scared, it made you happy when you were sad, it made ugly things pretty... you could see the music and hear the colors.” She closed her eyes, “It made the Reef, as horrible as it was, almost pleasant.” She opened her eyes, “And I wish I had some right now to take off this edge I feel.”

  “It's OK, you're just nervous. Relax, take a deep breath. You're just a girl going on a date with a boy. It happens every day all over the universe. No pressure. I'll be there if you need me...”

  “Sure, Dar would be thrilled that you have to babysit me.”

  The doors opened and they stepped out, heading down the corridor. “He might not be thrilled, but he'd understand. He's pretty cool that way.”

  ■ ■ ■

  Dar Sloane made his way through the crowd, two drinks in hand, squeezing in next to Lisa, handing one off to her. “How's she doing?”

  Lisa called his attention to Nina and Torn Dado holding hands and swaying to the music, talking closely. “She looks like she's doing alright. What did you say to him earlier?”

  The Commander shrugged, “Not much. Told him to take it easy, follow her lead and not push. Told him it wasn't a request...”

  Lisa patted the hand that had found its way around her waist, “Thank you, sweetie.”

  Dar smiled easily, “He was OK with it. Tell you the truth, I think he might be a little shy. So, how's her girlfriend dealing with it?”

  “Ruby? She's over there with a girl who works on the bridge.” Lisa discreetly pointed them out across the room.

  “Hmm, Zanzireen,” nodded Dar, watching the two women who were glued together. “I've always wondered about her, I guess now we know.” He rubbed his chin in thought, “So, um, how long do you want to stay?”

  Lisa looked up over her shoulder, “You in a hurry to go somewhere, mister?”

  Looking straight ahead, he pretended not to notice her mock scorn. “Meh, I don't know...” he countered, trying to sound lackadaisical, “someplace a little quieter. Maybe a little less crowded?”

  “Like the corridor?”

  He raised an eyebrow, looking down at her upturned face, “You're impossible.”

  “Not if you ask nice,” she cooed.

  “Y'know,” he smirked evilly, feeling the material of her dress by stroking her hip seductively. “This is a real pretty dress... It would look nice in a heap on the floor at the foot of my bed...”

  She turned around to face him, her eyes narrowing, “Has that line ever worked before?”

  Dar's slate-gray eyes sparkled mischievously, “Nope. You'd be the first.”

  “What about my shoes?” she queried playfully.

  “They're really hot, you could leave them on.”

  Lisa brought her glass to her lips and tilted her head back, draining her wine before setting it on the table at her elbow, “Alrighty then, let's go.”

  Letting her lead him through the crowd toward the door, Dar looked back at the crowd, “What about Nina?”

  “She's a big girl, she'll be fine. Time for momma to get her freak on...”



  Standing at the head of the dimly-lit briefing room, a holo-chart of the system behind him, Lt. Commander Mike Warren clapped his hands, “OK we're done here, people. You all have your wing assignments so saddle up; we clear the gate in ten minutes.” He waved them all toward the door, “And no excuses, bring my birds back in one piece!”

  Her first real patrol, Lisa had to skip breakfast, the butterflies in her stomach refused to let her eat anything substantial. She managed a piece of fruit and some bread but that was the extent of what she could get her system to accept. Fully suited for flight, she rose to her feet, dumping her flight gloves out of her new helmet onto the deck at her feet. She bent down to retrieve them, a pair of flight boots stepping into her field of view.

  “You the new girl?” asked a husky feminine voice.

  Lisa straightened up, locking eyes with the Ketarian pilot standing in front of her. “Lieutenant Margareth,” she acknowledged, trying not to look surprised. She extended her hand, “I'm Ensign Steele.”

  The Lieutenant JG ignored the extended hand, her bright green feline eyes regarding Lisa carefully, her small black nose twitching, one of her clipped ears rotating slowly. The Ketarian's mane of golden-orange with dark stripes, reminding Lisa of a tiger. “Follow me, Princess,” she scoffed, turning on her heel and heading for the door.

  Left hanging without so much as a simple greeting, Lisa dropped her hand to her side and followed the Ketarian out through the doors and through the crowd of pilots. “Excuse me Lieutenant,” called Lisa, catching up, walking parallel with her. “Is there a problem..?”

  “No. No problem,” the Lieutenant replied gruffly without slowing her stride.

  Lisa caught her by the elbow, “Are you sure? Because it really seems like you have a problem with me. Or is that just my imagination?”

  The Ketarian stopped and glanced down at the hand on her elbow, prompting Lisa to release it. “No. Problem,” she repeated deliberately.

  Despite feeling the hair on the back of her neck creep into a standing position, Lisa felt the need to clear the air. “Look, if you're afraid to fly with me, I'm sure the Commander will assign...”

  “I'm not afraid to fly with anyone,” she hissed, tapping Lisa's helmet with her index finger. “I don't like babysitting a little Princess...”

  Lisa held the black helmet right-side-up, displaying the silver figure, “It's an Angel, Lieutenant. As in Guardian Angel?”

  “You're the Admiral's sister,�
� remarked the Ketarian flatly.

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So, nepotism. You're flying because of who you know not how you fly. Which means I need to babysit your ass and keep you out of trouble. Or my ass is in trouble.”

  Squared off, eye-to-eye, Lisa wasn't about to back down or be bullied out of something she'd worked so hard for. And while she didn't figure she was going to win a fistfight with a Ketarian, that fuzzy bitch wouldn't be walking away without at least a hitch in her giddyup. “I'm fully capable of taking care of myself, Lieutenant. In or out of a fighter. I don't need you or anyone else coddling me. And I find it amusing that you think you're good enough to do it, to begin with...”

  With a couple of other pilots, Mike had been watching the exchange from the sidelines and decided to step in before it came to blows. “Lieutenant JG!” he shouted, stepping up. “Is there a problem here?”

  “No problem, Commander,” replied the Ketarian, stiffening.

  Mike turned to Lisa, “Ensign! Is there a problem here?”

  “No, sir,” she replied calmly. “We were just discussing flight tactics.”

  “Fine. Stop jawboning like a couple of old biddys drinking Sunday tea and get your asses in those birds. ASAP.” Without response, Lieutenant Margareth turned on her heel and strode off with haste. Mike caught Lisa by the wrist, giving her a quizzical look.

  “I'm good,” she nodded curtly, breaking free, hustling off for the flight line.

  ■ ■ ■

  Lisa checked the chronometer on her Cyclone's HUD as the canopy motored into its locked position. Less than two minutes to the gate.

  “Red Lead, radio check Red...”

  “Red Two, check.”

  “Red Three, yeah.”

  Lisa keyed her mic, “Red Four, check.” She adjusted the audio on her earpiece and increased the volume of her climate control, reviewing her systems, all in the green and in standby.

  Lisa's earpiece crackled, “Just make sure you stay on my wing, Princess, I don't want to have to go looking for you...” The Ketarian's voice was instantly recognizable but Lisa didn't respond to her taunt or even venture a glance at the Cyclone in the next launch rack. Lisa wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. Suck it, bitch.


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